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全新世中期西辽河流域聚落空间分布及成因   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
袁钰莹 《地理科学》2018,38(5):773-779
全新世大暖期结束后的干冷气候事件和环境恶化使西辽河流域及比邻地区的聚落向南移动集中并推动了原始农业的发展和之后畜牧业对原始农业的取代。各文化的聚落均对河流依赖性较强,主要分布在距河6 km以内地区,6 km以外的聚落多分布在与河流地势上相连的沟谷缓坡且主要集中在老哈河、教来河至大凌河流域,水文分析表明这些沟谷很可能在暖湿期形成过支流或季节河。聚落主要分布在海拔400~700 m的平原丘陵交互区,分布海拔和地形因气候波动和经济生活方式不同而有所变化。  相似文献   

全新世以来南阳盆地的新石器文化以中原类型为主导,但源于汉水中下游的屈家岭文化和石家河文化深刻影响了南阳盆地史前文化演变的内容和过程。除石家河期遗址集中分布于盆地南缘的低地外,仰韶文化、屈家岭文化和龙山文化的人类遗址均分布于100~200 m地势和缓的岗地区。盆地内史前文化相互角逐的动力源于中原型和江汉型两种原始农业的消涨,因而旱作农业快速发展期对应仰韶文化和龙山文化的南扩;粟作农业的衰落对应屈家岭文化和石家河文化的北进。南阳盆地史前时期的生业模式序列表现为:仰韶文化早期的采集捕捞业、仰韶中晚期的粟作农业、屈家岭时期的稻作农业和石家河—龙山时期的稻粟混作业。其中,屈家岭文化后期生产工具的精细化、家庭畜牧业的规模化改变了先民的食谱结构。  相似文献   

论中国北方畜牧业产生与环境的互动关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
韩茂莉 《地理研究》2003,22(1):89-95
畜牧业是从原始农业中分离出来的生产部门,早期的畜牧业属于放养型,依托定居农业而存在,游牧业的产生晚于放养型畜牧业,并与定居农业完全脱离。导致畜牧业从原始农业中分离,并由放养型过渡到游牧型与气候变迁有直接关系。本文以内蒙古朱开沟考古发现为例,论证了畜牧业分离以及游牧业产生与环境变迁的对应关系,并指出草原民族在由原始农业转向畜牧业几乎没有发生空间区域的位移,环境变迁推动人们适应环境放弃农业生产,将生产方式转向畜牧业  相似文献   

全新世中晚期福建海岸沙丘记录的海岸环境与人类活动   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
选取福建长乐典型海岸沙丘进行研究,在光释光(OSL)年代学基础上,结合环境代用指标分析和地质雷达图像,探讨研究区晚全新世以来沙丘发育历史及其古环境意义。结果显示:1东山(DS)沙丘发育过程主要存在5个沉积期和3个沉积间断。主要反映了东亚季风强度变化,是东亚冬季风的区域响应结果。同时与火山活动、中国东部冬半年气温、夏季风降水具有良好对应关系;2 DS剖面保存了近6 ka以来福州盆地海平面变化信息。清晰记录了存在于闽粤台地区的大范围的高海面期,分别是5.6~2.8 ka BP、2.8~1.7 ka BP、1.7~0.8 ka BP,其中1.7~0.8ka BP阶段最为明显。3 DS沙丘发育过程与闽东北区域人类活动记录以及新石器文化序列具有良好对应关系。5.6~2.8 ka BP、2.8~1.7 ka BP阶段的人类活动主要受到自然环境影响。~1.7ka BP之后,唐代至五代是福建社会经济的复苏阶段。  相似文献   

罗秋菊  林潼 《地理科学》2014,(5):587-593
广州亚运会开幕式既是体育事件的仪式部分,也是一个独立的文化事件。基于事件与仪式理论视角,阐述亚运会开幕式的文化呈现及文化象征符号意义,透过举办地本地居民对具有本地文化表征事件的态度,分析亚运会开幕式事件与举办地文化的关系,探讨在事件背景下文化认同的呈现及可能的变化趋势。透过对作为阈限的事件、事件的文化表演、事件的文化时代连结、事件对地方意识的激发等关系的阐释,呈现亚运会开幕式的文化认同。研究发现:①广州亚运会开幕式事件唤起的情绪是文化本体认同的体现,事件亦提供认识文化体系中文化符号及其意义的一个途径,同时广州亚运会开幕式事件推进了文化的整合;②广州亚运会开幕式事件影响文化认同的过程需要相关群体的积极参与,只有将暂时的情绪转化成人们对于文化的主动性思考、认知与认同,事件的刺激作用才能得以延续并最终作用于文化认同。此外,事件对文化认同的影响需要在时间延伸上进行讨论和完善,事件后文化的发展状态也需要被关注。  相似文献   

华南海岸沙丘岩形成与全新世环境变化的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王为  吴正 《地理学报》2009,64(9):1126-1133
海岸沙丘岩是热带亚热带地区由碳酸盐胶结的海岸风成堆积,其成岩过程的各个阶段需要特定的水热和地貌条件。对华南海岸沙丘岩的形成年代、堆积高度、出露地点进行统计分析,将其特征与全新世环境变化事件作对比, 结果显示华南沿海沙丘岩的形成过程与全新世气候变化及海平面变化等事件有很好的对应关系, 能很好地解释我国沙丘岩研究中一些尚未解决的问题:华南沿海缺少5000a BP以前沙丘岩是因为当时的沙丘岩形成于低海面,后来因海面上升而被淹没;3000a BP前后海岸风沙大规模堆积是大暖期结束后气温下降的结果;华南沿海沙丘岩的胶结主要发生在中世纪暖期;华南沿海缺少年代小于1000aBP沙丘岩是因为近千年来气候条件下,不适合沙丘岩的胶结。  相似文献   

榆林剖面的热释光测年及其对这一地区干旱事件的讨论   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
用热释光测年方法对陕西榆林地区蔡家沟和石峁剖面的风成砂-黄土-古土壤序列进行了系统的测年,结果表明末次冰期的风成沉积中夹有三层古风成砂,由此反映了末次冰期中有三次沙漠扩大的气候干旱时期。根据年代测定结果最末一次干旱事件出现在12~<27kaB.P.之间,基本上与末次冰期极盛期相当,可以与深海氧同位素阶段2对应。第二次干旱期出现在48kaB.P.左右,大致与氧同位素阶段3的中期相当。最早的干旱期出现在55~<75kaB.P.之间,与阶段4对应。令人感兴趣的是虽然与阶段2、阶段4对应的干旱期在世界上其它地区同样有记录,但是大致相当于阶段3中期的这期干旱事件却以榆林剖面反映最好,表现为末次冰期的间冰段期间,毛乌素沙漠也曾经大规模扩大,这从一个侧面说明了中国的沙漠-黄土边界带对气候变化的敏感性。此外,热释光测年结果还表明了末次冰期的沉积由风成砂与黄土迭覆而成,而末次间冰期则由古土壤与黄土迭覆而成,因此,无论是冰期还是间冰期,气候条件都不是以持续的干冷或温暖为特点,而是叠加了更次一级的气候变化。毛乌素沙漠在第四纪时期并非持续存在,而是在气候的调节下经历了沙漠出现与固定的多次转变  相似文献   

对云南省怒江州的致贫原因进行深层次分析,认为怒江州贫困的重要因素包括:山高坡陡,耕地量少质差;80%人口居于海拔大于1 400 m山地,长期处于种粮为主的原始农业状态;宜耕地少,人口增长快,人地矛盾加剧,轮歇种植和陡坡垦殖严重,生态环境恶化;经济基础薄弱,贫困程度深;交通不便,社会、经济、文化发展滞后.为此,怒江州要摆脱贫困,必须科学制定脱贫战略,修建山地干线公路,改善山区生产、生活条件;山地停止种粮,全面退耕还林还牧;调整产业结构,重建生态环境;建设山区新农村,拓展生存空间.  相似文献   

基于福州盆地MB红土剖面所揭示的地层岩性和光释光样品的年龄结果,以及对剖面地化元素的系统分析结果,对剖面所揭示的地层化学风化特征及其区域气候变化特征进行探讨,结果显示:1.福州盆地的坡积红土沉积始于晚更新世中期,止于全新世晚期;2.马保剖面整体的化学风化特征变异主要受自然因素所控制,红土表层受化学风化和流水搬运共同作用的影响。末次寒冷期以来福州盆地古地理环境经历了明显的阶段性变化,且与深海氧同位素阶段有较好对应关系;3.氧同位素1(MIS1)阶段在福州盆地红土中的记录难以进行高分辨率提取,期间可能存在沉积间断,间断时间约为2.3ka。  相似文献   

全新世中后期开封西郊黄泛沉积序列的孢粉记录   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
历史时期以来,黄河在开封市附近多次泛滥形成了相对完整的沉积序列。选取开封市西郊25 m岩芯(ZKjm)为研究对象,通过孢粉分析,结合地层沉积旋回和历史文献资料,探讨了全新世中后期以来大洪水事件的孢粉记录。结果表明:黄泛地层中的孢粉含量及其组成很好地记录了大洪水事件,洪水沉积期的木本植物花粉含量高于其间断期,而人工禾本科花粉含量低于间断期。每个粒度旋回基本上都有与之对应的孢粉亚带,且其上下界限的吻合度较高,表明孢粉可作为划分沉积旋回的代用指标。岩芯孢粉亚带的数目(12个)多于粒度旋回数目(9个),孢粉组合特征可以识别出规模较小的洪水或者一次洪水事件出现的多个短期洪水间歇期所形成的沉积,孢粉指标划分沉积旋回的精度高于粒度指标。  相似文献   


With basic information from 8353 archaeological sites, this study describes a holistic spatial-temporal distribution pattern of archaeological sites of the prehistoric culture sequence from 9.5 ka BP (ka BP = thousands of years before 0 BP, where “0 BP” is defined as the year AD 1950) to 2.3 ka BP in the region that extends from the Yanshan Mountains to the Liaohe River Plain (i.e., the Yan-Liao region) in northern China. Based on spatial statistics analysis–including the spatial density of the sites and Geographic Information System nearest- neighbour analysis, combined with a review of environmental and climatic data–this paper analyses cultural evolution, the spatial-temporal features of the archaeological sites and human activities against the backdrop of climatic and environmental changes in this region. The results reveal that prehistoric cultural evolution in the Yan-Liao region is extensively influenced by climatic and environmental changes. The Xinglongwa, Zhaobaogou and Fuhe cultures, which primarily developed during a habitable period from 8.5 ka BP to 6.0 ka BP with strong summer monsoons, have similar maximum density values, spatial patterns and subsistence strategies dominated by hunting-gathering. Significant changes occurred in the Hongshan and Lower Xiajiadian cultures, with a significant increase in numbers and densities of sites and a slump in average nearest-neighbour ratio when the environment began to deteriorate starting in 6.0 ka BP. Additionally, with the onset of a weak summer monsoon and the predominance of primitive agriculture, sites of these two cultures present a different type of concentric circle-shaped pattern in space. As the environment continuously deteriorated with increasing aridity and the spread of steppe, more sites were distributed towards the south, and primitive agriculture was replaced by livestock husbandry in the Upper Xiajiadian culture. The most densely populated areas of the studied cultures are centralized within a limited area. The Laohahe River and Jiaolaihe River basins formed the core area in which most archaeological sites were distributed during the strong summer monsoon period and the first few thousand years of the weak summer monsoon period.


8.2 ka B.P.、5.5 ka B.P.和4.0 ka B.P.事件为全新世3次典型的气候突变事件。本文以海岱文化区的主体——山东作为研究区域,综合分析全新世古气候变化、新石器考古文化等方面的资料,研究认为3次气候事件在研究区具有不同的响应方式,对海岱文明的影响也各不相同。其中,8.2 ka B.P.和5.5 ka B.P.事件均以干冷为特征,分别对研究区后李文化的产生和大汶口文化的发展起到了促进作用;4.0 ka B.P.事件是一次洪水与干冷事件前后接踵的组合事件,它通过不同的影响机制导致了研究区各个区域的史前文明在4.0 ka B.P.事件前后普遍发生衰退。  相似文献   

The Holocene Megathermal is divided into early, middle and late periods, each having different impacts on the Neolithic cultures due to their different climate changing trends. This study is based on a comparative analysis of the environmental evolution information recorded in the Qinghai Lake, the western edge of the Loess Plateau and Zoige and the spatial distribution of Neolithic sites of the Gansu-Qinghai region. Results show that the early and middle periods towards warm and humid promoted the development of Neolithic cultures with agriculture as the main sector in the Gansu-Qinghai region, furthermore a heyday of Yangshao Culture prosperity emerged. The Holocene entered the late period after the cold climate event at 5.9 ka BP in the Gansu-Qinghai region. Later the climate began to turn cold. However, at the 5.8–4.2 ka BP a relatively stable warm and humid climate created the conditions for the development of Majiayao Culture of the Neolithic Age in this region, thus the distribution of its cultural heritage sites expanded towards high altitudes and high latitudes. From 4.2 ka BP onwards, the climate became cold and dry, which had a significant influence on the Neolithic cultures of the Gansu-Qinghai region, leading to a dramatic change in the cultural characters and spatial distribution of Qijia Culture around 4.2 ka BP. After a nearly 300 years of cold and dry period, the unified Neolithic farming culture completely collapsed. Afterwards an industrial division of animal husbandry and farming and regional multiple cultures formed, and ultimately led to the end of primitive society and the starting of a civilized society.  相似文献   

The temporal-spatial geographic distribution of archaeological sites and its feature between 10.0–2.8 ka BP(ka BP= thousands of years before 0 BP, where "0 BP" is defined as the year AD 1950) were determined, based on GIS spatial analysis in the Poyang Lake Basin. The relationship between geographic distribution of sites of different periods under subsistence existence of ancient civilizations, climate and environmental change was investigated. The results revealed numerous archaeological sites of the Neolithic Age(10.0–3.6 ka BP). The sites were mainly located in the northern part of the Poyang Lake Basin, a hilly and mountainous area with many river terraces suitable for the development of human civilization. The number of archaeological sites rapidly increased during the Shang and Zhou dynasties(3.6–2.8 ka BP) and spread widely on the floodplains of the middle and lower reaches of Ganjiang River and onto the west, south, and southeast beach areas of the Poyang Lake. Holocene records of climate change suggested that it was possible that climate fluctuations had a great impact on human evolution in the study area. Before 3.6 ka BP, westward and northward expansion of Neolithic cultures in the Poyang Lake watershed occurred under the background of climate amelioration(becoming warmer and wetter). The ancient people lived in the hilly areas with high elevation. The simple mode of a fishing and gathering economy was mostly suited to this area in the early Neolithic Age. The scope of human activities was expanded and cultural diversity developed in the late Neolithic Age. However, with population growth and increasing survival pressure in a dry-cold climatic stage after 3.6 ka BP, this simple living mode had to be abandoned, and various forms of economy, the majority being agriculture, were developed on flood plains of the lower reaches of numerous rivers around Poyang Lake. This promoted flourishing of the Bronze culture of South China.  相似文献   

杨萍  叶玮 《中国沙漠》2013,33(6):1670-1677
古土壤是发育于地质历史时期埋藏的自然土壤,是记录古环境信息的重要载体。本文基于对内蒙古沙区古土壤研究文献的梳理,通过古土壤测年数据统计,对比区内其他信息载体的研究成果,分析内蒙古沙区沙漠/沙地形成时代及全新世环境变化。结果表明:内蒙古沙区全新世环境变化可分为3个阶段:全新世早期(10~8.5 ka BP)为升温阶段,气候以干冷为主;全新世中期(8.5~2.5 ka BP)为气候适宜期,古土壤普遍发育,同时存在短期干冷波动;全新世晚期(2.5 ka BP以来)为降温期,气候逐步干冷,部分沙地气候波动频繁,形成古土壤。  相似文献   

 在对渭河流域东部全新世黄土剖面磁化率、粒度、Rb/Sr、CaCO3等气候指标测定分析的基础上,结合已测定的光释光(OSL)年龄和古文化研究的最新成果,探讨了该区环境演变与人类古文化演进的历史及其相互关系。研究发现,在9.34~6.77 ka BP全新世最适宜的气候条件下,在7.80~7.30 ka BP出现了老官台文化,之后发育了仰韶早期文化;在全新世中期6.77~5.48 ka BP干冷气候初期出现了仰韶文化最繁荣的庙底沟类型文化;中后期随资源环境的持续恶化,该区出现了仰韶文化衰落的西王村类型文化;在全新世中晚期的5.48~3.12 ka BP气候再次发生好转推动了该区龙山文化的发展;4.60~3.76 ka BP期间频繁发生的洪水事件可能进一步强化了人地关系,并进而推动了该区文化进入夏商人类文明时期;3.12 ka BP以来趋于干冷的气候在推动该区人类文明进一步发展的同时,人类活动对环境影响的强度和范围也日益加大。渭河流域古文化得以延续发展至今,一方面说明气候环境的变化并未超越先民适应能力的范围,另一方面也说明渭河流域具有先民维持生存和发展的优越资源环境条件。  相似文献   

内蒙古黄旗海湖泊沉积物磁化率特征及其环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄旗海H3剖面是14C测年8.0~2.0 ka BP高湖面时的粉砂质湖相沉积。对H3剖面的全样、77~20 um、20 um三个粒级的磁化率和Ti、Zr元素含量进行了测试,研究结果表明:作为气候环境代用指标,磁化率和Ti、Zr元素含量在20μm粒级样品中具有相同的指示意义。因此,在利用磁化率和地球化学元素作为气候环境代用指标时应当将样品分成不同粒级测试其含量变化,并从中寻找能够反映气候环境变化的真实信息。磁化率参数可以作为反映环境变化的代用指标,两者间有很好的相关关系,湖泊沉积中,高(低)磁化率指示干燥(湿润)的气候,较低(高)的湖面。黄旗海由磁化率反映的事件可以与北大西洋全新世突发气候事件对比,也可以和若尔盖高原泥炭记录的全新世气候事件对比,可能反映了内蒙古高原中南部、青藏高原和北大西洋地区气候变化的内在联系。  相似文献   

The Xiaohe Cemetery archaeological site (Cal. 4–3.5 ka BP) is one of the most important Bronze Age sites in Xinjiang, China. Although the surrounding environment is an extremely arid desert now, abundant archaeological remains indicate that human occupation was common during certain periods in the Holocene. Field investigations and laboratory analyses of a sediment profile near the Xiaohe Cemetery indicate that while the regional environment was arid desert throughout the Holocene there were three episodes of lake formation near the site in the periods 4.8–3.5 ka BP, 2.6–2.1 ka BP and 1.2–0.9 ka BP. Geomorphic and hydrological investigations reveal that a lake or lakes formed in a low-lying area when water was derived initially from the Kongque River and then shunted into the Xiaohe River basin. Low amounts of active chemical elements in lacustrine sediment between 4.8–3.5 ka BP indicate abundant and continuous water volume in the lake; the content of active chemical elements increased between 2.6–2.1 ka BP but was still at a relatively low level, suggesting a declining amount of water and diminished inflow. Between 1.2–0.9 ka BP there was a very high content of active elements, suggesting decreased water volume and indicating that the lake was stagnate. In contrast, the general climate condition shows that there had a warm-humid stage at 8–6 ka BP, a cool-humid stage at 6–2.9 ka BP and a warm-dry stage at 2.9–0.9 ka BP in this region. The hydrological evolutions around Xiaohe Cemetery did not have one-to-one correspondence with climate changes. Regional comparison indicates that broad-scale climatic conditions played an important role through its influences on the water volume of the Tarim River and Kongque River. But, the formation of the lakes and their level were controlled by geomorphic conditions that influenced how much water volume could be shunted to Xiaohe River from Kongque River. Human occupation of the Xiaohe Cemetery and nearby regions during the Bronze Age and Han-Jin period (202 BC–420 AD) corresponded to the two earlier lake periods, while no human activities existed in the third lake period because of the decreased water volume.  相似文献   

青海湖江西沟遗迹是青藏高原东北缘一处有连续地层的重要细石器文化遗存,对其人类活动指标(石器、动物碎骨、陶片等) 与环境指标(磁化率、色度、孢粉及集成结果) 对比分析表明:细石器文化与环境变化关系密切,在全新世JXG2 细石器狩猎者一直生活在以蒿为主的草原环境.在9 ka BP以前的早全新世,环境状况不断好转,人类已经在湖区活动,并逐渐增强;9 ka BP后最佳的水热组合,较高的草原覆盖,为细石器狩猎者提供充足的食物来源,推动文化进入鼎盛期;6 ka BP后随着环境干冷化,细石器文化也开始衰弱.孢粉分析发现9~6 ka BP高的禾本科含量及种类丰富的杂草花粉,与人类活动有关;尤其是禾本科含量在6.7~4 ka BP保持较高水平,此时段恰是陶片开始出现并普遍使用的时期,推测与JXG2 先民尝试种植农作物有关.高原东北缘在6 ka BP之前为细石器文化,6 ka BP之后高原史前文化开始发生分化,细石器狩猎者活跃在海拔较高的高原上,农业种植者占据了较低的河谷地带,在二者交接地带,形成了兼具细石器文化与农业种植文化特征土著新石器文化.  相似文献   

全新世内蒙古自然环境演变及其特点   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
根据内蒙古东、中、西部沙地、内陆湖、冰缘现象的发育与演变,讨论了全新世以来内蒙古环境演变过程,提出了对全新世中期沙漠化的形成环境、全新世环境演变特点及对现代环境影响的认识。  相似文献   

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