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海底浊流研究百年回顾   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文概括性地回顾了一个多世纪以来浊流研究的历史和发展过程。浊流既是解决许多海洋地质学和沉积学基础科学问题的关键,又与海洋资、能源和海底灾害防护等应用性研究息息相关,多国科学家近百年的努力在浊流理论的发展、实验室水槽数据采集和数值模拟的优化等方面都有很大的进步。但由于浊流的不可预测性和破坏性,如何在现场实时、连续地对浊流实施观测至今仍然是浊流研究的瓶颈。南海东北部海域集天时、地利于一体,在此实施多学科浊流现场观测研究有望实现在‘破坏性’浊流的机制、过程、和沉积响应研究方面的突破。  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡神狐海域发育众多海底峡谷,其物质来源、地貌形态、水动力条件、沉积过程复杂,海底滑坡和浊流频发。虽然通过地球物理(多波束和反射地震等)能够识别出数米至百米的滑坡体,但对于浅层海底重力流、浊流和异重流等沉积体系的高分辨率识别还受到很多限制。本研究以南海北部陆坡海底峡谷群12号峡谷脊部下游的SH-CL38站位岩芯沉积物为研究对象,通过粒度测试和浮游有孔虫氧同位素组成分析,将该站位岩芯划分为3个层段:第Ⅰ层段(0~285 cm)、第Ⅱ层段(285~615 cm)以及第Ⅲ层段(615~800 cm)。其中第Ⅱ层段的粒度参数、有孔虫的氧同位素组成明显不同于其他层段,这表明该层段形成时的水动力条件、沉积环境发生了突变。而且第Ⅱ层段的285~505 cm和505~615 cm具有明显不同的概率累积曲线特征,粒度数据也分布在C-M图上不同的区域。基于此,我们认为该站位的异常沉积层是受深水沉积作用和末次冰期海平面变化的影响,285~505 cm层段发育浊流沉积,而505~615 cm层段可能是浊流或重力流引发的沉积物失稳。  相似文献   

超临界浊流影响下的周期阶坎广泛分布在南海东北部台西南盆地的西澎湖峡谷中。由于频繁的构造活动, 常年的台风影响, 以及来自中国台湾河流的大量沉积物供给, 导致这个区域的浊流活动经常发生。本文利用高分辨率的地貌资料, 对西澎湖峡谷发育的23个净侵蚀周期阶坎和10个净沉积周期阶坎进行了形态的定量分析, 并且统计了流经这些周期阶坎的浊流流速。结果显示, 浊流在流经净侵蚀周期阶坎过程中的速度有明显突变, 而在净侵蚀到净沉积周期阶坎的过程中速度也发生了明显的降低, 前者由峡谷中的坡折带导致, 后者则是由限制性环境到非限制性环境的转变造成的。此外, 净沉积周期阶坎主要分布于靠近峡谷口外的西南侧, 这是由于科氏力对浊流影响的结果。研究此区域周期阶坎的形态特征和形成机制能够帮助我们更好地理解海底地形地貌与浊流的相互关系, 对于理解峡谷中的地貌演化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

冲绳海槽南部A23孔浊流沉积层的粒度特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对取自冲绳海槽南部的A23孔中浊积层的沉积层序特征进行了详细研究,结果表明,浊积层在平均粒径、分选系数、偏态、峰态等粒度参数、粒度组成、粒度分布上表现出显著的特征性。以A层(342~362cm)为例,浊积层的平均粒径在层内具有细-粗-细的变化,粒度分布呈以粗粒组分为主的双峰分布,正常沉积则为以细粒组分为主的单峰分布;在C-M粒度图上,砂质层的投点规律性地平行于C-M线性排列,表现出典型的浊流沉积特征。A层浊积层在层序上与典型的鲍马层序存在一定的差异,可能反映了浊流层序的区域性特征。通过上述结果和其他资料,认为冲绳海槽南部A23孔中浊流沉积层的形成主要由地震引起,而小规模浊积层的发育可能是海底峡谷中的内波/内潮汐作用的结果。  相似文献   

墨西哥湾深水区发育有典型的浊流沉积,长期以来就以独特的被动边缘浊积类型闻名于世。由密西西比河带来的大量碎屑物在河口外形成巨厚泥砂层,快速沉积造成上陆坡特别不稳定,所以塌坡或崩塌事件经常发生,引起迭繁的浊流活动。松散的浅水碎屑物往往随浊流被搬运到陆坡或更深的深水区,造成大规模的再沉积。塌坡事件及其引发的浊流活动存在较大的随机性及其对沉积物造成的分选性,直接控制了墨西哥湾深水区沉积物中的流体流动以至油气生成,使其成为目前世界上富含油气的三大海区之一。但沉积砂层所伴生的超高压常常造成“井喷”,使油气探采难度加大,成本增高,连年来使有关石油公司损失惨重,也给科学界提出了急需解决的科学问题。为什么墨西哥湾深水区超高压现象这么普通?超高压区的流体流动规律有什么特征?它受什么机理控制?浊流沉积跟气候变化有联系吗?是否受冰期/间冰期旋回的影响?  相似文献   

为了分析南海北部神狐海域的浊流沉积,对SH37岩心进行了沉积物粒度测试、AMS~(14)C测年和地球化学元素测试等工作。根据粒度特征和C-M图等分析认为,200~300 cm层位属于浊流沉积,该层沉积物粒度较粗,分选较差,敏感粒级端元EM3与Zr/Rb元素比值在该层均含量较高,且有地层年龄倒转现象。推测浊流成因为海平面的变化或重力作用引起的陆坡滑坡。稀土元素含量与(La/Sm)_(UCC)-(Gd/Yb)_(UCC)、(Gd/Yb)_(UCC)-(Gd/Lu)_(UCC)散点图结果显示,SH37岩心沉积物来源较为一致,主要来自于珠江和台湾岛内河流。  相似文献   

海底峡谷沉积物来源、输运机制和沉积过程的研究一直是深水沉积体系研究的关键,也是近年来深海浊流沉积研究中的热点问题。对"蛟龙号"第140潜次在南海北部台湾峡谷中段3个站位获取的沉积物短柱的粒度、有孔虫和黏土矿物进行综合分析,结果表明3个短柱上部均以粒度较细、变化较小并含半深海—深海环境的底栖有孔虫为特征的半深海沉积,下部以粒度明显变粗、含有较多浅水种底栖有孔虫的浊流沉积为主。AMS~(14)C测年结果显示该浊流沉积形成于约150aBP,表明台湾峡谷中段有典型的近现代浊流活动。此外,黏土矿物组成表明研究区正常半深海沉积与浊流沉积物源主要来自台湾,其次为珠江和吕宋岛的碎屑沉积物。  相似文献   

等深流影响的水道沉积体系的沉积特征及其沉积过程是当前深水沉积学研究的热点、难点和前沿科学问题,但研究程度较为薄弱。该文以北礁凹陷上新统(地震反射T20?T30)为研究对象,利用覆盖北礁凹陷局部的三维地震资料,采用均方根属性、相干属性、时间域构造,再结合地震切片等方法,研究北礁凹陷深水区上新统斜交斜坡(走向)的特殊水道沉积体系特征及其沉积过程。研究发现,该水道沉积体系分为早、晚两期,早期发育水道和片状、扇状溢堤沉积,晚期仅发育水道和片状溢堤沉积,其中扇状溢堤沉积仅发育在水道右侧弯曲处,片状溢堤沉积仅分布在水道左侧,水道始终与区域斜坡斜交,水道对称分布且无明显迁移现象。结合该时期北礁凸起发育等深流相关的丘状漂积体和环槽,认为该水道沉积体系特殊的形态主要受控于等深流与浊流交互作用的沉积结果:浊流流经水道,其上覆浊流溢出水道,形成溢岸浊流,在水道左侧,该溢岸浊流与等深流发生相向运动,被等深流“吹拂”到单侧,大面积分布,延伸千米,形成片状溢堤沉积;而在水道弯曲处(右侧),溢岸浊流与等深流发生相对运动,抑制溢岸浊流进一步扩展,形成相对小范围扇状溢堤沉积,该沉积结果与前人水槽实验结果相一致。  相似文献   

渤海冬季环流形成机制动力学分析及数值研究   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
采用涡流方程,海面实测风力应力分布和二维数值方法,对渤海冬季环流形成机制进行了研究,结果表明,渤海冬季海面风应力分布东岸大,西岸小,又因海底十分平坦,从而风应力切变形成的负涡度,成为渤海中部及辽东湾海流呈顺时针向流动的主要驱动机制。当考虑海面实测风应力分布,潮余流和开边界入流等条件时,用二维数值方法模拟的渤海冬季环流,与实测吻合良好,一系列数值实验进一步表明:上述关于渤海环流形成机制的动力学分析是  相似文献   

荔湾3-1气田海底管道深水段地质灾害特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于船载多波束测深、浅地层剖面和深水浅层高分辨多道地震剖面等数据资料,以我国第一个深水气田—荔湾3-1气田海底管道路由区深水段(200m)为研究区,划分海底地形地貌分区,识别可能危害海底管道的地质灾害类型,分析其特征与分布规律。结果表明,研究区内主要地质灾害类型为海底峡谷、海底滑坡和滑塌、古珊瑚礁、海底沙波和大波痕、海底陡坎、断崖和陡坡、碎屑流沉积和浊流沉积等。其中,海底滑坡和滑塌在上陆坡和峡谷谷壁上十分发育,海底滑坡(滑塌)、古珊瑚礁和沙波(沙丘)等影响和威胁着海底管道的铺设与安全运行。  相似文献   

单桩基础周围斜坡海床中的波致孔隙水压力响应与纯斜坡海床存在较大差异。为了解不同波高、波周期条件下,单桩基础周围波浪传播变形及其对斜坡海床孔压振荡响应的影响,在波浪水槽末端铺设了长6 m、坡度1∶16的斜坡砂床进行试验。通过改变桩身位置和波浪参数,测量斜坡段各处波面形态,采集单桩周围孔隙水压力,分析了桩身位置及波浪参数对斜坡海床孔压响应的影响。结果表明:相同入射波条件下,随距坡脚水平距离增加,波高、近底流速和桩周孔隙水压力幅值都随之增大;桩周孔隙水压力幅值分布规律为:桩前孔压幅值明显大于桩侧与桩后孔压幅值。当Keulegan-Carpenter数大于6时,随着波高和波周期增大,马蹄涡产生的负压区使得桩侧海床孔隙水压力与纯斜坡海床孔隙水压力差值迅速增加。  相似文献   

为研究内孤立波与沙波的相互作用,本文对基于OpenFOAM的SedWaveFoam求解器进行改进,建立了内孤立波-泥沙运动欧拉两相流模型。在利用试验资料对模型进行验证的基础上,在南海北部典型代表性条件下,模拟分析了500 m水深位置沙波床面上内孤立波作用下的水动力变化和泥沙运动。结果表明,内孤立波逐渐离开沙波时,海底沙波背流面处出现与内孤立波背景流速反向的流速,在内孤立波导致的流场作用下,沙波床面上的泥沙悬起并运动到床面以上的水体中。振幅100 m的内孤立波可以导致床面以上14 m高的位置处出现约0.07 kg/m3的悬沙浓度。  相似文献   

刘港慧  刘磊 《海洋工程》2023,41(5):150-160
深海采矿尾矿排放产生的细颗粒羽状流会对海底生态环境造成影响,预测尾矿排放羽状流行为及其对环境影响具有工程意义。基于欧拉多相流方法,采用欧拉双流体模型对深海采矿细颗粒羽状流开展数值模拟研究,分析近海底排放的羽状流演化和发展过程,探究羽状流初始排放质量浓度、排放速度对羽状流扩散过程的影响。结果表明:初始排放条件对羽状流演化性质有重要影响。主射流区被稀释的程度随着初始入射速度的增大而减小,随着入射质量浓度的增大而增大;初始羽状流入射速度和质量浓度越大,撞击海底后的水平方向流动速度越快,影响区域越广;水平速度的峰值随着初始入射速度的增大呈对数增长;当初始质量浓度和速度高于50 g/L和 0.5 m/s 时可能会导致颗粒在海底撞击点附近堆积成坡状,影响底流的后续发展。研究结果可以为深海采矿尾矿排放参数选择提供参考。  相似文献   

基于Flow-3D软件,建立抗拖网海床基沙土基床冲刷的三维数学模型,控制水流流速和泥沙粒径,对不同条件下抗拖网海床基周围沙土基床的冲刷进行数值模拟,并分析了抗拖网海床基最大冲刷深度随这两种因素改变的趋势。结果表明,抗拖网海床基沙土基床冲刷坑深度随海流流速增大而增加,在设定其他条件不改变的情况下,冲刷坑的加深速度随着流速增大会逐渐减缓,最终达到冲淤平衡。同时,由于海底环境复杂多变,导致模型与实际情况有一定的差异,还需在后续的研究中进一步进行优化。  相似文献   

渤海水体浊度的分布及其季节变化反映了悬浮物质的分布、输运及其季节特征。本文利用2012—2016年渤黄海8个航次现场观测的水体温度、浊度数据,并结合CCMP(Cross—CalibratedMulti—Platform)风场数据、ROMS(RegionalOceanModelSystem)海流数值模拟结果,分析了渤海海域水体浊度季节分布特征。水体浊度的大小与风速的季节变化密切相关,冬季,黄河口及附近海域的浊度值最高,离岸31km到56km处浊度值从180NTU迅速下降至54.3NTU,而其他季节的浊度较低;渤海全年20m以深海域再悬浮较弱,以水平扩展为主。进而甄别了黄河口附近高浊度水体向渤黄海输运的两条路径,分别为:冬夏季均存在的沿渤中浅滩西侧通道向渤海北部扩展和冬季存在的沿莱州湾湾口向渤海海峡南部及北黄海输运,该两条路径主要由环流场控制。  相似文献   

Based on the Boussinesq assumption,derived are couple equations of free surface elevationand horizontal velocities for horizontal irrotational flow,and analytical expressions of the correspondingpressure and vertical velocity.After the free surface elevation and horizontal velocity at a certain depth areobtained by numerical method,the pressure and vertical velocity distributions can be obtained by simplecalculation.The dispersion at different depths is the same at the O(ε)approximation.The waveamplitude will decrease with increasing time due to viscosity,but it will increase due to the matching ofviscosity and the bed slope.thus,flow is unstable.Numerical or analytical results show that the waveamplitude.velocity and length will increase as the current increases along the wave direction.but theamplitude will increase.and the wave velocity and length will decrease as the water depth decreases.  相似文献   

S.C. Chang  J.G. Lin  L.K. Chien  Y.F. Chiu   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(17-18):2311-2329
In this study, the dynamic stresses within the seabed induced by non-linear progressive waves were explored through a series of hydraulic model tests on a movable bed within a wave flume. By comparing Stokes’ 2nd-order wave theory with the theory of wave-induced dynamic stresses within the seabed as proposed by Yamamoto et al. [1978. On the response of a poro-elastic bed to water waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 87 (1), 193–206.] and Hsu and Jeng [1994. Wane-induced soil response in an unsaturated anisotropic seabed of finite thickness. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 18, 785–807], the experimental results show that the pressure on the seabed surface, the pore water pressure within the seabed as well as the vertical and the horizontal stresses are all smaller than their theoretical values. If we were to obtain the characteristics of seabed soil, the analytical solution of Hsu and Jeng [1994. Wane-induced soil response in an unsaturated anisotropic seabed of finite thickness. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 18, 785–807] might agree to the simulation of the wave-induced effective stresses and shear stress in the sandy seabed. A different phase shift exists among all the three soil stresses. Their influences on the three dynamic stresses within seabed soil are important for seabed stability, and can be used in the verification of numerical models. In the whole, the non-linear progressive waves and the naturally deposited seabed are found to have a strong interaction, and the behavior of the induced dynamic stresses within the seabed is very complicated, and should be investigated integrally.  相似文献   

Turbidity currents represent a major agent for sediment transport in lakes, seas and oceans. In particu-lar, they formulate the most significant clastic accumulations in the deep sea, which become many of the world's most important hydrocarbon reservoirs. Several boreholes in the Qiongdongnan Basin, the north-western South China Sea, have recently revealed turbidity current deposits as significant hydrocarbon res-ervoirs. However, there are some arguments for the potential provenances. To solve this problem, it is es-sential to delineate their sedimentary processes as well as to evaluate their qualities as reservoir. Numerical simulations have been developed rapidly over the last several years, offering insights into turbidity current behaviors, as geologically significant turbidity currents are difficult to directly investigate due to their large scale and often destructive nature. Combined with the interpretation of the turbidity system based on high-resolution 3D seismic data, the paleotophography is acquired via a back-stripping seismic profile integrated with a borehole, i.e., Well A, in the western Qiongdongnan Basin; then a numerical model is built on the basis of this back-stripped profile. After defining the various turbidity current initial boundary conditions, includ-ing grain size, velocity and sediment concentration, the structures and behaviors of turbidity currents are investigated via numerical simulation software ANSYS FLUENT. Finally, the simulated turbidity deposits are compared with the interpreted sedimentary bodies based on 3D seismic data and the potential provenances of the revealed turbidites by Well A are discussed in details. The simulation results indicate that a sedimen-tary body develops far away from its source with an average grain size of 0.1 mm, i.e., sand-size sediment. Taking into account the location and orientation of the simulated seismic line, the consistence between normal forward simulation results and the revealed cores in Well A indicates that the turbidites should ha  相似文献   

A horizontal two- dimensional numerical model is developed for estimation of sediment transport and sea bed change around a large circular cylinder under wave action. The wave model is based on an elliptic mild slope equation. The wave-induced current by the gradient of radiation stress is considered and a depth integrated shallow water equation is applied to the calculation of the current. The mass transport velocity and the bed shear stress due to streaming are considered, which are important factors affecting the sediment transport around a structure due to waves, especially in reflective areas. Wave-current interaction is taken into account in the model for computing the bed shear stress. The model is implemented by a finite element method. The results of this model are compared with those from other methods and agree well with experimental data.  相似文献   

In this contribution, the morphodynamics of open-sea tidal channels eroded into sandy seabed in regions of flow constriction is simulated by a one-dimensional model using the Bagnold formula for bedload transport rate, and accounting for the effect of bed slope. The results show that equilibrium conditions for such channels can be reached over a period of 102–103 years. Sediment eroded from the channel floor is transported in the direction of the dominant current, and deposited beyond the regions of flow constriction where the current looses competence due to spreading. In this way, the material remobilized from older strata in the channels is deposited in younger sand banks near the channel heads. Where several successive channels are incised along the current axis, they interact in their morphological evolution. The morphodynamic equilibrium of a tidal channel is reached once the combined interacting sedimentological and hydrodynamic factors, such as sediment particle diameter, tidal current velocity and flood/ebb dominance, are balanced. The model output shows that the equilibrium shape of the tidal channels appears to be related mainly to flow field characteristics and, to a lesser extent, to particle size. A positive correlation exists between the depth of the channels and their response times. The equilibrium water depths of the channels are more sensitive to current speed than to either particle size or the time–velocity asymmetry of the flow field. The response times for overall morphological equilibrium are sensitive to all of the above-mentioned parameters. In particular, sediment characteristics associated with critical current velocities have far-reaching effects on the morphodynamic behaviour of tidal channels.  相似文献   

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