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利用美国NOAA提供的向外长波辐射(OLR)资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及上海台风所提供的热带气旋(TC)资料等,通过定义一个描写南海范围内(5°N~20°N,105°E~120°E)的热带辐合带(Intertropical Convergence Zone,简称ITCZ)强度指数,研究了南海ITCZ年际和年代际异常变化特征及其对非移入性南海TC[South China Sea-generated tropical cyclone(SCS-G TC)]活动的可能影响,并从异常强、弱南海ITCZ年份的大气环流背景和海表温度等变化特征来尝试揭示南海TC的活动规律。结果表明:在年际和年代际时间尺度上,南海ITCZ强度指数与南海TC的生成频数存在显著的负相关关系,长期趋势变化间的关系存在不同。南海ITCZ的强、弱显著地影响到南海TC的生成频数。强南海ITCZ年,南海TC频数偏多;弱南海ITCZ年,南海ITCZ频数偏少。强、弱南海ITCZ年对于南海TC的生成源地、TC的维持时间以及路径和强度的影响不显著。进一步分析表明,动力和环境条件方面,强、弱南海ITCZ年可能差异较大。异常偏强年,对流层低层出现气旋性环流,上层出现反气旋性环流;季风槽在南海区域偏强、位置偏南。与OLR表示的深对流区相配合,存在暖的海表温度和低层强烈的正涡度和强辐合,在高层存在相应的强的气流辐散,形成了极有利于南海TC发生发展的条件。弱南海ITCZ年则相反。另外,ITCZ强年,太平洋异常SST(Sea Surface Temperature)出现为La Ni?a特征,南海ITCZ区对流活跃,强度偏强。反之,ITCZ弱年则表现为El Ni?o特征,南海ITCZ关键区的对流强度偏弱。这些结果可为深刻认识南海TC的生成规律以及对南海TC的预报提供线索。  相似文献   

南海—西太平洋地区ITCZ气候学特征的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用1965—1984年6—9月逐日08时850hPa历史天气图上分析的ITCZ,统计出ITCZ频数分布图,研究了南海—西太平洋地区ITCZ的气候特性和季节性进退,揭示了ITCZ具有与副热带高压同步北跳现象和频数突增现象。发现:西太平洋上的ITCZ容易在12°N和20°N附近形成和维持,使ITCZ频数图上出现南、北两个多频带.这一分支现象与热带低层赤道西风和高层热带东风的分支现象密切相关。由于ITCZ存在着活跃与间歇的低频振荡,加上海陆、地形和热带气旋活动的影响,以及ITCE的结构特点,因而月平均多云带和最小OLR轴位置比流场ITCZ显著偏南,而且在南海地区出现偏离季风槽而沿地形槽的走向.对比分析表明,用OLR标准差与平均值之比值X来表征ITCZ的位置可能比直接用最小OLR轴更合理.  相似文献   

一次南亚高压中期活动过程的数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用1965—1984年6—9月逐日08时850hPa历史天气图上分析的ITCZ,统计出ITCZ频数分布图,研究了南海—西太平洋地区ITCZ的气候特性和季节性进退,揭示了ITCZ具有与副热带高压同步北跳现象和频数突增现象。发现:西太平洋上的ITCZ容易在12°N和20°N附近形成和维持,使ITCZ频数图上出现南、北两个多频带.这一分支现象与热带低层赤道西风和高层热带东风的分支现象密切相关。由于ITCZ存在着活跃与间歇的低频振荡,加上海陆、地形和热带气旋活动的影响,以及ITCE的结构特点,因而月平均多云带和最小OLR轴位置比流场ITCZ显著偏南,而且在南海地区出现偏离季风槽而沿地形槽的走向.对比分析表明,用OLR标准差与平均值之比值X来表征ITCZ的位置可能比直接用最小OLR轴更合理.  相似文献   

中南半岛地区热力特征对南海季风爆发的可能影响及机理   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
利用1998年5月1日-8月31日南海季风试验(SCSMX)产1980年1月-1995年12月NCEP/NCAR候平均再分析资料,分析1998年和多年平均情况下南海夏季风爆发期间中南半岛地区热力特征,揭示该地区热状况的异常与南海夏季风爆发之间的可能联系,从而讨论引起南海夏季风爆发的可能机制。结果发现,南海季风爆发前中南半岛附近地区存在较强的持续地面感知加热并具有显的低频振荡特征,低层大气在中南半岛地区出现较强的暖中心,由此导致局地强的水平温度梯度和位势高度梯度,有利于加强该地区的西南风。南海季风爆发前中南半岛地区低层出现较强的辐合风,高层出现较强的辐散风,这种低层强的辐合,高层强的辐射散配置有利于垂直运动的发展,降水的加强,进而触发南海季风的爆发。对多年平均资料的分析也证实了1998年南海季风爆发过程中所具有的特征,并进一步发现南海季风爆发前中南半岛地区850hPa温度是逐渐增加的,且增温幅度大于南海地区上空,由此加强了中南半岛与南海之间的温差。另外,比纬圈温度偏差和位势高度偏差的分析中发现,南海季风爆发期间南海和中南半岛地区的副高东撤与中南半岛地区的增温和孟加拉湾低槽的向东扩展有关。  相似文献   

周浩  温之平  蓝光东 《大气科学》2007,31(5):950-962
利用ECMWF和NCEP(1958~1999年)的再分析资料,研究南海夏季风与前期气象要素的关系,结果表明:南海夏季风建立日期与当年2月份赤道印度洋地区的纬向风存在高层(200~100 hPa)为正、低层(1000~700 hPa)为负的显著相关分布,类似于偶极子的分布特征;而在赤道中太平洋地区(160°E~160°W)则存在高层为负、低层为正的另一个显著相关“偶极子”。分析这种相关特征的持续性,发现上述形势从2月份到5月份一直存在,且赤道印度洋地区高低层相反的相关分布从3月份开始逐渐东移,到5月份维持在印度洋东部至南海一带。从5月份的相关系数分布图可发现,南海地区低层为负相关,高层为正相关,说明低层西风异常、高层东风异常的赤道纬向风分布有利于南海夏季风早爆发。针对南海夏季风建立日期与赤道地区(10°S~10°N平均)纬向风的“偶极子”型相关分布特征,定义了一个用于诊断南海夏季风爆发迟早的前期因子。该因子与大部分学者定义的南海夏季风建立日期存在着显著的相关,说明该因子对南海夏季风爆发迟早有一定的反映能力和预测作用。根据Gill(1980年)理论分析发现,上述2月份赤道地区纬向风异常是同期赤道印度洋-大陆桥地区异常强对流活动造成热带赤道大气环流显著异常变化的结果。  相似文献   

为了分析南海夏季风活动不同阶段的大气环流特征,引入南海区域(105~120°E,5~20°N)平均高(200 hPa)低(850 hPa)层风场和向外长波辐射(OLR)作为南海夏季风指数。分析结果表明这些指数的组合可以较好地反映南海夏季风季节内以下时间尺度的活动情况。当南海地区低层平均为西南风、高层为东北风且OLR异常(OLRa)小于零时,南海夏季风处于活跃期,此时副高远离南海,南海区域对流强盛,有明显的季风槽;当南海地区低层为西南风,高层为东北风,但是OLRa大于零时,南海夏季风处于不活跃阶段,此时副高远离南海,虽然南海地区对流不活跃,但是季风环流依然存在且向北扩展,使得华南-江南对流活跃;当南海地区风场为其他情况时,此时不论对流强弱,南海夏季风处于中断期,南海或者受副高控制,或者受热带气旋影响,季风环流在南海地区中断。利用定义的南海夏季风活动指标对2011年和2012年南海夏季风活动进行分析,结果指出这两年南海夏季风活跃期较长,季节内对流北传事件一般发生在南海夏季风活跃期或活跃期向非活跃期的转换期,而中断期即使有强对流发生,也不会向北传播。分析了这两年中断和不活跃情况下的大气环流分布,进一步验证了定义的南海夏季风活动指标的实用性。  相似文献   

采用NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均资料和NOAA全球逐日降水资料,首先利用EOF方法分析了南海夏季风的垂直结构时空变化特征,然后初步探讨了南海夏季风垂直结构对中国夏季降水的影响和机制。(1) 南海夏季风的垂直结构有明显的年际和年代际变化特征。EOF第一模态型主要表现为南海夏季风垂直结构的年际变化特征,为对流层低层西南风和对流层高层东北风同时增强(同时减弱)(简称“低层-高层同时增强”和“低层-高层同时减弱”)两种典型结构变化;EOF第二模态主要表现为南海夏季风垂直结构的年代际变化,为对流低层(高层)西南风(东北风)由下向上的增强到减弱变化和相反的对流层低层(高层)西南风(东北风)减弱到增强的变化(简称“低层强弱-高层强弱”和“低层弱强-高层弱强”)的两个不同年代(时段)的垂直结构变化。(2) 南海夏季风垂直结构变化通过改变对流层低层、高层的环流异常变化来影响中国东部夏季降水的异常变化。南海夏季风呈“低层-高层同时增强”垂直结构时,南海低纬热带季风环流异常加强,长江流域低层辐散、高层辐合及异常下沉运动,其南侧的华南地区和北侧的东北地区是低层辐合、高层辐散和异常上升运动,导致华南降水异常偏多、长江流域降水偏少、北方降水偏多;在“低层-高层同时减弱”年,则相反。南海夏季风呈“低层弱强-高层弱强”垂直结构时,我国东部地区自华南到东北,分别是低层辐合(辐散)、高层辐散(辐合)的有利于上升(下沉)运动的环流条件,华南、江淮地区降水增多,江南、东北地区降水减少;对“低层强弱-高层强弱”时段,则相反。   相似文献   

利用卫星资料和再分析资料讨论夏季6—8月平均热带辐合带(Intertropical Convergence Zone,简称ITCZ)的强度变化特征及其对热带气旋的影响。首先利用120~150 °E,5~20 °N区域平均的对外长波辐射(Outgoing Long-wave Radiation,简称OLR)定义一个夏季ITCZ强度指数,再根据这个指数划分ITCZ强弱年并进行合成分析和相关分析。结果表明:ITCZ强弱的变化与高中低层大气环流和前冬海温场有显著的关系,ITCZ强年往往伴随有副热带高压的偏北、偏弱,对流层低层出现气旋性距平风场,高层出现反气旋性距平风场,同时整个太平洋前冬的SST的分布呈现类似La Ni?a的海温分布,而弱年正好相反。另一方面,ITCZ的对流强弱对热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,简称TC)的发生和路径均有重要影响,在ITCZ强年,相应区域上的TC个数增多,同时TC路径更易于打转;而ITCZ弱年,TC个数减少,TC路径更易于向西北行。   相似文献   

利用2004年和1998年强弱南海夏季风年的逐日位势高度场资料,从能量传播的角度诊断分析了南海夏季风爆发期间的波包传播特征及其与季风爆发的联系.结果表明(1)孟加拉湾是南海季风爆发的关键区域.(2)南海季风爆发前,南海地区的波包值有明显的突变,可能体现了季风爆发的爆发性特征.(3)1998弱夏季风年波包值相对较小,传播较慢;2004强夏季风年波包值相对较大,传播迅速.(4)南海夏季风爆发前,对流层整层的波包值都随时间增加,爆发前一天低层和高层的波包值有相同的变化,夏季风爆发之后,低层波包值与高层的波包值有反相的变化.  相似文献   

南海热带对流季节内振荡对江淮流域旱涝影响的初步分析   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
使用TBB17年逐月、候平均资料和欧亚500hPa候平均高度距平场,计算了南海地区逐月TBB的标准差,分析其时空分布特征。采用带通滤波方法,分析了江淮流域旱(1985年)、涝(1991、1998年)年南海地区TBB季节内振荡及其经向传播特征。结果表明,江淮流域涝年,南海地区TBB30~60d和10~20d振荡十分活跃,向北传播非常明显。当TBB强对流位相传播到30°N附近的副热带地区时,激发其对流扰动加强,造成江淮流域集中暴雨。而旱年则相反。南海和30°N地区对流活动的强弱差异与500hPa候平均高度距平场的遥相关揭示出江淮流域旱涝年波列结构有很大的不同。  相似文献   

辐合带台风形成与对流层中、低空急流的联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文的目的,是探讨我国近海辐合带中台风的形成与其两侧对流层中、低空急流的联系。11次实例的分析结果表示,多数(8/11)辐合带台风形成前,在其两侧或一侧有明显的、大尺度的对流层中、低空急流。辐合带扰动,是在这些中、低空急流加强和基本气流气旋性切变增大以后发展成台风的。扰动发展的动能,可能主要来自具有较强气旋性切变的基本气流动能。辐合带两侧明显的中、低空急流的出现和加强,可以作为台风形成的一个预报依据。  相似文献   

Summary The factors that control the strength of the ITCZ (Inter Tropical Convergence Zone) in an aquaplanet GCM (General Circulation Model) have been investigated. The strength of the equatorial ITCZ was found to increase rapidly with increase in meridional gradient of SST. On the other hand, the strength of the off-equatorial ITCZ does not increase rapidly with increase in meridional gradient of SST. This unusual difference in behavior between off-equatorial and equatorial ITCZ has been interpreted with a diagnostic model. The diagnostic model is based on budgets of moisture and dry static energy in the ITCZ. The diagnostic model indicates that the variations in the strength of the ITCZ are related to changes in the net energy convergence and vertical moist static stability. It was found that the net energy convergence in the off-equatorial ITCZ increases much less rapidly with meridional SST gradient than the equatorial counterpart. This difference in the behavior of net energy convergence is related to the surface wind speed which in the off-equatorial ITCZ simulation is largely insensitive to changes in the meridional SST gradient. Thus the primary difference between the equatorial and off-equatorial ITCZ is on account of the fact that wind speeds were lower in the former (on account of the constraint that zonal wind has to be zero at the equator). The impact of increasing the SST maximum on the strength of the ITCZ has also been studied. It was found that the strength of ITCZ increases with an increase in SST maximum. This increase in the strength of the ITCZ with the maximum SST is governed by the increase in boundary layer specific humidity and its impact on vertical moist static stability.  相似文献   

Based on the satellite data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the variation of the intensity of convection over the Intertropical Convergence Zone(ITCZ) in summer and its impacts on tropical cyclones are studied. In this paper, an intensity index of the ITCZ is proposed according to Outgoing Longwave Radiation(OLR) in the region of(5°–20°N, 120°–150°E) in the western North Pacific(WNP). Then strong and weak ITCZ years are classified and different variables during the strong/weak ITCZ years are analyzed. The composite results show that the ITCZ anomaly is connected to the general atmospheric circulation and SST distribution. In the strong ITCZ years, the subtropical anticyclone weakens and shifts northward. Besides, there is salient cyclonic anomaly at the low level and anticyclonic anomaly at the high level. SST patterns in the preceding winter resemble to those of La Nina. It could persist into the succeeding summer. However, it is opposite in the weak ITCZ years. The impact of the ITCZ anomaly on the tropical cyclone(TC) formation and track is also discussed. There are more TCs over the WNP(5°–20°N, 120°–150°E) in the strong ITCZ years and there is a significant increase in the northward recurving TCs. In the weak ITCZ years, fewer TCs occur and the frequency of the northwestward track is higher.  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal march of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) shown by the 22 coupled general circulation models of the 20th Century Climate in Coupled Models experiment in seven regions (Africa, Indian Ocean, western Pacific, central Pacific, eastern Pacific, South America, and Atlantic Ocean). Inter-model differences in the seasonal march of the ITCZ over Africa (10?C40°E) were significantly smaller than those over other regions. This finding indicates that the seasonal march of the ITCZ over Africa is insensitive to differences in model physics and resolution and suggests that the seasonal march of the African ITCZ is controlled by robust and simple mechanisms. Motivated by this result, we tried to understand the process of the seasonal march of the ITCZ over central Africa (15?C30°E) based on an analysis of ERA-40 data. The analysis results revealed the following features of the ITCZ in this region: (1) The ITCZ itself produces large convective available potential energy that generates deep convection. (2) The abundant water vapor within the ITCZ is maintained by horizontal moisture flux. (3) Outside but near the ITCZ, shallow convection exists and may act to pre-moisten deep convection in spring and autumn. (4) The seasonal change of the ITCZ is preceded by that of the vertical moist instability in the lower free atmosphere caused by the seasonal change in insolation.  相似文献   

The intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) in atmospheric general circulation models (coupled to slab ocean) shift southwards in response to northern extratropical cooling. Previous studies have demonstrated the utility of diagnosing the atmospheric energy fluxes in interpreting this teleconnection. This study investigates the nature of global energy flux changes in response to North Atlantic high latitude cooling applied to the Community Atmosphere Model version 3 coupled to a slab ocean, focusing on key local and remote feedbacks that collectively act to alter the energy budget and atmospheric energy transport. We also investigate the relative roles of tropical sea surface temperature (SST) and energy flux changes in the ITCZ response to North Atlantic cooling. Using a radiative kernel technique, we quantify the effects of key feedbacks—temperature, cloud and water vapor, to the top-of-the-atmosphere radiative flux changes. The results show only partial local energy flux compensation to the initial perturbation in the high latitudes, originating from the negative temperature feedback and opposed by positive shortwave albedo and longwave water vapor feedbacks. Thus, an increase in the atmospheric energy transport to the Northern extratropics is required to close the energy budget. The additional energy flux providing this increase comes from top-of-the-atmosphere radiative flux increase over the southern tropics, primarily from cloud, temperature and longwave water vapor feedbacks, and largely as a consequence of increased deep convection. It has been previously argued that the role of tropical SST changes was secondary to the role played by the atmospheric energy flux requirements in controlling the ITCZ shifts, proposing that the SST response is a result of the surface energy budget and not a driver of the precipitation response. Using a set of idealized simulations with the fixed tropical SSTs, we demonstrate that the ITCZ shifts are not possible without the tropical SST changes and suggest that the tropical SSTs are a more suitable driver of tropical precipitation shifts compared to the atmospheric energy fluxes. In our simulations, the ITCZ shifts are influenced mainly by the local (tropical) SST forcing, apparently independent of the actual high latitude energy demand.  相似文献   

The present study investigates modulation of western North Pacific(WNP) tropical cyclone(TC) genesis in relation to different phases of the intraseasonal oscillation(ISO) of ITCZ convection during May to October in the period 1979-2008.The phases of the ITCZ ISO were determined based on 30-80-day filtered OLR anomalies averaged over the region(5-20 N,120-150 E).The number of TCs during the active phases was nearly three times more than during the inactive phases.The active(inactive) phases of ISO were characterized by low-level cyclonic(anticyclonic) circulation anomalies,higher(lower) midlevel relative humidity anomalies,and larger(smaller) vertical gradient anomalies of relative vorticity associated with enhanced(weakened) ITCZ convection anomalies.During the active phases,TCs tended to form in the center of the ITCZ region.Barotropic conversion from the low-level mean flow is suggested to be the major energy source for TC formation.The energy conversion mainly depended on the zonal and meridional gradients of the zonal flow during the active phases.However,barotropic conversion weakened greatly during the inactive phases.The relationship between the meridional gradient of absolute vorticity and low-level zonal flow indicates that the sign of the absolute vorticity gradient tends to be reversed during the two phases,whereas the same sign between zonal flow and the absolute vorticity gradient is more easily satisfied in the active phases.Thus,the barotropic instability of low-level zonal flow might be an important mechanism for TC formation over the WNP during the active phases of ISO.  相似文献   

Summary The ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone) is an important parameter for climatic studies in tropical areas, and meteorological satellite imagery provides an original way to follow its location. Using archive imagery covering the 1971–1987 period, we attempted to study further some of the relationships (suggested by former studies) between ITCZ locations (followed here over the Atlantic ocean at 28°W), and climate anomalies in the Sahel, an area affected by periodic drought for the last seventeen years. We also paid close attention to more frequently studied parameters, such as upper air data, wind at sea level, and sea surface temperature. As for relative drought estimates, we assumed that runoff from the Senegal River was representative of the sahelian area and we observed that its variations were consistent with the Lamb's rainfall index over the 1965–1987 period.Since the onset of the rainy season for West Africa responds to wind changes, we assessed the link between ITCZ and wind at sea level and found the timing of northward ITCZ migration to be highly correlated (r=0.84) with the date of zonal wind stress intensification.On a general point of view, the relationships we found between rainfall amount and ITCZ position anomalies (or SST anomalies) agree with known results of precedent works, though better fit is found with the seventies than the eighties. We think this discrepancy is due in part to the fact that the parameters studied were not identical and, perhaps to a possible change in climatic conditions (on a long term basis, the data show a continuous trend for less intense equatorial upwelling in the gulf of Guinea, and our time series covers a more recent period than referenced works).With a closer look on the first half of the year, it appears that typical (wet/dry) schemes of the ITCZ migration can be evidenced more clearly, than in reporting the northernmost ITCZ location, that we found to be a less significant index: in other words, a sooner (respectively later) northward ITCZ migration corresponds to dry (respectively wet) episodes during the rainy season in sahelian areas. Hence, we propose the speed of ITCZ northwards movement as a parameterization of this event.Moisture content of the lower troposphere revealed that steady anomalies of this parameter may last several years over sahelian areas. Taking into consideration the relative strength African tropical and easterly jets, some limited results were obtained, in regard of climatic anomalies.As first conclusions, moisture transportation over sahelian area (associated with larger negative SST anomalies) is more efficient for wetter rainy season, than the intensity of convective process linked to higher local SST in the equatorial Atlantic area. In joining moisture analysis and ITZ migration (1980–1987 period), wetter rainy seasons were observed each time that positive humidity anomalies coincided with a later northward ITCZ migration (or greater northward ITCZ speed).With 8 Figures  相似文献   

We investigate the causes for a strong high latitude imposed ice (land or sea) influence on the marine Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the Community Climate Model version 3 coupled to a 50-m slab ocean. The marine ITCZ in all the ocean basins shift meridionally away from the hemisphere with an imposed added ice cover, altering the global Hadley circulation with an increased tropical subsidence in the hemisphere with imposed ice and uplift in the other. The effect appears to be independent of the longitudinal position of imposed ice. The anomalous ice induces a rapid cooling and drying of the air and surface over the entire high- and midlatitudes; subsequent progression of cold anomalies occurs in the Pacific and Atlantic northeasterly trade regions, where a wind-evaporation-sea surface temperature (SST) feedback initiates progression of a cold SST ‘front’ towards the ITCZ latitudes. Once the cooler SST reaches the ITCZ latitude, the ITCZ shifts southwards, aided by positive feedbacks associated with the displacement. The ITCZ displacement transports moisture away from the colder and drier hemisphere into the other hemisphere, resulting in a pronounced hemispheric asymmetric response in anomalous specific humidity; we speculate that the atmospheric humidity plays a central role in the hemispheric asymmetric nature of the climate response to high latitude ice cover anomalies. From an energy balance viewpoint, the increased outgoing radiative flux at the latitudes of the imposed ice is compensated by an increased radiative energy flux at the tropical latitudes occupied by the displaced ITCZ, and subsequently transported by the altered Hadley and eddy circulations to the imposed ice latitudes. The situation investigated here may be applicable to past climates like the Last Glacial Maximum where hemispheric asymmetric changes to ice cover occurred. Major caveats to the conclusions drawn include omission of interactive sea ice physics and ocean dynamical feedback and sensitivity to atmospheric physics parameterizations across different models.  相似文献   

The effect of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) on the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) was investigated using a coupled Earth system model. The location of the ITCZ (in this work represented by the center of the tropical precipitation maximum) over the tropical Atlantic was found to be sensitive to the existence of the TP. Removing the TP led to a remarkable sea surface temperature (SST) cooling (warming) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere, which manifested clearly in the Atlantic rather than the Pacific. The locations of maximum precipitation and SST moved southwards clearly in the tropical Atlantic, forcing a southward shift of the atmospheric convection center, and thus the ITCZ. The shift in the ITCZ was also supported by the latitudinal change in the ascending branch of the tropical Hadley Cell, which moved southwards by about 2° in the boreal summer in response to the TP's removal. From the viewpoint of the energy balance between the two hemispheres, the cooling (warming) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere requires an enhanced northward atmospheric heat transport across the equator, which can be realized by the southward displacement of the ITCZ. This study suggests that the presence of the TP may have played an important role in the climatology of the ITCZ, particularly its location over the tropical Atlantic.摘要本文利用耦合地球气候系统模式研究了青藏高原对热带辐合带 (ITCZ) 的影响. 我们研究发现热带大西洋ITCZ的位置对青藏高原存在与否有明显的敏感性. 与目前真实情况相比, 移除青藏高原会导致北半球海面降温, 南半球海面升温. 这种海面温度变化在大西洋表现得尤为明显, 导致热带大西洋最大海温中心向南移动, 从而迫使大气对流中心向南移动, 即表现为ITCZ的南移. 相应地, 夏季热带大气Hadley环流的上升支也发生明显南移. 北 (南) 半球海洋变冷 (变暖) 这种态势要求增强跨赤道向北的大气经向热量输送, 从而维持各个半球的能量平衡, 而这需要ITCZ位置的南移才能实现. 本文研究表明, 青藏高原的存在在现今ITCZ气候态的形成中可能扮演了重要角色.  相似文献   

We examine the mean and transient state of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) by analyzing data and using simple theory. We concentrate on the tropical eastern Pacific Ocean noting that there exists in this region a well-developed mean ITCZ. Furthermore, it is a region where there has been considerable discussion in the literature of whether easterly waves develop in situ or propagate westwards from the Atlantic Ocean. The region is typical of tropical regions where there is a strong cross-equatorial pressure gradient (CEPG): mean convection well removed from the equator but located equatorward of the maximum sea-surface temperature (SST) and minimum sea level pressure (MSLP). Further to the west, near the dateline where the CEPG is much smaller, convection is weaker and collocated with SST and MSLP extrema. It is argued that in regions of significant CEPG that the near-equatorial tropical system is inertially unstable and that the rectification of the instability for a given CEPG determines the location and intensity of the climatological ITCZ. Using simple theoretical arguments, we develop an expression for the mean latitude of the ITCZ as a function of the CEPG. We note on a day-by-day basis that the ITCZ is highly transient state with variability occurring on 3–8 day time scales. Transients with amplitudes about half of the mean ITCZ, propagate northwards from the near-equatorial southern hemisphere as anomalous meridional oscillations, eventually amplifying convection in the vicinity of the mean ITCZ. It is argued that in these longitudes of strong CEPG the mean ITCZ is continually inertially unstable with advections of anticylonic vorticity across the equator resulting in the creation of an oscillating divergence–convergence doublet. The low-level convergence produces convection and the resultant vortex tube stretching generates cyclonic vorticity which counteracts the northward advection of anticylonic vorticity. During a cycle, the mid-troposphere heating near 10oN oscillates between 6 and 12 K/day at the inertial frequency of the latitude of the mean convection. As a result, there exists an anomalous and shallower, oscillating meridional circulation with a magnitude about 50% of the mean ITCZ associated with the stable state following the generation of anticylonic vorticity. Further, it is argued that the instabilities of the ITCZ are directly associated with in situ development of easterly waves which occur with the inertial period of the latitude of the mean ITCZ. The dynamical sequences and the genesis of easterly waves are absent in the regions further to the east where the CEPG is much weaker or absent altogether. In a companion study (Part II), numerical experiments are conducted to test the hypothesis raised in the present study.  相似文献   

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