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山东岩溶泉   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
岩溶泉是岩溶地下水的天然露头。山东省岩溶泉可以分为五种成因类型,即侵蚀—断层泉、侵蚀—接触泉、与火成岩体有关的接触泉,侵蚀泉和断层泉、而以前两类为主,已发现有308处岩溶泉,其中36处的日流量超过了10000m~3,它们主要分布于鲁中南丘陵区,特别是断陷盆地内部和泉域边缘,在这些地方岩溶泉以面状或带状成群分布,并提出了保护和合理利用岩溶地下水的若干建议。   相似文献   

贾小军 《地下水》2006,28(3):22-24,29
郭庄泉泉域内有多处泉点出漏,泉域为一完整的岩溶地下水系统,具有独立的补给、径流、排泄关系,为全排型岩溶大泉。本文通过计算分析,确定了泉域岩溶地下水的天然资源量和可开采资源量,为区域水资源的优化配置提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

宋印胜 《山东地质》1997,13(2):54-58
岩溶泉泉水的水质主要受控于地下水化学场经历的地球化学过程,同时也反映了不同水文质单元地下水径流场的条件。作者利用8个岩溶泉的水化学资料,用灰色关联度作相似的统计量,对岩溶泉群进行聚类分析,其目的是通过泉水水化学微观特征,探讨泉的相似性及差异性,从而提高勘察成果质量。  相似文献   

拒马源泉群作为拒马河的源头,受到了较多专家和学者的关注。但这些研究多集中在地下水的水化学、水位动态、泉流量等特征上,对地下水氢氧同位素特征的分析几乎没有,且对北海泉的成因解释多为粗略的定性概述。为了说明涞源北盆地地下水的氢氧同位素特征,详细揭示北海泉的形成模式,首次系统地采集了不同含水岩组的地下水样品,测定了水样的氢氧同位素组分。结果表明:样品点δD和δ18O值均落在区域大气降水线上或附近,大气降水是研究区地下水的主要补给来源;白云岩、灰岩含水岩组高程效应较明显,径流途径长,松散含水层径流途径短,受蒸发作用较强;白云岩、灰岩含水岩组和松散含水层氘盈余d值分别为6.0‰~11.6‰、4.2‰~11.2‰、3.8‰~8.0‰,较大气降水大部分偏小,表明岩溶水和松散孔隙水经历了不同的流动过程;白云岩、灰岩含水岩组从补给区向排泄区各自流动过程中,在小西庄、香炉屯村附近断裂带发生沟通混合,然后在向盆地中心径流过程中受断层阻水上升,上升过程中又接受了松散孔隙水的补给,最后在松散岩层中出露成泉,形成北海泉。在孔隙水混入前,两者的平均补给比例大约为48.4%~57.6%和42.4%~51.6%。  相似文献   

黄荣  王发  陈洪松  付智勇 《水文》2022,42(3):20-26
表层岩溶泉的水文水化学特征是认识岩溶含水介质结构的重要手段。基于泉域水文地质调查,2018年对广西环江木连小流域内降水和泉水流量及电导率进行监测,利用端元模型与电导率频率分布分析方法,解析表层岩溶泉径流来源及对降雨的响应特征。结果表明:(1)年尺度上,受驱替作用排泄的水流分别占季节泉、常流泉总径流的32.3%和23%;(2)次降雨过程季节泉和常流泉径流均以驱替含水层中未联通的“旧水”为主,强降雨条件下存在的雨水稀释现象仅约占3.6%;(3)季节泉在次降雨过程中受多重水流补给且对降雨响应敏感,其中管道流和壤中流分别占23%、34.2%,以基质或岩溶裂隙释放的重力水流仅占10.5%,导致持续供水能力较差;(4)常流泉补给来源单一,次降雨过程中主要受到以基质或岩溶裂隙排泄的重力水补给(77%),具有较高的有效涵养地下水资源功能及供水可持续性能力。  相似文献   

岩溶高原地下水径流系统垂向分带   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
王宇 《中国岩溶》2018,37(1):1-8
大量的矿产资源采掘、地质勘探、洞穴探测、示踪试验等揭露和观测研究发现地下水径流系统的分带性是客观存在的。根据含水层的埋藏条件、地下径流的空间形态、地下水动力性质、地下水循环深度和流程的差异,岩溶高原地下水径流系统垂向上可划分为:浅循环径流带、深循环径流带2大类,进一步划分为:表层径流带、垂向渗流带、季节波动带、潜水—承压水径流带及层状承压径流带、带状承压径流带6个分带。岩溶高原地下水径流系统分带主要由地层沉积旋回、地质构造切割及组合、地形地貌起伏变化、岩溶发育分带特性所决定。   相似文献   

指示娘子关泉群水动力环境的水化学—同位素信息分析   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
本文依据宏量组分、微量元素和氢氧同位氧组成监测资料,分析了娘子关泉群水动力环境及其水文地质演化趋势。除国家和城西泉主要排泄局部流动系统的地下水外,其它各泉均为不同空间尺度流动系统地下水混合、排泄之产物。在人类活动影响下,娘子关泉群水质恶化,流量衰减,水帘洞、程家泉断流,城西、坡底泉也面临断流之危险。目前抽取的水帘洞泉的水资源量组成已与五龙泉和苇泽关泉相似,以区域和中间流动系统地下水为主。  相似文献   

庞练  李晓 《地下水》2010,32(2):11-12,24
主要根据仙人洞泉和龙滩泉的地质和水文地质调查资料,分析了研究区内岩溶发育特征,并应用水化学分析和同位素测试方法,研究分析了仙人洞泉和龙滩泉形成原因。认为研究区仙人洞泉和龙滩泉水化学及同位素特征相似,二者与金沙江水水化学组成差异较大,二者均以分水岭附近的石炭系地层为主要补给区,但仙人洞泉还接受更远地段地下水的补给,地下水沿岩溶裂隙和管道系统径流。  相似文献   

为了查明金佛山各洞穴之间的地下水力联系,探讨岩溶地下水系统结构特征,于2016年12月进行了多元示踪试验。将罗丹明B作为示踪剂,从药池坝附近消水洞(S01)投入,验证消水洞与北坡水源(水房泉)(S02)之间存在水力联系。结果显示,示踪剂历时曲线为多峰型,推测地下过水通道可能由单管道型演变为多管道型通道;将荧光素钠投入金佛洞地下水流动处(S05)和将罗丹明B、荧光增白剂投入羊口洞地下水流动处(S03),利用高分辨率荧光光度计,于燕子洞(S04)在线监测。结果显示,金佛洞、羊口洞分别与燕子洞之间存在水力联系,且示踪剂历时曲线均为跳跃型,推测地下过水通道可能为发育有一定规模溶潭的多管道型。   相似文献   

易连兴 《中国岩溶》2020,39(4):559-566
本文以贵州省纳雍县鬃岭崩塌滑坡带两个滑坡区为例,通过水文地质调查、水动力场分析、水化学和流量动态对比分析,得出结论(1)天然条件下,崩塌滑坡带存在3个相对独立的地下水系统,采煤活动改变了局部地下水径流排泄方向,使上部基岩裂隙水、中部岩溶水补给到下部基岩裂隙水中,最后从坑道或泉排泄出地表。(2)流量动态和钙离子含量变化表明,雨季中部岩溶水灌入式补给到了采空区坑道中,同时也表明老鬃岭镇滑坡区山体浅部垂直裂缝发育,左家寨滑坡区山体浅部至深部垂直裂缝均有发育。(3)鬃岭崩塌滑坡体内部地下水以非饱和水下渗运动为主,不存在饱和地下水流场,故而不存在水动力驱动滑坡影响作用。(4)在鬃岭崩塌滑坡孕灾或灾害触发过程中,地下水对垂直裂缝、滑动结构面的发展和岩体破坏、失稳主要起到加速和促进作用。本文对岩溶石山地区类似滑坡机理研究有一定意义。   相似文献   

北京市泉水的水化学、同位素特征及其指示作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对北京市泉水的水温、溶解氧、电导率、氧化还原电位、pH值、总溶解固体等进行了现场检测,对泉水中的K+、Na+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Cl-、SO42-、HCO32-、NO3-离子,D、18O组成和Sr、87Sr/86Sr比值等进行了实验室检测,对泉水按成因进行了分类,并与30年前的泉水普查资料作了对比。调查表明,曾以泉多著称的北京市,1980s初存在的几乎全部二类泉和60%的一类泉如今已消失,仅存的13眼泉的出水量也明显减小,这与降水量的减少和大规模开采地下水有关。水质分析表明,现在绝大部分泉水水质良好,物理和水化学指标与30年前相比变化甚微,明显没有受人类活动的污染;泉水仅在浅部循环,在地下滞留时间较短,更新能力强;泉水接受大气降水补给,与浅层地下水联系密切,构成了统一的地下水系统;泉水中的Sr为碳酸盐岩风化来源。  相似文献   

Concern over potential impact of shale gas development on shallow groundwater systems requires greater understanding of crustal scale fluid movement. We examined natural deeply circulating groundwater systems in northeastern British Columbia adjacent to a region of shale gas development, in order to elucidate origin of waters, depths of circulation, and controls on fluid flow. These systems are expressed as thermal springs that occur in the deformed sedimentary rocks of the Liard Basin. Stable isotope data from these springs show that they originate as meteoric water. Although there are no thermal anomalies in the region, outlet temperatures range from 30 to 56 °C, reflecting depth of circulation. Based on aqueous geothermometry and geothermal gradients, circulation depths up to 3.8 km are estimated, demonstrating connection of deep groundwater systems to the surface. Springs are also characterised by leakage of thermogenic gas from deep strata that is partly attenuated by methanotrophic microbial communities in the spring waters. Springs are restricted to anomalous structural features, cross cutting faults, and crests of fault-cored anticlines. On a regional scale they are aligned with the major tectonic features of the Liard Line and Larsen Fault. This suggests that while connection of surface to deep reservoirs is possible, it is rare and restricted to highly deformed geologic units that produce permeable pathways from depth through otherwise thick intervening shale units. Results allow a better understanding of potential for communication between deep shale gas units and shallow aquifer systems.  相似文献   

Artesian springs, which form carbonate mounds at the surface, occur in groups along the southwestern edge of the Great Artesian Basin (GAB), in northern South Australia. Their underground structure and relationship to faulting are not well understood. This study investigated four mound spring groups (Beresford Spring, Warburton Spring, the Bubbler Spring group, and Freeling Springs), which have different geological settings, using a range of geophysical techniques: self-potential (SP), magnetotellurics (MT) and time-domain electromagnetics (TEM). The results confirmed that despite generally similar mound morphologies at the surface, spring vents in different groups have different mechanisms for sourcing water from the GAB aquifer. SP measurements effectively showed where most of the vertical flow occurs at all groups, while MT and TEM models identified the location of faults, other geological structures and the thickness of the Bulldog Shale aquitard. Beresford and Warburton springs are similar in that the spring locations at both are directly related to points on a regional-scale fault, which appears to provide a low permeability pathway to the surface. At the Bubbler Springs group, a regionally aligned fault identified in MT data seems to be bounding an area where the aquifer is much closer to the surface (and the overlying aquitard has been thinned) where the spring abundance is highest. SP responses indicate that shallow flow paths feeding individual vents are unrelated to the fault. At Freeling Springs, the SP suggests that groundwater is flowing up within shallow aquifers, and that spring location is offset from this upward flow, instead located on range-front faults that provide the final conduit to the surface.  相似文献   

李娜  周训  郭娟  拓明明  徐艳秋 《现代地质》2020,34(1):177-188
研究天然盐泉的形成有助于揭示陆地水文循环过程中的物质迁移。采用水文地球化学的方法,分析四川省盐源县的9个泉水和卤水水样的水化学特征和同位素特征,探讨盐泉的溶质来源,总结盐泉的成因模式。水样可以分为TDS为311.69 g/L的Cl-Na型卤水、TDS为55.77~89.43 g/L的Cl-Na型盐泉、TDS为1.17 g/L的Cl-Na型微咸泉和TDS为0.26~0.56 g/L的以HCO3-Ca、HCO3·SO4-Ca·Mg型为主的淡水泉。泉水和卤水的氢氧同位素显示其来源于大气降水;水样的特征系数显示盐泉和卤水都属于溶滤型,且指示研究区基本不具有找钾前景。泉水的盐分主要来源于石盐、方解石、石膏和白云石等矿物的溶滤。盐泉的形成模式可以概括为:在山区获得大气降水入渗补给后,地下水经历较浅和较深的地下径流并且溶滤含盐地层或者盐矿,使其矿化度升高,在地形较低处汇集出露地表成泉。  相似文献   

Cen  Xinyu  Xu  Mo  Qi  Jihong  Zhang  Qiang  Shi  Haoxin 《Hydrogeology Journal》2021,29(7):2381-2396

Challenged by rapidly changing climate in combination with an increase in anthropogenic pressures, karst groundwater resources in the Old Town of Lijiang (OTLJ), SW China, are diminishing. Higher frequency and longer duration of dried-up periods have been observed at the Heilongtan Park (HP) Springs in recent years. Thus, there is an urgent need for an artificial recharge scheme, aimed at replenishing groundwater in the aquifer and increasing the outflow of the springs to ensure effective water resources management. Evaluation of the scheme feasibility, prior to its implementation, is important. In this study, tracer tests were conducted between the recharge area and receiving springs in order to gain insight into the transport mechanisms of karst groundwater and the structural characteristics of the aquifer. Multiple underground flow paths, exhibiting high conductivity between the recharge area and HP Springs, were revealed by the interpretation of tracer breakthrough curves. Three springs considered as the leakages of the scheme were identified. Moreover, the outflow of springs at HP and OTLJ were predicted to be increased by the artificially recharged water after 9.2 and 12.5 days, respectively. Quantitative analysis of tracer recoveries demonstrates that the springs to be recharged and the springs considered as leakages, respectively, share 45 and 55% of the increased outflow. The feasibility of the scheme has been confirmed by the tracer tests. This report provides references for the evaluation of artificial groundwater recharge and protection strategies, particularly in large and poorly investigated karst spring fields.


A discussion of up-flow springs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Based on their genesis, springs are commonly classified as depression spring, contact spring, overflow spring and fault spring, etc. In addition, a kind of springs, i.e., up-flow spring, can be found in the field. An aquifer is overlain by poorly-permeable unconsolidated sediments or relatively impervious formations. If the hydraulic head of the aquifer is higher than the land surface, groundwater may flow up to the ground surface through the local portion of the overlying aquicludes where the permeability is relatively good, and emerges as an up-flow spring. The common characteristics of an up-flow spring are discussed and summarized in this paper, and some examples of the up-flow springs are also given. Up-flow springs can flow up through local permeable zones in the overlying aquicludes rather than permeable faults. Although they cannot be found as frequently as depression springs, contact springs, overflow springs and fault springs etc., yet up-flow springs may occur in the form of normal-temperature springs, hot springs and salt springs.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemistry and environmental isotope data were utilized to understand origins and characteristics of the thermal springs in southern Gaoligong Mountains, China. The groundwater at the thermal springs has low values of total dissolved solids, and its main water types are Na-HCO3. The thermal springs are mainly recharged from meteoric precipitations. The recharge areas are located near the springs at an approximate elevation of 1,800 m. The groundwater of the thermal springs is immature and partially equilibrated with a strong mixture of the shallow cold waters during the flow process. The shallow cold water accounts for more than 90 %. The temperatures of thermal reservoir that feed the springs are between 146 and 260 °C, and the calculated groundwater circulation depths range from 2,000 to 5,700 m below ground surface.  相似文献   

Geochemical fluxes from watersheds are typically defined using mass-balance methods that essentially lump all weathering processes operative in a watershed into a single flux of solute mass measured in streamflow at the watershed outlet. However, it is important that we understand how weathering processes in different hydrological zones of a watershed (i.e., surface, unsaturated, and saturated zones) contribute to the total geochemical flux from the watershed. This capability will improve understanding of how geochemical fluxes from these different zones may change in response to climate change. Here, the geochemical flux from weathering processes occurring solely in the saturated zone is investigated. This task, however, remains exceedingly difficult due to the sparsity of subsurface sampling points, especially in large, remote, and/or undeveloped watersheds. In such cases, springflow is often assumed to be a proxy for groundwater (defined as water residing in fully saturated geologic formations). However, springflow generation may integrate different sources of water including, but not limited to, groundwater. The authors’ hypothesis is that long-term estimates of geochemical fluxes from groundwater using springflow proxies will be too large due to the integrative nature of springflow generation. Two conceptual models of springflow generation are tested using endmember mixing analyses (EMMA) on observations of spring chemistries and stable isotopic compositions in a large alpine watershed in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. In the “total springflow” conceptual model, springflow is assumed to be 100% groundwater. In the “fractional springflow” conceptual model, springflow is assumed to be an integration of different sources of water (e.g., groundwater, unsaturated flow, preferential flow in the soil, etc.) and groundwater is only a fractional component. The results indicate that groundwater contributions in springflow range from 2% to 100% overall and no springs are consistently composed of 100% groundwater; providing support for the fractional springflow conceptual model. Groundwater contributions are not strongly correlated with elevation, spring contributing area, spring discharge, or seasonality. This variability has a profound effect on long-term geochemical fluxes. The geochemical fluxes for total springflow overestimate long-term solute release by 22–48% as compared to fractional springflow. These findings illustrate that springflow generation, like streamflow generation, integrates many different sources of water reflecting solute concentrations obtained along many different geochemical weathering pathways. These data suggest that springs are not always ideal proxies for groundwater. Springs may be integrating very distinct portions of the groundwater flow field and these groundwater contributions may become mixed at the spring emergence with much younger sources of water that have never resided in the groundwater system.  相似文献   

In the southern part of the Slovensky Kras Mountains, located on the Hungarian–Slovakian border, a transboundary karstic aquifer Dolny vrch/Alsóhegy underlies the structure and discharges groundwater flow to 15 major karst springs around its margin. Hydrograph recession curves from nine-gauged springs on the Slovak part of the aquifer were analysed, and for each individual spring, depletion hydrograph equations were classified into different categories based on recessional parameters quantitatively describing individual groundwater flow sub–regimes. Discharge depletion was used to create recessional equations, and these were linked to karstification degree, a qualitative scale ranging from 1 to 10. A new application of hydrograph separation was based on examining and combining pairs of springs that likely fit into the category of overflow/underflow springs for a single groundwater reservoir. Recession-curve analysis performed on coupled discharges of two pairs of neighbouring springs was conducted to examine their possible linkage as a single groundwater reservoir, with an overflow outlet and underflow outlet. In the process of discharge coupling, discharges of the springs, hypothesized to be branches of the same source and observed at the same time were simply added together. By analyzing the resulting new time series, a new classification of sub-regimes could be generated. Surprisingly, new facts were revealed about the overflow/underflow springs, which primarily were not recognized previously as being connected components of a single groundwater reservoir. Summations of combined overflow/underflow discharge volumes of a single spring reservoir led to discovery of apparent presence of turbulent flow sub-regimes on the coupled recession curve. Presence of possible overflow/underflow springs of a single groundwater basin should be considered during hydrograph analyses if the springs have attributes that suggest they may be part of a combined flow system. Treating these springs as separate entities as a result can produce significant misinterpretation of drainage parameters. Furthermore, identification of overflow branches facilitates the generation of new research ideas for further speleological investigations nearby, and for assessing the system in a more effective manner.  相似文献   

济南泉域边界条件、水循环特征及水环境问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
孙斌  彭玉明 《中国岩溶》2014,33(3):272-279
济南泉域是市区泉水的汇流及蓄水范围,在其北部城区中心地带出露趵突泉、黑虎泉、五龙潭和珍珠泉四大泉群。为更好地保护和利用济南泉域内岩溶地下水,文章对济南泉域的边界条件、岩溶主径流通道、地下水循环特征及水质变化几个敏感问题进行探讨。利用泉群流量相关分析、流场特征分析、回灌补源分析及自备井调查等手段,重新界定了济南泉域的东边界,将其北部透水段向东扩展至原边界以东约4 km。通过对钻孔岩溶分层统计及缓冲区分析,在山前地带沿党家庄-十六里河-千佛山断裂泉城公园方向地下埋深100~150 m发现一条补给四大泉群的岩溶地下水集中径流带。研究发现,五龙潭和珍珠泉以深循环为主,补给主要来自岩溶地下水,而趵突泉和黑虎泉同时受深循环和浅循环影响较大,趵突泉主要补给来自西部和南部岩溶地下水和地表水,除此以外黑虎泉在东南方向上还有一定量的岩溶地下水补给。目前岩溶水水质变差,南部岩溶裸露区,尤其水库河道周边地带,生态环境亟待治理。   相似文献   

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