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积云对流对涡度场和散度场的反馈作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
汪钟兴 《大气科学》1988,12(2):168-173
在涡度和散度方程简要讨论的基础上,计算得出长江中下游地区暴雨过程中涡度和散度收支各项的水平和垂直分布。结果表明,雨带附近对流层高层是源、低层是汇,尤其以散度场的不平衡更为显著,可见积云对流垂直输送涡度和散度是重要过程。  相似文献   

本文对2016年“7·19”华北特大暴雨进行观测分析和数值模拟,并设置了改变地形高度的敏感性试验,以探究该过程降水系统的发生发展机制以及太行山地形的作用。结果表明:(1)本次强降水过程发生在“东高西低”的有利环流形势下,受太行山地形和平原环流系统影响,低层东风急流造成强的对流性降水和低涡作用的叠置造成“7·19”华北地区持续性暴雨的维持和加强;(2)第一阶段为对流性降水,太行山东麓大气对流不稳定能量释放,大气逐渐转为稳定层结;第二阶段为低涡降水,涡度收支分析表明水平散度项和扭转项对低涡维持和发展起到了主要的正贡献,同时伴随有较强的上升运动和垂直风切变,垂直风切变的增强促使水平涡度向垂直涡度转变;(3)太行山地形在持续性暴雨中对两阶段降水、低涡和水汽的作用存在差异。地形高度敏感性试验中,地形高度增高对低层气流的阻挡和强迫抬升作用增强,使得地形降水增强,低涡路径东移,且强度增大。水平散度项使得对流层低层辐合上升运动增强,造成涡度的垂直输送,这是低涡发展和维持的重要原因之一。太行山地形阻挡截留东部平原水汽,且水汽回流加强,有利于太行山东麓水汽的输送与辐合。  相似文献   

李立 《高原气象》1995,14(1):96-101
本文对天山山区及其邻近地区夏季降水过程的环境场特征、水热收支和涡度平衡做了诊断分析。结果表明,降水发生前的环境场有利于降水系统的发展。Q1,Q2和涡度平衡在降水发生前与降水期有一定的差异,降水期水热收支中起主作用的是水平平流项潜热和热基本上被冷平流所平衡;水汽的水平输送为降水的主要水汽来源,垂直输送也起一定的作用,涡度平衡中主要是水平平流累积的正涡度与散度项制造的负涡度相平衡,与副热带锋区上急流相  相似文献   

2011年6月湖南两次暴雨过程的中尺度特征对比分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈红专  叶成志  唐明晖 《气象》2013,39(12):1580-1590
利用常规观测资料、卫星、雷达资料以及NCEP再分析资料、LAPS局地分析资料,对2011年6月湖南两次暴雨过程的中尺度特征进行对比分析。结果表明:两次过程均属于湖南盛夏低涡冷槽型暴雨过程,但中尺度特征、降水性质和环境条件有差异。“6.09暴雨”由一个及地的β中尺度低涡产生,过程期间低涡稳定少动,卫星云图上表现为一个发展强烈的中尺度对流云团,雷达回波前期为窄型带状积云降水回波,后期逐渐转变为积层混合云降水回波;而“6.13暴雨”影响系统为中尺度切变线,切变线维持时间长,移动缓慢,卫星云图上是一条长时间维持的对流云带,雷达回波为积层混合云降水回波。水汽输送通道的建立和中低层水汽的大量集中为中尺度对流系统的发展提供了有利的环境条件,暴雨发生在锋前高温高湿的不稳定层结和强上升运动区域中,锋区的动力强迫上升运动加强了低层能量和水汽的往上输送。两次过程中尺度对流系统均具有深厚的垂直环流结构,“6.09暴雨”湘东北特大暴雨区是一支近乎垂直的深厚上升气流,南北两侧有明显的补偿下沉气流,而“6.13暴雨”湘中暴雨区垂直上升运动是倾斜向上的,只有南侧存在补偿下沉气流。  相似文献   

本文使用常规观测资料、四川省自动站降水资料、0.1°×0.1°的FY-2E云顶亮温资料和1°×1°的NCEP再分析格点资料对2012年7月20~23日四川东部强降水过程的主要影响系统、水汽源地、动力、热力条件等进行诊断分析,结果表明:(1)本次暴雨过程中伴有500hPa高空槽东移至四川并向南加深发展,槽后冷空气与槽前暖湿气流在四川汇合,低层有低涡发展,配以高低空急流耦合的有利形势;(2)暴雨前期水汽主要来源于孟加拉湾,随着南海台风西进,其外围偏东气流向西输送增强,西南暖湿气流北上受到抑制,使得雨带南压;(3)降水以对流性降水为主,暴雨期间水汽凝结潜热在对流层中低层起主要作用,强上升运动将低层的潜热加热向上输送,形成高空的热源中心,强降水期间大气的加热是与大气的垂直上升运动密切相关的;在本次暴雨过程垂直输送项是视热源Q1和视水汽汇Q2的主要贡献者,尤其是在强降水阶段;(4)在低涡在发展阶段,低层正涡度局地变化项首先得到发展,在低涡减弱阶段,正涡度局地变化项的峰值中心由低层向中低层抬升;(5)中尺度对流系统与小时降水分布一致,MCS的发展是触发降水的重要因素之一。   相似文献   

2009年河南一次大暴雨过程的涡度方程诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析格点资料、常规气象资料及中尺度WRF模式,对2009年8月28—30日发生在河南南部的一次暴雨过程进行中尺度数值模拟及诊断分析。结果表明,WRF模式对此次暴雨过程模拟效果较好,模拟物理量能够较好地反映暴雨的实际特征,模拟暴雨强度及落区与实况较一致。高空槽、副热带高压、超低空东风急流及低层风切变是此次暴雨的主要影响系统。利用涡度方程对暴雨过程进行诊断分析发现,涡度方程各项收支中,涡度平流作用与辐合辐散作用对涡度局地变化的贡献最大,垂直输送项与扭转项对涡度局地变化的贡献较弱。涡度平流项对中低层涡度局地变化表现出正反馈作用,垂直输送项、扭转项及辐合辐散项起着负反馈作用。涡度平流作用使得中低层气旋武环流加强,有利于中低层辐合加强,局地涡度增加。垂直输送项、扭转项及辐合辐散项使得低层辐合减弱,气旋性涡度减小。此外,利用垂直螺旋度等模拟产品对暴雨诊断分析发现,暴雨落区与垂直螺旋度大值中心、水汽通量散度负值中心等相对应,此次暴雨正是在良好的动力、水汽及热力条件下产生的。  相似文献   

利用加密自动站降水资料、FY-2E卫星云顶相当黑体温度TBB资料和NCEP再分析资料,对2010年7月16-18日四川盆地持续性暴雨天气过程中的西南低涡及伴随发展的中尺度对流系统(MCS)进行了分析。结果表明,500 hPa高空槽、700 hPa中尺度切变线和暖湿气流为MCS的发生提供了良好的环境条件;地面降水时空分布具有明显的中尺度特征,MCS是造成暴雨的重要原因;暴雨中心集中在TBB冷云区或边缘梯度密集带。在西南低涡发展过程中,MCS有利于激发上升气流,中低层的上升气流和正涡度配合利于热量和水汽垂直输送,高层的辐散进一步促使MCS的发展。水平涡度平流和涡度垂直输送项的配置影响上升气流和涡旋系统的发展,MCS对西南低涡的移动有一定的引导作用。有无MCS伴随发展时,对流活动对热量和水汽的输送能力迥异。  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR再分析格点资料、常规气象资料及中尺度WRF模式,对2009年8月28-30日发生在河南南部的一次暴雨过程进行中尺度数值模拟及诊断分析。结果表明,WRF模式对此次暴雨过程模拟效果较好,模拟物理量能够较好地反映暴雨的实际特征,模拟暴雨强度及落区与实况较一致。高空槽、副热带高压、超低空东风急流及低层风切变是此次暴雨的主要影响系统。利用涡度方程对暴雨过程进行诊断分析发现,涡度方程各项收支中,涡度平流作用与辐合辐散作用对涡度局地变化的贡献最大,垂直输送项与扭转项对涡度局地变化的贡献较弱。涡度平流项对中低层涡度局地变化表现出正反馈作用,垂直输送项、扭转项及辐合辐散项起着负反馈作用。涡度平流作用使得中低层气旋式环流加强,有利于中低层辐合加强,局地涡度增加。垂直输送项、扭转项及辐合辐散项使得低层辐合减弱,气旋性涡度减小。此外,利用垂直螺旋度等模拟产品对暴雨诊断分析发现,暴雨落区与垂直螺旋度大值中心、水汽通量散度负值中心等相对应,此次暴雨正是在良好的动力、水汽及热力条件下产生的。  相似文献   

引发暴雨天气的中尺度低涡的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2008年7月17—19日发生在山东的大到暴雨天气是由“海鸥”台风和副热带高压共同向山东输送水汽,与弱冷空气相互作用造成的。对流层低层的中尺度低涡是暴雨天气的直接制造者。利用常规观测资料和中尺度模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)的模拟资料对该中尺度低涡的结构及形成机制进行了分析研究。结果表明,数值模拟可以清楚地捕捉到中尺度低涡东移过程中有新的涡旋中心形成,并与原来的涡旋中心合并的过程,而不是简单的沿切变线东移。中尺度低涡形成在增温增湿明显、上升运动为主的对流区内;中尺度低涡形成后其中心转为下沉运动,对流区东移,降水区位于低涡的东北和东南象限。中尺度低涡上空近地面层的冷池、600~400hPa的弱冷空气堆、900~850hPa的弱风区及高低空急流耦合发展是中尺度低涡形成和发展阶段的重要特征。中尺度低涡减弱阶段,下沉运动变强,低空急流和高空出流都明显减弱。涡度方程的收支表明,对流层低层的散度项、倾侧项及对流层中层的水平平流项和铅直输送项是正涡度的主要贡献者。中低层的水平辐合、涡度由低层向高层的垂直输送都有利于中尺度低涡的形成和发展。倾侧项对中尺度低涡的形成也有重要贡献。中尺度低涡形成后期,低层辐合、高层辐散及垂直输送的减弱导致正涡度制造的减弱,从而使中尺度低涡减弱。  相似文献   

暴雨过程大尺度热量、水汽和动量收支分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来对长江流域梅雨期热源热汇分布的一些研究[1]-[3]表明,热源热汇的分布和梅雨期降水性质存在着年际变化,同时,研究区域不同,天气形势和时空尺度不同,所得各类收支的垂直分布特征亦有较大差别。本文用曲面拟合方法计算了1989年梅雨期6月27日至7月4日江南地区暴雨过程的时空平均热量、水汽和动量收支,得到的垂直分布特征是:(1)加热率Q1峰值位于400—500百帕气层,减湿率Q2峰值位于500—600百帕气层,两者垂直分布特征说明,该暴雨过程凝结潜热和对流垂直输送作用均十分重要。(2)视西风动量源在600百帕以下为正值,以上为负值,说明东风动量向高层输送;视南风动量源在400百帕以下为负值,以上为正值,说明南风动量向高层输送。   相似文献   

1991年江淮特大暴雨的降水性质与对流活动   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
从计算大尺度热源和分析TBB资料两个方面,阐述了1991年江淮梅雨期间降水性质与对流活动的季节性演变特征。结果表明:梅雨期间江淮上空3个强上升运动时段分别形成了3场暴雨,由暴雨释放的热量使江淮大气出现了3个时段的强加热;3场暴雨的降水性质呈显著的季节性演变,由第1场暴雨以锋面性降水为主发展到第3场暴雨异常强的对流性降水。文中详细分析了热源和水汽汇的时空分布特征,并从大气运动场和热力结构讨论了盛夏强对流降水期间积云对流以涡动形式对热量和水汽的强铅直输送作用。江淮地区TBB值能很好地反映降水状况,雨期一致地对应于TBB低于250K的时段。梅雨中后期东亚地区对流活动季节性地增强,带状对流区(特别是TBB高负距平区)与雨带位置相符。对流带位置及对流活动强弱与西南暖湿气流活动密切相关,它很好地表征了东亚地区的低空急流(给积云输送热带对流大气)。梅雨期间对流带主要出现在江淮流域,但可在东亚范围内飘移,它落在江淮与否则决定了江淮暴雨的维持与中断  相似文献   

物理过程参数化方案对中尺度暴雨数值模拟影响的研究   总被引:48,自引:5,他引:43  
陈静  薛纪善  颜宏 《气象学报》2003,61(2):203-218
利用中尺度非静力MM 5模式和中国 2 0 0 1年 8月的 4个暴雨个例 ,研究了非绝热物理过程对中国暴雨动力和热力场预报的影响 ,深入分析了对流参数化方案在中尺度暴雨预报中的作用 ,讨论了利用模式扰动方法开展中国暴雨集合预报的可行性。结果表明 ,在短期数值预报中 ,非绝热物理过程对高度场预报影响较小 ,但边界层方案和对流参数化方案对产生暴雨的 3个基本条件即水汽通量散度、垂直速度、不稳定层结的影响很明显。不同对流参数化方案所预报的中尺度热力、动力场离差的结构特征与所预报降水的离差特征相似 ,且主要是在模式积分初期迅速增加 ,其后即趋于稳定。对中国热力场较均匀的暴雨过程 ,可以通过扰动模式的边界层和对流参数化方案 ,构造集合预报模式  相似文献   

On the basis of the budget equations for KR and KD, this paper presents the horizontal pattern of budget terms for two kinds of low level jets (LLJ) with and without heavy rain. The results show that the mechanisms for generating and maintaining LLJ are different, and especially, the direction of energy conversion is opposite. A positive conversion from KD to KR appears to be a necessary but not sufficient condition in the lower troposphere near the heavy rain area. The intensity and direction of energy conversion depends not only on the relative position of vorticity and divergence field, but also on the vertical profile of the jets directly.  相似文献   

By using NCEP/NCAR daily reanalysis data and daily precipitation data of 740 stations in China, relationships between the position variation of the West Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) and the diabatic heating during persistent and intense rains in the Yangtze-Huaihe Rivers basin are studied. The results show that the position variation of WPSH is closely associated with the diabatic heating. There are strong apparent heating sources and moisture sinks in both the basin (to the north of WPSH) and the north of Bay of Bengal (to the west of WPSH) during persistent and intense rain events. In the basin, Q 1z begins to increase 3 days ahead of intense rainfall, maximizes 2 days later and then reduces gradually, but it changes little after precipitation ends, thus preventing the WPSH from moving northward. In the north of Bay of Bengal, 2 days ahead of strong rainfall over the basin, Q 1z starts to increase and peaks 1 day after the rain occurs, leading to the westward extension of WPSH. Afterwards, Q 1z begins declining and the WPSH makes its eastward retreat accordingly. Based on the complete vertical vorticity equation, in mid-troposphere, the vertical variation of heating in the basin is favorable to the increase of cyclonic vorticity north of WPSH, which counteracts the northward movement of WPSH and favors the persistence of rainbands over the basin. The vertical variation of heating in the north of Bay of Bengal is in favor of the increase of anti-cyclonic vorticity to the west of WPSH, which induces the westward extension of WPSH.  相似文献   

By utilizing the denser upper-air observations from the Okinawa region and Japanese islands during August 17-23, 1975, the vertical transports of heat and moisture by cumulus convection in the typhoon No. 7507 have been calculated. It is found that there exist a large apparent heat source (Q1) and a mois-ture sink (Q2) in the southern part of the typhoon at the disturbance, growing and mature stages. The magnitudes of the apparent heat source and moisture sink ace rather small, or turn into the apparent heat sink in the northern sector of the typhoon. In the southern part of the typhoon, the total cloud mass flux (Mc) is positive, whereas in the northern part of the typhoon Mc is negative. The above-mentioned distributions of Q1, Q2 and Mc agree well with the major cloud patterns.In the southern part of the typhoon, Q2 is positive because the drying effect is always larger than the evaporative cooling, whereas in the northern part of the typhoon, the opposite case is true because both the drying and evaporating effects of liquid water make a negative contribution to Q2.  相似文献   

1998年夏季HUBEX/GAME期间热量和水汽收支(英)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
By using the high-resolution GAME reanalysis data, the heat and moisture budgets during the period of HUBEX/GAME in the summer of 1998 are calculated for exploring the thermodynamic features of Meiyu over the Changjiang-Huaihe (CH) valley. During the CH Meiyu period, an intensive vertically-integrated heat source and moisture sink are predominant over the heavy rainfall area of the CH valley, accompanied by strong upward motion at 500 hPa. The heat and moisture budgets show that the main diabatic heating component is condensation latent heat released by rainfall. As residual terms, the evaporation and sensible heating are relatively small. Based on the vertical distribution of the heat source and moisture sink, the nature of the rainfall is mixed, in which the convective rainfall is dominant with a considerable percentage of continuous stratiform rainfall. There are similar time evolutions of the main physical parameters(〈Q1〉,〈Q2〉,and vertical motion ω at 500 hPa).The time variations of〈Q1〉and〈Q2〉are in phase with those of -ω500, and have their main peaks within the CH Meiyu period. This shows the influence of the heat source on the dynamic structure of the atmosphere. The wavelet analyses of those time series display similar multiple timescale characteristics. During the CH Meiyu period, both the synoptic scale(~6 days) and mesoscale (~2 days and ~12 hours) increase obviously and cause heavy rainfall as well as the appearances of the maxima of the main physical parameters. Among them, the mesoscale systems are the main factors.  相似文献   

应用天气尺度运动,讨论梅雨期间暴雨区内的涡度平衡。在对流层下层有一个涡度的积累,对流层上层有涡度的亏损。积云对流在涡度平衡中起重要作用。给出了一个基于一维定常积云模式的对流涡度参数化方案,并和天气尺度运动的计算结果作了比较。  相似文献   

A heavy rainfall event that occurred in Shandong Province in 26 28 August 2004 was caused mainly by Typhoon Acre and cold air activities related to a westerly trough. The event was triggered by an inverted typhoon trough, which was closely associated with the intensification of the low-level southeasterly flow and the northward transport of heat and momentum in the periphery of the typhoon low. A numerical simulation of this event is performed using the nonhydrostatic mesoscale model MM5 with two-way interactive and triply-nested grids, and the structure of the inverted typhoon trough is studied. Furthermore, the formation and development mechanism of the inverted typhoon trough and a mesoscale vortex are discussed through a vorticity budget analysis. The results show that the heavy rainfall was induced by the strong convergence between the strong and weak winds within the inverted typhoon trough. Dynamic effects of the low-level jet and the diabatic heating of precipitation played an important role in the development of the inverted typhoon trough and the formation of the mesoscale vortex. The vorticity budget analysis suggests that the divergence term in the low troposphere, the horizontal advection term, and the convection term in the middle troposphere were main contributors to positive vorticity. Nonetheless, at the same pressure level, the effect of the divergence term and that of the adveetion term were opposite to each other. In the middle troposphere, the vertical transport term made a positive contribution while the tilting term made a negative contribution, and the total vorticity tendency was the net result of their counteractions. It is found that the change tendency of the relative vorticity was not uniform horizontally. A strong positive vorticity tendency occurred in the southeast of the mesoscale vortex, which is why the heavy rainfall was concentrated there. The increase of positive vorticity in the low (upper) troposphere was caused by horizontal convergence (upward transport of vorticity from the lower troposphere). Therefore, the development of the inverted typhoon trough and the formation of the mesoscale vortex were mainly attributed to the vorticity generated in the low troposphere, and also the vertical transport of vorticity from the low and middle troposphere.  相似文献   

Using real-time data and the WRF mesoscale model,a heavy rain event in the process of Mesoscale Convective Complex(MCC) turning into banded Mesoscale Convective Systems(MCSs) during 18-19 June 2010 is simulated and analyzed in this paper.The results indicated that the formation and maintenance of a southwest vortex and shear line at 850 h Pa was the mesoscale system that affected the production of this heavy rain.The low-vortex heavy rain mainly happened in the development stage of MCC,and the circular MCC turned into banded MCSs in the late stage with mainly shear line precipitation.In the vicinity of rainfall area,the intense horizontal vorticity due to the vertical shear of u and v caused the rotation,and in correspondence,the ascending branch of the vertical circulation triggered the formation of heavy rain.The different distributions of u and v in the vertical direction produced varying vertical circulations.The horizontal vorticity near the low-vortex and shear line had obvious differences which led to varying reasons for heavy rain formation.The low-vortex heavy rain was mainly caused by the vertical shear of v,and the shear line rainfall formed owing to the vertical shear of both u and v.In this process,the vertical shear of v constituted the EW-trending rain band along the shear line,and the latitudinal non-uniformity of the vertical shear in u caused the vertical motion,which was closely related to the generation and development of MCSs at the shear line and the formation of multiple rain clusters.There was also a similar difference in the positively-tilting term(conversion from horizontal vorticity to vertical positive vorticity) near the rainfall center between the low-vortex and the shear line.The conversion in the low vortex was mainly determined by бv/бp0,while that of the shear line by бu/бp0.The scale of the conversion from the horizontal vorticity to vertical vorticity was relatively small,and it was easily ignored in the averaged state.The twisting term was mainly conducive to the reinforcement of precipitation,whereas its contribution to the development of southwest vortex and shear line was relatively small.  相似文献   

孙力  董伟  药明  朱丹  李倩 《气象学报》2015,73(1):36-49
利用中尺度非静力模式WRF对2012年第15号台风“布拉万”在中国东北地区造成的暴雨过程进行了数值模拟,结合观测资料对模拟结果进行了验证,利用模式输出的高分辨率资料,对“布拉万”台风造成的强降水及其非对称性分布的成因进行了诊断分析。结果表明,模式很好地再现了台风登陆过程中的路径、强度变化和降水分布,受中纬度西风槽带来的干冷空气影响,“布拉万”台风登陆后的降水和环流结构具有明显的不对称性,降水主要集中在台风中心西北侧的能量锋区附近。水汽散度通量和水汽螺旋度能够较好地描述强降水过程的发生、发展及其非对称性分布的时空特征,在强降水区,水汽散度通量表现为正值强信号,而水汽螺旋度表现为负值强信号,在非降水区和弱降水区,两者均表现为弱信号。等熵位涡分析显示,对流不稳定只是此次台风暴雨前期和初始阶段的不稳定条件,而湿位涡(MPV)的湿斜压项(MPV2)则是暴雨增强和出现非对称性分布的主要机制。在暴雨形成过程中,由于冷空气侵入造成了在台风环流西北侧湿等熵面的陡立倾斜和水平风垂直切变的增强,导致了气旋性涡度的显著增强,气旋性涡度增强造成的强烈上升运动将降水区东南侧输送过来的暖湿空气向上输送,从而导致了暴雨的发生,这其中条件性对称不稳定是降水得以加强的一种重要不稳定机制。  相似文献   

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