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The vertical migration of diatoms in mud-flats was studied in littoral of Xibian, Longhai County and Xiao'ao, Lianjiang County, the dominant species being Gyrosigma spencerii and Hantzschia virgata respectively. Both light and tide are important factors affecting the vertical migration of diatoms. With the advent of tide, the diatom community disappears from the surface. It reappears gradually when exposed to light. In the dark, the diatoms never appear in great quantity on the surface in laboratory or in littoral. Whether in the light or in the dark, the diatoms aggregate in maximum numbers in the upper 2 mm of the sediment. But when the tide has covered the sediments for 4 hr, Hantz. virgata penetrates the mud down to a depth of 14 mm, Gy. spencerii, 12 mm. We have found that Gy. spencerii posseses phototaxis, but no tide rhythm and no day-night rhythm in our laboratory.  相似文献   
传统的测量电路无法解决诸如海底大地电磁场这样微弱地学信号的检测问题。近几年诞生了一种称之为△-∑的电路理论以及相应的硬件芯片,给微伏级的弱信号检测开辟一条新的技术路径。文章介绍与地学探测有关的一种△-∑电路类型,该类型以低频段微弱信号为检测对象。采用系统理论和电路分析方法对△-∑原理作了较深入的讨论,阐明这种电路技术对提高微弱信号观测的分辨率是有效的。结合海底大地电磁探测中的信号采集问题,介绍了在仪器中把多路的被测模拟量变为数字量的技术过程。经对实际采集的海底信息的频谱曲线进行分析,证实所采用的△-∑技术以及多路信号采集的电路方案是合理的。  相似文献   
疏勒河流域农业灌溉主要采用地表水灌溉 ,泉水为该区农业灌溉的主要水源之一 ,该文利用 2 0世纪 90年代的测流资料 ,采用有限差分方法对疏勒河中游泉水量的变化趋势进行预测分析 ,结果显示 ,随着时间的延长 ,泉流量呈逐渐减小的趋势 ,但下降梯度逐渐变小 ,最终趋于稳定  相似文献   
Lakes in arid zone are sensitive to climatic changes. The lacustrine sediment sequence in Sogo Nur has well and truly recorded climatic events such as the Sui-Tang Dynasty Warm Period, the Song-Liao Dynasty Cold Period, the Medieval Warm Period, the Little Ice Age and the 20th Century Warm Period. Commonly, the climate in warm Periods was relatively humid,accordingly the lake area extended and water level rose, and vice versa. Apart from climatic change, human activity is also an important factor of influencing lake vicissitude, and they played the dominant role alternatively during different periods; the factor of climatic change predominated in historical period, while since the beginning of the 20th century the utilization of water resources by human has became decisive.  相似文献   
IntroductionEarthquakedamagesurveyandresearchresultshavedemonstratedthatspatialdistributiondifferenceofgroundmotionisoneoftheimportantreasonswhichcausedlongstructure(eglongspanbridge,undergroundpipe)destroy.Thathowtoprovideareasonableinputofgroundmotionfieldforaseismicdesignoflongstructureisaurgentprobleminearthquakeengineeringfield.Atpresent,themethodtostudyspatialvariationofgroundmotionsisadoptingstatisticanalysisbasedondensearrayrecordssuchasSMART-1array,etc,togetcoherencyfunctionofground…  相似文献   
晚太古代Sanukite(赞岐岩)与地球早期演化   总被引:9,自引:12,他引:9  
Shirey and Hanson(1984)将某些太古代的高镁闪长岩套称为sanukite(赞岐岩),类似于日本中新世(11~15Ma)Setouchi火山岩带的高镁安山岩。Sanukitoids由闪长岩-二长闪长岩-花岗闪长岩组成,不同于TTC岩套(奥长花岗岩-英云闪长岩-花岗闪长岩)。Sanukitoids具有下列地球化学特征:富Mg,Mg~#>0.60,Ni和Cr>100μg/g,Sr和Ba>500μg/g,LREE富集(大于球粒陨石100倍),无Eu异常。高镁安山岩在太古代很少见,而其相应的侵入岩高镁闪长岩或sanukitoids,虽然数量也很少,但却是各地晚太古代地体中随处可见的。Sanukitoids的原始岩浆是交代的地幔楔部分熔融形成的,随后可能经历了广泛的分离结晶作用。TTC和sanukitoids岩套可以相伴产出,二者均与板片熔融有关,TTG与其直接有关,sanukitoids可能与其间接有关。全球Sanukitoids主要集中在晚太古代时期,可能暗示板块的消减作用在~3.0Ga以后才起了重要的作用。  相似文献   
在黑龙江省东安岩金矿勘探中,采用常规中梯、不同极距偶极、复合对称四极等电阻率剖面测量等物探方法,确定含金硅化蚀变带产状,指导钻探施工,降低勘探费用,缩短勘探周期.  相似文献   
黑龙江东安金矿潜火山岩的控矿作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东安金矿是黑龙江省发现的大型浅成低温热液低硫化物型金矿床。赋存于中生代潜流纹岩和晚印支期碱长花岗岩接触外带的断裂系统中,近矿围岩硅化强烈、冰长石化发育。通过对潜火山岩的控矿作用研究,认为该区钙碱性中酸性潜火山岩是成矿的重要条件。  相似文献   
大梁金矿是通过森林沼泽景观区开展1:50000和1:25000地球化学测量及综合地质工作而发现的,证明采用的森林沼泽景观中大比例尺化探方法是行之有效的.  相似文献   
楚科奇海表层沉积物的生源组分及其对碳埋藏的指示意义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
工业革命以来大气中CO2浓度由280 ppm剧增至375 ppm,是导致全球气候变暖的主要原因[1]。海洋作为大气CO2的“汇”之一,每年可吸收人类释放CO2气体总量的30%,对全球碳循环的收支平衡有重要作用[2]。两极地区是CO2的主要汇区,也是全球变化的重要反馈窗口。因此,了解碳在北冰洋的生物地球化学循环过程是十分必要的[3-4]。海洋中的生源沉积物主要来自于海洋上层浮游生物碎屑的沉降,主要由蛋白石(以生物硅代替,BSi)、碳酸钙(CaCO3)和有机质(通常用有机碳替代,TOC)组成[5]。  相似文献   
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