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莱芜市国土资源局市区分局征地拆迁过程中,严格规范征地拆迁程序,及时按要求进行安置补偿,并建立了征地拆迁矛盾纠纷排查调处机制。但仍存在失地农民的社会保障制度不完善、土地级差收益和征地补偿价格差异大、地面附着物补偿标准不全面而且偏低、被征地农民安置欠缺等问题。根据莱芜市工作现状进行调研分析,并对今后工作开展进行了探讨,提出加大征地拆迁政策宣传力度,积极探索和改进土地征用补偿方式,实行留地政策,拓宽失地农民安置途径等建议。  相似文献   

随着经济社会不断发展,城市面貌日新月异。据桐乡市统计局提供的资料显示,改革开放之初的1980年,梧桐镇建成区面积为3.5平方公里,到去年底扩大到33平方公里,30年间城区面积增加了近30平方公里。城市规模扩大了近10倍。在城市规模不断扩大的过程中,不可避免地带来了失地农民安置住宅问题。由于不同阶段人们对这一问题的认识不同及政府政策的差异,失地农民安置住宅的形式、面积及用地要求等方面表现出不同的特点。  相似文献   

汤冰  蒋华 《湖南地质》2011,(4):52-52
与对安置失地农民的“不惜成本”形成鲜明对比的是,宁乡经济开发区对投资用地称得上是“精打细算”。“五个不签”等准人制度,为所有投资者们戴上了一道用地的紧箍咒。然而,这样看上去精细到有些过于严苛的引资原则带来的却是园区企业的高效收益——小空间被经开区和企业们做出了大文章。  相似文献   

基于博弈理论,以杭州留地安置制度为例,分析中央与地方政府在土地制度中的关系,并提出化解矛盾与冲突的政策建议,为新型城镇化下我国土地制度改革提供决策依据。分析研究表明,杭州留地安置制度既在中央与地方政府的博弈关系中起积极作用,又在用途、利益主体、制度效力等方面在中央与地方政府间存在目标差异性冲突。因此建议,关注中央与地方政府土地制度中的利益关系;建立地方政府可持续发展的综合指标政绩考核机制;改革中央和地方的财政分配制度;注重农民参与,维护农民土地合法权利。  相似文献   

叶隆生 《浙江地质》2011,(12):50-52
《土地管理法实施条例》确立征地补偿标准争议协调裁决制度。《国务院关于深化改革严格土地管理的决定》(国发〔2004〕28号)提出,加快建立和完善征地补偿安置争议的协调和裁决机制,维护被征地农民和用地者的合法权益。以保证被征地农民原有生活水平不降低、长远生计有保障,维护当事人合法权益为目标要求,应当尽快在征地补偿安置争议协调裁决中形成诉求表达和权益实现的保障机制体系。  相似文献   

近年来,随着农村人口向城市转移日趋规模化,城市建设征地矛盾和失地农民生活保障问题越来越多,因征地问题引发的信访、群体性事件时有发生。为此,东营市河口区在征地过程中针对土地制度和其他制度变革滞后、征地制度不合理性和僵化性问题进行了有益尝试,对切实维护农民利益,规范征地程序起到了一定的成效。  相似文献   

汤冰  蒋华 《湖南地质》2011,(4):51-51
在其他一些旧家的城市化进程中,伴随着城市规模的不断扩大,失去土地的农民往往便失去了生活的依靠,只能进入所谓的“贫民窟”。而在国内一些地方,也有把失地农民或者拆迁百姓安置到偏远地带的做法。但在宁乡经济开发区,却足反其道而行之——在经开区的规划图上,可以醒目地看到位于同区中央位置的“失地农民中心村”。  相似文献   

一是出台一个文件。专门制订了《关于开展征地拆迁“阳光工程”建设的实施方案》,要求以促进权力依法规范透明运行、维护被征地农民合法权益为目标,公开征地拆迁补偿安置政策、公开征地拆迁工作程序、公开实物指标、公开补偿安置结果、公开投诉举报电话,主动接受群众监督,  相似文献   

为推进统筹城乡一体化发展,促进人口向城镇、农村新社区(中心村)和居民点(基层村)集中,近日,莱芜局制定关于加强宅基地跨村安置管理促进农村人口集中居住的通知,明确要求对农村宅基地跨村安置实行审批申请制度。  相似文献   

莱芜市国土资源局不断加强领导,强化措施,全面整改,共清欠征地补偿款1.7亿元,清理涉及土地征收、补偿安置及被征地农民社会保障等地方性政策文件2个,依法妥善处理问题线索13个。征地工作中,坚持以人为本,阳光运作,严格履行法定程序,不断完善各项制度,做到程序明确,运转规范,监督有力,实现了征地工作的合法性、公正性、有序性,有力维护了被征地农民合法权益。  相似文献   

随着烟台市开发区经济的发展,城市化进程不断加快,大量的农村集体土地被征收,随之而来的是出现大量失地农民,因此做好土地征收工作,解决好失地农民问题是开发区长远发展和社会稳定的保证。近年来,烟台市开发区制定出台了关于征地拆迁管理、失地农民的相关保障和促进就业的相关政策,保证了征地工作顺利开展,解决了失地农民的权益保障问题,促进了开发区经济又好又快的发展和社会的稳定。  相似文献   

李伟  刘琳 《山东地质》2010,(4):43-45
莱芜市本着即征即保和被征地后人均农用地不足0.3亩整体参保的原则,将全市所有被征地农民全部纳入基本养老保险范围,全面实施了被征地农民基本养老保险制度。但具体实施过程中仍然遇到一些困难和问题。对莱芜市被征地农民基本养老保险现行政策及实施过程中遇到的困难和存在问题进行了分析,并提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

Till Förster 《GeoJournal》1998,46(2):101-111
The change in property rights in the West African savannah has been analysed in particular from the perspective of development policy, i.e. from the perspective of state regulation. This contribution, however, attempts to trace property rights from the perspective of the farming population in the savannah in the northern part of Côte d'Ivoire. For peasants, the change of law is part of a long-term process which had already started before the colonialisation at the end of the 19th century and is still continuing today. The changing law is not analysed per se but is rather analysed with reference to people's actions, out of which the sphere of life of the local population is constituted. The changing forms of farm work and of land usage play an important role in this respect. The change of property rights is inscribed in the conflicts with the state and state power on the one hand, and the changes of social forms of organisation on the other.  相似文献   

Land is the core of the predominantly agrarian economy of Cameroon. It is therefore an important factor of production to both men and women particularly in rural areas. While the legal framework in Cameroon advocate for equal rights and opportunities to resources, the majority of rural women who are mostly peasant farmers can neither inherit nor own land due to gender discriminatory customary practices. This study examines some of the arguments for sustaining these customary practices that violate women’s rights over the years and the role of these ‘landless’ women in poverty alleviation. The study is based on a field survey which was conducted among some 2,205 respondents in 2009 using questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions in Anglophone Cameroon. The findings revealed that although women are the livewire of rural households and key players in the struggle against poverty who depend solely on land, they still do not have security of tenure over the land they cultivate. The paper argues that even though women are assuming increasing roles in the education of the children, provision of food and paying for medical services for the homes, there are still some traditional belief systems that work against their rights to land. These belief systems have a strong grip on the attitudes and perception of both men and women on women’s rights to land in that even when men and women are unanimous on the need for women to own land, they both disagree on how they should own the land. The logical outcome of this dilemma is that men own the land while women work on it. The latter have very little possibilities to carry out any long term investment on land without the blessing of the former. We thus, advocate for gender mainstreaming in land reforms and gender consciousness among traditional authorities, men and even among the women as some of the ways of redressing gender discrimination in land ownership rights and poverty particularly in rural areas.  相似文献   

随着我国社会的发展和经济体制改革的不断深入,农村土地流转的方式越来越多,范围越来越广。如何在保障农户土地承包经营权的前提下,推进土地承包经营权有序流转,提高农业产业化水平是深化农村改革的一个现实课题和长远目标。该文以宋村镇农村土地承包经营权流转的调查数据为例,分析了土地流转的现状和特点,指出当前存在的矛盾和问题,提出了农村土地流转机制的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Modern varieties — Their real contribution to food supply and equity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gurdev S. Khush 《GeoJournal》1995,35(3):275-284
Green revolution technology, centered on high-yielding varieties, has revolutionized rice production since the late 1960's. These varieties are characterized by higher yield potential, better grain quality, shorter growth duration, multiple resistance to diseases and insects and tolerance to problem soils. High yielding varieties are now planted to 70% of the world's rice lands. Most countries in the Asian rice belt have become self sufficient in rice and some have exportable surpluses. The real prices of rice have declined in most countries. This price decline has benefitted the urban poor and rural landless. Labor requirement has also increased from higher intensity of cropping and resulted in growth of income of the rural landless workers. Availability of rice varieties with multiple resistance reduced the need for application of agrochemicals and facilitated the adoption of integrated pest management practices. The population of rice consumers is increasing at the rate of 2% annually. However the rate of growth of rice production has slowed to 1.2%. To reverse this trend, rice plant types with higher yield potential are being developed.  相似文献   

推动土地合理流转、实施土地规模经营,是提高农民积极性、发展合作社的有效途径。在土地流转中切实做到坚持保证农民土地承包经营权和流转后的土地农业用途;坚持做到不限定流转时间、不限定流转模式、不强迫农民意愿、不侵害农民利益。在规范管理中,引入现代企业管理制度,执行统一的土地流转操作程序,确保土地流转双方在平等互利的基础上签订书面土地经营权流转合同,明确土地流转形式、面积、年限以及双方的权利和义务。通过土地的合理流转,提升了广大农民的思想观念,把土地自觉地推向农村市场,实施农业产业化发展,最大限度地发挥土地增值效益。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the changing land tenure legislation in Mexico is a concrete reflection of generalized societal attitudes towards indigenous and traditional peasants. It contends that the 1992 neoliberal land-reform mimics the progress-oriented liberal project of the ninettenth century and continues a market-centered modernization process underway since the 1940s, which has been legitimized by an overt institutional disdain and discrimination against indigenous people, peasants and their ways of life. It concludes that this process of assimilation or eradication of traditional agro-ecosystems, cultural diversity and social organization will further increase the vulnerability of Mexican peasants to economic and cultural change. As peasants engage in market-controlled business ventures in the rural areas, migrate to cities, rent or sell their lands, they simultaneously adapt to new values and envision new strategies for subsistence that are increasingly mediated by political-economic forces largely beyond their sphere of influence.  相似文献   

This article argues for an understanding of local socio-environmental struggles as political spaces that present possibilities for the transformation of subjectivities of the social actors participating in them. Relying on Gramsci’s theorization of state and society relations the paper analyzes whether and how these struggles foment challenges to hegemonic understandings and practices of development, environment and democracy. The analysis builds on a comparison between two mining conflicts—one in Ecuador’s Intag region, the other in Turkey’s Mount Ida region. The paper suggests that the two conflicts differ in the ways political subjectivities of the peasants opposing the mining projects were constructed. In Intag, the peasants framed their opposition to the copper mine project as a struggle for their right to have control over their lives and territories. They have participated in the construction of a vision of local development based on the promotion of sustainable economic activities, and of an organized society actively building its future. In Mount Ida, the peasants resisting gold mining have emphasized the distributional inequalities; yet have not linked their concerns to broader rights-based discourses or political and ethical principles. Their opposition has been confined to a particularistic defense of the place. The paper discusses the role of the state in the making of subjects, and the relationships among the resistance actors as crucial factors accounting for these differences.  相似文献   

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