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新疆地区是开展全新世环境考古研究的理想地域之一。对新疆地区史前文化时空分布特征研究表明,史前遗址分布空间增大趋势明显,特别是早期铁器时代,沿天山北坡,自东向西不断向西天山扩展。史前文化的分布与环境变化存在密切关系,史前文化演化与环境演变在时间上同步。对比该区域环境演变研究结果表明,新石器时代遗址的分布与气候冷、干,环境恶化有关,早期铁器时代的向西扩展是在环境适宜背景下进行的。新疆地区史前文化发展、空间扩张与环境变化高度相关,气候变化是引起这种变化的深层次原因。因此,气候是引起新疆地区史前文化变迁的重要因素,对文化的分布、传播等产生了重要影响。经过学者们近20年的努力,该区域史前环境考古研究取得了重大成就,文化演化的环境背景逐渐清晰,数字环境考古也有所涉及,人地关系综合集成研究取得一系列重要进展。但新疆地区史前环境考古研究仍然存在较大提升空间,受研究材料和研究方法限制,缺乏高分辨率古环境重建研究成果,全新世环境演变过程仍有争议;侧重自然环境变化对人类文明进程影响研究,人类对环境变化特别是对气候突变事件所做的积极响应,人类反作用于自然环境产生的环境效应研究略显单薄;聚落环境考古也有待突破。另外,随着"3S"技术在环境考古领域的应用,人地关系数字化、模型化研究迫切需要更多学者加入研究队伍中来。  相似文献   

河南地区是中国文明起源的核心区域之一,史前文明璀璨发达,是开展全新世环境考古研究的理想区域。近二十年来,河南地区环境考古研究中,文化演化的环境背景分析成果突出,灾变事件影响及人类对环境变化的响应研究亦有涉及,数字环境考古工作也开始逐渐起步。但在河南地区仍缺少高分辨率古环境重建方面的研究,且已有环境考古研究多关注环境变化对文明演化的影响,而在人类活动对环境变化响应及其环境效应方面研究尚显不足。此外,随着RS、GIS等技术应用的不断深入以及对景观考古的不断关注,考古遗址预测模型以及史前人与自然关系的定量和模拟研究已成为当前国际环境考古研究的热点。  相似文献   

全新世以来浙江地区史前文化对环境变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对浙江地区史前文化的时空分布进行比较研究, 发现4000 cal. a BP前本区史前文化遗址在空间上不断扩大, 较为显著的扩大曾发生过两次, 一次发生在马家浜-河姆渡文化时期, 另一次发生在良渚文化时期;同时以河流谷地为通道, 史前文化从西向东不断向沿海扩展。4000 cal. a BP后, 以马桥文化为代表的各史前文化地域明显收缩, 东向沿海扩散的趋势终止, 同时伴随有南北两种不同模式的生产方式和经济形态转变。浙江地区史前文化分布与全新世海面波动有显著的关系, 尤其是杭州湾两岸的史前文化遗址分布与海面变化的关系最密切, 7000 cal. a BP 以来的低海面-海退成陆过程为史前居民提供了广阔的陆地生存空间。浙江地区史前文化变迁与环境变化在时相上具有一致性, 对比天目山千亩田泥炭和东海内陆架泥质沉积的环境演变记录表明, 4000 cal. a BP前浙江地区史前文化的东向地域扩展是在全新世气候适宜期背景下进行的, 是农业文明和海洋文明共同作用下的扩展和延伸;而4000cal. a BP后史前文化的地域收缩是在气候干冷和沿海海洋环境恶化的背景下发生的。以上初步证明浙江地区史前文化的发展、扩张和收缩与环境变化呈显著的正相关, 而气候环境变化正是引起上述这种变化以及生产方式和经济形态变化的深层次原因。因此, 气候环境成为浙江史前文化变迁的重要影响因子, 其对文化的分布、传播、扩展和演变等都产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

根据孢粉、湖泊、考古、历史文献等方面资料 ,本文分析了山东全新世以来史前文化繁荣的环境特点 ,认为全新世大暖期 ( 8 0~ 3 0kaBP) ,气候温暖湿润 ,是史前文化繁荣时期 ,其中大暖期鼎盛阶段 ( 8 0~ 6 0kaBP) ,气温高于现今 2 5~ 3 0℃ ,降水量高于现今 40 0mm ,属于亚热带落叶阔叶和常绿阔叶混交林景观。新石器时期 ,人类对自然环境的依赖性仍较大 ,对环境破坏微弱 ,以渔猎生活方式为主。  相似文献   

河南省史前人类遗址的时空分布及其驱动因子   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
基于ArcGis10.0 平台分析了河南省史前时期的仰韶文化遗址和龙山文化遗址的空间分布、濒河性、空间集聚度等指标。结果显示,18.8%的仰韶期遗址分布在河流的1 km缓冲区内,而龙山期遗址只有16.5%,其濒河性呈减弱趋势。豫西山区、南阳盆地、颍河-淮河地区龙山期遗址的空间集聚度比仰韶期分别增加了0.006,0.016 和0.021,暗示龙山时期的自然条件逊色于仰韶期导致人类活动范围受到局限。遗址密度3-D分析表明,河南地区史前人类活动格局从仰韶期的“单核型”演化为龙山时期的“多核型”。这种空间格局的变化可能与5.4 kaBP降温事件相关,而且龙山期的气候特征与仰韶时期相比显得温凉、干燥,加之农业生产技术的进步和人口增加促使史前人类活动核心区从豫西山区向豫东平原和豫北平原地区扩散。同时4.0 ka BP前后河南地区的干旱、洪水、低温等自然灾害频发亦加速了人类活动范围的快速扩展,并且石家河、大汶口、关中等史前文化类型向河南地区的渗透,造成河南龙山文化类型的多元化和空间分布的复杂化。而全新世早期的裴李岗遗址和晚期的二里头遗址数目较少且均匀分布于嵩山两翼,初步推测环嵩山地区是河南史前文化的肇源地区。  相似文献   

江汉平原钟桥遗址地层揭示的史前洪水事件   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过野外考古调查研究,利用对钟桥遗址疑似古洪水层和研究区现代洪水沉积物的锆石微形态、粒度、磁化率、Rb/Sr等地球化学指标的比较、AMS14C技术和考古器物断代,发现钟桥遗址在4800~4597 cal. a BP、4479~4367 cal. a BP和4168~3850 cal. a BP分别经历了三次古洪水事件并相应堆积了古洪水沉积层;结合江汉平原及其周边地区众多遗址的古洪水沉积层时代对比证据,揭示了屈家岭文化中晚期(4900~4600 cal. a BP)和石家河文化末期至夏代(4100~3800 cal. a BP)两次大洪水事件在江汉平原地区非常普遍。对史前洪水发生环境背景的进一步分析,反映江汉平原在5000~4500 a BP及4000 a BP前后的时段气候表现得不稳定,古洪水事件与气候环境变化驱动的江汉平原湖群扩张存在一定的联系,并影响区域新石器文化兴衰过程。同时,其它证据也表明该区社会发展过程和环境变化过程特别是古水文过程的矛盾在石家河文化末期已特别突出,发现具有全球意义的4000 a BP前后气候异常引起的大洪水事件是江汉平原地区石家河文化消亡的重要环境因素;而石家河文化末期该区内部或同中原以及其它地区间的冲突,都加速了石家河文化的崩溃。这些研究成果,提供了可靠的大禹时代史前洪水证据来说明其对新石器文化兴衰的社会影响,对于揭示4000 a BP气候事件中区域气候水文变化的响应规律,亦具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

中原地区4 ka BP前后异常洪水事件的沉积证据   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张俊娜  夏正楷 《地理学报》2011,66(5):685-697
国内外考古学和第四纪地质学研究的大量证据表明,4000 a BP前后是史前洪水频发的时期,这次史前洪水事件的性质、规模、起因以及它对人类文化演进的影响一直是国际学术界关心的问题。我国有关4000 a BP前后史前洪水的研究始于20 世纪90 年代,在随后的十几年间,先后在青海喇家遗址、河南新寨遗址、锉李遗址、孟县遗址、山东尹家城遗址等处发现了这次洪水事件的地质和考古遗迹。这些古洪水遗迹的发现,受到国内外学者的高度重视。中原地区是华夏文明的发祥地,尽管这一地区4000 a BP前后洪水事件的遗迹已有发现,但数量偏少,研究程度不够深入,远不能满足人们对古洪水、古气候研究的需求,也不能满足对华夏文明起源研究的需求。为此,在过去工作基础上,结合最新的考古发掘,我们近年来继续在中原地区开展4000 a BP古洪水的研究,相继发现了多处这次洪水事件的地质和考古记录,其中以河南西部的偃师二里头遗址、河南北部的焦作西金城遗址和山西南部的绛县周家庄遗址最具代表性。这三处遗址分别位于不同的地貌部位,研究表明,以上三处出现的史前洪水,都与当时比较湿润的气候环境有关,同时,受地貌条件的影响,它们又具有不同的洪水过程,对人类的影响也存在一定的差异。  相似文献   

内蒙西拉木伦河流域考古文化演变的地貌背景分析   总被引:63,自引:7,他引:56  
夏正楷  邓辉  武弘麟 《地理学报》2000,55(3):329-336
内蒙赤峰西拉木可流域属我国北方干旱-背地里我农牧交错带。由于气候变化和人类活动等方面的原因,长期以来,这时生态环境失调,沙化严重,人地关系处于十分紧张的状况。但是,大量的考古发现,表明,在8000 ̄3000aBP期间的全新世大暖期,该流域曾是我国史前人类的重要活动地区之一,当时人类文化和地理环境之间的相互关系,一直是人们关注的问题。剖析西拉木伦河流域史前考古文化演变的地貌背景,将有助于了解当时的人  相似文献   

海南岛西部沿海地区近70年来的生态环境变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
海南西部沿海地区具有干旱、风大、高温、多灾害的自然地理特点,生态环境具有脆弱性。近70年来本区生态环境变化很大,20世纪30年代呈典型的热带稀树草原景观,人类对生态环境的影响小;20世纪50年代出现了大面积的风沙化环境,生态环境恶化;此后,风沙化环境一直呈逆转趋势,1970年至2000年,人类重视对生态环境的建设,生态环境比较稳定。在本区生态环境的变化过程中,自然生态环境的脆弱性是其前提条件,而大规模的人类活动则是其变化的主要原因。日本帝国主义的侵略和掠夺、沿海防护林工程建设、经济建设和水利建设等人类活动对本区生态环境的变化起了主要的作用。  相似文献   

8.2 ka B.P.、5.5 ka B.P.和4.0 ka B.P.事件为全新世3次典型的气候突变事件。本文以海岱文化区的主体——山东作为研究区域,综合分析全新世古气候变化、新石器考古文化等方面的资料,研究认为3次气候事件在研究区具有不同的响应方式,对海岱文明的影响也各不相同。其中,8.2 ka B.P.和5.5 ka B.P.事件均以干冷为特征,分别对研究区后李文化的产生和大汶口文化的发展起到了促进作用;4.0 ka B.P.事件是一次洪水与干冷事件前后接踵的组合事件,它通过不同的影响机制导致了研究区各个区域的史前文明在4.0 ka B.P.事件前后普遍发生衰退。  相似文献   

关中地区新石器文化发展与环境演变耦合关系研究   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
庞奖励  黄春长 《地理科学》2003,23(4):448-453
通过对周原全新世古土壤和关中新石器文化的研究,认为新石器文化对环境变化有积极的响应,但这种响应在时间上有一定的滞后,其中5800~5000a B. P.间的以干旱为特征的环境恶化是造成关中仰韶文化衰落最主要的原因;探讨了环境因素在新石器文化发展过程中的地位和作用,认为人类文化是地球表层系统的组成要素之一,其发展受到自然环境的约束。  相似文献   

岱海地区原始农业文化的兴衰与环境演变的关系   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
连鹏灵  方修琦 《地理研究》2001,20(5):623-628
内蒙古中南部岱海地区考古学文化的发展受到环境条件的制约。原始农业文化的兴起与发展对应于全新世暖期的暖湿条件;农业文化的间断、南移与由农向牧的转变与4~35kaBP发生的变冷、变干的突变事件相对应;而原始农业文化阶段中间每一次文化的间断、侵入、融合总是可以在气候变化中找到相应的变化阶段,与短期寒冷事件的开始或结束对应。  相似文献   

Mid-Holocene changes in vegetation, palaeohydrology and climate were investigated from the sediments of Lake Vankavad in the northern taiga of the Usa Basin, NE European Russia, through the analysis of pollen, plant macrofossils, Cladocera and diatoms. Lake Vankavad was probably formed at ca. 5000 BP (ca. 5600 cal. BP) and initially it was shallow with a littoral cladoceran fauna. Macrofossil and pollen results suggest that dense Betula-Picea forests grew in the vicinity and the shore was close to the sampling point. At ca. 4600 BP (ca. 5400 cal. BP) the water level rose coincident with the decrease in the density and area of forests, probably caused by cooling climate and accelerated spread of mires. There was also a further rise in the water level at ca. 3500 BP (ca. 3800 cal. BP). The initiation of the lake, followed by two periods of rising water-level, as well as the increase in mire formation, was a consequence of a rise in groundwater level. This probably reflects lower evapotranspiration in a cooling mid-Holocene climate and/or higher precipitation in the lowland area. Also the decreased forest density and area may have contributed to the lower evapotranspiration. It is also possible that permafrost aggradation or changes in peat ecosystems might have affected the hydrological conditions in the area.  相似文献   

In this paper, the spatial and temporal distribution of the settlement sites of six periods from the Neolithic Age to the Shang and Zhou dynasties in northern Shandong was investigated using the ArcGIS program, and the relationship between settlement distribution and environmental changes was discussed, based on the proxy records of climatic and environmental change contained in the sediments from three sections at the Shuangwangcheng site and the previous work. The results show that the climate was warm and humid and the sea level was relatively high during the period of 8000-5000 a BP in the study area, and the ancient people lived in the relatively flat (slope of 〈2°) areas at high elevation (20-300 m above sea level), such as diluvial tableland and alluvial plain. On the other hand, few archaeological sites in the low-lying plain in the west of the study area indicate that few people lived there during that period. This might be attributed to frequent flooding in the area. After 5000 years ago, the scope of human activity extended to the area close to the sea because the relatively colder and drier climate results in sea-level fall, meanwhile the low-lying plain in the west was occupied by the ancient people. The study area of this period was characterized by the rapid development of prehistoric culture, the intensified social stratification and the emergence of early city-states. However, around 4000 a BP, the abrupt change in climate and the increase in frequency and intensity of floods severely disrupted human activities, and eventually led to the decline of the Yueshi culture. During the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the climatic conditions gradually stabilized in a mild-dry state, which promoted the redevelopment and flourish of the Bronze Culture. The previous situation, which was characteristic of sparse human settlements due to freshwater shortage and unfitted conditions for sedentary agriculture, changed during the Shang and Zhou dynasties in northern coastal wetlands.Local residents effectively adapted themselves to the tough environmental conditions by producing sea-salt, which led to the rapid growth of human activities.  相似文献   

于世永  朱诚  王富葆  李弘 《地理科学》2000,20(4):331-336
太湖流域埋藏古树、泥炭、贝壳堤和新石器文化遗址,^14C年代频率变化揭示了全新世气候-海面波动与文明兴衰的时间耦合关系。本区降水量的明显增加始于8kaB.P.、7.5 ̄4kaB.P.总的看为高海面和新石器文化发展时期,但其间有相对的海面波动,即:7 ̄6.5kaB.P.为高海面期、6.3 ̄5.6kaB.P.为低海面期、4.5 ̄4kaB.P.为低海面期、3.8 ̄3.5kaB.P.为高海面期。从文化断层  相似文献   

The temporal-spatial geographic distribution of archaeological sites and its feature between 10.0–2.8 ka BP(ka BP= thousands of years before 0 BP, where "0 BP" is defined as the year AD 1950) were determined, based on GIS spatial analysis in the Poyang Lake Basin. The relationship between geographic distribution of sites of different periods under subsistence existence of ancient civilizations, climate and environmental change was investigated. The results revealed numerous archaeological sites of the Neolithic Age(10.0–3.6 ka BP). The sites were mainly located in the northern part of the Poyang Lake Basin, a hilly and mountainous area with many river terraces suitable for the development of human civilization. The number of archaeological sites rapidly increased during the Shang and Zhou dynasties(3.6–2.8 ka BP) and spread widely on the floodplains of the middle and lower reaches of Ganjiang River and onto the west, south, and southeast beach areas of the Poyang Lake. Holocene records of climate change suggested that it was possible that climate fluctuations had a great impact on human evolution in the study area. Before 3.6 ka BP, westward and northward expansion of Neolithic cultures in the Poyang Lake watershed occurred under the background of climate amelioration(becoming warmer and wetter). The ancient people lived in the hilly areas with high elevation. The simple mode of a fishing and gathering economy was mostly suited to this area in the early Neolithic Age. The scope of human activities was expanded and cultural diversity developed in the late Neolithic Age. However, with population growth and increasing survival pressure in a dry-cold climatic stage after 3.6 ka BP, this simple living mode had to be abandoned, and various forms of economy, the majority being agriculture, were developed on flood plains of the lower reaches of numerous rivers around Poyang Lake. This promoted flourishing of the Bronze culture of South China.  相似文献   

中国北方农牧交错带东南部环境考古研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨志荣 《干旱区地理》2000,23(4):320-325
详细分析了中国北方农牧交错带东南部的西辽河流域及达来诺尔湖区新石器时代以来区域考古文化特征的变化及其与自然环境演变的关系,指出自新石器时代以来,区域考古文化特征有三次明显的“跃变”,即300aBP由农业文化跃变为游牧文化或半农半牧文化;1100aBP前由牧业文化跃变为农业文化以及750aBP由农业文化跃变为牧业文化。论证了三次考古文化特征跃变的原因主要是气候变化。区域考古文化特征的变化也与达来诺尔及大水诺尔湖面升降所反映的水热变化相吻合。  相似文献   

There are debates regarding whether a wet and warm climate or a dry and cold climate dominated Holocene fire activity in northern China on the millennial timescale, and when human activities overtook climate change as the dominant control on fire occurrence in the region. Here we present a high-resolution fire history for the past ~15,500 years from a sediment core in Dali Lake, located in the foothills of the Greater Hinggan Mountains, one of the areas of highest fire risk in China. The results demonstrate that fire activity was rare during the last deglaciation (~15,500-11,700 yr BP), gradually increased at the beginning of the Holocene, and reached its highest level during ~9000-5000 yr BP, after which there was a decreasing trend. However, after ~2000 yr BP this decreasing trend ended, and the most prominent feature is a peak in fire activity during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). Overall, fire activity corresponded well to changes in the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) precipitation on the millennial timescale during ~15,500-2000 yr BP, but this relationship changed after ~2000 yr BP. We propose that fire activity in northern China on the millennial timescale during ~15,500-2000 yr BP was dominated by the biofuels reserve under the control of the EASM precipitation. In contrast, with the intensification of human activities after ~2000 yr BP, human activity caused a ~62%-73% increase in fire activity, which altered the fire-climate relationship that had previously prevailed in northern China. Our results indicate that a wet-warm climate (increased EASM intensity), rather than a dry-cold climate, was the dominant control on fire activity in northern China during 15,500-2000 yr BP on the millennial timescale, but that human activities played an important role in fire occurrence after ~2000 yr BP.  相似文献   

The lithology, radiocarbon chronology, granulometry, geochemistry and distribution of diatoms were investigated in three sediment cores from fresh-water Figurnoye Lake in the southern Bunger Hills, East Antarctica. Our paleolimnological data provide a record of Holocene environmental changes for this region. In the early Holocene (prior to 9.0 ± 0.5 kyr BP), warm climate conditions caused intensive melting of either the floating glacier ice mass or glaciers in the immediate lake surroundings, leading to the accumulation of terrigenous clastic sediments and limiting biogenic production in the lake. From ca. 9.0 ± 0.5 to 5.5 ± 0.5 kyr BP, highly biogenic sediments dominated by benthic mosses formed, indicating more distal glaciers or snowfields. A relatively cold and dry climate during this period caused weaker lake-water circulation and, likely, occurrence of lake ice conditions were more severe than present. The distribution of marine diatoms in the cores shows that, sometime between 8 and 5 kyr BP, limited amounts of marine water episodically penetrated to the lake, requiring a relative sea-level rise exceeding 10–11 m. During the last ca. 5.5 ± 0.5 kyr BP, sedimentation of mainly biogenic matter with a dominance of laminated microbial mats occurred in the lake under warm climatic conditions, interrupted by relative coolings: the first one around 2 kyr BP and then shortly before recent time. Between ca. 5.5 and 4 kyr BP, the drainage of numerous ice-dammed lakes took place in the southern Bunger Hills and, as a result, drier landscapes have existed here from about 4 kyr BP.  相似文献   

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