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利用CHAMP卫星矢量和标量地磁测量数据,通过三维Taylor多项式模型建立了2010.0年中国及邻近地区在300km高度附近的X、Y、Z和F分量的三维磁场模型.为了比较验证所建模型,分析了其与Taylor多项式模型(二维模型)不同截断阶数所对应的均方偏差(RMSE)、残差及分布等.结果表明,三维模型每一阶的RMSE和残差绝对值的平均值均要比二维模型的小约45%.由于采用了系数完全展开的建模方式,三维模型的系数数量约为二维模型的2倍,三维模型较低的截断阶数可以反映更多的地磁信息.本研究中的5阶三维Taylor模型基本可达到8阶Taylor模型的精度.两种模型绘制的地磁场及残差分布有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

叶涛  陈小斌  严良俊 《地球物理学报》2013,56(10):3596-3606
在主流的线性最优化大地电磁二维反演中,如何合理构建初始模型是一个亟待解决的问题.常用的是采用均匀半空间或一维反演结果构建初始模型,不易获得稳定可靠的反演效果.实践表明,尽管基于不同初始模型的大地电磁二维反演结果差别较大,但均较初始模型更为接近真实模型.基于这样一种认识,经过反复的理论和实践探索,我们提出构建大地电磁二维反演初始模型的印模法.印模法的基本思想是依据已有反演结果和均匀半空间模型之间的加权来确定下一步二维反演的初始模型,它一方面保留了已有反演结果中关于真实模型的宏观轮廓信息,另一方面,保证了深部电性结构的均匀性,从而满足大地电磁二维正演所要求的底边界条件.基于印模法,本文进一步提出了迭代重构的反演思想.通过多个理论模型和实测数据的反演计算,验证了上述方法可在很大程度上压制初始模型对反演结果的影响.  相似文献   

针对振动台试验,采用u-p形式控制方程表述饱和砂土的动力属性,选用土的多屈服面塑性本构模型刻画饱和砂土和黏土的力学特性,引入非线性梁-柱单元模拟桩,建立试验受控条件下液化场地群桩-土强震相互作用分析的三维有限元模型,并通过试验结果验证数值建模途径与模拟方法的正确性。以实际工程中常用的2×2群桩为例,建立桩-土-桥梁结构强震反应分析三维有限元模型。基于此,针对不同群桩基础配置对液化场地群桩-土强震相互作用影响展开具体分析。对比发现,桩的数量相同时,桩排列方向与地震波输入方向平行时比垂直时桩基受力减小5%~10%,而对场地液化情况无明显影响;相同排列形式下,三桩模型中土体出现液化的时间约比双桩模型延缓5s,桩上弯矩和剪力减小33%~38%。由此可见,桩基数量增加,桩-土体系整体刚度更大,场地抗液化性能显著,桩基对上部桥梁结构的承载性能明显增强,其安全性与可靠性更高。这对实际桥梁工程抗震设计具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文在城市边界层预报模式中耦合了一个单层冠层模式,此模式能够体现城市冠层结构和人为热源对城市热岛的共同作用.通过传统平板模式和城市冠层模式的模拟结果与自动气象站观测资料对比发现,耦合了城市冠层模式的模拟结果与观测资料更为吻合,尤其能够较好地模拟出城市地区夜间地面的气温变化情况.对北京城市区域的模拟结果进行分析,白家庄地区冠层建筑物使得城市地区气温白天下降,夜晚上升,不考虑人为热源作用时,城市冠层使得白家庄站地面气温白天最低下降2.5℃,夜间气温最大升高为4.7℃.针对模拟区域较小的理想算例模拟结果分析表明,城市冠层模式能够很好地模拟城市地区地表能量平衡关系,体现城市冠层对长短波辐射的封截以及热量存储能力,全天平均净辐射通量由传统模式的43.38 W/m2变为84.19 W/m2,热存储通量白天最大值为278.04 W/m2,夜晚最大释放热存储通量为160.35 W/m2.冠层建筑物和人为热源对夜间城市热岛强度的贡献分别为70.65%和29.35%.城市冠层建筑物对夜间城市热岛的形成起决定性作用.  相似文献   

本文设计了一个新的超浅海风暴潮的动力学模型。该模型的特点是依据海域水深的不同,分别采用文献[2]和[3]所建议的模型,其中海水的湍粘滞性被假定是水深的已知函数,并对地转效应作了近似的考虑。利用表征渤海风潮主要特征的模型风应力场和有限元技术,对所提出的模型进行了数值试验和比较。结果表明,它对渤海风潮的描述比文献[4]和[5]有了进一步的改善。  相似文献   

对流层延迟是影响高精度卫星导航定位的关键因素,也是大气科学研究的重要数据.针对已有全球对流层延迟模型的模型方程未同时顾及高程、纬度和季节变化以及模型构建时仅使用单一格网点数据等问题,本文提出了一种对流层天顶延迟(ZTD)全球模型构建的新方法,即引入滑动窗口算法将全球剖分为大小一致的规则窗口,利用2008—2015年全球大地观测系统(GGOS)大气格网产品构建每个窗口同时顾及高程、纬度和季节因子的全球ZTD新模型(GGZTD模型).联合未参与建模的2016年全球GGOS格网产品和2016年全球316个IGS站精密ZTD产品,检验了GGZTD模型的精度和适用性.结果表明:以GGOS大气格网ZTD产品和IGS站ZTD产品为参考值,GGZTD模型在全球的精度分别为3.58 cm和3.62 cm,相对于UNB3m模型和目前标称精度最优的GPT2w模型计算的ZTD信息,GGZTD模型在全球表现出了最优的精度和稳定性,其精度相对于UNB3m模型具有显著的提升(精度提高了30%以上),相对于GPT2w模型仍具有一定的改善;在ZTD计算时GGZTD模型相对于GPT2w模型显著地减少了模型参数,尤其相对于GPT2w-1(减少了99%).GGZTD模型只需输入位置与时间和依赖相对较少的模型参数则能在全球获得高精度和稳定的ZTD信息,极大地提升了模型的计算效率.  相似文献   

眭怡  吴庆举  张瑞青 《地震学报》2018,40(5):537-546
本文利用中国数字地震台网记录到的中国青海和缅甸弧发生的两次浅源地震的区域波形资料,在以Crust2.0改进AK135模型所构建的参考模型C2AK的基础上,通过三重震相波形拟合的方法,获得了青藏高原东部下方从莫霍面至上地幔顶部180 km深度范围内的P波和S波最佳拟合模型。最佳模型显示:松潘—甘孜地块(A和B剖面)下方的P波速度比C2AK模型高5%,而川滇地块(C剖面)下方上地幔顶部的P波速度要比参考模型低5%,且随深度逐渐增加,直至120 km处与C2AK模型值相同;松潘—甘孜地块下方的S波速度较C2AK模型要高3%。上述区域性速度结构差异表明,相对于松潘—甘孜地块,川滇地区的岩石圈地幔存在着更明显的挤出效应。   相似文献   

基于配置法的局部重力场延拓模型构建与应用分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在大地坐标系下利用Forsberg局部扰动位协方差模型(即DPM模型)导出了实用的局部重力异常协方差模型(即GAC模型)和局部扰动重力协方差模型(即GDC模型),两种模型形式完全一致.针对GAC模型,提出了两种模型参数的拟合方法,即按照泊松积分向上延拓获得的不同高度数据进行拟合以及按照测量区域的平面实测数据进行拟合,通过某地区的实测数据检验得出两种参数拟合方法得到的参数值相差不大,这种差别在向上和向下延拓过程中的影响可以忽略.依据本文的算例,GAC模型作为配置法的协方差模型用于延拓时,其向上延拓的精度在1.8×10-5 m·s-2左右,向下延拓的精度在5×10-5 m·s-2左右,完全满足局部重力场在中等山区的延拓要求.通过对不同高度下GAC模型用于延拓效果的对比,可以得出基于GAC模型的延拓精度随着高度的增加而衰减,在满足测量精度要求下其最大向下延拓高度约为7 km.总体而言,本文推导的GAC模型能够很好地利用地形数据,较好地满足了航空重力测量在局部重力场的延拓要求.  相似文献   

Two distributed parameter models, a one‐dimensional (1D) model and a two‐dimensional (2D) model, are developed to simulate overland flow in two small semiarid shrubland watersheds in the Jornada basin, southern New Mexico. The models are event‐based and represent each watershed by an array of 1‐m2 cells, in which the cell size is approximately equal to the average area of the shrubs. Each model uses only six parameters, for which values are obtained from field surveys and rainfall simulation experiments. In the 1D model, flow volumes through a fixed network are computed by a simple finite‐difference solution to the 1D kinematic wave equation. In the 2D model, flow directions and volumes are computed by a second‐order predictor–corrector finite‐difference solution to the 2D kinematic wave equation, in which flow routing is implicit and may vary in response to flow conditions. The models are compared in terms of the runoff hydrograph and the spatial distribution of runoff. The simulation results suggest that both the 1D and the 2D models have much to offer as tools for the large‐scale study of overland flow. Because it is based on a fixed flow network, the 1D model is better suited to the study of runoff due to individual rainfall events, whereas the 2D model may, with further development, be used to study both runoff and erosion during multiple rainfall events in which the dynamic nature of the terrain becomes an important consideration. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method for constructing the empirical model of the F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) under magnetically quiet conditions, aimed at analyzing disturbances of any nature, is proposed. This method has been analyzed, and typical features of regular changes in foF2 of the quiet ionosphere and day-to-day foF2 variability are analyzed using the data from Irkutsk and Slough stations as an example. In particular, it has been obtained that this model differs from the international IRI model, and this difference is mainly caused by the fact that the foF2 values in the IRI model do not correspond to quiet conditions. Therefore, this model gives a larger amplitude of the annual and semiannual variations in foF2 than the IRI model. In addition, this model more accurately reproduces the rate of foF2 annual variations at a fixed local time, especially in equinoxes, when foF2 variations can exceed 1 MHz within one month.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional Eulerian nested model for transport, diffusion, and surface fluxes of CO2 has been developed. The model is used to study the spatial and temporal variations of atmospheric CO2 concentrations as a step towards a better understanding of the regional source pattern over Europe. The influence from the national surface characteristics, as e.g. fossil CO2 emissions or ecosystem fluxes, can be treated on a continental or national level in the model. In the future the model can be used as a mean to corroborate national and EU-wide controls or reductions of carbon emissions. One of the major questions in the estimation of e.g. national CO2 budgets is the quantification of surface ecosystem fluxes. In order to test the sensitivity of atmospheric CO2 concentrations to ecosystem fluxes, two different parameterizations [J. Geophys. Res. 92 (1987) 2999] and [Global Biogeochem. Cycles 10 (1996) 269] have been implemented in the model. The model both with and without nest is validated by comparison with measurements and the different model results will be discussed. The results show that including a nested domain with higher spatial resolution significantly improves the model performance in some areas. In spite of regional deviations in the two sets of ecosystems fluxes no major differences are seen over Europe as a whole when either of the two parameterizations are included in the model and the results compared.  相似文献   

NeQuick ionospheric electron density model produces the full electron density profile in the ionosphere using the F2 layer peak values (foF2 and hmF2) as anchor points. Each part of the profile is modeled using Epstein layer formalism. Simple empirical relations are used to compute the thicknesses of each semi-Epstein layer. It has been observed that when NeQuick model is used to estimate total electron content at low latitudes the modeled values tend to underestimate the observed ones. Beside the F2 peak values, the most important profile parameter is the thickness of the F2 layer bottomside. The present study focuses on NeQuick model behavior at low latitudes comparing modeled profiles parameters with the ones extracted from experimental data mostly from African and Indian sector at different levels of solar activity and different time of the day. Possible model improvements are discussed.  相似文献   

A heterogeneous chemical model is developed by coupling aerosol, gas-phase and liquid-phase chemical model. SO2 oxidation rates on the aerosol surface are calculated and the influence of some factors is discussed. Model simulations indicate that SO2 heterogeneous oxidation rates are sensitive to the mass concentration and chemical composition of aerosols, relative humidity, initial values of SO2 and H2O2. The heterogeneous chemical model is coupled with a Eulerian deposition model. Model results show that oxidation of SO2 on the aerosol surface is found to reduce SO2 levels by 5%–33%, to increase SO 4 2- - concentrations by 8%–50% in the surface layer. Project supported by the National “85-912” Key Science and Technology Project.  相似文献   

慢度平方三角网格立体层析反演方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
三角剖分模型是一种稀疏的模型描述方式.在慢度平方三角剖分模型中,界面可以得到自然的描述,射线追踪在一个三角块内存在解析解.基于慢度平方三角剖分模型下的射线扰动理论,实现了立体层析数据空间对慢度平方三角剖分模型要求的所有模型分量的偏导数求取.相比常规的B样条或者大网格模型描述方式,慢度平方三角剖分模型下的立体层析FRECHET导数矩阵规模被大幅压缩,求解精度得到良好保证的同时计算成本得到大幅降低.理论数据算例证实了上述观点.  相似文献   

JD-2F型井下地震计是在JD-2型深井地震仪的基础上,经过进一步的技术改进并引入电子反馈技术而研制成功的。它是为井下地震台的数字化改造而研制的,是JD-2型地震仪的替代产品。本文通过对比,重点介绍了它的主要技术指标及结构特点。  相似文献   

The accuracy of atmospheric numerical model is important for the prediction of urban air pollution. This study investigated and quantified the uncertainties of meteorological and air quality model during multi-levels air pollution periods. We simulated the air quality of megacity Shanghai, China with WRF/CMAQ (Weather Research and Forecasting model and Community Multiscale Air Quality model) at both non-pollution and heavy-pollution episodes in 2012. The weather prediction model failed to reproduce the surface temperature and wind speed in condition of high aerosol loading. The accuracy of the air quality model showed a clear dropping tendency from good air quality conditions to heavily polluted episodes. The absolute model bias increased significantly from light air pollution to heavy air pollution for SO2 (from 2 to 14%) and for PM10 (from 1 to 33%) in both urban and suburban sites, for CO in urban sites (from 8 to 48%) and for NO2 in suburban sites (from 1 to 58%). A test of applying the Urban Canopy Model scheme to the WRF model showed fairly good improvement on predicting the meteorology field, but less significant effect on the air pollutants (6% for SO2 and 19% for NO2 decease in model bias found only in urban sites). This study gave clear evidence to the sensitivities of the model performance on the air pollution levels. It is suggested to consider this impact as a source for model bias in the model assessment and make improvement in the model development in the future.  相似文献   

The typical shape of a capillary-pressure curve is either convex (e.g., Brooks–Corey model) or S-shaped (e.g., van Genuchten model). It is not universally agreed which model reflects natural rocks better. The difference between the two models lies in the representation of the capillary entry pressure. This difference does not lead to significantly different simulation results for modeling CO2 sequestration in aquifers without considering CO2 dissolution. However, we observe that the van-Genuchten-type capillary-pressure model accelerates CO2 solubility trapping significantly compared with the Brooks–Corey-type model. We also show that the simulation results are very sensitive to the slope of the van-Genuchten-type curve around the entry-pressure region. For the representative examples we study, the differences can be so large as to have complete dissolution of the CO2 plume versus persistence of over 50% of the plume over a 5000-year period.The cause of such sensitivity to the capillary-pressure model is studied. Particularly, we focus on how the entry pressure is represented in each model. We examine the mass-transfer processes under gravity-capillary equilibrium, molecular diffusion, convective mixing, and in the presence of small-scale heterogeneities. Laboratory measurement of capillary-pressure curves and some important implementation issues of capillary-pressure models in numerical simulators are also discussed. Most CO2 sequestration simulations in the literature employ one of the two capillary-pressure models. It is important to recognize that these two representations lead to very different predictions of long-term CO2 sequestration.  相似文献   

We report initial results of data modeling and assimilation studies for several MU radar experiments. Various inputs to a one-dimensional ionospheric model are adjusted to provide agreement with observation and also to learn the sensitivity of the model to their variations. Certain observations are also used directly in the model to anchor or constrain its behavior. In particular, studies of the electron density from 100 to 500 km altitude in the ionosphere are carried out with the help of a theoretical model of O+, NO+, O+2 and N+2 densities and MU radar observations of the power, ion-drift and plasma-temperature profiles. Four typical cases are selected to study quantitatively the effects of the (A) perpendicular-north component of the plasma drift (15 December 1986), (B) atmospheric composition (7 October 1986), (C) solar EUV flux (2 August 1989) and (D) upper-boundary O+ density (5 October 1989) on the model NmF2, hmF2 and Ne profile, as well as on the neutral wind calculation from hmF2 and drift data. It is found that the measured vertical ion drift explains quantitatively well the measured hmF2 (particularly at low solar activity) while the model gives a better match with the measured Ne when it uses the hmF2-based wind rather than the measured plasma drift. Different model values of the atmospheric O/N2 ratio and EUV flux and different values of the upper-bound O+ density may modify not only NmF2 markedly but also hmF2: a lower O/N2 ratio results in higher hmF2; the EUVAC model gives higher hmF2 at high solar activity than does the EUV91 model; with a smaller upper-bound O+ density, hmF2 is lower by day but little changed by night. We specifically note that the meridional wind needed by the model to reproduce the observed hmF2 differed according to how well the model reproduced the observed NmF2. The uncertainties in the MSIS86 and EUV model predictions are also discussed. It is found that if the MSIS and EUV91 models are used together, the model gives an NmF2 higher than that measured at high solar activity. Thus the O/N2 ratio needs to be reduced from the MSIS value if EUV91 is used. If EUVAC is used, no large modification is required. At equinox for low solar activity, modeling with either EUV model produces NmF2 values lower than those measured, and so the true O/N2 ratio may be higher than that given by MSIS model.  相似文献   

A new mathematical model for 2-D flow is formulated with accurate satisfac tion of boundary conditions in conjunction with square or any grids,so that it may also yield accurate results when the domain of computation is in the shape of a strip as occurring in rivers. The basic equations are split into three sets of compo- nent equations of which two sets may be transformed to the same form. This model is a part or a model devised for 2-D flows with sediment.  相似文献   

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