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辽东山地老秃顶子冰缘地貌植物群落类型及基本特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于48个样地的群落调查数据,运用TWINSPAN分类方法,对辽东山地老秃顶子冰缘地貌植物群落类型进行了划分,并对群落结构、种类组成和生活型谱进行了系统研究.结果表明:老秃顶子冰缘地貌植被可划分为16个森林群系、6个灌丛群系,归并为落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、暗针叶林、矮曲林、灌丛、灌草丛6个植被型.其中,石海地貌主要发育灌丛和灌草丛,也有针阔混交林和矮曲林分布;石河地貌主要发育针阔混交林和落叶阔叶林,也有暗针叶林分布;石流坡地貌主要发育针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林和灌丛,也有矮曲林分布.老秃顶子冰缘地貌植被由68科138属193种维管束植物组成;石海与石河间植物群落物种组成属中等不相似,而石河与石流坡间属中等相似.老秃顶子冰缘地貌植物群落中高位芽植物占38.0%,隐芽植物占36.3%,地面芽植物占21.8%,地上芽植物和一年生植物均很少,反映出辽东山地冰缘地貌区具有夏季温暖多雨、冬季寒冷漫长的气候特点.相对而言,石海、石流坡地貌中隐芽植物较多,石河地貌中高位芽植物较多,表明石海、石流坡地貌具有更为冷湿的小气候环境.  相似文献   

五台山冰缘地貌植物群落多样性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN),将五台山7个冰缘地貌的植物群落划分为13个群丛.不同冰缘地貌植物群落类型的组成多样性有明显差异,根据13个群丛在不同冰缘地貌的分布状况,可区分为共有性群丛和专有性群丛.运用丰富度指数、物种多样性指数和均匀度指数对五台山7个冰缘地貌的综合群落多样性指数变化进行了分析,依据不同冰缘地貌植物群落综合多样性指数的大小排序,依次为冻融草丘石海石环冻融剥蚀面石河岩柱泥流坡坎和泥流舌.冰缘地貌的海拔、土层厚度、水分热量是影响植物群落植物种多样性指数变化的主要因素.  相似文献   

山东蒙山第四纪冰川组合遗迹的发现及初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文介绍了山东蒙山地区南坡保存的丰富而清晰的第四纪冰川遗迹,重点展示了兰溪山谷的冰石河、侧碛堤组合,并对相伴产出的擦痕、磨光面、颤痕等冰川遗迹进行了调查与测量。同时对冰石河、侧碛堤的分布、规模、物质组成、岩石特征进行了介绍。根据侧碛堤的排列位置及砾石的风化程度,初步确定为末次冰期的冰碛遗迹;对山谷两侧磨光面上的擦痕进行了测量统计,显示谷壁磨光面上擦痕的长宽比具有10:1左右的比例规律;根据侧碛最大高度法(MELM),结合对于蒙山侧碛的调查,对蒙山雪线的高度进行了估算,初步估算蒙山南坡末次冰期时的雪线高度约为700 m左右。蒙山地区这些组合冰川遗迹的发现,为中国东部第四纪冰川的研究提供了直接的证据。  相似文献   

全新世是地球历史上最新的一个间冰期,历时已有一万余年.期间,伴随着气候与环境的快速变化,人类文明也呈现出快速的演化,当前全球气候变暖导致人类生存环境的急剧变化已引起全球各国政府和科学家的广泛而深刻的关注和研究.然而,全新世期间曾多次出现气候波动阶段,对全新世这一间冰期气候与环境变化过程和机制的研究就有着十分重要的意义,可为现代气候变暖及其影响提供科学借鉴.地处中低纬度的青藏高原这一高耸的巨大地块,堪称“地球第三极”,是一个集冰川、多年冻土、湖泊同时共存的特殊区域,受人类活动直接影响较弱,其冰川进退变化、多年冻土形成与消融、湖泊扩张与萎缩的变化过程则敏感地记录着气候与环境的自然变化.在多年对青藏高原冰川、冰缘和湖泊沉积与地貌的考察研究资料基础上,把冰川进退、冰缘地貌的发育和湖泊连续沉积的记录进行综合分析、相互对比印证,指出青藏高原全新世间冰期气候与环境变化的不稳定性,期间明显存在着千年和百年的波动变化,在距今8000~8500年、6000~5500年、4000~4500年左右、3000~2000年左右以及600~100年都存在明显的冷期.因此,在青藏高原,全新世气候存在着较大幅度的波动,从冰川前进幅度所需零平衡线下降值和多年冻土下界下降幅度来大致估算,温度的波动幅度至少也在3.5~5.0℃左右,甚至更大.  相似文献   

冰缘地貌与沉积是冰冻圈环境变化的载体,对其开展深入研究对了解青藏高原地表过程与过去气候变化,具有重要意义。基于青藏高原(格尔木-亚东)冰缘地貌和沉积野外记录和实验分析,获得以下认识:格尔木在LGM时多年冻土至少下限到达海拔2 900 m,年均气温降至< -4 ℃,比现在至少低9 ℃,气候寒冷干燥;冰消期和全新世存在极端干冷的气候事件,可能存在地面温度< -10 ℃的冬季迅速降温气候期。楚玛尔、那曲谷露和纳木错的冰楔假型分别记录了末次冰期冷期多年冻土扩张,亚东古砂楔记录了早全新世冷事件。西藏羊八井泥炭沉积剖面孢粉和测年揭示,该区自新仙女木事件以来经历了严寒(12.8~9.8 ka)、暖湿(9.8~5.0 ka)、干冷(5.0 ka至今)的气候阶段。青藏高原(格尔木-亚东)广泛发育的冻融褶皱、成层坡积、风沙沉积等,是古环境重建的重要佐证,具有刻画冷暖-干湿的意义。  相似文献   

地貌学和沉积学证据表明,山东蒙山地质灾害遗迹分布广泛,通常以砾石堆积堤及河谷堆积阶地的形式保留在现代河床之上。其中,峨峪口砾石堤在蒙山具有典型性和代表性。探明峨峪口砾石堤的成因类型和发生历史,对中国东部(105° E以东)第四纪环境变化、气候地貌过程具有重要的科学研究和科普教育价值。2020年10月和2021年2月,笔者团队两次赴蒙山考察,野外工作主要是砾石组构测量,寻找砾石埋压的断木等有机14C测年材料,以及历史洪水调查、地方文献资料收集等。研究结果表明:(1)峨峪口砾石堤不连续、不对称分布于凹岸(弯道),砾石组构、石线构造、叠置空洞构造和砾石群构造等成因专属性特征,以及砾石表面擦痕的明度,揭示其可能为数百年前所形成的一次性历史泥石流堆积垄岗,且被后期山洪改造过;(2)年代学和遥感资料显示,1991年夏季峨峪口等地曾暴发大型山洪泥石流,这一结果与蒙山泥石流的历史记载具有一致性,从证据链上进一步增强了峨峪口砾石堤泥石流成因的确然性;(3)峨峪口砾石堤可能是低频、短历时快速地貌灾害过程,属于暴雨直接类特大型历史泥石流堆积,其物源主要是峨峪口上游谷地的重力崩积物;(4)峨峪口砾石堤缺少冰缘现象的地貌组合证据,不存在全新世早期冰缘地貌的年代学依据,当地不具备发育全新世早期“石河”和“冻土环境”的气候条件;(5)蒙山地区分布有丰富的碎屑物质和比较陡的沟谷纵剖面,暴雨频繁、水分充足,具有泥石流暴发的形成条件,周边居民点、公路和登山步道应加强山洪泥石流地质灾害防治工作。  相似文献   

张志刚  梅静  张梦媛  王立志 《地质论评》2018,64(5):1217-1224
山东蒙山国家地质公园佛塔谷堆积了大量的巨砾,其形成原因存在着很大的争论。探讨蒙山佛塔谷砾石堆积体的形成年代有助于了解蒙山环境演化和气候变化。关于佛塔谷砾石的微地貌已有相关作者探讨,本文在前人研究的基础上从拦马墙砾石堆积体的宇生核素~(10)Be暴露年代以及全新世以来的气候环境和人类文化等方面进行探讨。研究结果表明:①拦马墙砾石宇生核素~(10)Be暴露年代结果为5.0~6.0 ka BP左右,不支持先前发表的"8.2 ka BP拦马冰期"的结论;②全新世以来山东蒙山区域处于一个暖湿的环境下,尽管有几次降温事件,但是不足以提供形成冰川的条件。  相似文献   

为了确定山东蒙山佛塔谷一带的第四纪冰川、黄土、水系沉积物与MIS的对应关系,对该区冰川遗迹进行了详细调查,并对冰川、黄土和水系沉积物进行年代学研究。对比研究了蒙山地区各类地层沉积与深海氧同位素演化阶段的对应性,建立了冰川、黄土、水系沉积物与环境演化的内在关系;详细对比了全新世、晚更新世冰川、黄土、水系沉积物与MIS的关系,初步对比了中更新世冰川沉积物与MIS的关系,发现我国东部各类第四纪沉积物与MIS之间具有良好的对应关系,从沉积层序与环境演化的角度,确认了蒙山及我国东部地区存在第四纪冰川作用的事实。  相似文献   

燕青 《地学前缘》2022,29(5):372-381
本文利用一个1 km分辨率冰盖模式和11个PMIP4全球气候模式,研究了全新世中期亚洲高山区气候和冰川的变化特征。多模式集合平均结果显示,(1)全新世中期亚洲高山区年平均温度较工业革命前期降低了约0.7 ℃,夏季气温升高约0.7 ℃,冬季气温降低约1.8 ℃,全新世中期年平均降水略微增加(0.5%),但夏季和冬季降水分别增加和减少了约16%;(2)全新世中期亚洲高山区冰川较工业革命前期整体显著退缩,面积减少了约13%,体积减小了约8%。在区域尺度上,全新世中期亚洲高山区北部冰川的面积(体积)减少了约58%(47%),西部冰川的面积(体积)减少了约26%(25%),而南部冰川的面积(体积)增加了约20%(39%);(3)全新世中期夏季升温主导亚洲高山区北部和西部冰川的退缩,而降水增多是亚洲高山区南部冰川扩张的首要控制因子。本研究有助于加深理解全新世中期亚洲高山区冰川的变化格局和驱动因子。  相似文献   

在前人研究和笔者长期地质观察的基础上,针对庐山跨世纪的第四纪冰川之争,介绍了庐山白垩纪以来由S形复背斜-地垒式断块山-变质核杂岩的成山过程、地层岩石分布状况及第四纪冰期时的山体地质结构与地貌;就庐山地区冰蚀地貌与冰期、间冰期沉积物争议问题介绍了观察结果与认识。通过更新世冰期与全新世亚热带湿润多雨气候形成的地貌与沉积物对比,揭示了二者的显著差异及泥石流与冰碛的不同;阐明了冰期后流水作用对冰蚀地形的强烈改造作用,以及庐山典型的冰蚀与水蚀复合地貌景观。最后指出,庐山第四纪山岳冰川的形成与其独特的地垒式断块山构造地貌、特凉的小气候等条件密切相关,特厚特硬的莲沱组砂岩是冰川遗迹保存的重要条件。因此,庐山成为中国第四纪冰川地质学的奠基之地和世界上中低纬度、中低山第四纪山岳冰川遗迹保存完美的唯一的地方。  相似文献   

A wide variety of Late Devensian periglacial landforms developed on Scottish mountains both before ca. 13,000 BP and during the Loch Lomond Stadial of ca. 11,000-10,000 BP. Nearly all such features are now inactive. Late Devensian periglacial weathering produced three types of regolith mantle (openwork block deposits, sandy diamicts and silt-rich frost-susceptible diamicts), each of which supports a characteristic assemblage of relict landforms. On upper slopes these include large-scale sorted circles and stripes, earth hummocks and nonsorted relief stripes, sorted and nonsorted solifluction features, massive boulder sheets and lobes, and nivation benches. Talus, protalus ramparts, rock glaciers and alluvial fans also developed at the base of mountain slopes.The distribution of Late Devensian periglacial features on Scottish mountains is locally controlled by topography, the response of underlying rocks to periglacial weathering and the limits of former glaciers. Regional variations in the altitude of certain forms of Loch Lomond Stadial age (particularly protalus ramparts and rock glaciers) indicate a decrease in former snowfall eastwards across the Scottish Highlands and northwards from the Highland Boundary Fault. Several upland periglacial features are also diagnostic of former permafrost, and complement palaeotemperature reconstructions based on ice-wedge casts and the equilibrium firn line altitudes of stadial glaciers. These suggest that under stadial conditions mean January temperatures at 600 m and 1000 m on mountains in the Western Grampians must have been no higher than −20°C and −23°C respectively, and possibly several degrees lower.  相似文献   

辽东山地老秃顶子冰缘地貌特征及其环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对以老秃顶子为中心的辽东冰缘地貌分布区考察研究, 发现区内广泛发育的冰缘地貌类型为石河、石流坡、石海, 偶见石堡、雪蚀洼地、寒冻风化崩坍崖和倒石堆. 砾石大小不一, 堆积混杂无序, 在地表径流的作用下, 具有潜在的移动性. 风化淋溶以石流坡地貌最为显著, 土壤营养元素含量及成壤作用均以石河最优. 石下暗河发育, 上覆植被多样, 植被类型随海拔自高向低可划分为灌草丛、灌丛、矮曲林、暗针叶林、针阔混交林、落叶阔叶林, 其群落类型变化与冰缘过程趋于复杂化具有一致的发展趋势. 由于该区生境条件苛刻, 植被演替极慢且容易发生山地灾害, 建议加强人为干预, 改善植被覆盖状况, 促进演替进度, 以提高此冰缘地貌的稳定性.  相似文献   

Huge residual boulders on and near the surface of the woodlands on the slopes of Coffman Hill probably are corestones of a for derived from the early Jurassic diabase sill. Accordingly, they were produced in two stages - first by chemical weathering along joints before Cenozoic regional uplift, then by exhumation of the blocks during Cenozoic dissection of the old lowland surface.The Ringing Rocks barren block field within the woodlands probably resulted from local mass transport of large boulders from a higher part of Coffman Hill by periglacial creep and solifluction during the Pleistocene epoch. Loss of forest cover and removal of matrix from the patch of boulders exposed the blocks to further mechanical and chemical weathering. Persistent shattering of the boulders along joints and minor movement of smaller derived blocks destroyed any inherited debris-flow pattern. Pitting on the bare joint surfaces has resulted from effective solution by rain in the absence of forest shelter and a mantle of soil. In contrast, exfoliation predominates in the surrounding wooded residual boulder field.  相似文献   

中国北方冰缘与分期   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
李容全 《第四纪研究》1990,10(2):125-136
在描述和分析中国北方残存古冰缘遗迹的基础上,把第四纪晚期不同期冰缘在同一剖面内叠置的结构划分为两种类型:山地剖面冰缘结构型和平原(或高原)剖面冰缘结构型。两种类型的剖面都具有冰缘分期意义,但以平原(或高原)剖面冰缘结构型的分期结果最完整。根据平原剖面冰缘结构型的对比研究和14C定年数据的综合分析,从45000年以来在中国北方存在七个冰缘期。它们出现的时间顺序为:45000 aB.P.、37000—35000 aB.P.、25000—13000 aB.P.、9500—9000 aB.P.、5500aB.P.前后、2395—1970 aB.P.和1350—1495 A.D.。因此,冰缘现象证明45000年以来在中国北方有七次明显变冷过程,即有七个旋回的冷暖交替。冰缘期与沙地中沙丘的流动期有较好的对应关系,部分地与黄土堆积的加速期相一致,并且与内陆湖泊湖面下降阶段相吻合。  相似文献   

A detailed geological, geomorphological and landuse/landcover study has been carried in a small watershed of Himalaya by visual interpretation of FCC prepared from band 123 of ASTER satellite imagery. On the basis of interpretation and field check, major litounits identified in the study area include Lesser Himalaya conglomerate consisting of quartzite, granite, phyllite boulder and pebble, Middle Siwalik sandstone and Upper Siwalik boulder beds and valley fill with Doon gravel of Holocene age. Geomorphologically the study area is characterized by typical Himalayan topography with rugged terrain. Various landforms identified and recognized include, Doon Fan Gravel Terrace, Doon Fan Gravel Dissected hill, Sub Recent Fan Terrace, Moderately Dissected Structural Hill, Piedmont Dissected Slope, River Terrace, Channel Bar and River channel. Supervised classification of ASTER False Colour Composite (FCC) (123) shows that the major landuse category in the study area is agriculture while major landcover class is forest covered land. The study shows the effect of geology and geomorphology on the type of landuse and landcover in an active tectonic zone of the study area.  相似文献   

Cosmogenic isotope (10Be and 26Al) surface exposure dating has been applied to valley‐axis and hillslope stone runs (relict periglacial block streams) and their source outcrops in the Falkland Islands, South Atlantic. The data indicate that stone runs are considerably older landforms than previously envisaged and afford no evidence that they are a product of the Last Glacial Maximum; the samples range in apparent 10Be age from 42k to 731k yr BP, but some of these are minima. The results indicate that valley‐axis stone runs may be up to 700–800k yr old, have simple exposure histories and are composite landforms that developed over several cold stages. Analyses of some hillslope and outcrop samples also demonstrate simple exposure histories with 10Be ages from 42k to 658k yr BP. In contrast, isotopic ratios from other hillslope and outcrop samples reveal they have had a complex exposure history involving periods of burial or shielding; the samples range in 10Be age from 59k to 569k yr BP and these are regarded as minimum age estimates. Larger stone runs may be older than smaller runs and there is a possibility that stone runs older than 800k yr exist in other parts of the Falklands. The assertion that glaciation in the Falklands was restricted to the highest uplands is supported by the data, and the potential for age determination of other boulder‐strewn and bedrock landforms, using cosmogenic isotope analysis, in order to extend the geochronology of Quaternary events and processes is noted. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A field of uraniferous boulders was discovered in a drift-covered valley west of Dismal Lakes. Glacial geological information was combined with boulder location and trace element till geochemical data to model the dispersal of the boulders; and to predict their likely bedrock source. Uraniferous bedrock was eroded by the last, westward flowing glacial ice to cover the area. The debris was englacially transported and subsequently deposited during subglacial melt-out of ice block(s) stagnating below active ice. The distribution of the boulders forms acrude, westward-opening fan centred on the easternmost boulder and oriented with the last ice-flow direction. The largest uranium values from surface till samples (-2 μm fraction) occur 6.2 km east of the main boulder concentration or 1.5 km east of the first boulder occurrence. The likely bedrock source is 6.0 to 6.6 km east of the main boulder concentration.  相似文献   

浙江地处东亚大陆边缘,江南陆块与华夏陆块的交接部位,构造作用和岩浆作用,特别是中生代的花岗质岩浆作用十分强烈,形成大量的花岗岩类,它们是构成浙江花岗岩地貌的物质基础。浙江花岗岩地貌可分为花岗岩峰丛、花岗岩山丘、花岗岩石蛋和花岗岩崩塌堆积地貌等。作者以大明山、天台山、普陀山及浮盖山等为例,论述了以上各种花岗岩地貌的特征,并对其形成过程进行探讨,同时也讨论了岩石性质、地质构造和气候条件等对花岗岩地貌发育与演变的影响。  相似文献   

Nemec  & Kazanci 《Sedimentology》1999,46(1):139-170
The Quaternary colluvial aprons in Lake Eğirdir area, Taurus Mountains, consist of steep coalescent fans, up to 17–20 m thick and 350–450 m in plan-view radius, and the sedimentary succession comprises four lithostratigraphic divisions. The basal red–brown colluvium consists of a chaotic, bouldery fan-core rubble covered with bedded, openwork to matrix-rich gravel, whose deposition is attributed to rockfalls and cohesive debrisflows, with minor grainflows and sheetwash processes. The middle part of this division contains interbeds of early Pleistocene tephra. The overlying light-grey colluvium consists of bedded gravel with numerous palaeogullies and its deposition is attributed to waterflow, rockfalls and cohesive debrisflows. The younger, medium-grey colluvium consists of stratified pebbly sand interspersed with cobble/boulder gravel and its deposition is attributed to sheetwash processes accompanied by rockfalls and wet snowflows/slushflows. A bulk-pollen radiocarbon date indicates Late Würm age. The youngest, yellow–grey colluvium consists of bedded, mainly pebbly and openwork gravel, whose deposition is attributed to dry grainflows, rockfalls and minor cohesive debrisflows. Based on the sedimentary facies assemblages and available isotopic dates, the four colluvial divisions are correlated with the following stages of the region's climatic history: (1) the latest Pliocene to Early Pleistocene stage of warm–humid climate with pronounced phases of drier conditions; (2) the Late Pleistocene stage of colder climate, with alternating phases of higher and lower humidity; (3) the last glacial (Würm) stage of coldest climate; and (4) the Holocene stage of warm semi-arid climate. It is concluded that colluvial depositional systems bear a valuable proxy record of climatic changes and regional geoclimatic differences.  相似文献   

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