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城市手机用户移动轨迹时空熵特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用手机话单数据分析城市个体居民移动活动的时间熵和空间熵特征,一方面探讨了从原始话单记录中进行出行识别的必要性,另一方面提出了一种考虑空间邻近性的轨迹近似熵特征分析方法。其中,出行识别可以克服手机定位数据采样频率较低的缺陷;近似熵分析方法具有强空间鲁棒性,可以减少因手机定位数据空间精度较低带来的影响。实证结果表明,城市居民出行活动既具有强烈的目的地选择倾向,同时也具有强烈的移动路径选择偏好。  相似文献   

在卫星导航定位系统中,星载原子钟的钟差预报在维持系统时间同步、满足实时精密单点定位的需求等方面具有重要的作用。目前,钟差预报主要研究的是预报模型,关于钟差数据对钟差预报结果影响的研究还很少。基于IGS提供的30s、5min和15min采样间隔的精密钟差数据,分析和研究在预报条件相同时,不同采样间隔的钟差数据对钟差预报效果的影响。以常用的灰色模型和二次多项式模型对不同类型的卫星钟差进行预报和分析,结果表明,相同预报条件下钟差数据的采样率对预报结果有影响,IGS的15min采样间隔的精密钟差数据较另外两种采样间隔的精密钟差数据能得到更好的预报结果。  相似文献   

温振威  彭定永 《北京测绘》2022,36(3):291-297
城市人群的出行特征通过车辆轨迹数据隐含的行为信息可以体现,但传统的单维度模型将不再适用于轨迹数据隐含的多维信息的挖掘.本文将海口市中心城区根据路网划分区域,使用能够挖掘多维信息的非负稀疏约束下张量分解基于"滴滴出行"轨迹数据,从时空维度挖掘居民出行规律并进行区域功能特征识别.结果表明:居民出行时间符合工作日,休息日的早...  相似文献   

研究居民出行链不仅能够准确预测交通状况而且对城市规划有着重要的意义。经典DBSCAN算法以距离衡量不能完全聚类时空大数据,本文以北京市手机信令数据为基础在经典DBSCAN聚类算法的基础上扩展时间维度提取用户出行链,实验表明该算法能够解决相同地点不同时间停留点判读问题,通过与经典出行链提取算法对比表明该算法具有可行性,并且在职住停留点提取方面比较符合实际情况。  相似文献   

停留是指对象静止或长时间在较小范围内徘徊的状态。从移动对象轨迹中识别出主要的停留时段及停留区域,可以进一步分析对象的行为及区域的特征。DBSCAN是一种基于密度的空间聚类方法,当二维空间中点密度超过一定阈值时,就认为这些点是一个集聚。本文对DBSCAN方法进行改进,不仅考虑轨迹点之间的空间关系,而且考虑轨迹点之间的时间关系,因此,能有效识别移动对象的停留。最后,利用Starkey项目提供的动物移动轨迹数据进行了停留分析。  相似文献   

代维秀  陈占龙  谢鹏 《测绘学报》2021,50(4):532-543
出租车是居民出行的重要交通工具,其轨迹数据蕴含着丰富的居民出行信息。原始出租车轨迹数据因缺少语义信息无法直观反映居民出行规律。通过轨迹数据挖掘技术处理之后的出租车轨迹数据能够反映居民活动规律和行为模式,从而为城市规划决策提供参考依据。本文重点研究了基于语义的交互模式度量,通过出租车停留点推断其语义信息;然后根据语义信息构建语义交互矩阵,用以推断和描述行为目的交互模式;最后选取北京市中心为研究区域进行方法验证。结果表明,中心城区内不同类别的停留点聚集分布规律不同,围绕高校和商圈聚集较明显;工作日各类停留点的活跃度持续时间较非工作日长;工作日和非工作日行为目的交互模式差别显著,工作日以职住和工作交互为主,非工作日以休闲和居住交互为主。本文研究可以为城市规划管理、资源调度和应急管理提供一定的决策支持。  相似文献   

车辆轨迹大数据为道路网生成与更新、道路状态信息感知提供了新机遇,从轨迹数据中准确提取道路交叉口是基于车辆轨迹数据构建精细化道路网地图的关键步骤。当前已有学者根据轨迹点的转向、速度变化等特征,基于空间聚类提出了一些道路交叉口识别的经典方法,但由于轨迹数据密度分布的异质性、噪声干扰及最优聚类参数设置等问题,从不同采样频率、分布密度的轨迹数据中提取不同大小、形态的交叉口仍是一个挑战。为此,本文首先针对轨迹密度的空间分布异质性提出基于层次划分的轨迹栅格化策略,进而从视觉角度出发,提出一种基于“转换-分割-优化”全流程的道路交叉口层次提取方法。通过对不同采样频率的真实轨迹数据进行试验分析,验证了本文方法对低频轨迹数据中道路交叉口提取的准确度与有效性,识别结果优于现有代表性方法。  相似文献   

被动式GPS技术能最大程度地减轻受访者的负担,因而成为收集个体交通行为信息的理想方法。但是被动式GPS技术仅能提供交通行为的时空、移动速度等信息,而无法直接获取个人出行和活动的详细信息,如出行的起始时间、出行目的、交通方式、活动起始时间、时长、同伴等。如何从GPS轨迹数据中准确获取这些关键的交通行为信息成为被动式GPS应用于个体时空间行为数据采集的难点所在。对该研究领域的发展现状和趋势进行了总体回顾和分析。首先,追溯了交通行为数据收集方法的发展历程,并重点概述近年来基于GPS原始数据的后续处理方法的发展现状。然后逐一分析和讨论了现有的基于被动式GPS数据的交通行为信息提取方法的优缺点和存在的问题。最后,对该领域的前景和潜在的研究问题以及对运用现代信息与通信技术(ICT)收集交通行为信息方法的发展方向提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

采用IGS全球约110个多模观测站4周的观测数据,在不同采样间隔下进行精密定轨数据处理。分析了不同采样间隔下产品的精度以及数据处理的耗时情况。大量计算结果表明:①随着数据采样间隔的增加,数据处理时间呈线性减少的趋势。本文表明,采用15min采样间隔比5min采样间隔计算效率最多可以提高50%以上。②数据采样间隔的变化对轨道、钟差、ERP参数、参考框架等解算参数的影响很小。当采样间隔为5~10min时,基本上没有影响。为分析不同采样间隔产品对用户定位的影响,采用了全球22个测站4周的数据进行PPP静态定位,并且采用GRACE卫星1周的数据进行运动学精密定轨。采用不同轨道、钟差的静态结果表明,不同产品对水平方向精度的影响小于2mm,高程方向精度的影响小于6mm。GRACE卫星动态定位结果表明,不同产品对各个方向精度的影响小于1.5cm,三维位置的影响小于2cm。本文结论对于当前测站个数250的非差数据处理有参考意义。  相似文献   

林艳  贺日兴  陈军  李佳田  张文宇 《测绘学报》2022,51(8):1807-1816
关联出行研究是城市规划、交通出行、传染病防控、犯罪侦查等领域的研究热点,尤其当出行个体带有接头、等待等主观意图的前提下,如何有效识别其关联行为,是当前时空认知领域的难点。本文以犯罪时空轨迹为研究对象,首先分析了现有出行轨迹描述方法的不足,兼顾了出行轨迹的细节点特征和完整线特征,提出了顾及"点-线"特征的出行轨迹描述模型。然后,在此基础上,基于时空拓扑关系提出关联出行的轨迹判别方法,能描述"接头、等待、共处、同行"4种基本的关联出行轨迹模式,并可进一步区分19种不同的关联出行子类型。最后,通过试验对比,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Global positioning system-enabled vehicles provide an efficient way to obtain large quantities of movement data for individuals. However, the raw data usually lack activity information, which is highly valuable for a range of applications and services. This study provides a novel and practical framework for inferring the trip purposes of taxi passengers such that the semantics of taxi trajectory data can be enriched. The probability of points of interest to be visited is modeled by Bayes’ rules, which take both spatial and temporal constraints into consideration. Combining this approach with Monte Carlo simulations, we conduct a study on Shanghai taxi trajectory data. Our results closely approximate the residents’ travel survey data in Shanghai. Furthermore, we reveal the spatiotemporal characteristics of nine daily activity types based on inference results, including their temporal regularities, spatial dynamics, and distributions of trip lengths and directions. In the era of big data, we encounter the dilemma of “trajectory data rich but activity information poor” when investigating human movements from various data sources. This study presents a promising step toward mining abundant activity information from individuals’ trajectories.  相似文献   

Tracking facilities on smartphones generate enormous amounts of GPS trajectories, which provide new opportunities to study movement patterns and improve transportation planning. Converting GPS trajectories into semantically meaningful trips is attracting increasing research effort with respect to the development of algorithms, frameworks, and software tools. There are, however, few works focused on designing new semantic enrichment functionalities taking privacy into account. This article presents a raster‐based framework which not only detects significant stop locations, segments GPS records into stop/move structures, and brings semantic insights to trips, but also provides possibilities to anonymize users’ movements and sensitive stay/move locations into raster cells/regions so that a multi‐level data sharing structure is achieved for a variety of data sharing purposes.  相似文献   

Movement analysis is distinguished by an emphasis on understanding via observation and association. However, an important component of movement from the human and computer modeling perspective is the processes that bring about movement behavior in the first place. This article contextualizes the graphical causal modeling framework (for association, intervention, and counterfactual causal analysis) in GIScience, and more specifically within movement analysis studies. This is done by modeling the movement behavior of football players, applied to spatiotemporal data generated by an agent-based simulation. The movement dataset is thoroughly analyzed to infer the statistical associations among its variables, to estimate the effect of an intervention on some of those variables, and to answer a few counterfactual questions from the observations. We conclude that causal graphs (i.e., directed acyclic graphs), if implemented correctly, can assist analysts in infering causal relations from movement data. This research suggests the integration of causal graphs and agent-based paradigms as one solution for computational movement analysis.  相似文献   

The implementation of social network applications on mobile platforms has significantly elevated the activity of mobile social networking. Mobile social networking offers a channel for recording an individual’s spatiotemporal behaviors when location-detecting capabilities of devices are enabled. It also facilitates the study of time geography on an individual level, which has previously suffered from a scarcity of georeferenced movement data. In this paper, we report on the use of georeferenced tweets to display and analyze the spatiotemporal patterns of daily user trajectories. For georeferenced tweets having both location information in longitude and latitude values and recorded creation time, we apply a space–time cube approach for visualization. Compared to the traditional methodologies for time geography studies such as the travel diary-based approach, the analytics using social media data present challenges broadly associated with those of Big Data, including the characteristics of high velocity, large volume, and heterogeneity. For this study, a batch processing system has been developed for extracting spatiotemporal information from each tweet and then creating trajectories of each individual mobile Twitter user. Using social media data in time geographic research has the benefits of study area flexibility, continuous observation and non-involvement with contributors. For example, during every 30-minute cycle, we collected tweets created by about 50,000 Twitter users living in a geographic region covering New York City to Washington, DC. Each tweet can indicate the exact location of its creator when the tweet was posted. Thus, the linked tweets show a Twitter users’ movement trajectory in space and time. This study explores using data intensive computing for processing Twitter data to generate spatiotemporal information that can recreate the space–time trajectories of their creators.  相似文献   

吴涛  向隆刚  龚健雅 《测绘学报》2015,44(11):1277-1284
定位技术的广泛应用带来了铺天盖地的移动数据,为诸如时空查询和数据挖掘等各种时空的研究及应用提供了重要素材,使得对于轨迹数据的研究成为当前的一个热点。当前,无论是对于原始轨迹数据的研究,还是对语义化轨迹数据的研究,都较少考虑轨迹移动过程中所潜藏的拓扑不变量。本文提出二维空间上基于关键点的轨迹-区域拓扑过程模型,以矩阵描述轨迹与区域的14种基本点集拓扑交叠类型,既而组织交叠序列描述轨迹和区域对象间的拓扑关联关系。模型不仅描述了轨迹与区域之间的拓扑不变量,而且结合轨迹特有行为的语义关联模型,描述轨迹相对区域的复杂拓扑过程。同时,本文还以模型中相邻两次交叠的相接交叠模式,探讨了区域间拓扑关系对于轨迹移动描述的约束。  相似文献   

A Multiscale Object-Specific Approach to Digital Change Detection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Landscape spatial pattern is dependent not only on interacting physiographic and physiological processes, but also on the temporal and spatial scales at which the resulting patterns are assessed. To detect significant spatial changes occurring through space and time three fundamental components are required. First, a multiscale dataset must be generated. Second, a change detection framework must be applied to the multiscale dataset. Third, a procedure must be developed to delineate individual image-objects and identify them as they change through scale. In this paper, we introduce an object-specific multiscale digital change detection approach. This approach incorporates multitemporal SPOT Panchromatic (Pan) data, object-specific analysis (OSA), object-specific up-scaling (OSU), marker-controlled watershed segmentation (MCS) and image differencing change detection. By applying this framework to SPOT Pan data, image-objects that have changed between registration dates can be identified and delineated at their characteristic scale of expression. Results illustrate that this approach has the ability to automatically detect changes at multiple scales as well as suppress sensor related noise. This study was conducted in the forest region of the Örebro Administrative Province, Sweden.  相似文献   

Location uncertainty has been a major barrier in information mining from location data. Although the development of electronic and telecommunication equipment has led to an increased amount and refined resolution of data about individuals’ spatio‐temporal trajectories, the potential of such data, especially in the context of environmental health studies, has not been fully realized due to the lack of methodology that addresses location uncertainties. This article describes a methodological framework for deriving information about people's continuous activities from individual‐collected Global Positioning System (GPS) data, which is vital for a variety of environmental health studies. This framework is composed of two major methods that address critical issues at different stages of GPS data processing: (1) a fuzzy classification method for distinguishing activity patterns; and (2) a scale‐adaptive method for refining activity locations and outdoor/indoor environments. Evaluation of this framework based on smartphone‐collected GPS data indicates that it is robust to location errors and is able to generate useful information about individuals’ life trajectories.  相似文献   

The increasingly large volume of trajectories of moving entities obtained through GPS and cellphone tracking, telemetry, and other location-aware technologies motivates researchers to understand the implicit patterns hidden in movement trajectories and understand how movement is influenced by the environmental context. Trajectory similarity serves as an important tool in computational movement analysis and as the foundation of revealing those patterns. However, there are various trajectory similarity measures, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we present a hierarchical clustering framework that integrates five commonly used similarity measures, including Fréchet distance, dynamic time warping, Hausdorff distance, longest common subsequence, and normalized weighted edit distance, a special kind of edit distance for movement analysis. The framework aims at clustering similar patterns and identifying variability in movement. The optimal number of clusters are first obtained. Then, the clusters are characterized by environmental variables to explore the associations between variability in movement and the environmental conditions. We evaluate the proposed framework using 15 years of tracking data of turkey vultures, tracked at 1- to 3-h sampling intervals, during their fall and spring migration seasons. The results suggest that, at 5% significance level, turkey vultures select their movement paths intentionally and those selections appear to be related to certain environmental context variables, including thermal uplift, vegetation state (observed indirectly through Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), temperature, precipitation, tailwind, and crosswind. And interestingly, there exist preferential differences among individuals. Although the preference of the same turkey vulture is not strictly consistent over different years, each individual tends to preserve a more similar preference over different years, compared with the preferences of other turkey vultures.  相似文献   

Path segmentation methods have been developed to distinguish stops and moves along movement trajectories. However, most studies do not focus on handling irregular sampling frequency of the movement data. This article proposes a four‐step method to handle various time intervals between two consecutive records, including parameter setting, space‐time interpolation, density‐based spatial clustering, and integrating the geographic context. The article uses GPS tracking data provided by HOURCAR, a non‐profit car‐sharing service in Minnesota, as a case study to demonstrate our method and present the results. We also implement the DB‐SMoT algorithm as a comparison. The results show that our four‐step method can handle various time intervals between consecutive records, group consecutive stops close to each other, and distinguish different types of stops and their inferred activities. These results can provide novel insights into car‐sharing behaviors such as trip purposes and activity scheduling.  相似文献   

Extracting meaningful information from the growing quantity of spatial data is a challenge. The issues are particularly evident with spatio-temporal data describing movement. Such data typically corresponds to movement of humans, animals and machines in the physical environment. This article considers a special form of movement data generated through human–computer interactions with online web maps. As a user interacts with a web map using a mouse as a pointing tool, invisible trajectories are generated. By examining the spatial features on the map where the mouse cursor visits, a user's interests and experience can be detected. To analyse this valuable information, we have developed a geovisual analysis tool which provides a rich insight into such user behaviour. The focus of this paper is on a clustering technique which we apply to mouse trajectories to group trajectories with similar behavioural properties. Our experiments reveal that it is possible to identify experienced and novice users of web mapping environments using an incremental clustering approach. The results can be used to provide personalised map interfaces to users and provide appropriate interventions for completing spatial tasks.  相似文献   

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