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海岸带是陆地向海洋延伸的过渡地带,是人口最为密集、人类活动最频繁的区域,全球超过50%的人口和60%的GDP总量集聚在离海岸线不足100 km的区域。海岸线对海平面上升、海岸侵蚀、港湾淤积、湿地生态资源、近海海域环境等具有重要的指示作用。本研究利用遥感影像获取了粤港澳大湾区(以下简称大湾区)1975—2018年间的大陆海岸线数据,并基于GIS平台,对海岸线开发利用程度以及空间位置变迁进行了定量分析,探讨了海岸线变迁的驱动力。结果表明:(1)大湾区大陆岸线时空变化明显,总体可分为两个阶段。1975—1995年,岸线长度上升明显,岸线类型格局变化显著;1995年后,岸线长度增长较缓,但建设用地态势增长强劲。(2)大湾区大陆岸线整体形态上不断曲折化,分形维数逐渐增长;空间位置变化上,大陆岸线不断向海推进,年平均速率达9.91 m/a,向海延伸最远的地方出现在洪奇门至蕉门和虎跳门至鸡啼门岸段附近,最大值可达197.88 m/a。(3)大湾区大陆岸线的开发利用程度及人类活动干预程度处于逐渐增强的趋势,人为影响主要体现为港口码头建筑岸线及围填养殖岸线。(4)大湾区的地形地貌、水文特征等自然环境是岸线演变的基础,社会经济发展和政策是岸线演变的重要驱动因素。在20世纪末,发展速度对海岸线的影响最大;在21世纪初,发展强度则为演变的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

人类活动对我国海湾生态环境的影响日趋严重,作为海湾变化的重要表征—海湾岸线自然成为陆海相互作用研究的主要内容之一。本文以西部大开发的前沿—北部湾海湾岸线为对象,利用Landsat系列影像反演1991、2005及2010年北部湾1595km的大陆岸线;选择1991~2010年间北部湾北部变化强烈的40个岸段,分析岸线的冲淤变化。结果表明:北部湾海湾曲折岸线的固有属性已发生改变,岸线平直化趋势明显;海湾岸线冲淤交互存在,相对遮蔽的岸段岸线积极向海推进,年淤积速率为23m/a,无防护地带的岸线以侵蚀为主,年平均侵蚀速率为24m/a;在不同类型的海湾岸线中,生物海岸与砂质海岸表现为向陆蚀退,年平均侵蚀14m/a,淤泥质海岸为向海淤积,年平均淤积速率为9m/a,基岩海湾岸线变化不大。  相似文献   

海岸线是陆地与水体交界的重要标识,海岸线的位置和类型是海岸带生态环境修复的基础数据。本文以天津市海岸线为研究对象,通过遥感解译与实地验证相结合的方式,对天津市海岸线位置和分类进行了研究,结果显示,目前天津市海岸线长度约366.92 km,其中港口和围海造陆岸线281.78 km、围海养殖岸线22.92 km、海堤岸线25.77 km和人工河口岸线36.45 km,自然岸线数值趋近为零,围海造陆及港口岸线所占比例达到了76.80%。由于围填海等人类活动,岸线较2000年增加了143%。  相似文献   

滨海新区海岸线时空变化特征及成因分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用多期遥感数据,监测天津滨海新区近10年来海岸线的冲淤变化及潮滩利用,结合历史海岸线资料,对其变迁特征和成因进行分析。结果表明,近10年来,该地区海岸线总体快速向海推进,特别是在2007年以后推进速率明显增大,最大规模推进集中在海滨浴场至永定新河河口岸段,约13.7 km。围海造陆、港口建设等人为活动是其快速推进的主导因素。海岸侵蚀作用多发生在歧口河至青静黄排水渠岸段和大神堂村至涧河口岸段,且大神堂村至涧河口岸段比较显著,平均侵蚀速率约10m/a,需要密切关注和重点防范。  相似文献   

岸线资源具有重要的生产、生活和生态环境功能,是沿岸城市宝贵的战略性资源。近10年来,长江岸线资源变化剧烈,深刻反映长江从大开发到大保护的转变。以长江南京段为案例区,基于遥感影像和实地踏勘,研究了2008—2018年的岸线资源利用规模和结构的变化,构建了岸线资源利用类型转移矩阵,分析了岸线资源利用变化的驱动因素。研究表明,长江南京段岸线资源利用规模呈现小幅增长趋势,利用类型转移的主要来源为港口码头岸线和自然岸线,新增岸线类型主要为城镇生活岸线和工业生产岸线。从具体区段来看,以鼓楼区、建邺区和雨花台区为代表的中心城区岸段岸线利用的生活功能进一步加强而生产功能减弱,岸线资源集约利用要求、居民生活需求、生态环保及规划政策是变化的重要影响因素。研究为长江大保护战略背景下岸线资源保护与利用政策的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

根据1954~2001年的航卫片遥感信息,对长江皖江段的岸线特征及变化进行了调查和分析。航卫片解译,长江皖江段南、北岸线长度分别为405.4km(右岸)和438.8km(左岸),岸线总长844.2km。根据遥感影像特征和野外调查,将皖江岸带(线)划分为侵蚀岸(冲刷岸)、淤积岸和稳定岸3种类型,其中冲刷岸长426.4km,占岸线总长度的50.5%,左岸大于右岸;淤积岸长198.4km,占岸线总长度的23.5%;稳定岸长219.4km,占岸线总长度的26.0%。根据1954年、1969年、1975年和1986年4个时期的航片资料的对比解译,对1954~1969年、1969~1975年和1975~1986年3个时间段的岸线摆动幅度和速率进行了计算,从中发现,河道岸线的摆动主要是左岸侵蚀后退,段内岸线年平均变形强度在50m以上的有7处,在100m以上有2处。岸带变化的基本特征是:主河道长期右移,近期以左移为主;江心洲的平面变化复杂,汊道河段岸线变化强烈;鹅头形分汊河段演变具周期性特点。  相似文献   

应用遥感方法分析珠江口伶仃洋的海岸线变迁及其环境效应   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
李学杰 《地质通报》2007,26(2):215-222
对伶仃洋1979年以来利用多时相遥感影像提取的岸线进行分析,结合地形图,得到近几十年来海岸线变化的特征,认为南沙区和蛇口半岛是岸线变化最快的2个区,而淇澳岛区和交椅湾区的变化相对较小。南沙区岸线变迁以沉积作用和围海造地形成的岸线向海延伸为主,延伸速率从1966年至2000年明显增大,2000年后有减缓的趋势。蛇口半岛区主要以码头、池塘等人工建筑形成的岸线向海延伸为主。从岸线变迁、悬浮沉积物分布及其沉积作用来看,伶仃水道西侧以沉积为主,可能不适合于大规模的码头建设。珠江口岸线变迁最主要的环境效应是河道变窄、增长,造成排洪不畅,上游的洪涝灾害增多。  相似文献   

盐渍土是江苏沿海地区开发建设需关注的地质环境问题之一。本文系统采集5 m以浅的土样,开展易溶盐试验,研究了江苏沿海盐渍土分布规律、盐渍化程度及影响因素。研究结果表明:全区盐渍土平行于海岸线分布;以中、弱盐渍土为主,强盐渍土零星分布。受沉积环境、气候、水文地质条件、人类活动等共同影响,盐渍化程度空间差异明显。平面上,盐渍化程度呈北强南弱、向海岸线方向延伸有逐渐增强的趋势,强盐渍土分布于连云港黏性土区,岩性、地下水矿化度为主导影响因素。垂向上,表层普遍积盐,连云港地区分带不明显,大丰和南通地区自地表而下可划分为三带,表层土蒸发积盐、中层盐动态变化、下层土饱水盐稳定,地下水位、土体结构为主导影响因素。随着沿海大开发的快速推进,为防止次生盐渍化问题,需关注地面沉降导致的地面高程损失诱发海水入侵加重表层土盐渍化,工程建设中可设置隔离层截断高矿化度地下水的毛细作用。  相似文献   

三沙湾海岸线时空演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海岸带是海陆之间的过渡区域,是人类活动和经济发展较为活跃的地区。海岸线时空演变研究对海岸带资源开发与保护有重要意义,但国内外对三沙湾海岸线时空演变研究较少。本文基于25 a的卫星遥感资料,解译出4个时相的三沙湾海岸线,定量分析海岸线变化趋势,并研究海岸线演变的主要因素。研究表明,25 a的三沙湾海岸线总体长度呈增长趋势:1988-1996年岸线总长度变化不大;2003年较1996年增加约6 947 m、增长约11.5%;2003-2013年岸线总长度增加较为明显,2013年较2003年增加约24 128 m、增长约39.6%,其增速约为1996-2003的3.4倍。砂质岸线长度基本稳定,基岩和泥质岸线长度有所减少,人工岸线在逐年增加,这主要是滩地围垦、港口建设和海岸人工改造等人为因素造成的。  相似文献   

运用RS、GIS技术,以1986,1994,2002,2010年4个不同时相遥感影像和1970年比例尺1∶10000地形图为数据源,采用平均高潮线法提取闽江口5个时段的海岸线,并对各时段海岸线变迁进行综合比对分析,认为变化较大的有罗源湾、漳港湾、福清湾和兴化湾4个岸段的海岸线,并分析其时空演化特征及变化原因。结果表明闽江口海岸线40年变迁演化因素主要受人类活动影响,围垦养殖或填海造地导致海岸线时空变迁,其中泥质岸线和人工岸线变化较大,砂质岸线和基岩岸线变化较小。  相似文献   

马宏伟  冯雨林  崔健  李霄  齐雷 《地质通报》2014,33(10):1578-1581
利用遥感影像的时空分布特点,选择1970—2010年间的5期遥感影像资料对辽河三角洲地区的岸线变迁进行遥感解译。结果显示,每2期相邻影像所在时段内均有新增土地。4个时段新增陆地面积具体为:1970—1980年间,15.52km2;1980—1990年间,40.55km2;1990—2000年间,70.14km2;2000—2010年间,17.33km2。通过自然因素与人类活动影响2个方面,进一步对岸线变迁的成因进行了分析。  相似文献   

Human population growth and sea-level rise are increasing the demand for protection of coastal property against shoreline erosion. Living shorelines are designed to provide shoreline protection and are constructed or reinforced using natural elements. While living shorelines are gaining popularity with homeowners, their ability to provide ecological services (e.g., habitat provision and trophic transfer) is not well understood, and information is needed to improve coastal and resource management decision-making. We examined benthic community responses to living shorelines in two case-study subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay using a before-after control-impact study design. At Windy Hill, a bulkhead was removed and replaced by three tombolos, sand fill, and native marsh vegetation. At Lynnhaven, 25 m of eroding marsh shoreline was stabilized with coir logs, sand fill, and native marsh vegetation. Communities of large (>?3 mm) infauna adjacent to living shorelines at both locations tended to increase in biomass by the end of the study period. Community compositions changed significantly following living shoreline construction at Windy Hill, reflecting a trend toward higher density and biomass of large bivalves at living shorelines compared to pre-construction. Increasing trends in density and biomass of clams and simultaneously decreasing density and decreasing trends in biomass of polychaetes suggest a transition toward stable infaunal communities at living shorelines over time, though longer-term studies are warranted.  相似文献   

Islands rimming Pacific atolls typically form narrow, low‐lying lands that are commonly perceived to be particularly vulnerable to global changes such as sea‐level rise. As these, low islands form the only habitable land for many island nations, understanding the character of shorelines, and the rates and controls that operate to bring about changes, is an issue of central importance. The purpose of this study is to unravel the characteristics of coastal change on atoll islands of the Gilbert Island chain of the equatorial Pacific nation of Kiribati, especially as they relate to autogenic shoreline processes and El Niño/Southern Oscillation variability. Integration of field observations, differential global positioning system data, historical aerial photographs and ultra‐high resolution remote sensing images demonstrates the nature, spatial patterns and rates of change from 17 islands on Maiana and Aranuka atolls. The results illustrate that, between 2005 and 2009, ca 50% of the shorelines on these islands displayed a discernable shift in position; some shorelines were accretionary (at net rates up to ca 8 m year?1) and others were erosional (up to ca 18 m year?1). Long‐term net rates of change on Maiana between 1969 and 2009 were lower than short‐term net rates measured between 2005 and 2009. Both short‐term and long‐term observations illustrate some of the greatest change occur near terminations of the largest, north–south oriented islands, associated with longshore movement of coarse sand and gravel. Direct hits by tropical depressions and marked seasonality, factors interpreted as being essential in island growth and shoreline dynamics elsewhere, do not directly impact these equatorial atolls and can be eliminated as fundamental controls on shoreline dynamics. Similarly, observations over four years suggested that shoreline variability probably is not influenced directly by marked sea‐level change, although a recent increase in the rates of shoreline change could reflect instability related to the cumulative effect of a long‐term increase in the rate of sea‐level rise. Within this framework of global change, local anthropogenic effects, autogenic shoreline processes and El Niño/Southern Oscillation‐influenced wind and wave variability control many aspects of these dynamic shorelines. These results provide quantitative insights into the character and variability of rates of shoreline change, information essential for evaluating and mitigating the vulnerability of island nations such as Kiribati.  相似文献   

Consideration of human influences is crucial to understanding the coastal sediment supply and associated shoreline responses prior to undertaking coastal hazard management studies. Observation of the widening of some selected Indian beaches, especially over the last 6 decades, is of significance. From this perspective, Miramar Beach, Goa, India, was studied using three ground-penetrating radar shallow subsurface profiles (4 m depth). Based on a series of depositional siliciclastic packages, six progradational packages were recognised, which were interrupted by sharp erosional boundaries. These erosional boundaries represent transgressive phases of the shoreline migration. It was observed that the shoreline migration is coupled with the deposition and erosion of sediments, and this is supported by the historical admiralty charts. The optically simulated luminescence dating of the sediments collected at the first progradation period reveals that the age corresponds to the years 1952–1957, which also corroborates the information provided by the local populace. In the past 6 decades, the shoreline growth has been rapid because of the heavy sediment influx from the Mandovi River caused by increased mining activities (since the 1950s) in upstream areas. Since the 1950s, the shoreline has prograded rapidly, building a beach from ~40 to ~280 m wide (average rate of 4 m/year) in response to enhanced sediment supply from the Mandovi River created by mining activities upstream. Superimposed on this overall regressive trend is a series of deposition and erosion cycles. Perhaps, if a similar trend continues, then there will possibly be a further widening of the beach in the future. A close monitoring network is needed to understand the causes of the cycles in shoreline position and to predict their future behaviour. The present investigation on the nature of the coastal response to anthropogenic activities in a river basin as well as the role of short-time cycles on shoreline behaviour in the last 6 decades could be an ideal reference study and motivate the search for similar areas along other coastal locations.  相似文献   

Landsat enhanced thematic mapper imagery (ETM) of 2002 and aerial photography of 1955, combined with published charts and field observations were used to interpret coastal changes in the zone between Kitchener drain and Damietta spit in the northeastern Nile delta, previously recognized as a vulnerable zone to the effects of any sea level rise resulting from global warming. The interpretation resulted in recognition of several changes in nine identified geomorphological land types: beach and coastal flat, coastal dunes, agricultural deltaic land, sabkhas, fish farms, Manzala lagoon, saltpans, marshes and urban centers. Reclamation of vast areas of the coastal dunes and of Manzala lagoon added about 420 km2 to the agricultural deltaic land. About 48 km2 of backshore flats, marshes, salt pans and Manzala lagoon have been converted to productive fish farms. The main urban centers have expanded; nearly 12.1 km2 have been added to their areas, and new urban centers (Damietta harbor and the New Damietta city) with total area reach of ~35.3 km2 have been constructed at the expense of vast areas of Manzala lagoon, coastal dunes, and backshore flats. As a consequence of human activities, the size of Manzala lagoon has been reduced to more than 65%. Shoreline changes have been determined from beach profile survey (1990–2000), and comparison of 1955 aerial photographs and ETM satellite image of 2002 reveal alongshore patterns of erosion versus accretion. The short-term rate of shoreline retreat (1990–2000) has increased in the downdrift side of Damietta harbor (≃14 m/year), whereas areas of accretion exist within the embayment of Gamasa and in the shadow of Ras El Bar detached breakwaters system, with a maximum shoreline advance of ~15 m/year. A sandy spit, 12 km long, has developed southeast of Damietta promontory. These erosion/accretion patterns denote the natural processes of wave-induced longshore currents and sediment transport, in addition, the impact of man-made coastal protection structures.  相似文献   

Shoreline is one of the rapidly changing landform in coastal area. So, accurate detection and frequent monitoring of shorelines are very essential to understand the coastal processes and dynamics of various coastal features. The present study is to investigate the shoreline changes along the coast between Kanyakumari and Tuticorin of south India, where hydrodynamic and morphologic changes occur continuously after the December 2004 tsunami. Multi-date satellite data of Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) satellites (1999, 2000, 2003, 2005, and 2006) are used to extract the shorelines. The satellite data is processed by using the ERDAS IMAGINE 9.1 software and analyzed by ArcGIS 9.2 workstation. The different shoreline change maps are developed and the changes are analyzed with the shoreline obtained from the Survey of India Toposheets (1969). The present study indicates that accretion was predominant along the study area during the period 1969–1999. But recently (from 1999 onwards), most of the coastal areas have experienced erosion. The study also indicates the reversal of shoreline modifications in some coastal zones. The coastal areas along the headlands have experienced both erosion and accretion. Though the coastal erosion is due to both natural and anthropogenic activities, the coastal zones where sand is mined have more impacts and relatively more rate of erosion than that of other zones. Improper and in-sustainable sand mining leads to severe erosion problem along this area. So the concept of sustainable management should be interpreted in the management of the near-shore coastal sand mining industry.  相似文献   

One of the most effective means of monitoring the cumulative effects of natural processes and human activities on the shoreline is to study the patterns of shoreline change over time. An attempt has been made to study the shoreline changes along Al Batinah, Sultanate of Oman, at the outlet of Wadi Al Hawasnah. The previous studies showed that Al Batinah coastline is generally stable except where coastal engineering structures like harbors, corniches, ports, and recharge dams are present. Remote sensing and GIS techniques are widely used in the coastal geomorphology because they provide the best sources to study the long-term shoreline changes. Rapid shoreline changes at the mouth of Wadi Al Hawasnah have been measured using proxy data derived mainly from satellite images from 2000 to 2005. The mouth of Wadi Al Hawasnah is now completely blocked after the construction of recharge dam at the upper stream of Wadi Al Hawasnah and Wadi Bani Umar in 1995. There has been no discharge to the sea after the construction of the dam. Furthermore, beach profiles of this area show erosion close to the south of the tidal inlet and accretion further south. The shorelines in the northwest of the tidal inlet remained stable.  相似文献   

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