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分析类星体吸收线红移和发射线红移的特征。我们从Hewitt和Burbidge(1993)的星表中选择了吸收线红称和发射线红移都同时提供的类星体,得到了包含401个对象的样本。这是至今对类星体红移研究的最大样本。我们从吸收线红移和发射线红移之间的关系图发现绝大多数(93.6%)对象的吸收线红移都小于相应的发射线红移。这个结论人们在20世纪70年代已经从很小的类星体样本(样本大小50左右)中得到。本文进一步支持了这个结论。它表明类星体红移确实是距离的指示器。这跟宇宙学对类星体红移的解释是一致的。 相似文献
厄尔尼诺现象厄尔尼诺现象是东太平洋沿岸厄瓜多尔南部和秘鲁北部沿海发展起来的较弱和暖的向南流动的洋流,这种现象一般发生在每年圣诞节前后,因此当地渔民称之为“圣婴”(西班牙语Elnino)。50年代以前,只有当地的渔民对此比较关心,因为暖洋流破坏了生态平衡,海中鱼类赖以生存的浮游生物由于海水温度的升高而无法繁殖,导致一些鱼类缺乏食物大量死亡,以鱼为生的海洋鸟类也遭厄运,渔民及 相似文献
ICSED (Improved Cluster Shade Edge Detection) algorithm and other various methods to accurately and efficiently detect edges on satellite data are presented. Error rate criterion is used to statistically evaluate the performances of these methods in detecting oceanic features for both noise free and noise contaminated AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) IR image with Kuroshio. Also, practical experiments in detecting the eddy of Kuroshio with these methods are carried out for comparison. Results show that the ICSED algorithm has more advantages than other methods in detecting mesoscale features of ocean. Finally, the effectiveness of window size of ICSED method to oceanic features detection is quantitatively discussed. 相似文献
作者测定了博斯腾湖沉积岩心~(210)Pb、~(228)Th和核试验释放核素~(239,240)Pu、~3H的分布,并据~(210)Pb、~(228)Th、~(239,240)Pu的结果估算湖泊的沉积速率,分别为0.31cm/a,0.26cm/a和0.33cm/a。它表明该湖泊近百年来沉积环境十分稳定。沉积物岩心极好地保存了人类大气核试验的历史记录。~(239,240)Pu分布在1963±2出现峰值,与60年代核试验高峰期相当吻合。沉积物孔隙水~3H分布的峰值出现在1969年,与湖水的混合过程有关。 相似文献
Introduction The Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, the northern, non metamorphic part of the Hercynian orogen in Middle Europe is one of the most excellent examples of a stable continental area, deeply weathered under a tropical to subtropical climate during upper Mesozoic and especially Paleogene periods. Over several tens of million years, a vertically well zoned siallitic to laterit- 相似文献
Commercial linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS), mixture of alkylchain lengths and phenyl position isomers (C10-C13), is widely used as a major constituent of household and industrial detergents in the People's Republic of China. Degradation process and behaviour of LAS compounds during an 82-hour lake water die-away study, with an added LAS concentration of 1. 5mg .L-1, was quantified and accomplished by HPLO-UV after extractionon the SepPek C18 reversed - phase cartridges. The degradation rate became progressively faster with increasing chain length. The technique described in this study is fast, sensitive and specific, and can be used to determine low levels, of LAS and for establishing water quality criteria and standards relating to LAS and its compounds. 相似文献
The inverse method developed by Wunsch (1978) is widely used to determine circulation in the oceans (Fu , 1980; Wunsch , Hu and Grant, 1983 ; Joyce and Wunsch , 1986; Rintoul, 1988). However, for inversion manipulation, measurements down to the bottom are required, and so is a certain solid boundary. In the present paper an equation of potential condition satisfied by the velocity field at the reference level is added to Wunsch's underdetermined matrix equation in order to make the method adequate for the case where measurements do not touch bottom and when a solid boundary does not exist. The western boundary current in the Pacific is calculated and examined in terms of the velocity field and transport with CTD data gathered by the R/V Science I in October 1988 . 相似文献
吉林省集安县高台沟硼矿地质特征及其成因一文,系吉林省地矿局原6101队于1966年提交的专题研究报告。1971年因为硼矿属于密级较高的矿种,而经删节、压缩,内部发表在《吉林地质》第三期上,1984年又公开发表在《吉林地质》第三期上。现将某些内容补充发表于下,供从事硼矿地质和研究工作者参考。 相似文献