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采用动态合成分析方法,对1970-2006年登陆后北上类TC(tropicalcyclone)和西行类TC各7个样本做动态合成分析和诊断,结果表明:(1)北上类TC在背景场长波槽前北移靠近中纬度斜压锋区,通过吸附运动使TC低压并入西风槽,而西行类TC背景场没有长波槽,离中纬度斜压锋区较远;(2)北上类TC登陆时存在西南低空急流水汽输送带,当其强度减弱后,TC东南侧存在东南暖湿气流作为补充,而西行类TC减弱后逐渐与之分离,且不存在东南暖湿气流作为补充;(3)北上类TC高层辐散区与高空急流边界靠近,因此增强了其向东北方向的辐散,低层由于高层动量下传,加强了低空西风,从而使TC低压环流维持,而西行类TC离高空急流边界较远;(4)北上类TC从中纬度斜压锋区获取斜压能量,其环流垂直切变增强,相对涡度差负值增大,在高空TC中心散度由大变小后又由小变大的过程中,TC发生了变性,而西行类TC没有环境能量补给,逐渐填塞消亡。因此,当一个TC登陆后,其预报移动方向、水汽输送状况、与斜压锋区的关系以及高空辐散气流等特征,可以作为初步判定登陆TC将减弱消亡还是将变性加强的可能原因。  相似文献   

登陆中国大陆、海南和台湾的热带气旋及其相互关系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
首先,针对登陆中国热带气旋的登陆地点资料仅为地名的现状,利用1951-2004年西北太平洋热带气旋资料和登陆中国热带气旋资料,研究制定了登陆资料信息化方案.该方案包括海岸线近似、登陆位置计算、其他特征量计算和误差订正4个方面.对资料信息化结果的分析表明:信息化登陆资料效果是良好的.在此基础上,对登陆中国热带气旋的基本气候特征进行研究,重点分析了在大陆、海南和台湾登陆的3类热带气旋以及它们的相互关系.结果表明:登陆热带气旋频繁的地区为台湾东部沿海、福建至雷州半岛沿海和海南东部沿海;台湾东部沿海和浙江沿海部分地区是登陆热带气旋平均强度最大的地区,平均登陆强度达到台风级别,其中台湾南端的平均登陆强度为最强,达到强台风级别;5-11月为热带气旋登陆中国季节,集中期为7-9月,8月最多;登陆热带气旋的强度主要集中在热带低压-台风,尤其以强热带风暴和台风最多.对于全部大陆、海南和台湾三地,50多年来登陆热带气旋频数都存在不同程度的减少趋势,但只有登陆海南热带气旋的减少趋势是显著的;而所有登陆风暴(含以上强度)频数均无明显增多或减少趋势.总体而言,登陆大陆的TC最多、初旋最早、终旋最晚、登陆期最长;登陆海南的TC居中;而登陆台湾的TC最少、初旋最晚、终旋最早、登陆期最短.从登陆方式看,登陆一地的TC最多、登陆两地的TC次之,分别占总数的79.2%和20.6%,仅有1个TC登陆三地.在登陆两地的TC中,经台湾登陆大陆的TC频数最多、强度减弱最快,经海南登陆大陆的TC频数次之、强度减弱较慢,经大陆登陆海南的TC频数排行第3、强度减弱较快.  相似文献   

Effect of ENSO on landfalling tropical cyclones over the Korean peninsula   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of ENSO on landfalling tropical cyclones (TCs) over the Korean Peninsula is examined. It is found that although the landfalling frequency does not show any statistically significant difference among ENSO phases, the landfalling tracks are shifted northward in response to the decrease in Niño-3.4 index. In the neutral ENSO phase, many TCs pass through mainland China before landfalling over the Korean Peninsula due to the westward expansion of the western North Pacific subtropical high. Therefore, the landfalling TC intensity over the Korean Peninsula in the neutral phase is similar to that in the La Niña phase because more than half of those TCs made landfall over mainland China. However, it is found that the preceding winter ENSO phases are not related to the landfalling TC activity over the Korean Peninsula during summer.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the possible sources of errors associated with tropical cyclone(TC) tracks forecasted using the Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System(GRAPES). The GRAPES forecasts were made for 16 landfalling TCs in the western North Pacific basin during the 2008 and 2009 seasons, with a forecast length of 72 hours, and using the default initial conditions("initials", hereafter), which are from the NCEP-FNL dataset, as well as ECMWF initials. The forecasts are compared with ECMWF forecasts. The results show that in most TCs, the GRAPES forecasts are improved when using the ECMWF initials compared with the default initials. Compared with the ECMWF initials, the default initials produce lower intensity TCs and a lower intensity subtropical high, but a higher intensity South Asia high and monsoon trough, as well as a higher temperature but lower specific humidity at the TC center. Replacement of the geopotential height and wind fields with the ECMWF initials in and around the TC center at the initial time was found to be the most efficient way to improve the forecasts. In addition, TCs that showed the greatest improvement in forecast accuracy usually had the largest initial uncertainties in TC intensity and were usually in the intensifying phase. The results demonstrate the importance of the initial intensity for TC track forecasts made using GRAPES, and indicate the model is better in describing the intensifying phase than the decaying phase of TCs. Finally, the limit of the improvement indicates that the model error associated with GRAPES forecasts may be the main cause of poor forecasts of landfalling TCs. Thus, further examinations of the model errors are required.  相似文献   

近30a登陆我国的西北太平洋热带气旋活动的时空变化特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用1979—2006年美国联合台风预警中心的热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)资料,对登陆我国的西北太平洋(Northwest Pacific,NWP)TC强度、路径、登陆地点的气候特征、年际变化及其演变趋势进行了统计分析。结果表明:登陆我国的TC以发源于西北太平洋的西侧以及南海中、北部为主,并且在NWP西南区生成的登陆我国的TC基本以西北移动路径为主,而在NWP西北侧和南海生成的登陆我国的TC多为打转或移动路径转向;登陆我国的TC不仅在强度上具有明显增强的变化规律,而且在登陆位置上存在向东北方向偏移的演变趋势,使得登陆厦门以北区域的TC数量具有增加的趋势,而登陆厦门以南的TC数量存在减少的趋势;登陆我国的NWP TC移动路径存在年代际的演变特征。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the possible sources of errors associated with tropical cyclone (TC) tracks forecasted using the Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System (GRAPES). The GRAPES forecasts were made for 16 landfalling TCs in the western North Pacific basin during the 2008 and 2009 seasons, with a forecast length of 72 hours, and using the default initial conditions (“initials”, hereafter), which are from the NCEP-FNL dataset, as well as ECMWF initials. The forecasts are compared with ECMWF forecasts. The results show that in most TCs, the GRAPES forecasts are improved when using the ECMWF initials compared with the default initials. Compared with the ECMWF initials, the default initials produce lower intensity TCs and a lower intensity subtropical high, but a higher intensity South Asia high and monsoon trough, as well as a higher temperature but lower specific humidity at the TC center. Replacement of the geopotential height and wind fields with the ECMWF initials in and around the TC center at the initial time was found to be the most efficient way to improve the forecasts. In addition, TCs that showed the greatest improvement in forecast accuracy usually had the largest initial uncertainties in TC intensity and were usually in the intensifying phase. The results demonstrate the importance of the initial intensity for TC track forecasts made using GRAPES, and indicate the model is better in describing the intensifying phase than the decaying phase of TCs. Finally, the limit of the improvement indicates that the model error associated with GRAPES forecasts may be the main cause of poor forecasts of landfalling TCs. Thus, further examinations of the model errors are required.  相似文献   

Following previous studies of the rainfall forecast in Shenzhen owing to landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs), a nonparametric statistical scheme based on the classification of the landfalling TCs is applied to analyze and forecast the rainfall induced by landfalling TCs in the coastal area of Guangdong province, China. All the TCs landfalling with the distance less than 700 kilometers to the 8 coastal stations in Guangdong province during 1950—2013 are categorized according to their landfalling position and intensity. The daily rainfall records of all the 8 meteorological stations are obtained and analyzed. The maximum daily rainfall and the maximum 3 days' accumulated rainfall at the 8 coastal stations induced by each category of TCs during the TC landfall period(a couple of days before and after TC landfalling time) from 1950 to 2013 are computed by the percentile estimation and illustrated by boxplots. These boxplots can be used to estimate the rainfall induced by landfalling TC of the same category in the future. The statistical boxplot scheme is further coupled with the model outputs from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF) to predict the rainfall induced by landfalling TCs along the coastal area. The TCs landfalling in south China from 2014 to 2017 and the corresponding rainfall at the 8 stations area are used to evaluate the performance of these boxplots and coupled boxplots schemes. Results show that the statistical boxplots scheme and coupled boxplots scheme can perform better than ECMWF model in the operational rainfall forecast along the coastal area in south China.  相似文献   

台风登陆衰减后造成降水加强的概况   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
对1965-2008年101例登陆台风衰减后3d内仍存在较强降水的天气过程,运用客观分离方法及其改进方案,分离提取了台风降水(Tropical Cyclone Precipitation;TCP),结果表明:即使登陆台风衰减为热带低压或停编后,因台风系统的存在而产生高强度降水是一种普遍现象,仍旧是预报服务中需要高度关注的问题.采用气候趋势系数和功率谱等方法得到TCP及台风的气候特征:台风衰减点的位置分布具有很强的区域性,与南岭、武夷山脉的走势大致吻合;台风衰减后降水并非单纯性减少,随着时间的推移,空间分布具有向北、向西扩散的特点,特别是中纬度地区的江汉一江淮一带,仍然是防灾减灾的重点.对于衰减后降水反而加强的台风,防御重点可以有针对性地对登陆华南类和登陆华东类两类路径的台风展开.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the frequency of landfalling tropical cyclones (TCs) in the Korean Peninsula during the TC season, June through October, of the years 1951–2010. An ENSO year is defined when the seasonal mean of the NINO3.4 sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies is greater/less than the typical seasonal mean by 0.5°C. The overall results of this study support that ENSO does not affect the landfalling TCs in Korea; the mean frequencies of the TC landfalls (influences) during El Niño and La Niña calculated over the entire analysis period are 1.1 (3.3) and 1.2 (3.0), respectively. The variations in the basin-wide distribution of TCs show that the influence of ENSO on TC distribution is extended over southeastern Japan with no significant signals coming from over the Korean Peninsula and the East China Sea. The change in the intensity of the landfalling TCs in the Korean Peninsula due to ENSO leads to the same conclusion as that in the frequency of the landfalling TCs. In addition, the same conclusion is obtained when the TC season duration is expanded to include the entire year and when different definitions of the ENSO years (e.g., based on the preceding or following winter NINO3.4 SST anomalies) are selected for analysis.  相似文献   

Interannual variability of landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) in China during 1960-2010 is investigated.By using the method of partial least squares regression(PLS-regression),canonical ENSO and ENSO Modoki are identified to be the factors that contribute to the interannual variability of landfalling TCs.El Ni o Modoki years are associated with a greater-than-average frequency of landfalling TCs in China,but reversed in canonical El Ni o years.Significant difference in genesis locations of landfalling TCs in China for the two kinds of El Ni o phases occurs dominantly in the northern tropical western North Pacific(WNP).The patterns of low-level circulation anomalies and outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) anomalies associated with landfalling TC genesis with different types of El Ni o phases are examined.During canonical El Ni o years,a broad zonal band of positive OLR anomalies dominates the tropical WNP,while the circulation anomalies exhibit a meridionally symmetrical dipole pattern with an anticyclonic anomaly in the subtropics and a cyclonic anomaly near the tropics.In El Ni o Modoki years,a vast region of negative OLR anomalies,roughly to the south of 25°N with a strong large-scale cyclonic anomaly over the tropical WNP,provides a more favorable condition for landfalling TC genesis compared to its counterpart during canonical El Ni o years.For more landfalling TCs formed in the northern tropical WNP in El Ni o Modoki years,there are more TCs making landfall on the northern coast of China in El Ni o Modoki years than in canonical El Ni o years.The number of landfalling TCs is slightly above normal in canonical La Ni a years.Enhanced convection is found in the South China Sea(SCS) and the west of the tropical WNP,which results in landfalling TCs forming more westward in canonical La Ni a years.During La Ni a Modoki years,the landfalling TC frequency are below normal,owing to an unfavorable condition for TC genesis persisting in a broad zonal band from 5°N to 25°N.Since the western North Pacific subtropical high(WNPSH) in La Ni a Modoki years is located in the westernmost region,TCs mainly make landfall on the south coast of China.  相似文献   

A non-parametric method is used in this study to analyze and predict short-term rainfall due to tropical cyclones(TCs) in a coastal meteorological station. All 427 TCs during 1953-2011 which made landfall along the Southeast China coast with a distance less than 700 km to a certain meteorological station- Shenzhen are analyzed and grouped according to their landfalling direction, distance and intensity. The corresponding daily rainfall records at Shenzhen Meteorological Station(SMS) during TCs landfalling period(a couple of days before and after TC landfall) are collected. The maximum daily rainfall(R-24) and maximum 3-day accumulative rainfall(R-72) records at SMS for each TC category are analyzed by a non-parametric statistical method, percentile estimation. The results are plotted by statistical boxplots, expressing in probability of precipitation. The performance of the statistical boxplots is evaluated to forecast the short-term rainfall at SMS during the TC seasons in 2012 and 2013. Results show that the boxplot scheme can be used as a valuable reference to predict the short-term rainfall at SMS due to TCs landfalling along the Southeast China coast.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the performance of the regional climate model RegCM4 in simulating tropical cyclone (TC) activities over the Western North Pacific (WNP) and their landfalling in China. The model is driven by ERA-Interim boundary conditions at a grid spacing of 25 km, with the simulation period as 1991–2010. Results show that RegCM4 performs well in capturing the main structural features of observed TCs, and in simulating the genesis number and annual cycle of the genesis. The model reproduces the general pattern of the observed TC tracks and occurrence frequency. However, significant underestimation of the occurrence frequency as well as the TC intensity is found. Number of the landfalling TCs over China is also much less than the observed. Bias of the model in reproducing the large-scale circulation pattern and steering flow may contribute to the underestimated landfalling TC numbers.  相似文献   

In order to provide an operational reference for tropical cyclone precipitation forecast,this study investigates the spatial distributions of precipitation associated with landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) affecting China using Geostationary Meteorological Satellite 5(GMS5)-TBB dataset.All named TCs formed over the western North Pacific that made direct landfall over China during the period 2001-2009 are included in this study.Based on the GMS5-TBB data,this paper reveals that in general there are four types of distribution of precipitation related to landfalling TCs affecting China.(a) the South-West Type in which there is a precipitation maximum to the southwestern quadrant of TC;(b) the Symmetrical South Type in which the rainfall is more pronounced to the south side of TC in the inner core while there is a symmetrical rainfall distribution in the outer band region;(c) the South Type,in which the rainfall maxima is more pronounced to the south of TC;and(d) the North Type,in which the rainfall maxima is more pronounced to the north of TC.Analyses of the relationship between precipitation distributions and intensity of landfalling TCs show that for intensifying TCs,both the maximum and the coverage area of the precipitation in TCs increase with the increase of TC intensity over northern Jiangsu province and southern Taiwan Strait,while decreasing over Beibu Gulf and the sea area of Changjiang River estuary.For all TCs,the center of the torrential rain in TC shifts toward the TC center as the intensity of TC increases.This finding is consistent with many previous studies.The possible influences of storm motion and vertical wind shear on the observed precipitation asymmetries are also examined.Results show that the environmental vertical wind shear is an important factor contributing to the large downshear rainfall asymmetry,especially when a TC makes landfall on the south and east China coasts.These results are also consistent with previous observational and numerical studies.  相似文献   

登陆福建的热带气旋对广东降水的影响   总被引:1,自引:21,他引:1  
刘燕  林良勋 《广东气象》2007,29(2):14-17
普查1970~2005年登陆福建省的热带气旋(TC)资料可知:(1)36年间平均每年有1.4个TC登陆福建省,其中以强热带风暴及以上级别为主;6~10月都有TC登陆福建省,7~9月尤其8月份是登陆的高峰期;登陆福建的TC具有明显的年际变化。(2)登陆福建省的TC主要集中于3种路径:偏北、偏西、西北型路径,其中偏北、偏西型路径以登陆闽中、闽南为主,而西北型路径有一半登陆闽中,登陆闽北以及闽南的几率相当。(3)偏西型路径的TC登陆后仍以偏西或西南的路径移动,一般有西南季风的配合,80%对广东有显著影响;西北型路径的TC登陆闽北时由于继续以西北或偏北路径移动且在广东上空没有强劲的西南季风的配合,则对广东基本无影响,登陆闽中南的TC登陆后移向偏西或西南,或者有强劲的西南季风的配合对广东造成显著影响的占47.8%,而减弱快同时没有西南季风配合的形势则对广东的影响不显著。  相似文献   

This study examines the long-term change in the threat of landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs) in East Asia over the period 1975–2020 with a focus on rapidly intensifying(RI) TCs. The increase in the annual number of RI-TCs over the western North Pacific and the northwestward shift of their genesis location lead to an increasing trend in the annual number of landfalling RI-TCs along the coast of East Asia. The annual power dissipation index(PDI), a measure of the destructive potential of RI-TCs at landfall, also shows a significant increasing trend due to increases in the annual frequency and mean landfall intensity of landfalling RI-TCs. The increase in mean landfall intensity is related to a higher lifetime maximum intensity(LMI) and the LMI location of the landfalling RI-TCs being closer to the coast. The increase in the annual PDI of East Asia is mainly associated with landfalling TCs in the southern(the Philippines, South China, and Vietnam) and northern parts(Japan and the Korean Peninsula) of East Asia due to long-term changes in vertical wind shear and TC heat potential. The former leads to a northwestward shift of favorable environments for TC genesis and intensification, resulting in the northwestward shift in the genesis, RI, and LMI locations of RI-TCs. The latter provides more heat energy from the ocean for TC intensification, increasing its chances to undergo RI.  相似文献   

Bases on the NCEP / NCAR reanalysis products, HadISST dataset, and data of tropical cyclone (TC)landfalling in the Chinese mainland during 1960-2019, the possible impacts of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) mode andIndian Ocean basin (IOB) mode on the last-TC-landfall date (LLD) and first-TC-landfall date (FLD), respectively, areinvestigated in this study. The LLD is in significantly negative correlation with autumn IOD on the interannual time-scale and their association is independent of El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The LLD tends to be earlier when theIOD is positive while becomes later when the IOD is negative. An anomalous lower-level anticyclone is located aroundthe Philippines during October-November, resulting from the change of Walker circulation over the tropical Indo-westPacific Ocean forced by sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies related to a positive IOD event. The Philippinesanticyclone anomaly suppresses TCs formation there and prevents TCs from landfalling in the Chinese mainland due tothe anomalous westerly steering flows over southeast China during October-November, agreeing well with the earlierLLD. However, the robust connection between spring IOB and FLD depends on ENSO episodes in preceding winter.There is an anticyclonic anomaly around the Philippines caused by the tropical SST anomalies through modulating theWalker circulation during May-June when the IOB is warming in the El Ni?o decaying phase. Correspondingly, the TCsgenesis is less frequent near the Philippines and the mid-level steering flows associated with the expanded westernPacific subtropical high are disadvantageous for TCs moving towards southeast China and making landfall during May-June, in accordance with the later FLD. By contrast, cooling IOB condition in spring of a La Ni?a decaying year andnegative IOD cases during autumn could produce a completely reversed atmospheric circulation response, leading to anearlier FLD and a later LLD over the Chinese mainland, respectively.  相似文献   

The interannual variability of the Atlantic tropical cyclone(TC)frequency is well known.Separately,recent studies have also suggested that a much longer,multidecadal(40-60 year)trend might be emerging from the recent increase in Atlantic TC activity.However,the overall structure of the intrinsic frequencies(or temporal modes)of Atlantic TC activity is not yet known.The focus of this study is to systematically analyze the intrinsic frequencies of Atlantic TC activity using hurricane and tropical storm landfall data collected along the southeast coast(SEC)of the United States.Based on an Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) analysis of the frequency of landfall TCs along the SEC from 188701999,we have found that Atlantic TC activity has four primary,temporal modes.The interannual and multidecadal modes reported in the published literature are two such modes.After identifying all primary modes,the relative importance of each mode and its physical cause can be analyzed.For example,the most energetic mode is the interannual mode(2-7 year period).This mode is known to be associated with the 2-7 year El Nino/La Nino cycle.The average number of annual landfalling TCs along the SEC decreased by 24% during El Nino years,but did not show significant increase during weak and moderate La Nina years.However,intense La Nina years were generally associated with more than average landfalling TCs along the SEC.The effects of El Nino and La Nina also became more significant when only hurricanes were considered.The significance of the effects of El Nino and La Nina on landfalling TCs and hurricanes in different US southeast coastal states showed significant differences.  相似文献   

This study analyzes landfall locations of tropical cyclones(TCs)over the western North Pacific during 1979–2018.Results demonstrate that the landfall locations of TCs over this region have shifted northward during the last four decades,primarily due to the shift of landfalling TC tracks,with the decreasing/increasing proportion of westward/northward TC tracks.In particular,the northward shift of the landfalling TCs was not related to their formation locations,which have not markedly changed,whereas"no-landed"TCs have significantly shifted northward.TC movement was significantly and positively correlated to the zonal component of the steering flow,while the correlation between TC movement and the meridional component of the steering flow was relatively unobvious.The westward steering flow in the tropical central Pacific that occurred around the formation and early development of the westward TCs was significantly weakened,which was unfavorable for their westward movement,thereby,causing the higher proportions of northward moving tracks.This weakened westward flow was related to the northward shift of the subtropical high ridge,which was caused by significant weakening of the southern part of the subtropical high.The vertical wind shear,sea surface temperature,and convective available potential energy also showed that the northern region of the western North Pacific became more favorable for TC development,whereas the upper divergence,low-layer relative vorticity,and accumulated water vapor content were not obviously related to the northward shift of TCs.  相似文献   

The data of landfalling tropical cyclones (TCs) in China and ENSO events and the NinoZ index during 1951 to 2005 were used to study the relationships between ENSO and landfalling TCs in China. ENSO events from July to September have obvious effects on landfalling TCs in China. When El Nio persists throughout the months, the frequency of landfalling TCs is less than normal, the season of landfalling TCs is shorter, the annually first landfall is later, the annually last landfall is earlier, and the mean int...  相似文献   

Coastal urban areas are prone to serious disasters caused by landfalling tropical cyclones(TCs). Despite the crucial role of urban forcing in precipitation, how fine-scale urban features impact landfalling TC precipitation remains poorly understood. In this study, high-resolution ensemble simulations of Typhoon Rumbia(2018), which crossed the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, were conducted to analyze the potential urban impact on TC precipitation. Results show that the inner-core rainfal...  相似文献   

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