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王睿  徐得潜 《水文》2016,36(1):71-74
城市暴雨强度公式的准确性直接影响着城市排水管网的规范设计.合肥市原有暴雨强度公式亟需重新修订。对合肥市董铺站1965~2012年共48年的全部暴雨资料进行分析,用年最大值法取样,采用皮尔逊-Ⅲ型分布,指数分布和耿贝尔分布曲线进行拟合,对频率分析后的数据分别采用了麦夸尔特法,高斯-牛顿法,遗传算法,拟牛顿法,模拟退火法,粒子群算法共6种优化算法进行公式参数推求,最终确定以指数分布配合麦夸尔特法确定的公式精度最好,公式精度大大优于合肥市原有的暴雨强度公式,所推求出的暴雨强度公式可用于洪水灾害的危险性分析、城市给水排水设计等供水灾害管理中,对合肥市的防涝、排涝、排水设施规划和工程设计具有重大意义。  相似文献   

区间暴雨和外江洪水位遭遇组合的风险   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
流域区间的治涝方案以及排涝设施的规模都与区间暴雨和外江洪水位的遭遇息息相关,因此需要研究区间暴雨与外江洪水位遭遇的风险规律.采用copula函数建立区间暴雨和外江洪水位的联合分布,用联合概率密度来描述两者遭遇的机率,提出了以遭遇为设计组合的排涝风险率和重现期的分析方法.实例研究表明,copula函数能够较好地模拟广东省阳山县区间暴雨与外江洪水位的联合分布;联合概率密度曲线表现为明显的正偏态分布,对于不超过10年一遇的暴雨,遭遇同频率的外江水位的机率最大;但对10年一遇以上的暴雨,最大遭遇机率的外江水位的重现期低于暴雨重现期;对任一排涝重现期,则有成反相关的区间最大暴雨和外江洪水位重现期的多种组合方案,且任一组合方案的暴雨重现期都大于排涝重现期.  相似文献   

暴雨诱发滑坡致灾机理与减灾方法研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
暴雨滑坡是多发性的地质灾害.阐述了暴雨诱发滑坡致灾机理、风险评估与减灾方法研究的重要意义.分别从暴雨诱发滑坡的地质力学机制、暴雨诱发滑坡的机理、暴雨诱发滑坡演化过程的数值模拟方法、暴雨滑坡动态风险评估方法以及暴雨诱发滑坡灾害的减灾方法5个方面,详细综述了国内外研究的主要成果和进展.在此基础上,指出了目前暴雨诱发滑坡灾害研究中存在的主要问题.最后,提出了在暴雨诱发滑坡灾害的研究中应以暴雨作用下的斜坡演化动力学过程为主线,以暴雨诱发滑坡的地质力学机制研究为基础,以暴雨诱发滑坡机理研究为核心,以暴雨诱发滑坡灾害的风险评估为手段,以最大可能地防灾减灾为目标.  相似文献   

选取湖北省四湖流域螺山排区作为研究对象,利用经验公式法计算排涝模数,并分析水面率、水旱比、城市化和灌溉方式及其变化对排涝模数的影响。结果表明:排涝模数随着水旱比和水面率的增加而减小,而随着地面硬化率的增加而增大;水面率对排涝模数的影响大于水旱比和地面硬化率的影响;同水稻的传统灌溉相比,间歇灌溉下的排涝模数较小。由于下垫面条件的改变,在10年一遇3日暴雨的排涝标准下,该地区排涝模数由1994年的0.38m3/(s·km2)上升到2011年的0.46m3/(s·km2),大约相当于1994年下垫面条件下的19年一遇3日暴雨的排涝标准。  相似文献   

吉林省重大暴雨过程灾害损失风险预评估   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用吉林省50县市1951-2013年逐日降水资料、暴雨灾情损失数据,1:5万DEM数据、水系、TM遥感卫星影像资料以及GDP、人口等数据,探讨了吉林省重大暴雨过程灾害损失风险的主要影响因素,确立了各因素的权重系数,构建了吉林省重大暴雨过程灾害损失风险评估模型.利用过程预报降雨量对2013年8月14-17日的重大暴雨过程灾害损失风险进行了预评估.结果表明:重大暴雨过程灾害损失综合风险的高值区分布在四平、辽源大部以及长春、吉林、通化城区附近,风险偏高区位于中南部,西部地区和东北部地区为中低风险区.灾害损失风险评估模型预评估效果良好,可在实际的暴雨过程灾害损失风险预评估业务中使用,由于通过该模型的评估结果可迅速圈定各级洪涝风险区,对提高重大暴雨过程应对能力、减少灾害损失以及防灾减灾意义重大.  相似文献   

山洪灾害突发性强、破坏性大、预测难度高,其预报是水文学及水动力学面临的重大科学问题。深入理解流域暴雨山洪响应机理是准确预测山洪灾害的关键。暴雨山洪通常发生在资料较为匮乏的小流域,给适用于较大流域的水文模型应用带来了挑战;而暴雨山洪完整水动力学方法对历史资料需求低,充分考虑了暴雨山洪形成与演化的物理机制,能够准确地描述降雨-产汇流-沟道洪水演进的全过程,减小了暴雨山洪预报的不确定性。本文首先比较了应用水文学方法和水动力学方法模拟暴雨山洪的优缺点;其次,详细梳理了暴雨山洪水动力学模型的关键技术,特别是结合暴雨山洪非规则坡面流动的特点,总结概括了浅水动力学控制方程离散中的地形源项和阻力源项处理方法;然后,系统探究了暴雨山洪水动力学关键物理因子(降雨、下渗、阻力等)作用规律及其定量化方法;最后,展望了模型精度、计算效率、应用领域等发展方向。  相似文献   

莱州市是我国海水入侵的典型地区,为探明莱州市海水入侵灾害风险程度及灾害影响要素,本研究基于海水入侵灾害发生的链式传递过程,根据致灾因子危险性、承灾体易损性、灾害损失及防灾减灾能力构建了莱州市海岸带海水入侵灾害风险评价指标体系,基于最小信息熵将层次分析法(AHP)和熵权法(EWM)进行结合确定各指标权重,通过综合加权评价法得到海岸带各镇街风险总值并进行风险排名,并通过指标大小数值对比及皮尔逊相关性检验揭示各指标风险影响程度。结果表明:根据风险总值可将城港路街道、永安路街道及金城镇划分为海水入侵灾害高风险区,沙河镇、三山岛街道及虎头崖镇为较高风险区,土山镇及金仓街道为较低风险区,其中城港路街道风险最高,风险指数值为5.76,金仓街道风险最低,风险指数值为4.03;在各指标中,地下水开采强度与风险总值的相关系数达0.917,表明地下水开采强度是区域海水入侵风险评定的控制指标,该指标为防止海水入侵灾害的关键要素。  相似文献   

绘制直观与可靠的城市洪涝灾害风险区划图,为城市防洪排涝相关部门决策提供参考依据。以广州市东濠涌流域为研究区域,综合考虑城市降雨、径流、地形和排水系统特性,构建基于InfoWorks ICM的一维-二维耦合城市洪涝仿真模型,模拟暴雨重现期为1年、5年、50年情景下的洪涝过程并获取致灾因子数据。调研分析区域的孕灾环境、承灾体和防灾减灾能力概况,结合层次分析法、评价等级和阈值划分等进行洪涝灾害风险评估。结果表明:城市洪涝仿真模型在一维排水系统和二维地面淹没模拟上均有较好的精度和可靠性,保证了致灾因子数据的可靠性;风险区划图能较好地反映流域的风险分布;随着重现期增大,较高、高风险区的面积显著增加,为防洪排涝重点关注区域。  相似文献   

我国西南岩溶山区地质环境脆弱,人类工程活动强烈,群死群伤的灾难性滑坡频发,造成严重的人员与财产损失。文章概述了西南岩溶山区大型崩滑灾害基本特征和防灾减灾的难点,提出了目前研究中亟待解决的关键科学技术问题,包括岩溶地质结构与管道流的相互孕灾机理、地下采动下大型崩滑灾害形成机制、灾害高位远程动力成灾模式、灾害早期识别与空间预测。针对这些问题,文章提出如下研究思路:通过多学科联合,重点研究岩溶山区大型崩滑灾害链的孕育发生规律与成灾模式,揭示岩溶管道-裂隙-孔隙地下水动力作用及孕灾过程和地下采动、库水波动等工程扰动环境下山体劣化损伤效应,构建岩溶崩滑灾害高速远程动力致灾机制与风险预测方法,形成早期识别、监测预警与综合防控技术及示范,为我国岩溶山区城镇化建设、重大工程安全运营提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

为防止千年、百年一遇不同时段暴雨对核电厂区的潜在严重威胁,根据核安全导则的要求,并根据我国现行的暴雨强度计算的有关规范,采用工程水文设计中的实测暴雨频率统计法,对核电厂区千年、百年一遇暴雨强度进行了分析计算研究,为核电厂区排水设施的设计,提供了必要的、安全的设计参数.  相似文献   

位于西南山地堆积体滑坡常受到地震和强降雨的双重作用,查明此类滑坡变形破坏机理是地质灾害防治和风险防控的基础。文章的研究对象是鲜水河断裂带附近的炉霍县马居滑坡。研究表明,地震作用对位于斜坡地带堆积体滑坡体结构损伤明显,不但使滑坡整体稳定性下降,还促使坡体内裂隙大量发育,利于降雨入渗,进一步恶化滑坡的水文地质条件。强降雨形成的大规模洪水和泥石流下切坡脚沟道,牵引滑坡体整体向下。长历时强降雨入渗影响坡体稳定性,且在降雨结束后较长时间持续影响坡体稳定性。因此,对此类滑坡防治的对策应考虑坡脚防护和抗滑支挡设置。在对防治方案的有效性分析后,表明防护方案在极端条件下仍然能保障安全性,达防治和风险管控的目的。  相似文献   

变化环境对城市暴雨及排水系统影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,变化环境(气候变化和城镇化)导致城市暴雨的发生频率或强度增加,加剧了城市暴雨洪涝问题。因此,分析变化环境对城市暴雨及排水系统的影响对城市水资源规划管理、市政规划设计和城市防灾减灾有着重要意义。总结了未来高精度降雨预估技术、变化环境下排水系统设计标准等关键问题的研究进展,综述了变化环境下城市短历时暴雨演变规律及变化环境对城市排水系统影响的研究现状,探讨了变化环境对城市短历时暴雨的影响机理,并归纳了当前研究变化环境对城市暴雨及排水系统影响的主要方法。指出今后应重点加强的研究:①加强气候变化和城镇化对城市短历时暴雨影响机制的研究;②提升区域气候模式对城市区域下垫面和大气相互作用的描述能力,并加强公里尺度对流可解析模型在城市气候变化影响研究中的应用;③加强对变化环境下排水系统设计标准的研究;④综合评估气候变化和城镇化对城市排水系统超载、污染物转移和水安全等的影响。  相似文献   

我国南方山地丘陵区地质灾害分布数量约占全国地质灾害总数的57%,复杂的孕灾地质背景条件和诱发因素在很大程度上制约了地方政府对地质灾害的早期识别及监测预警能力,从而对各地国家基础设施和人民生命财产安全以及重大战略工程的实施造成影响,因此,提升对南方山地丘陵区地质灾害发育分布规律的认识和防治水平就显得极为重要和迫切。为满足服务国家重大战略实施的防灾减灾需求,中国地质调查局部署了“南方山地丘陵区地质灾害调查工程”,以支撑服务国家和地方防灾减灾需求为导向,以“出技术、出方法、出规范”为目标,采用“空-天-地”一体化调查技术,重点围绕地质灾害的早期识别、监测预警、风险评价及防灾减灾方法等开展调查研究与应用示范,引领和指导南方山地丘陵区的地质灾害调查。该工程通过2019年的调查研究,对南方山地丘陵区地质灾害发育的总体分布规律、危害程度及成因机制有了宏观认识,为区域地质灾害研究与评价提供了重要基础。取得的地质灾害调查成果为国家一系列重大战略工程的规划建设提供了有效服务。如在川藏铁路建设工程中,为某车站选址提供了地质综合评估建议,成功识别出的潜在滑坡隐患为某特大桥梁设计方案变更提供了重要的地质依据; 服务于乌蒙山区及赣州地区地质灾害自动化监测预警系统建设,有效提升了地方政府防灾减灾的效率与水平; 及时配合自然资源部金沙江白格滑坡、宜宾地震、浙江永嘉滑坡等重大突发性地质灾害的应急抢险工作,并提供了有效的技术支持; 在汛期为四川省和云南省等地方政府开展地质灾害应急排查20余次,为这些地区的安全度汛发挥了重要作用; 积极开展多种形式的地质灾害科学普及活动,提高了广大民众的地质灾害防治知识水平。  相似文献   

降雨是诱发地质灾害最主要的外部因素之一,在中国东南沿海中低山丘陵区强降雨诱发的地质灾害集群发生,造成了大量人员伤亡和财产损失。以福建省为例,深入挖掘多年历史地质灾害案例的降雨实况资料,以县级行政区为统计单元,基于定量化降雨估测对诱发群发性地质灾害的典型降雨过程进行相关性研究,并基于地质环境的量化指标进行了偏相关分析验证,建立了福建省有效降雨模型并通过现场监测和预警应用进行了验证。研究表明:福建地区地质灾害的发生与灾害发生3日内降雨相关,且以0.79为折减系数逐日折减,据此建立了福建地区有效降雨模型;将福建地区有效降雨模型应用于地质灾害气象预警,可以在保证地质灾害命中率的前提下,减少预警区面积、降低预警等级、缩短预警持续时间,提高地质灾害气象预警的精准性。研究结果有助于准确把握降雨特征,可为区域地质灾害气象预警中降雨因子的合理评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

About 127 debris flow gullies have been identified, and debris flows have been an important type of geological hazards in Luding County, affecting cities, towns, rural areas, scenic spots and human’s engineering projects, such as mining and waterpower utilizing equipments. In this summary paper, recent two catastrophic debris flow events occurred on June 30, 2005, in Chuni town, in the central of the county, and on August 11, 2005, in Hailuogou scenic spot, in the southwest of the county, respectively, are reviewed. The debris flow events are introduced on the basis of field investigation and RS interpretation and the triggering factors for flow occurrence are identified. Furthermore, the rainfall related to flow occurrence including antecedent rainfall and intraday rainfall is analyzed, and a power-law function which can be used as a basic warning line is established based on both antecedent effective rainfall and intraday rainfall. Then dynamic parameters such as flow velocity and flow discharge are calculated, respectively. Through comparison and discussion, some conclusions are made including (1) The antecedent rainfall played an important role for debris flows which generated predominately based on the slope-instability due to the saturated loose sediments; (2) Despite slower flow velocity and smaller magnitude, the slope-type debris flows just like 2005-6-30 debris flows usually lead to serious damages for the difficulty to forecast and to prevent; (3) The mistaken recognition on debris flow hazards and lack of prevention consciousness strengthen the hazard and damage degree. This research is of certain significance for the prevention and mitigation of debris flow hazards and for the planning of the town building and tourism development in the future.  相似文献   

董艳艳  宿星  王国亚 《冰川冻土》2015,37(6):1697-1707
兰州市是中国乃至世界上滑坡、泥石流等地质灾害最为严重的山区城市之一, 区内地质灾害问题十分突出, 防灾减灾任务繁重. 地质灾害是影响社会经济发展的因素之一, 地质灾害与城市经济的发展相伴共生, 相互制约、相互促进. 运用灾害统计学、经济学中的哈罗德-多马模型、脱钩模型等多种理论方法对2006-2012年兰州市地质灾害与经济发展的关系进行分析. 结果表明: 兰州市地质灾害总体上对经济发展的影响仍以负面影响为主, 正面影响对经济的促进作用相对较弱; 近年来地质灾害防灾减灾效果明显, 已取得了良好的社会效益、经济效益和环境效益. 在区内地质灾害高发和社会经济持续稳定增长共生的条件下, 必须以实现"地质灾害的负增长"为当前和今后一段时期防灾减灾的重要任务和目标, 最终达到地质灾害的有效防治与社会经济的可持续协调发展.  相似文献   

Flash flood disaster is a prominent issue threatening public safety and social development throughout the world, especially in mountainous regions. Rainfall threshold is a widely accepted alternative to hydrological forecasting for flash flood warning due to the short response time and limited observations of flash flood events. However, determination of rainfall threshold is still very complicated due to multiple impact factors, particular for antecedent soil moisture and rainfall patterns. In this study, hydrological simulation approach (i.e., China Flash Flood-Hydrological Modeling System: CNFF-HMS) was adopted to capture the flash flood processes. Multiple scenarios were further designed with consideration of antecedent soil moisture and rainfall temporal patterns to determine the possible assemble of rainfall thresholds by driving the CNFF-HMS. Moreover, their effects on rainfall thresholds were investigated. Three mountainous catchments (Zhong, Balisi and Yu villages) in southern China were selected for case study. Results showed that the model performance of CNFF-HMS was very satisfactory for flash flood simulations in all these catchments, especially for multimodal flood events. Specifically, the relative errors of runoff and peak flow were within?±?20%, the error of time to peak flow was within?±?2 h and the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency was greater than 0.90 for over 90% of the flash flood events. The rainfall thresholds varied between 93 and 334 mm at Zhong village, between 77 and 246 mm at Balisi village and between 111 and 420 mm at Yu village. Both antecedent soil moistures and rainfall temporal pattern significantly affected the variations of rainfall threshold. Rainfall threshold decreased by 8–38 and 0–42% as soil saturation increased from 0.20 to 0.50 and from 0.20 to 0.80, respectively. The effect of rainfall threshold was the minimum for the decreasing hyetograph (advanced pattern) and the maximum for the increasing hyetograph (delayed pattern), while it was similar for the design hyetograph and triangular hyetograph (intermediate patterns). Moreover, rainfall thresholds with short time spans were more suitable for early flood warning, especially in small rural catchments with humid climatic characteristics. This study was expected to provide insights into flash flood disaster forecasting and early warning in mountainous regions, and scientific references for the implementation of flash flood disaster prevention in China.  相似文献   

Transboundary hazard risk reflects how different societies interact with disaster in a shared landscape. In the Gobi desert of northern China and southern Mongolia recurring drought, extreme cold, wind and dust storms are the dominant hazards yet disasters vary significantly in the two countries. Research examined national approaches to environmental engagement and livelihoods in the desert through an assessment of disaster risk in two Gobi communities; farmers in Gansu Province, China, and herders in Dundgov and Omnogov Provinces, Mongolia. Exposure and resilience was evaluated and work examined how risk factors are shaped by policy, economics, culture and social memory. Comparison between two state systems reveals how disaster risk and vulnerability are shaped as much by human action as by the physical climatic event. China stressed government-led disaster management whilst Mongolia emphasised adaptation to hazards. Integrating multiple divisions within a hazard zone is essential to address risk reduction; without this disaster mitigation remains state-specific and lacks applicability to a wider area or global context.  相似文献   

Urban universities are a microcosm of urban built-up areas, such as cities, but with a much smaller scale of spatial resolution. Within universities, there are many types of landscape features exhibiting different heat absorption and transmission capacities. These landscape features generate spatial–temporal heat signatures, and the knowledge about landscape features and urban heat hazard on university campuses is limited. The objective of this research is an assessment of landscape features and the potential heat hazard threats of two urban universities in ASEAN, located in the centre of the equatorial region. The focus of this research is on urban heat hazards in two urban universities in ASEAN, the University of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur and the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, within the context of the spatial–temporal behaviour of urban heat and the urban heat effects on the environment and human well-being on campuses. The spatial and temporal analysis used to answer the objective of this research via data-gathering methods from image satellite, ground trough, and human perception study. The UM campus and UI campus, both urban campuses, had similar landscape features but had different total percentage areas of these features. The UM campus was 59.1% covered by the densely vegetated surface landscape feature, a percentage lower than that of the UI campus, which was 65.3% vegetation covered. The temporal results for the UHS of the UM campus in 2013–2016 show a maximum temperature of 39 °C. Therefore, the UHS of the UI campus demonstrated temporal behaviour in 2013–2016, with a maximum temperature of 38 °C. The UHS behaviour of the UM campus and UI campus had an air surface temperature with a maximum average temperature of 33 °C. The air surface temperatures exceeding 32 °C at the UM campus (12 pm until 6 pm?=?5 h) lasted for a longer time than those at the UI campus (12 pm until 3 pm?=?3 h). This study showed that, based on the perceptions on both campuses, if temperatures exceeded 30 °C, respondents were very hot and very uncomfortable, which will impact health and decrease work or academic achievements, as perceptions of heat intensity impact human well-being. Students perceived that heat intensity impacted their health and they reported becoming tired and lethargic under maximum temperatures and were very hot and very uncomfortable, and this condition impacted their work activity. These results indicated that, at both the UM and UI campuses, heat intensity impacts human well-being, with risks associated with hot temperatures. These two urban campuses are significant for ASEAN university awareness of the urban heat hazard of the equatorial area.  相似文献   


Many coastal urban areas and many coastal facilities must be protected against pluvial and marine floods, as their location near the sea is necessary. As part of the development of a Probabilistic Flood Hazard Approach (PFHA), several flood phenomena have to be modelled at the same time (or with an offset time) to estimate the contribution of each one. Modelling the combination and the dependence of several flooding sources is a key issue in the context of a PFHA. As coastal zones in France are densely populated, marine flooding represents a natural hazard threatening the coastal populations and facilities in several areas along the shore. Indeed, marine flooding is the most important source of coastal lowlands inundations. It is mainly generated by storm action that makes sea level rise above the tide. Furthermore, when combined with rainfall, coastal flooding can be more consequent. While there are several approaches to analyse and characterize marine flooding hazard with either extreme sea levels or intense rainfall, only few studies combine these two phenomena in a PFHA framework. Thus this study aims to develop a method for the analysis of a combined action of rainfall and sea level. This analysis is performed on the city of Le Havre, a French urban city on the English Channel coast, as a case study. In this work, we have used deterministic materials for rainfall and sea level modelling and proposed a new approach for estimating the probabilities of flooding.


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