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水下滑翔机器人系统研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
水下滑翔机器人是一种新型的水下机器人,可以作为水下监测平台用于大范围、长时间的大尺度海洋环境监测作业。文中调查了水下滑翔机器人的国内外发展现状,分析了其可能的应用领域。详细介绍了中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所开发的水下滑翔机器人系统,包括载体外形优化设计、载体结构设计和控制系统设计。分析了水下滑翔机器人定常滑翔运动和空间螺旋会转运动的运动性能。  相似文献   

水下滑翔机器人运动分析与载体设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水下滑翔机器人是一种新型水下机器人,具有噪声低、航行距离远、续航时间长、成本低等特点。分析了水下滑翔机器人的驱动机理和运动实现,给出了水下滑翔机器人典型运动的仿真结果,并以正在设计的一水下滑翔机试验样机为研究对象,描述了样机的整体结构布局,详细研究了浮力调节机构、俯仰调节机构和横滚调节机构的实现方法,并就样机中各执行机构的设计实现进行了论述。  相似文献   

采用智能水下机器人进行海洋环境的立体监测具有监测范围广,自主性强的特点。本文在探讨世界各国采用智能水下机器人进行海洋环境监测的情况的基础上,介绍了自主研发的智能水下机器人海洋大范围环境数据的自主采集系统,其主要优点是:相对于其他机器人,可实现“大范围” 海洋环境数据的采集;相对于固定式浮标,可实现海洋环境数据的“自主”采集。并给出了自主采集流程和软件分层递阶体系结构。在真实海域中,采用智能水下机器人,进行了国内首次大范围环境数据采集实航实验。实验结果表明采用智能水下机器人进行海洋环境的立体监测是切实可行的。  相似文献   

“海鳐”波浪滑翔器是我国自主研制的第 1 代波浪滑翔器产品,性能优异,可靠性高,已完成包括海洋环境观测、水下目标探测、跨域通信及信息传递等应用研究。在国家重点研发计划“无人无缆潜水器组网作业技术与应用示范”等领域项目的支持下,“海鳐”波浪滑翔器平台技术成熟度及应用研究上均得到进一步提升,为在我国在军事、海洋环境监测及海洋资源开发利用等领域的应用推广奠定了坚实的基础。介绍了“海鳐”波浪滑翔器在水下声学定位与跨域组网通信中的最新应用进展,总结了应用中的主要技术问题, 对波浪滑翔器装备未来的发展给出了新的研究方向。  相似文献   

海水COD测量仪中光电测量单元技术研究…………………………………………………于连生,唐宏寰,李芝凤(1-1)水下滑翔器的运动建模与分析………………………………………………………王树新,李晓平,王延辉,朱光文(1-5)用于近海海洋环境检测的轻型机器人……………………………………………孙虎元,孙立娟,侯保荣,王在峰(1-10)极区海洋环境自动监测浮标总体设计技术………………………………………………………………………熊焰(1-14)系缆式水下自动升降平台…………………………………………………………………………………………商红梅(1-19…  相似文献   

水下滑翔器浮力驱动机构布局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水下滑翔器是一种新型海洋测量平台,它采用浮力驱动方式,并依靠调整重心实现姿态控制.文中从研究水下滑翔器纵垂面内滑翔运动的平衡状态入手,通过对将浮力驱动机构布置在滑翔器的艏部和艉部时的平衡状态受力进行对比分析,指出将浮力驱动机构布置在艏部可以有效缩短重心调节重物的移动距离.并分析了两种布局方式的优缺点,为水下滑翔器的结构设计和控制系统设计提供了参考.  相似文献   

温差能驱动的水下滑翔器设计与实验研究……………………王树新,王延辉,张大涛,何漫丽,朱光文,任炜(1-1)水下滑翔机器人系统研究…………………………………………………俞建成,张奇峰,吴利红,李硕,张艾群(1-6)近海视频测量与应用…………………………………………………………  相似文献   

水下滑翔器嵌入式控制系统采用Philips公司的LPC2478为主控芯片,搭载多路高精度传感器以及伺服执行系统。通过对水下滑翔器的结构分析,构建出水下滑翔器的动力学模型,采用神经网络PID控制算法调节动力学模型中的俯仰角和横滚角,实现水下滑翔器在水下运行时的姿态调节与航迹控制。引入高斯大地线算法,分析处理经纬度坐标与航向角数据,计算得到水下滑翔器的航行距离与航向角偏差数据,从而控制伺服系统实现导航控制。同时,鉴于水面环境与水下环境的差异,为提高水下滑翔器的导航精度,引入水下航位推算算法,推算出水下滑翔器在水下的航向与姿态角,提高其在水下运行的精确度。  相似文献   

为了适应复杂海洋环境中多样性的观探测任务需求,本文提出了一种融合Argo浮标、水下滑翔机(Glider)和自治式水下机器人(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,AUV) 3种工作模式的全姿态水下移动平台(All-attitude Multimode Underwater Vehicle,AMUV)。首先,基于3种水下移动平台的工作原理,建立了AMUV的六自由度动力学模型;然后,针对动力学模型中的非线性耦合特性及模式切换过程中的驱动位形变化等问题,基于比例、积分、微分控制器(Proportional Integral Derivative,PID)与模糊控制概念,设计了不依赖于数学模型的自适应模糊PID姿态控制器,实现了AMUV多模式切换过程中的姿态控制;最后,开展多模式切换控制仿真实验,将自适应模糊PID控制器与传统PID控制器仿真结果进行对比,并设计了全模式任务工况,仿真结果表明,本文提出的控制器能够精确和稳定地控制AMUV进行多种工作模式的相互切换。  相似文献   

水下滑翔器整体外形设计及水动力性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对水下滑翔器的整体外形设计与水动力性能进行研究。在Slocum等几种典型水下滑翔器样机的基础上,对滑翔器的主体和附体进行一体化设计,得到阻力最小的新型水下滑翔器构型设计。利用CFD方法对水下滑翔器进行模拟仿真,通过分析对比五种主体构型,得到了比较合理的主体线型,然后用正交设计方法和曲线拟合法对附体进行了优选工作,最后得到了性能更优的整体载体外形。模拟仿真实验表明,滑翔器在8°左右攻角航行时,具有最大的升阻比;和Slocum等经典样机相比,新的载体具有更好的水动力性能。通过上述研究工作,也可以缩短水下滑翔器研制周期,降低设计成本,并为水下滑翔器的更优设计提供了有力的技术指导和参考。  相似文献   

Li  Jing-lu  Wang  Xin-jing  Wang  Peng  Dong  Hua-chao  Chen  Cai-hua 《中国海洋工程》2021,35(5):724-735
China Ocean Engineering - As a type of autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), underwater gliders (UG) are getting increasing attention in ocean exploration. To save energy and satisfy the mission...  相似文献   

混合驱动自主潜航器融合了自主潜航器机动灵活和水下滑翔机续航能力强的优点,针对自身携带能源有限的问题,对在两种工作模式下如何实现最大航行距离进行了研究.从航行过程中的能源消耗入手,得出航行距离与速度、电子设备功率等的关系,通过理论分析和仿真手段得出最大续航能力的实现方法.在螺旋桨驱动模式下,当以经济航速航行时,可以达到最大航行距离;在浮力驱动模式下,当以最大滑翔效率航行时,水平方向上的滑翔距离最大,并且水平方向上的滑翔距离随着剖面深度的增大而增大,当剖面深度大到一定程度之后,最大滑翔距离趋于恒定.该研究方法可为类似水下航行器电源管理系统的能源分配提供参考,也可为航行器外形的设计和传感器的选型提供理论指导.  相似文献   

As an extremely significant tool, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) obtain corresponding development which is widely used in the oceanographic survey, military applications and ocean investigation. However, it is rather hard to fulfill missions about ocean exploration in suspended status or at slow speeds for traditional AUVs, due to the effect of the control surfaces trends to decline or even invalid completely in this condition. To overcome the limitation mentioned above, a torpedo-shaped AUV with vectored thrust ducted propeller is presented in this paper, in which the vector thruster is designed based on a 3SPS-S parallel manipulator. The 3SPS-S parallel manipulator, which has merits of compact structure, high reliability, high precision and fast response, is employed for thrust vectoring control mechanism. Additionally, the kinematics and dynamics model of the thrust-vectoring mechanism is constructed, and the MATLAB simulation results show the designed vectored thruster have great application superiority and potential for AUV. Finally, a control scheme of the vectored thruster is designed after considering the case study. The main idea of this paper lies in describing a novel design of the vectored thruster AUV based on 3SPS-S parallel manipulator, which can complete the mission at zero or slow forward speeds.  相似文献   

针对海洋环境下自主水下机器人(AUV)的路径规划问题,提出了一种基于框架四叉树的改进量子粒子群算法(QPSO),首先使用框架四叉树的方法对障碍物建模,该方法提高了建模的精度且对后续算法的效率也有极大的改进,之后设计改进的量子粒子群算法,并且结合水下环境的特殊性设计适应度函数,综合考虑航线路径长度、偏转角度以及海流影响,使得算法可以在水下环境中寻得能耗最短的解路径。最后通过仿真试验验证,相比于传统的栅格法和粒子群算法,改进量子粒子群算法的运算时间更短,收敛速度更快,其独特的适应度函数可以使AUV能更好适应水下多变的环境,且能利用海流设计能耗更小的路径,具有很大的实用价值。  相似文献   

An Odyssey IIb autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) made by Bluefin Robotics, Inc., was acquired by the Marine Physical Laboratory, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, to conduct research in underwater acoustics as well as provide a platform for other scientific studies. The original Odyssey IIb tail cone was replaced with a ducted fan, vectored thrust system installed on vehicles currently sold by Bluefin. In initial sea tests with the new thrust system, the acoustic self noise levels of the vehicle while underway were 20 to 50 dB higher than typical ocean background noise levels, preventing the vehicle's use as a receiver of low level sounds. Controlled tests were performed to characterize the radiated and vibration noise of the AUV propulsion and actuators. Once this baseline was established, changes were made, mostly to the tail cone propulsion, to decrease the vehicle's self noise. The resulting self noise levels of the AUV from 10 Hz up to 10 kHz measured while underway by a hydrophone mounted on the AUV's inner shroud now are at or below typical shallow water background noise levels except in three bands; below 250 Hz, around 500 Hz, and from 0.9 to 2.0 kHz. The goal of this paper is to describe these changes and their effects in lowering vehicle noise levels.  相似文献   

首先介绍了水下导航算法,采用GPS和水下参量测算相结合的方案,即当运行器在水下运行时,利用电子罗盘测量运行器的相对航向,水流传感器测算运行器的相对速度大小,利用学习阶段计算出海水流速,在水下运行器潜行时进行船位推算导航,用GPS精准的定位信号进行导航误差的校正。此算法精度的高低很大程度上取决于用来进行水下参量测算的传感器和用来方位校准的GPS。文中从各个传感器的误差着手,通过模拟仿真详细分析了电子罗盘、水流传感器和GPS的误差对导航精度的影响,对工程应用具有实际的指导意义。  相似文献   

在简要介绍AUV声学定位声纳接收机原理基础上,分析了CW脉冲信号在极性相关检测电路中的传输过程,建立了极性相关积分检测延时仿真分析模型。提出采用蒙特卡洛模拟方法获取检测延时的分布特征和统计参数的观点。实验结果表明蒙特卡洛模拟实验与硬件电路实验结果一致,对于解决随机性检测延时问题具有很强的能力。获得的结果可为AUV定位声纳检测门限的设定、声学测距和定位精度分析以及水声通信延时分析提供参考。  相似文献   

Recent advances in autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and underwater communication technology have promoted a surge of research activity within the area of signal and information processing. A new application is proposed herein for capturing and processing underwater video onboard an untethered AUV, then transmitting it to a remote platform using acoustic telemetry. Since video communication requires a considerably larger bandwidth than that provided by an underwater acoustic channel, the data must be massively compressed prior to transmission from the AUV. Past research has shown that the low contrast and low-detailed nature of underwater imagery allows for low-bit-rate coding of the data by wavelet-based image-coding algorithms. In this work, these findings have been extended to the design of a wavelet-based hybrid video encoder which employs entropy-constrained vector quantization (ECVQ) with overlapped block-based motion compensation. The ECVQ codebooks were designed from a statistical source model which describes the distribution of high subband wavelet coefficients in both intraframe and prediction error images. Results indicate that good visual quality can be achieved for very low bit-rate coding of underwater video with our algorithm  相似文献   

This paper describes a new framework for object detection and tracking of AUV including underwater acoustic data interpolation, underwater acoustic images segmentation and underwater objects tracking. This framework is applied to the design of vision-based method for AUV based on the forward looking sonar sensor. First, the real-time data flow (underwater acoustic images) is pre-processed to form the whole underwater acoustic image, and the relevant position information of objects is extracted and determined. An improved method of double threshold segmentation is proposed to resolve the problem that the threshold cannot be adjusted adaptively in the traditional method. Second, a representation of region information is created in light of the Gaussian particle filter. The weighted integration strategy combining the area and invariant moment is proposed to perfect the weight of particles and to enhance the tracking robustness. Results obtained on the real acoustic vision platform of AUV during sea trials are displayed and discussed. They show that the proposed method can detect and track the moving objects underwater online, and it is effective and robust.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamic interaction between an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) manoeuvring in close proximity to a larger underwater vehicle can cause rapid changes in the motion of the AUV. This interaction can lead to mission failure and possible vehicle collision. Being self-piloted and comparatively small, an AUV is more susceptible to these interaction effects than the larger body. In an aim to predict the manoeuvring performance of an AUV under the effects of the interaction, the Australian Maritime College (AMC) has conducted a series of computer simulations and captive model experiments. A numerical model was developed to simulate pure sway motion of an AUV at different lateral and longitudinal positions relative to a larger underwater vehicle using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFDs). The variables investigated include the surge force, sway force and the yaw moment coefficients acting on the AUV due to interaction effects, which were in turn validated against experimental results. A simplified method is presented to obtain the hydrodynamic coefficients of an AUV when operating close to a larger underwater body by transforming the single body hydrodynamic coefficients of the AUV using the steady-state interaction forces. This method is considerably less time consuming than traditional methods. Furthermore, the inverse of this method (i.e. to obtain the steady state interaction force) is also presented to obtain the steady-state interaction force at multiple lateral separations efficiently. Both the CFD model and the simplified methods have been validated against the experimental data and are capable of providing adequate interaction predictions. Such methods are critical for accurate prediction of vehicle performance under varying conditions present in real life.  相似文献   

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