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During the April-June raining season,warm-sector heavy rainfall(WR) and frontal heavy rainfall(FR) often occur in the south of China,causing natural disasters.In this study,the microphysical characteristics of WR and FR events from 2016 to 2022 are analyzed by using 2-dimensional video disdrometer(2DVD) data in the south of China.The microphysical characteristics of WR and FR events are quite different.Compared with FR events,WR events have higher concentration of D<5.3 mm(especially D <1 ...  相似文献   

A heavy rainfall event in south China was simulated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with three microphysics schemes, including the Morrison scheme, Thompson scheme, and Milbrandt and Yau scheme (MY), which aim to evaluate the capability to reproduce the precipitation and radar echo reflectivity features, and to evaluate evaluate their differences in microphysics and the associated thermodynamical and dynamical feedback. Results show that all simulations reproduce the main features crucial for rainfall formation. Compared with the observation, the MY scheme performed better than the other two schemes in terms of intensity and spatial distribution of rainfall. Due to abundant water vapor, the accretion of cloud droplets by raindrops was the dominant process in the growth of raindrops while the contribution of melting was a secondary effect. Riming processes, in which frozen hydrometeors collect cloud droplets mainly, contributed more to the growth of frozen hydrometeors than the Bergeron process. Extremely abundant snow and ice were produced in the Thompson and MY schemes respectively by a deposition process. The MY scheme has the highest condensation and evaporation, but the lowest deposition. As a result, in the MY scheme, the enhanced vertical gradient of condensation heating and evaporation cooling at low levels produces strong positive and weak negative potential vorticity in Guangdong, and may favor the formation of the enhanced rainfall center over there.  相似文献   

副高边缘暴雨的多普勒雷达回波特征   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
利用常规观测资料和多普勒雷达探测资料,对2003-2004年湖南省4次副高边缘暴雨的天气形势和雷达回波特征进行了分析研究。结果表明:4次暴雨过程的副高位置适当,高空有低槽,中低层有低空急流和低涡切变线,地面上有冷锋。在基本反射率图上,低槽暴雨有S-N向的窄带回波特征、冷式切变线暴雨有准W—E向的积层回波特征、暖式切变线有NE—SW向的积层回波特征,但每一次暴雨过程不尽相同。在多普勒速度图上常出现低空急流、冷暖平流、冷锋、逆风区以及高层大风核等特征,并常是几种特征同时出现,有利于强降水产生。  相似文献   

利用WRF v4.0中尺度模式及0.25 °×0.25 °高分辨率的GDAS分析资料,对2017年6月15日发生在华南的一次典型暖区暴雨过程进行数值研究。多源观测资料对比分析表明,Thompson aerosol aware云微物理方案与YSU边界层方案组合合理再现了此次暴雨的演变过程。观测与模拟的强风速下传、低层风场切变及降水之间存在较好的对应关系,强的雷达反射率与水汽通量散度中心一致。在中尺度对流系统(MCS)发展和成熟阶段,冷池的出流抬升是新生对流的重要触发条件,地形的动力抬升作用并非主导。云微物理分析指出,由于华南上空充沛的水汽及过冷雨水,雪的最大来源项表现为水汽凝华成雪,而霰的最大来源项为过冷雨滴碰并冰晶、雪并冻结成霰。在零度层之下的1.5 km区域,冰相粒子的融化率可达暖雨过程(1×10-4g/(kg·s)的2倍,暗示其在融化层对雨水形成的支配作用,而雪霰的重力沉降扮演了重要角色。此外,相变过程显著影响着大气的温度变化,当对流云底较低时,低层的水汽凝结将抵消雨水蒸发导致的冷却作用,减弱地面冷池的强度。   相似文献   

A record-breaking heavy rainfall event that occurred in Zhengzhou, Henan province during 19–21 July 2021 is simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting Model, and the large-scale precipitation efficiency(LSPE) and cloud-microphysical precipitation efficiency(CMPE) of the rainfall are analyzed based on the model results. Then, the key physical factors that influenced LSPE and CMPE, and the possible mechanisms for the extreme rainfall over Zhengzhou are explored. Results show that water v...  相似文献   

使用江西自动站数据、MICAPS天气图资料、雷达拼图CR产品和单部雷达基数据等资料,采用统计分析、形态对比、特征提取等方法,对2017—2019年宜丰4次暴雨和大暴雨过程中的短时强降水天气的演变与回波特征进行分析,结果表明:(1)宜丰暴雨或大暴雨过程都出现了≥30 mm·h-1的短时强降水。(2)200 hPa赣北处辐散分流区中,500 hPa 588 dagpm线稳定维持在江西南部,赣北处于850 hPa西南急流的左侧及前端,形成上干下暖湿的不稳定层结;地面辐合线是短时强降水的主要触发系统。(3)在短时强降水期间,雷暴回波群中超级单体回波强度为60~65 dBZ,短带回波强度为50~55 dBZ,复合体回波强度为55~60 dBZ,絮状回波带回波强度为40~45 d BZ。(4)在单部雷达回波产品上,雷暴回波群、回波短带、复合单体回波和絮带状回波,组合反射率CR为40~65 d BZ,回波顶高ET为8~15 km,垂直液态水含量VIL为10~60 kg/m2,50 dBZ强回波顶高为5~12 km。  相似文献   

During the pre-summer rainy season, heavy rainfall occurs frequently in South China. Based on polarimetric radar observations, the microphysical characteristics and processes of convective features associated with extreme rainfall rates(ERCFs) are examined. In the regions with high ERCF occurrence frequency, sub-regional differences are found in the lightning flash rate(LFR) distributions. In the region with higher LFRs, the ERCFs have larger volumes of high reflectivity factor above the freezin...  相似文献   

By using the conventional observations, radar data, NCEP/NCAR FNL 1o×1o reanalysis data and numerical simulation data and with the construction and calculation of radar echo parameters, this paper presents the structural characteristics and physical processes of a short-time heavy precipitation supercell that occurred in the squall line process in Shanxi Province on 24 June 2020. The results show that this squall line event occurred in front of a surface cold front, combined with infiltration of low-level cold air and continuous increase of near-surface humidity in the afternoon. The surface mesoscale convergence line and mesoscale dew point front contributed to the development and systemization of the squall line by a large degree. The short-time extremely heavy precipitation in Pingshun County was caused by the development of a supercell from thunderstorm cells on the front side of the squall line. The characteristics of sharp increase in vertical integral liquid water content, persistent increase in reflectivity factor and continuous rise in the echo top height appeared about 23 min earlier than the severe precipitation, which has qualitative indicating significance for the nowcasting of short-time heavy precipitation. A quantitative analysis of the radar echo parameters suggests that the “sudden drop”of FV40 was a precursor signal of cells’coalescence and rapid development to the mature stage. The areal change of the echo core at the 6 km height was highly subject to the merging and developing of cells, the rapid change of hydrometeor particles in clouds and the precipitation intensity. Changes in the cross-sectional area of convective cells at different heights can indirectly reflect the changes of liquid particles and ice particles in clouds, which is indicatively meaningful for predicting the coalescing and developing-to-maturing of cells and heavy precipitation 30-45 min earlier. A comprehensive echo parameter prediction model constructed by the random forest principle can predict the magnitude of short-time heavy precipitation 40-50 min in advance. Numerical simulation reveals that large amounts of water vapor existed in the near-surface atmosphere, and that the cells rapidly obtained moisture from the ambient atmosphere and developed rapidly through maternal feeding. The cold cloud zone was narrow, upright and had a high stretch height. The upward motion in clouds was strong and deep, and very rich in liquid water content. The graupel particles had a large vertical distribution range, the coexistence area of graupel and snow was large, the height of raindrops was close to the surface with a wide horizontal scale, and the precipitation efficiency was high. These may be the important elements responsible for the occurrence of the short-time heavy precipitation that exceeded historical extreme values. On the basis of the above analyses, a comprehensive parameter (CP) prediction model is worked out, which can estimate the developing trend of supercells and the intensity of short-time heavy precipitation about 1 h in advance.  相似文献   

基于ERA5再分析资料、广东省风廓线雷达、雷达拼图产品和实况观测数据, 分析了2020年6月7日夜间-8日珠三角(珠江三角洲)北部暖区强降水过程中主雨带与南岭南部地形走势一致的原因, 阐释地形对此次强降水的触发和维持作用。结果表明: (1)此次过程发生在典型的暖区暴雨环流特征的背景下, 主要影响系统为对流层中层弱短波槽扰动、低空急流和边界层急流脉冲等; (2)雷达回波表现为团状结构, 多以对流单体形态生消, 伴随明显的"列车效应"现象, 但3个不同发展阶段内回波的持续时间、强度, 以及触发地、传播和移动方向等均存在差异; (3)由于边界层西南(偏南)风增强和地形作用, 新的对流单体在珠江口附近和珠三角西北侧被触发, 同时由于南岭南侧地形对边界层暖湿气流的阻挡和拦截等作用, 使得气流在珠三角北部形成明显的辐合抬升, 造成该区域内对流单体移速减慢和汇聚, 增强了降水强度; (4)强降水长时间的持续与海陆热力差异、冷池和边界层暖湿气流增强等引起的地面露点锋和中尺度辐合线有关。露点锋为强降水的发展和维持提供了热力不稳定条件, 地面辐合线加强了对流层底层气流的辐合抬升, 进一步增强了强降水区的降水强度。研究结果有助于认识珠三角北部暖区强降水过程中地形的重要作用, 为今后该区域防灾减灾提供气象理论支撑。   相似文献   

不同云微物理方案对“7.21”特大暴雨模拟的对比试验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用中尺度数值模式WRF v3.5.1中的17种不同云微物理过程参数化方案,对2012年7月21—22日北京特大暴雨过程进行了对比试验。模拟结果表明:不同云微物理方案对不同量级降水的模拟效果各有优势。NSSL 1-momlfo方案对中雨和大暴雨两个等级降水的模拟效果最好,降水中心值最接近实况;Eta(Ferrier)和Kessler方案分别对大雨和暴雨等级降水的模拟效果最好。总体上,能够较好地模拟出本次特大暴雨过程的方案依次为:NSSL 1-mom、NSSL 1-momlfo和Milbrandt 2-mom方案,而WDM6方案的模拟效果最差。云中水成物演变特征表明,模拟较好的方案中液态水、云冰和霰的含量较多,且随时间演变与地面降水强度的变化相一致。另外,模拟较好的方案中冰相粒子多,过冷水的范围大、含量高,有利于各相态粒子相互转化,促进冰相过程发展,致使降水量增多。  相似文献   

Polarimetric radar and 2D video disdrometer observations provide new insights into the precipitation microphysical processes and characteristics in the inner rainband of tropical cyclone(TC)Kajiki(2019)in the South China Sea for the first time.The precipitation of Kajiki is dominated by high concentrations and small(<3 mm)raindrops,which contribute more than 98%to the total precipitation.The average mass-weighted mean diameter and logarithmic normalized intercept are 1.49 mm and 4.47,respectively,indicating a larger mean diameter and a lower concentration compared to the TCs making landfall in eastern China.The ice processes of the inner rainband are dramatically different among different stages.The riming process is dominant during the mature stage,while during the decay stage the aggregation process is dominant.The vertical profiles of the polarimetric radar variables together with ice and liquid water contents in the convective region indicate that the formation of precipitation is dominated by warm-rain processes.Large raindrops collect cloud droplets and other raindrops,causing reflectivity,differential reflectivity,and specific differential phase to increase with decreasing height.That is,accretion and coalescence play a critical role in the formation of heavy rainfall.The melting of different particles generated by the ice process has a great influence on the initial raindrop size distribution(DSD)to further affect the warm-rain processes.The DSD above heavy rain with the effect of graupel has a wider spectral width than the region without the effect of graupel.  相似文献   

闽西北两次致洪暴雨成因对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用天气图资料、地面加密自动站资料和多普勒天气雷达探测资料等,对2010年6月18日和7月7日发生在闽西北山区的两场大暴雨至特大暴雨天气过程进行对比分析。结果表明:两场暴雨过程均是在高空槽东移引导冷空气南下和西南急流在福建省中北面的强风速辐合的相互作用下,有充分的水汽,较强的上升运动、不稳定的大气层结条件下产生的。副热带高压的位置、西南急流的水平宽度及前倾槽是影响大暴雨时间长短及范围大小的重要因素;暴雨的强度与低层辐合和高层辐散的抽吸效应、垂直上升运动等成正相关;暴雨区上空的水汽通量和水汽通量散度的最大中心比特大暴雨发生时间早,分析预报点上空的水汽变化特征对灾害天气的预报预警有指导作用;两次暴雨雷达回波均呈带状,且该强中心的长轴与移动方向基本一致,是两次暴雨的重要特征。  相似文献   

利用常规资料、新一代天气雷达回波和物理量场资料,对2004年8月13~14日暴雨-大暴雨过程进行了分析.认为0414号台风登陆后引发的闽东内陆暴雨是在稳定的大尺度环流背景下,多种尺度天气系统相互作用的结果,物理量场分析表明:不稳定度K指数对暴雨预报有预示作用;地形抬升作用和喇叭口地形对台风暴雨分布影响很大;雷达回波资料分析表明:回波云带的走向与移动方向一致,造成强降水区域集中.  相似文献   

华南前汛期暖区暴雨研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
华南前汛期暖区暴雨一直是困扰科研和业务的重要难题。在1970s末第一次华南暴雨综合试验中,老一辈科学家提出了华南前汛期暖区暴雨的概念,并揭示了诸多对华南暴雨研究有重要意义的成果。近年来,随着现代气象探测手段、高性能计算能力的提升以及中尺度暴雨科学观测试验的开展,对华南前汛期暖区暴雨的研究取得了不少新的认识。本文重点梳理了近10 a有关华南前汛期暖区暴雨方面的最新研究进展,从暖区暴雨的定义及分类、多尺度天气特征、形成机制及可预报性研究等4个方面进行系统性论述。最后,对华南前汛期暖区暴雨研究存在的问题、未来发展方向进行了简要的讨论和展望。  相似文献   

In this paper, the data of Automatic Weather Stations (AWSs), ERA5 reanalysis, sounding, wind profile radar, and dual-polarization radar are used to study an extreme rainfall event in the south China Coast on 11 to 12 May 2022 from the aspects of thermodynamics and microphysical characteristics under the influence of low-level jets (LLJs). Results show that: (1) The extreme rainfall event can be divided into two stages: the first stage (S1) from 0000 to 0600 LST on May 12 and the second stage (S2) from 0700 to 1700 LST on the same day. During S1, the rainfall is mainly caused by the upper-level shortwave trough and the boundary layer jet (BLJ), characterized by strong upward motion on the windward side of mountains. In S2, the combined influence of the BLJ and synoptic-system-related low-level jet (SLLJ) increases the vertical wind shear and vertical vorticity, strengthening the rainstorm. In combination with the effect of topography, a warm and humid southwest flow continuously transports water vapor to farther north, resulting in a significant increase in rainfall over the study area (on the terrain’s windward slope). From S1 to S2, the altitude of a divergence center in the upper air decreases obviously. (2) The rainfalls in the two stages are both associated with the mesoscale convergence line (MCL) on the surface, and the wind field from the mesoscale outflow boundary (MOB) in S1 is in the same direction as the environmental winds. Due to a small area of convergence that is left behind the MOB, convection moves eastward quickly and causes a short duration of heavy rainfall. In S2, the convergence along the MOB is enhanced, which strengthens the rainfall and leads to strong outflows, further enhancing the surface convergence near the MOB and forming a positive feedback mechanism. It results in a slow motion of convection and a long duration of heavy rainfall. (3) In terms of microphysics, the center of a strong echo in S1 is higher than in S2. The warm-rain process of the oceanic type characterizes both stages, but the convective intensity in S2 is significantly stronger than that in S1, featuring bigger drop sizes and lower concentrations. It is mainly due to the strengthening of LLJs, which makes small cloud droplets lift to melting levels, enhancing the ice phase process (riming process), producing large amounts of graupel particles and enhancing the melting and collision processes as they fall, resulting in the increase of liquid water content (LWC) and the formation of large raindrops near the surface.  相似文献   

李平  官莉  黄勇  翟菁 《辽宁气象》2011,(6):20-27
利用LAPS系统融合分析资料对安徽沿淮一次短时暴雨过程进行中尺度天气分析,探讨降水过程成因机制及天气结构特点,同时验证LAPS分析资料的实用性。结果表明:过程主要影响系统为中尺度气旋式涡旋,其向安徽北部沿淮地区移动为暴雨的发生、发展提供了触发机制。雷达降水回波主要出现在850hPa中尺度涡旋南侧以及700hPa槽前西南气流辐合上升运动过程中,持续的低空急流及其带来的水汽共同为暴雨过程提供了水汽条件和动力机制。比较雷达回波发展和云中液态水含量演变发现,云中液态水含量极大值区多出现在雷达回波单体的新生区域,借助于LAPS云中液态水含量分布结果对预测雷迭回波发展趋势及降水分布有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

In this study,the super typhoon KROSA(2007)was simulated using a mesoscale numerical model Global and Regional Assimilation and Prediction System(GRAPES)with a two-moment mixed-phase microphysics scheme.Local rainfall observations,radar and satellite data were also used to analyze the precipitation structure and microphysical features.It was shown that low-level jets and unstable temperature stratification provided this precipitation process with favorable weather condition.Heavy rainfall centers were located in the north and east part of KROSA with the maxima of 6-hourly total rainfall during the simulation more than 100 mm.The quantities of column solid water and column liquid water were generally equivalent,indicating the important role of ice phase in precipitation formation.Results of CloudSat showed that strong convection occurred in the eyewall around the cyclonic center.According to the simulation results,heavy precipitation in the northeast part of the typhoon was mainly triggered by convective clouds,accompanied by the strongest updraft under the melting level.In the southwest part of KROSA,precipitation intensity was rather homogeneous.The ascending center occurred in high-level cold clouds,favoring the formation and growth of ice particles.  相似文献   

Cloud microphysical and rainfall responses to radiative processes are examined through analysis of cloud-resolving model sensitivity experiments of Typhoon Fitow(2013) during landfall.The budget analysis shows that the increase in the mean rainfall caused by the exclusion of radiative effects of water clouds corresponds to the decrease in accretion of raindrops by cloud ice in the presence of radiative effects of ice clouds,but the rainfall is insensitive to radiative effects of water clouds in the absence of radiative effects of ice clouds.The increases in the mean rainfall resulting from the removal of radiative effects of ice clouds correspond to the enhanced net condensation.The increases(decreases) in maximum rainfall caused by the exclusion of radiative effects of water clouds in the presence(absence) of radiative effects of ice clouds,or the removal of radiative effects of ice clouds in the presence(absence) of radiative effects of water clouds,correspond mainly to the enhancements(reductions) in net condensation.The mean rain rate is a product of rain intensity and fractional rainfall coverage.The radiation-induced difference in the mean rain rate is related to the difference in rain intensity.The radiation-induced difference in the maximum rain rate is associated with the difference in the fractional coverage of maximum rainfall.  相似文献   

短时强降水的多尺度分析及临近预警   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
郝莹  姚叶青  郑媛媛  鲁俊 《气象》2012,38(8):903-912
利用安徽省1995—2010年逐小时降水量资料,统计了不同强度的短时强降水的时空分布特征,并分析典型短时强降水过程的环境背景场特征,建立了短时强降水的三种概念模型,总结出有利于其发生的大尺度影响系统。通过分析物理量得知,短时强降水发生时大气水汽充沛、湿层深厚,厚的暖云层保证了云粒子在降水系统的下沉气流里较少的被蒸发,而中等强度的对流有效位能和高的KI指数值有利于高降水效率的产生。短时强降水的雷达反射率因子有"低质心结构"和"高质心结构"两种结构特征。而径向速度场上的中小尺度风速切变、辐合、气旋式辐合则是强降水回波在某地维持和发展的重要原因。强降水发生前半小时边界层急流显著增强,也是短时强降水临近预警的一个重要指标。  相似文献   

综合运用常规、非常规加密观测资料、风云卫星资料和1°×1°的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对2019年主汛期湖南一次强降雨过程进行分析及成因探讨。结果表明:此次降雨过程影响系统复杂多变,由暖区暴雨、中层冷平流入侵暴雨、锋面暴雨组成,冷空气入侵时降雨效率最高,小时雨强与累计降雨达到最强;副高明显偏强,较历年同期偏西24个经度,其边缘多短波槽活动,高空冷涡活动明显,冷涡与冷槽同位相叠加,槽底往南发展至30°N以南,其后部偏北气流引导冷空气渗透南下与副高边缘西南气流交绥,是持续强降水的大尺度环流背景;中小尺度系统活动频繁,多个中尺度对流复合体(MCC)发展合并,直接造成暴雨天气;雷达回波图可看出低质心降水的特征,降雨效率高;强降水发生时散度场空间分布和垂直速度对应较好,强上升中心与无辐散层相对明显。  相似文献   

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