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中国土壤有机碳库及其演变与应对气候变化   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
 通过综述和评价中国土壤,特别是农田土壤有机碳库(以下简称碳库)的现状与演变态势, 讨论其对我国应对气候变化的意义, 提出了我国土壤碳库及其演变与应对气候变化的基本国情是:1) 我国土壤背景碳储量较低且区域分布不均衡;2) 我国土壤固碳效应明显,未来固碳减排潜力显著;3) 技术和政策是实现和提高我国土壤碳汇、促进我国应对气候变化能力建设的重要途径。建议进一步加强对我国农田土壤固碳减排的研发投入, 完善农业应对气候变化的相关政策和鼓励措施体系,研究构建气候友好的新型农业,以期在提高和稳定农业生产力与应对气候变化能力上获得双赢。  相似文献   

“千分之四全球土壤增碳计划”对中国的挑战与应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)第21次缔约方大会通过《巴黎协议》之际,法国农业部提出了"千分之四全球土壤增碳计划",随后被UNFCCC宣布正式启动。本文分析了该计划的背景与土壤固碳技术要求及其对中国固碳减排和气候变化外交的可能挑战。考虑到中国温室气体排放高,土壤碳库和当前固碳速率较低,而且预估的固碳潜力不确定性较大导致固碳目标设置困难,建议中国暂缓加入该计划,并可基于中国农业废弃物炭化技术可以达到较高的固碳减排效益,提出以生物质废弃物治理为中心的农业能源-土壤-肥料一体化减排增碳计划,主动应对新的气候变化减排外交,推进农业减污减肥减排的生态文明建设。  相似文献   

中国湿地土壤碳库保护与气候变化问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 中国湿地分布广, 类型丰富, 但存在着垦殖率高、碳密度较低、围垦损失严重等问题。估计我国湿地土壤碳库达8~10 Pg, 占全国陆地土壤总有机碳库的约1/10~1/8, 过去50 a间的损失可能达1.5 Pg。围垦和过度放牧是我国湿地土壤退化和碳库损失的主要驱动因子。目前,湿地土壤碳库保护面临严峻的挑战,从应对气候变化和保护人类生存环境的战略高度切实加强湿地资源保护,可以为增强陆地生态系统碳汇、探寻温室气体减排的潜在途径提供技术支持。  相似文献   

为了应对全球气候变化带来的挑战,2020年9月中国提出努力争取在2060年前实现碳中和。对此,生态系统固碳被寄予厚望;然而,生态学理论认为,成熟生态系统的碳输入输出趋于平衡,没有碳的净积累,也就没有碳汇功能,而未成熟的生态系统虽有碳的净积累并具有碳汇功能,但自然界任何未成熟生态系统从它建立的时候开始都在不断地向成熟生态系统演替,即任一生态系统演替的最终结果必然是碳输入输出达到平衡状态。由于森林生态系统碳库是陆地生态系统中最大的碳库,所以人们对其在碳中和上的贡献充满期待。本文以森林生态系统为例,分别考虑森林生态系统碳库的生物量碳库和土壤有机碳库,并基于全球最新研究成果,论证了森林生态系统土壤碳库积累过程具有长久的固碳功能,且不违背成熟生态系统碳输入输出趋于平衡的生态学理论,它能为实现碳中和目标做出贡献。  相似文献   

中国湿地土壤碳库保护与气候变化问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国湿地分布广, 类型丰富, 但存在着垦殖率高、碳密度较低、围垦损失严重等问题。估计我国湿地土壤碳库达8~10 Pg, 占全国陆地土壤总有机碳库的约1/10~1/8, 过去50 a间的损失可能达1.5 Pg。围垦和过度放牧是我国湿地土壤退化和碳库损失的主要驱动因子。目前,湿地土壤碳库保护面临严峻的挑战,从应对气候变化和保护人类生存环境的战略高度切实加强湿地资源保护,可以为增强陆地生态系统碳汇、探寻温室气体减排的潜在途径提供技术支持。  相似文献   

基于自然的解决方案(NbS)在应对气候变化领域的重要作用日益受到国际社会的关注。本文将NbS在应对气候变化领域的生态系统划分为森林、草地、农田、湿地、海洋、城市,采用传统环境政策工具分类,将六大生态系统的政策工具划分为命令控制型、经济激励型、自愿参与型三类。在此基础上,梳理构建NbS在我国应对气候变化领域的政策框架。结果表明,我国初步形成了以命令控制型政策为主,重视通过经济激励型政策引导,并逐步完善自愿参与型政策的NbS政策体系。然而,NbS在我国应对气候变化领域的政策仍存在诸多问题,包括NbS尚未成为应对气候变化的主流措施、缺乏自上而下的管理机制、未形成理论与实践的有机统一、资金来源单一、技术支撑和能力建设薄弱、公众参与度有待进一步加强等。为发挥NbS在我国应对气候变化领域的潜力,建议将NbS纳入我国下阶段国家自主贡献更新文件中,争取提出有关NbS的定量承诺,推动NbS成为应对气候变化的主流措施,构建自上而下的管理机制,建立多元化的资金投入机制,加强从理论到实践、从路径到政策的研究,提升能力保障和公众参与度。  相似文献   

应对气候变化对我国经济可持续发展提出严峻挑战,已受到中共中央政治局的高度关注。大力发挥科技进步和创新的作用,加快减缓和适应气候变化领域重大技术的研发和示范,加强应对气候变化基础研究,加强气候变化领域国际科技合作,已经被列为我国应对气候变化的重大战略行动。目前,IPCCAR5正在筹划中,围绕后京都减排的国际努力正在沿巴厘路线圈紧锣密鼓地进行;由秦大河院士主持的《中国气候与环境演变:2012》也正在组织编写中。  相似文献   

中国森林乔木林碳储量及其固碳潜力预测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
加强对我国森林碳储量和固碳潜力的研究,是制定中国增汇减排政策的重要依据,对我国国际气候谈判和全面了解森林碳汇潜力具有重要作用。利用我国第七次和第八次森林资源清查中各优势树种的面积和蓄积量数据,采用IPCC材积源生物量法(volume-biomass method),估算了我国森林(乔木林)碳储量和碳密度及其分布,分析我国不同省份天然乔木林和人工乔木林碳储量龄组结构特征;建立分区域、分起源主要优势树种的单位面积蓄积-林龄Logistic生长方程,结合我国森林2020年和2030年面积蓄积增长目标,预测我国乔木林2010—2050年间碳汇潜力。结果表明:第八次清查期间中国乔木林总碳储量为6135.68 Tg,碳密度为37.28 Mg/hm 2;天然乔木林和人工乔木林的碳储量分别为5246.07 Tg和889.61 Tg,分别占总碳储量的85.50%和14.50%。到2050年,中国乔木林和新造林的总碳储量和平均碳密度将分别达到11125.76 Tg和52.52 Mg/hm 2,与2010年相比分别增加81%和41%。分析结果表明中国乔木林有很大的碳汇潜力,将在应对和减缓全球气候变化中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

大气污染严重威胁了我国陆地生态系统的固碳能力,但随着减污降碳协同治理的快速推进,减缓大气污染将有利于提升陆地碳汇,并切实推动碳达峰碳中和目标的实现。为了更好地理解大气污染与生态系统固碳的关系,本文以主要空气污染物臭氧(O3)为例,基于田间控制实验的整合分析、剂量响应关系及机理模型三种评估方法综述了近地层O3污染对植被碳固定影响的最新进展。尽管不同作物种类以及品种、不同功能型木本植物对O3的响应有着显著的差异,且各种方法的评估结果也不尽相同,但目前O3浓度造成我国粮食作物减产、森林生产力降低已是不争的事实。持续升高的O3浓度将严重威胁我国陆地生态系统的固碳能力。利用我国作物和树木的O3剂量响应方程进行评估的结果表明,在CO2减排和O3污染协同治理下,预计2060年我国树木生物量和作物产量将比当前显著提高,增加陆地生态系统碳汇,助力碳中和目标。最后,对如何提高O3污染环境下植物固碳能力也进行了展望。  相似文献   

科学应对气候变化 建设江西生态文明   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了科学应对气候变化对实现“建设生态文明”战略目标的重要性。结合江西实际,分析了气候变化对江西农业、水资源、森林和其他生态系统的影响。在此基础上,提出了江西应对气候变化应采取的措施:一是进一步优化能源结构,大力发展循环经济,加强节能减排管理,以减缓温室气体排放;二是继续加强农业基础设施建设,推进农业结构和种植制度调整,选育抗逆品种,以加强农业生态建设;三是加强水资源管理与保护,进一步强化水利基础设施规划和建设;四是进一步完善森林生态系统建设,大力推进生态市、县和生态城市建设,健全林业有害生物检疫、测报和防虫服务体系,以加强森林和其他生态系统建设;五是研究和用好“排放权”特殊资源;六是采取加强气候变化相关科技工作的管理与协调,加强气候变化相关科研工作,加强气候变化领域科技人才建设,促进产业结构优化和升级,加强应对气候变化的节能减排科技成果的推广和转化,加大对气候变化科学研究与技术开发的资金投入等,以提高气候变化相关科技工作的水平和能力;七是发挥政府的推动作用,加强宣传、教育和培训工作,提高公众应对气候变化意识和水平。  相似文献   

Global agricultural development programs aim to support smallholder farmers and farming communities by strengthening sustainable and resilient food production systems – which can also promote climate change mitigation as a co-benefit by reducing the emissions and enhancing removals of greenhouse gases (GHG). This study presents estimated GHG emissions reductions of almost 100 agricultural development projects over 51 low- and middle-income countries supported by the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD), USAID-Feed the Future (FTF) Initiative, and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO, previously DfID). Together, these projects promoted a net GHG emissions reduction of 6.5 MtCO2e per year. The forest management and promotion of improved agroforestry systems in the project areas contributed the most to the total mitigation co-benefits of the investment portfolios (∼3.9 MtCO2e/y). Improved crop management with minimum tillage practices, residue incorporation, water management in paddy rice, and the use of organic fertilizers also made a large contribution to the GHG emissions reduction (∼1.5 MtCO2e/y). Grass and pasture land management across the selected projects account for a net emission reduction of 0.2 MtCO2e/y. The implementation of improved agricultural practices in combination proves more effective for improving productivity and generating mitigation co-benefits than used in isolation. However, the aggregate impacts of soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration should be interpreted carefully, which quickly can be lost quick. The interventions promoted by the global agricultural development programs have shown immense potential in reducing net GHG emissions or emission intensity in agriculture and allied sectors. For moving forward to achieve the net-zero and 1.5 °C goals including food security, the global agriculture development programs need to prioritize working on agriculture policy development and implementation so that agriculture expansion does not continue to drive land-use change. This needs to move from the traditional agriculture development programs to transformational changes.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent advances over the past 4 years in the study of the carbon-nitrogen cycling and their relationship to climate change in China. The net carbon sink in the Chinese terrestrial ecosystem was 0.19-0.26 Pg C yr-1 for the 1980s and 1990s. Both natural wetlands and the rice-paddy regions emitted 1.76 Tg and 6.62 Tg of CH 4 per year for the periods 1995-2004 and 2005-2009, respectively. China emitted~1.1 Tg N 2 O-N yr-1 to the atmosphere in 2004. Land soil contained~8.3 Pg N. The excess nitrogen stored in farmland of the Yangtze River basin reached 1.51 Tg N and 2.67 Tg N in 1980 and 1990, respectively. The outer Yangtze Estuary served as a moderate or significant sink of atmospheric CO 2 except in autumn. Phytoplankton could take up carbon at a rate of 6.4 ×10 11 kg yr-1 in the China Sea. The global ocean absorbed anthropogenic CO 2 at the rates of 1.64 and 1.73 Pg C yr-1 for two simulations in the 1990s. Land net ecosystem production in China would increase until the mid-21st century then would decrease gradually under future climate change scenarios. This research should be strengthened in the future, including collection of more observation data, measurement of the soil organic carbon (SOC) loss and sequestration, evaluation of changes in SOC in deep soil layers, and the impacts of grassland management, carbon-nitrogen coupled effects, and development and improvement of various component models and of the coupled carbon cycle-climate model.  相似文献   

Mitigating the potential large negative impacts of a change in the earth's climate will require strong and definite actions in the different economic sectors, particularly within agriculture and forestry. Specifically, soils deserve a close examination due to their large carbon mitigation potential. The Kyoto protocol establishes the possibility for crediting greenhouse gas emission reductions from forestry and agriculture activities. In most circumstances, particularly those regarding developing countries, greenhouse gas mitigation activities will be carried out through projects. These projects will have to meet a series of criteria, for the carbon benefits to be measurable, transparent, verifiable and certified. These criteria include: establishing credible baselines (without-project or reference scenario), additionality, permanence, quantifying and reducing potential leakage of greenhouse gases across project borders, coping with natural or human induced risks, accurately measuring changes in carbon stocks using carbon accounting techniques, and – in the case of the Clean DevelopmentMechanism – resulting in sustainable development benefits. In this paper we describe the methods and approaches that have been developed to cope with the different criteria and discuss their implications for carbon sequestration in soils. Soil carbon represents the largest carbon pool of terrestrial ecosystems, and has been estimated to have one of the largest potentials to sequester carbon worldwide. However, getting credits from soil carbon sequestration through project activities presents several challenges: the need to monitor small incremental changes in soil carbon content relative to large carbon pools, long-time periods to accrue the full carbon benefits, high local variability of soil carbon content, and relatively costly soil carbon measurement procedures. Also, the responses of soil C stocks to forestry and agriculture activities are complex and need careful attention. Specifically, the time dynamics of soil C responses to land use changes, the diversity of soil types, soil-plant interactions, and the availability of accurate soil C inventories, should be considered to successfully implement LULUCF projects.  相似文献   

Grassland is one of the most widespread vegetation types worldwide and plays a significant role in regional climate and global carbon cycling. Understanding the sensitivity of Chinese grassland ecosystems to climate change and elevated atmospheric CO2 and the effect of these changes on the grassland ecosystems is a key issue in global carbon cycling. China encompasses vast grassland areas of 354 million ha of 17 major grassland types, according to a national grassland survey. In this study, a process-based terrestrial model the CENTURY model was used to simulate potential changes in net primary productivity (NPP) and soil organic carbon (SOC) of the Leymus chinensis meadow steppe (LCMS) under different scenarios of climatic change and elevated atmospheric CO2. The LCMS sensitivities, its potential responses to climate change, and the change in capacity of carbon stock and sequestration in the future are evaluated. The results showed that the LCMS NPP and SOC are sensitive to climatic change and elevated CO2. In the next 100 years, with doubled CO2 concentration, if temperature increases from 2.7-3.9˚C and precipitation increases by 10% NPP and SOC will increase by 7-21% and 5-6% respectively. However, if temperature increases by 7.5-7.8˚C and precipitation increases by only 10% NPP and SOC would decrease by 24% and 8% respectively. Therefore, changes in the NPP and SOC of the meadow steppe are attributed mainly to the amount of temperature and precipitation change and the atmospheric CO2 concentration in the future.  相似文献   

 回顾了国际社会应对气候变化的进程,对国内外的碳排放状况、中国减缓碳排放的技术潜力、中国减缓碳排放的宏观影响、全球减缓气候变化的公平性与国际合作行动等问题进行了分析与评估。提出了中国减缓气候变化的思路与对策,指出在全球应对气候变化的形势下,中国要积极适应国际政治、经济及贸易格局变动的趋势,将减缓气候变化对策纳入国家经济与社会发展战略与规划之中,促进国家经济和社会的全面、协调和可持续发展。  相似文献   

Soil carbon sequestration has been regarded as a cheap and cost-effective way to sequester carbon until other technologies to tackle climate change become available or more cost-effective. An assessment of the social desirability of a soil carbon sequestration policy requires the consideration of all associated social costs and benefits. Measures to re-accumulate carbon in soils have ancillary or co-effects on the environment that can be beneficial or detrimental to social welfare and few of which are traded in markets. This paper discusses issues related to the development of soil carbon sequestration policies into agri-environmental schemes and reports findings from an application of a choice experiment to elicit preferences and estimate benefits of a soil carbon programme in Scotland under consideration of co-effects on biodiversity and rural viability. Preferences for soil carbon based mitigation are found to be heterogeneous and related to beliefs about climate change and attitudes towards its mitigation. Benefit estimates suggest that including co-effects can significantly change the outcome of cost?Cbenefit tests. Implications for the development of climate change policies are discussed.  相似文献   

Climate change is increasingly becoming the hotspot issue of global attention. On the basis of review of the process responding to climate change of international community, this paper introduces the status of carbon emissions of the world and China, and the technology potential for China to mitigate carbon emissions. At the same time, this paper explores the macro-impacts of China's mitigation of carbon emissions, the equity of global mitigation of climate change, and the impacts of international cooperation in the field of climate change. Furthermore, this paper puts forward the ideas and countermeasures of mitigating climate change in China, indicating that China should positively adapt to the trends of international politics, economy and trade pattern changes and bring the strategies of mitigating climate change into national social and economic development strategy, planning to promote comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of national economy and society under the situation of global response to climate change.  相似文献   

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