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涡动在南北半球平流层极涡崩溃过程中作用的比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
魏科  陈文  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2008,32(2):206-219
比较了南北半球春季平流层极涡的崩溃过程以及涡动在此崩溃过程中的作用。极涡的崩溃时间以平流层极夜急流核区最后一次西风转换为东风的时间来确定。结果表明南北半球平流层极涡的崩溃过程有着共同的特点,涡动和非绝热加热过程都对极涡的崩溃起着重要的作用,在极涡崩溃前平流层行星尺度波动活动明显,极涡崩溃以后,这种波动活动便迅速减弱。其中从对流层上传的行星波决定着极涡的具体崩溃时间。两个半球的差别主要表现在南半球极涡崩溃过程一般始于平流层高层,然后逐渐下传,而北半球这种下传不是很明显。其次,北半球平流层极涡崩溃偏晚年,极涡的减弱有两次过程,第一次为快速变化过程,第二次变化比较缓慢,而南半球平流层极涡崩溃无论早晚年只有一次减弱过程。长期的变化趋势分析表明南北半球平流层极涡的崩溃时间逐渐推迟,特别是20世纪90年代中后期以来,这种推迟更加明显。进一步的研究还发现,伴随着平流层极涡的崩溃过程平流层和对流层存在强烈的动力耦合,南北半球极涡迅速减弱前,各自半球的环状模指数也由负指数增加为正指数,表明低层环流对于平流层极涡的崩溃起到重要的作用;同时极涡不同强度所对应的低层环状模指数也不同,这可能与不同强度平流层极涡对于上传的行星波的反射有关。  相似文献   
This study associates tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the western North Pacific (WNP) with the equatorial wave transition from an interannual viewpoint, revealing that the tropical cyclogenesis mean location may be modulated by a longitudinal shift in the transition of Mixed Rossby-gravity (MRG) waves to off-equatorial tropical depression (TD) disturbances from year to year. To a large extent, the wave transition is attributable to the monsoon trough in response to the thermal state of the warm pool (WP) over the WNP. During the cold state years in the WP, the basic flow confluence region associated with the monsoon trough penetrates eastward, leading to an eastward shift in the location of the wave transition. Such an environment, in which wave accumulation and energy conversion occur, is favorable for tropical cyclogenesis; as a result, the averaged cyclogenesis location moves eastward. The condition is reserved during the warm years in the WP, resulting in the prominent westward-retreating mean TC formation. Citation: Chen, G. H., and R. H. Huang, 2008: Role of equatorial wave transitions in tropical cyclogenesis over the western north Pacific, Atmos. Oceanic Sci. Lett., 1, 64-68  相似文献   
近30a登陆我国的西北太平洋热带气旋活动的时空变化特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用1979—2006年美国联合台风预警中心的热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)资料,对登陆我国的西北太平洋(Northwest Pacific,NWP)TC强度、路径、登陆地点的气候特征、年际变化及其演变趋势进行了统计分析。结果表明:登陆我国的TC以发源于西北太平洋的西侧以及南海中、北部为主,并且在NWP西南区生成的登陆我国的TC基本以西北移动路径为主,而在NWP西北侧和南海生成的登陆我国的TC多为打转或移动路径转向;登陆我国的TC不仅在强度上具有明显增强的变化规律,而且在登陆位置上存在向东北方向偏移的演变趋势,使得登陆厦门以北区域的TC数量具有增加的趋势,而登陆厦门以南的TC数量存在减少的趋势;登陆我国的NWP TC移动路径存在年代际的演变特征。  相似文献   
我国夏季降水与青藏高原春季NDVI的关系   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用1982年1月-2001年12月NDVI资料、台站降水资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料, 通过相关分析和合成分析方法, 初步分析了我国夏季降水与青藏高原春季植被的关系及可能机理。结果发现:青藏高原春季NDVI与我国夏季降水相关系数从南到北呈西北-东南向“ + - +”带状分布。合成分析也表明:青藏高原春季NDVI大、小值年降水年内分布也存在明显差异。降水的上述差异, 可能是由于青藏高原春季NDVI变化导致热源效应改变, 引起大气环流变化造成的。对环流分析也发现:大气环流的变化特征与降水变化表现出很好的一致性。  相似文献   
The relationship between the interannual variation in tropical cyclone (TC) activity over the western North Pacific (WNP) and the thermal state over the warm pool (WP) is examined in this paper. The results show that the subsurface temperature in the WP is well correlated with TC geographical distribution and track type. Their relation is linked by the East Asian monsoon trough. During the warm years, the westward-retreating monsoon trough creates convergence and vorticity fields that are favorable for tropical cyclogenesis in the northwest of the WNP, whereas more TCs concentrating in the southeast result from eastward penetration of the monsoon trough during the cold years. The steering flows at 500 hPa lead to a westward displacement track in the warm years and recurving prevailing track in the cold years.
The two types of distinct processes in the monsoon environment triggering tropical cyclogenesis are hypothesized by composites centered for TC genesis location corresponding to two kinds of thermal states of the WP. During the warm years, low-frequency intraseasonal oscillation is active in the west of the WNP such that eastward-propagating westerlies cluster TC genesis in that region. In contrast, during the cold years, the increased cyclogenesis in the southeast of the WNP is mainly associated with tropical depression type disturbances transiting from equatorially trapped mixed Rossby gravity waves. Both of the processes may be fundamental mechanisms for the inherent interannual variation in TC activity over the WNP.  相似文献   
利用1979~2003年的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料探讨了亚澳季风区经向气流的季节性分支和结构特征. 结果表明,亚澳季风区经向气流的垂直斜压结构由冬到夏发生季节性转向,即从冬季时的低层北风、高层南风转换为夏季时的低层南风、高层北风. 季节反向的经向气流主体偏向北半球,其区域差异性在对流层中低层更为显著. 以印度半岛和中南半岛为界,亚洲热带季风区中低层经向气流在冬夏季均呈现三通道特征,与此相应,亚澳季风区自西向东存在三支相对独立的经向环流分支,且冬夏季的差异均很显著,如冬季的中心高度自西向东递减、夏季的经向跨度自西向东递增等.  相似文献   
黄河源区径流减少的原因探讨   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
分析了黄河源区1960~2000年气候变化特点,对蒸发进行了估算,并分析了植被和冻土的变化,对径流在20世纪90年代后明显减少的原因进行了探讨。结果表明,黄河源区气温在20世纪80年代中期后明显增加,降水在90年代偏少,气候向暖干方向发展,但蒸发变化不大,径流减少的直接原因是降水的减少;在90年代后降水强度的减弱也可能是径流减少的重要原因;归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据显示植被在90年代后期呈现退化的趋势,冻土在80年代以后表现出的明显的退化趋势,植被冻土的退化可以使得冻结层上水位下移,土壤水向土壤下层的渗漏增加,也会造成径流的减少。  相似文献   
应俊  陈光华  黄荣辉  曹杰 《大气科学》2013,37(4):773-785
选取西北太平洋上两个生命史中发生变性的热带气旋Yagi和Francisco,前者变性后有一个24小时的再增强过程,而后者则继续减弱直至消亡。利用日本气象厅提供的热带气旋资料和美国环境预报中心(NCEP)提供的FNL全球分析资料,对比分析两个TC在变性阶段的形势场,发现两者在高低层的环境场均具有明显的差异:Yagi在变性阶段其高空槽较强且在低层有一个与中纬度原先存在的温带气旋合并的过程;而Francisco在变性阶段其高空槽较弱,且变性后自行消亡。另外探讨了导致Yagi变性增强的原因,结果表明:(1)Yagi变性阶段与高空槽前的急流相互作用时,高空急流入口区左侧和出口区右侧的次级环流将产生高空辐散低空辐合的趋势,有利于低层TC低压的发展。同时,当Yagi在穿越急流的过程当中,垂直风切变的增加将导致斜压不稳定增强,低层锋区强烈发展,锋区内的斜压能量可能向TC动能转化,从而使得Yagi发展增强;(2)高空槽所对应的高层湿位涡下传可使得低层正涡度增长,从而在低层诱生出气旋性环流,有利于Yagi变性后重新发展;(3)Yagi与中纬度原先存在的温带气旋发生合并,温带气旋所带来的较高纬度冷空气的入侵增强了低层的水平温度梯度,使得低层锋区强烈发展,从Yagi以一个锋面气旋的形式而再度发展,促使其变性后进一步增强。而这些特征都是Francisco所不具备的。  相似文献   
本文综述了“我国长江黄河两流域旱涝规律成因与预测研究”项目这三年来所取得的研究进展。本项目对于这两流域旱涝发生的年代际、年际以及季节内变化规律及发生的环流条件进行分析,同时对于这两流域旱涝成因提出了初步看法,指出热带西太平洋暖池热力状态与暖池上空的积云对流活动的强弱以及青藏高原上空的对流活动是影响这两流域旱涝的主要原因。本研究还利用大气环流模式对这两流域旱涝发生及其环流条件进行数值模拟以及进行预测试验。 本文还对项目研究所存在的问题进行分析,以便取得更高水平的研究成果。  相似文献   
Simulations of the interdecadal variations of summer rainfall over China are assessed from 5 coupled AOGCMs from the Data Distribution Center (DDC) of the Intergovernmental Panel in Climate Change (IPCC) under the IPCC-Special Report in Emission Scenarios (SRES) A2 and B2 scenario. We examined their ability in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation over China from 1951 to 1990. The difference before and after the mid-1960’s and the late 1970’s is given respectively to check the capability of the models, especially in reproducing the rainfall jump in North China. We also investigated the interdecadal variations simulated by the models in the 1990’s and the average of 2001-2020 in the future under the scenario A2 and B2. The analysis shows that the current AOGCMs is not good enough in simulating the interdecadal variations of summer precipitation in China. The interdecadal variations of summer rainfall simulated by most of the models cannot reproduce the observation in North China. Higher resolution models are suggested to well simulate the interdecadal variability in regional scale.  相似文献   
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