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甘肃舟曲三眼峪沟泥石流的形成条件与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年8月8日,舟曲县城北侧三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟暴发的特大山洪泥石流,给舟曲县城人民生命财产造成了巨大损失。本文基于现场调查,分析了三眼峪沟泥石流的形成条件和未来泥石流的发展趋势。调查发现,独特的地形条件、极其丰富的固体物质储备和极端降雨条件,导致了"8.8"特大泥石流灾害。崩塌堆积体是三眼峪沟泥石流固体物质的最主要来源,受"8.8"泥石流的影响,沟内堆积物的稳定性进一步降低,一旦有强降雨发生,该沟很可能再次发生泥石流,并且泥石流的规模和活动性可能进一步增强。  相似文献   

天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。2010年8月7日22时许,甘肃省甘南藏族自治州舟曲县突发强降雨,2010年8月8日凌晨,县城北侧的三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟同时暴发特大山洪泥石流,泥石流所经区域被夷为平地,月圆村、椿场村两个村被全部淤埋、摧毁,三眼村、北门村、罗家峪村、瓦场村大部被毁,泥石流直穿县城堵塞白龙江,形成堰塞湖,造成白龙江水位上涨10米,舟曲县城城区三分之一被淹,大量民房及城区建筑浸泡于水中。  相似文献   

2010年8月8日0时12分,甘肃省舟曲县城区及上游村庄遭受特大山洪泥石流灾害,造成1467人遇难和298人失踪。三眼峪、罗家峪2条山洪泥石流沟共冲出固体堆积物181×104m3。三眼峪山洪泥石流前锋从出山口到达县城的运动时间约为2.1min,罗家峪山洪泥石流前锋从出山口到达县城的运动时间约为4.3min。二者自出山口距离县城均约2km。舟曲特大山洪泥石流灾害的形成因素包括:该地历史上就是山洪泥石流灾害多发地,山高沟深具备强大冲击的重力势能条件,沟域崩塌滑坡堆积提供了物源,历史地震导致山体松动破碎,2010年以来区域持续干旱造成雨水更易渗入岩土体,8月7日的局地过程降水量远超过历史记载,山洪泥石流暴发的突然性、毁灭性,舟曲县城部分建筑占用了山洪泥石流进入白龙江的通道等。  相似文献   

舟曲县三眼峪沟特大型泥石流的形成和运动特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2010年8月8日凌晨,舟曲县城北侧三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟暴发了自1949年以来强度最大的特大山洪泥石流灾害。本文基于现场调查,对三眼峪沟泥石流的运动特征进行了分析。该流域泥石流的特征显示,三眼峪沟"8.8"泥石流在流域中游已基本形成,但是,由于沟谷不同地段沟谷形态及固体物质的特征不同,泥石流在冲淤和流量方面差异显著。三眼峪沟的两个支沟汇合后,泥石流流量迅速增大,但其最大峰值流量未形成叠加,主沟出山口处最大峰值流量达1833.18m3/s。  相似文献   

2010年8月8日,舟曲县城北侧三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟暴发的特大山洪泥石流,给舟曲县城人民生命财产造成了巨大损失。本文基于对舟曲"8.8"泥石流灾害的现场勘查和治理工程设计项目,从施工的难易程度、工程投资、安全性和服务年限4个方面对拦挡坝的类型,以及从工程投资、占地和安全性3个方面对排导渠的路线进行了详细的论证,选取钢筋混凝土拦挡坝和在原有排导渠的基础上截弯取直修建复式排导渠作为三眼峪沟泥石流灾害最优的治理措施,该措施的应用对同类工程地质条件下灾害治理工程的设计方案的选择具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

2010年8月8日,甘肃省舟曲县城北部山区强降雨引发三眼峪沟、罗家峪沟突发山洪泥石流,造成城区及上游村庄1765人死亡失踪。封面照片为三眼峪沟泥石流灾害治理现场,摄于2012年5月15日,镜向上游出山口。该项工程以“8.8”特大山洪泥石流规模为标准,采用拦排结合的治理方案,通过构筑中上游拦挡坝、中下游排导堤、排导堤上部设复式挡墙等三道工程防线,保护两岸及舟曲县城安全。在西部山区,受自然地理环境的限制和历史人文地理的影响,分布着一些与舟曲县城相类似的人口聚集区。在不可逆转的城镇化进程中,存在发展规划系统性差、资源环境超载或巨灾应对能力弱等新老问题,  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省舟曲县三眼峪沟和罗家峪沟"8.8"特大暴雨型泥石流的调查分析,认为突发性强降雨、高山峡谷地貌和丰富松散堆积物是该泥石流灾害发生的3个成因特征.就致灾特征而言,涉及到承灾对象,包括3个方面,首先是堆积区高密度建筑的挤占造成行洪能力不足,致使出谷口后的面状泥石流再次汇集,引起泥石流流量集中和过流断面不足,破坏性...  相似文献   

通过对甘肃省舟曲三眼峪特大泥石流灾害的现场调查,从泥石流形成的地形地貌条件和水动力条件人手,以ArcGIS为平台,运用DEM数据,分析了特大泥石流灾害的三区地形地貌特征、固体松散物特征、降雨特征以及泥石流静力学和动力学特征。结果表明:三眼峪三区为泥石流的形成和径流流通提供了极为有利地形条件;固体松散物质补给量潜力巨大,会导致堰塞坝的放大效应;诱发此次特大山洪泥石流是一场局地性、短时强度大的暴雨过程,泥石流容重在2.10t·m^-3左右,属于高容重黏性泥石流;泥石流屈服应力在8000Pa以上,大小眼峪(降雨汇流区)及三眼峪(泥石流堆积区)泥石流流速分别为8.97m/s、7.06m/s和6.02m/s,洪峰流量分别为1659m^3/s、1553m^3/s和1896m^3/s,冲击力分别为46676tf、40236tf和21182tf,其破坏力巨大,危害严重,使得泥石流在汇流区破坏力巨大以切蚀为主,受地形影响,三眼峪出口处,冲击力减小,泥石流发生堆积。  相似文献   

2010年8月7日晚23:00左右,甘肃省甘南藏族自治州舟曲县罗家峪、三眼峪流域突然降强暴雨,在三眼峪支流和罗家峪上游形成洪流,降雨持续40min后,在两泥石流沟谷中形成特大泥石流灾害。由于其特有的峰尖谷深地形、坡体表面丰富的松散物质本质条件,在多雨季节降强暴雨诱发了本次泥石流的产生。本文从泥石流形成的潜在性、泥石流降雨诱发因素、城建开发不合理三方面分析了此次泥石流灾难的形成原因。作为泥石流频发区,可采取监测预报,加强管理以遏制人类活动,实施工程治理的综合方法减少和避免灾情的发生。  相似文献   

在对甘肃省舟曲县“8.8”特大泥石流调查的基础上,分析计算了三眼峪泥石流的静力学和动力学特征值。三眼峪泥石流重度介于2.O~2.15t/m^3之间,属于黏性泥石流;支沟大眼峪和小眼峪坡降大,谷底窄,泥石流流速比主沟流速大,最大流速达9.2m/s,流通区积蓄能量巨大;主沟最大流量位于大眼峪沟与小眼峪沟交汇处(峪门口),流量达1830m^3/s,一次最大冲出量为152×10^4m^3,泥石流规模为特大型;三眼峪沟泥石流冲压力最大为小眼峪沟沟口断面处,冲击力为245kPa;实测泥石流堆积扇中石块最大粒径为11.2m,计算三眼峪沟泥石流中石块最大运动速度达15.06m/s。特征值分析结果可为舟曲泥石流灾后重建过程中工程设计提供重要依据。  相似文献   

Experimental study on cascading landslide dam failures by upstream flows   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Landslide dams in mountainous areas are quite common. Typically, intense rainfalls can induce upstream flows along the sloping channel, which greatly affects the stability and failure modes of landslide dams. If a series of landslide dams are sequentially collapsed by an incoming mountain torrent (induced by intense rainfall), large debris flows can be formed in a short period of time. This also amplifies the magnitude of the debris flows along the flow direction. The catastrophic debris flows, which occurred in Zhouqu, China on August 8, 2010, were indeed caused by intense rainfall and the upstream cascading failure of landslide dams along the gullies. Experimental tests were conducted in a sloping channel to understand the dynamic process of cascading landslide dam failures and their effect on flow scale amplification. Similar to the Zhouqu conditions, the modeled landslide dams were distributed along a sloping channel and breached by different upstream flows. For each experiment, the front flows were sampled, the entrained grain sizes were analyzed, and the front discharge along the channel was measured. The results of these experiments show that landslide dams occurring along the channel can be destroyed by both high and low discharge flows, although the mechanisms are quite different for the two flow types. Regardless of flow type, the magnitude of the flows significantly increases after a cascading failure of landslide dams, resulting in an increase in both the diameter and the entrained coarse particles percentage.  相似文献   

Bin Yu  Yu Ma  Yufu Wu 《Natural Hazards》2013,65(1):835-849
The debris flow, which was triggered in the Wenjia Gully on August 13, 2010, is an extreme example of mass movement events, which occurred after the Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008. This Earthquake triggered in the Wenjia Gully the second largest co-seismic landslide, which can be classified as a rockslide-debris avalanche. A lot of loose sediments was deposited in the basin. In the main so called Deposition Area II of this landslide, with a volume of 30?×?106?m3, flash floods can easily trigger debris flows because of the steep bottom slope and the relative small grain sizes of the sediments. The largest debris flow of August 13, 2010 destroyed the most downstream dam in the catchment during a heavy rain storm. The debris flow with a peak discharge of 1,530?m3/s and a total volume of 3.1?×?106?m3 caused the death of 7 persons, 5 persons were missing, 39 persons were injured and 479 houses buried. After three rainy seasons, only 16?% of the landslide-debris deposition was taken away by 5 large-scale debris flow events. Since the threshold for rainfall triggered debris flows in the Wenjia Gully and other catchments drastically decreased after the Wenchuan Earthquake, new catastrophic events are expected in the future during the rainy season.  相似文献   

2019年6月20日晚九寨沟普降大到暴雨,导致九寨沟景区内卓追沟、下季节海子沟、则查洼沟等多处发生泥石流。3条泥石流沟分别冲出固体物质2.79×104m3、3.7×104m3,2.67×104m3,造成多处停淤挡墙及拦砂坝损坏,并淤埋了景区内的部分道路,造成了交通的短时间中断。根据灾后地面调查和遥感解译,初步查明了本次泥石流灾害的成因和致灾过程机制。灾害成因:地震引发的崩塌滑坡产生大量的新增松散固体物源与原有的沟坡堆积物(包括老泥石流堆积物)在强降水的作用下形成泥石流,因此本次泥石流是地震和降雨共同作用的结果。通过泥石流发生前后各流域沟道纵剖面和典型横断面调查分析,发现泥石流致灾过程机制主要包括:(1)泥石流冲刷沟道使老泥石流堆积物参与泥石流运动、同时诱发沟岸失稳崩塌,因而增强泥石流规模和冲击力等动力学参数;(2)沟道卡口和崩滑体滑入沟道后导致泥石流堵塞,在后续泥石流的作用下发生级联溃决,进而增大泥石流峰值流量和冲击力等动力学参数。在两种机制的共同作用下,泥石流规模和冲击力等参数可能超出防治工程规划设计指标,进而导致防治工程损毁并淤埋道路。因此,建议充分考虑地震与强降雨复合作用下九寨沟景区泥石流风险评估、防治工程规划设计的合理性和可靠性等关键问题,以保障景区安全。  相似文献   

The Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008 produced large amounts of loose material (landslide debris) that are still present on the steep slopes and in the gullies. This loose material creates an important hazard as strong rainfall can cause the development of devastating debris flows that will endanger the resettled population and destroy the result of reconstruction efforts. On 14 August 2010, a total of 21 debris flows were triggered by heavy rainfall around the town of Yingxue, located near the epicenter of the Wenchuan earthquake. One of these debris flows produced a debris dam, which then changed the course of the river and resulted in the flooding of the newly reconstructed Yinxue town. Prior to this catastrophic event, debris flow hazard had been recognized in the region, but its potential for such widespread and devastating impacts was not fully appreciated. Our primary objective for this study was to analyze the characteristics of the triggering rainfall and the sediment supply conditions leading to this event. Our field observations show that even small debris flow catchment areas have caused widespread sediment deposition on the existing fans. It is concluded that the whole of the area shaken by the Wenchuan earthquake is more susceptible to debris flows, initiated by localized heavy rainfall, than had been assumed earlier. The results of this study contribute to a better understanding of the conditions leading to catastrophic debris flow events in the earthquake-hit area. This is essential for the implementation of proper early warning, prevention, and mitigation measures as well as a better land use planning in this area.  相似文献   

Large-volume debris flow events are defined when the volume of solid materials exceeds 1 million m3. Traditional engineering measures, such as check dams, diversion channels, and flumes, are effective for normal debris flow control but are not sufficient to control large-volume debris flows. Experiments were conducted with an artificial step-pool system on the new Wenjiagou Gully to mitigate large-volume debris flows. The old Wenjiagou Gully was buried by 81.6 million m3 of loose solid material created by a landslide that was triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008. The new gully was formed during the scouring process caused by debris flows in 2008. Large-volume debris flows were initiated by rainstorm flood with high kinetic energy. The artificial step-pool system was constructed with huge and big boulders on the new Wenjiagou Gully in 2009. The step-pool system dissipated flow energy in steps and hydraulic jumps. Analysis proved that the step-pool system dissipated two-third of the kinetic energy of flow; thus, the critical discharge for triggering debris flow increased threefold. Due to the step-pool system maximized the flow resistance and protected the bed sediment and banks from erosion, the rainstorm floods in 2009 did not trigger debris flows. In 2010, the step-pool system was replaced with 20 check dams. Huge boulders were broken into small pieces of diameter less than 0.5 m and were used as building materials for the 20 dams. Without the protection of the step-pool system, a rainstorm flood scoured the base of the dams and caused failures for all of the 20 check dams in August 2010. The flow incised the gully bed by 50 m. The loose bank materials slid into the flow mixed with water and formed a large-volume debris flow with a volume of 4.5 million m3. Many houses were buried by the debris flow, and 12 people were killed. Comparison of the two strategies proved that energy dissipation structures are necessary for controlling large-volume debris flows. Check dams, if they are stable, may reduce the potential of bank failures and control debris flows. The step-pool system dissipates flow energy and control gully bed incision and bank failure. A combination of check dams and step-pool systems may be the most effective for mitigating debris flows.  相似文献   

在2008年5月12日汶川地震后的地震灾区暴发了许多泥石流灾害,其中以四川省绵竹市清平乡文家沟泥石流最为显著。文家沟原来不是泥石流沟,在汶川地震时由于滑坡形成的巨大的滑坡-碎屑流堆积体改变了文家沟的泥石流形成条件,在此后的3个雨季内,文家沟先后暴发了5次大规模和特大规模的泥石流灾害,其中以8.13文家沟泥石流规模和危害最大。8.13文家沟泥石流暴发时的总降雨量为227mm,泥石流持续时间约2.5h,泥石流总量约310×104m3;泥石流造成7人死亡,5人失踪,39人受伤,479户农房被掩埋,直接经济损失4.3亿元。5次大规模和特大规模的泥石流以及洪水仅带走了16%的可以很容易形成泥石流的滑坡-碎屑流堆积物,文家沟如再遭遇较大降雨还会暴发泥石流。即使在今后的雨季中暴发几次规模如8.13泥石流一样大的特大规模泥石流,文家沟在较大降雨下仍然可能暴发泥石流灾害,因此对文家沟泥石流的防治工作将是一个长期的工作。  相似文献   

本文以热水河流域的老洼沟和分叉沟两处典型泥石流沟道为研究对象,通过野外工程地质勘查分析泥石流形成发育条件,揭示泥石流灾害成因机制。沟道上游地形陡峻,沟域形态近似呈扇形,为物源和降雨、径流等的汇集提供了有利的地形地貌条件;崩滑坡积物及沟床松散堆积物构成了丰富的泥石流物源;雨季充沛的降水及其形成的地表径流则是良好的水源条件和水动力条件。这些基本条件共同促使泥石流的形成发育。然后利用矩阵离散元数值模拟软件MatDEM评价不同泥石流防治措施的减灾效益。在只有岩土工程措施的情况下,泥石流物源块石携带的能量有62.3%在沟道运移过程中转化为热能,其余37.7%的能量则由拦挡结构承载;而在生态-岩土工程协同作用的情况下,物源携带的能量有70%在与上游生态工程和沟道的碰撞、摩擦过程中消耗,30%的能量在与下游拦挡结构相互作用过程中消耗。基于此,分别对老洼沟和分叉沟设计对应的生态工程-岩土工程协同作用防治方案,为建立山区小流域泥石流灾害生态工程-岩土工程协同减灾模式提供参考。  相似文献   

西藏某水电站厂区后山发育了5条泥石流沟,2005年7月22日暴发了近百年来最大的泥石流,泥石流的规模和影响范围将直接影响到该厂房的枢纽布置、施工及运行安全。厂房区泥石流沟的泥石流固体物质来源丰富,形成区内沟道坡度陡峭,因此只要有足够的降雨就可以形成泥石流。以设计泥石流流量计算的泥石流的总径流量确定的泥石流危险范围与调查的厂区各条泥石流沟2005年的实际泛滥区很相近,并以此可以得到不同设计频率的泥石流危险区。电厂厂房区的设施在施工期和运行期间受到泥石流活动的一定影响,必须采取合理的泥石流工程防护措施,避免泥石流对厂房区设施的危害,保障电站的施工和运行,满足电厂厂区的建设需要。  相似文献   

During the three flood seasons following the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, two catastrophic groups of debris flow events occurred in the earthquake-affected area: the 2008-9-24 debris flow events, which had a serious impact on rebuilding; and the 2010-8-13/14 debris flow events, which destroyed much of the progress made in rebuilding. The Wenjia gully is a typical post-earthquake debris flow gully and at least five debris flows have occurred there. As far as the 2010-8-13 debris flow is concerned, the deposits of the Wenjia gully debris flow reached a volume of 3.1 × 106 m3 in volume and hundreds of newly built houses were buried. This study took the Wenjia gully debris flow as an example and discussed the formation and characteristics of post-earthquake debris flow on the basis of field investigations and a remote sensing interpretation. The conclusions drawn from the investigation and analysis were as follows: (1) Post-earthquake debris flows were a joint result of both the earthquake and heavy rainfall. (2) Gully incision and loose material provision are key processes in the initiation and occurrence of debris flows and a cycle can be presented as the following process: runoff—erosion—collapse—engulfment—debris flow—further erosion—further collapse—further engulfment—debris flow enlargement. (3) The amount of rainfall that triggered debris flows from the Wenjia gully was significantly less than the average daily rainfall, while the intraday rainfall threshold decreased by at least 23.3%. (4) The occurrence mechanism of Wenjia gully debris flow was an erosion type and there was a positive relationship between debris flow magnitude and rainfall, which fitted an exponential model. (5) There were five representative characteristics of Wenjia gully debris flow: the long duration of the occurring process; the long distance of deposition chain conversion during the process of damage; magnification in the scale of debris flow; and the high frequency of debris flow events.  相似文献   

李华  彭勃 《城市地质》2013,8(2):25-27,48
王家山沟位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州小金县达维乡境内,流域面积8.02km2,沟长5.14km,相对高度1614m,纵坡降314.0‰,沟内滑坡发育,形成泥石流的地形和松散固体物质条件充分;偶尔出现的高强度、短历时暴雨是泥石流形成的水源条件和激发因素。针对危害特征,对泥石流采取了以拦挡工程为主,辅以防护堤及生物措施的综合治理方案。  相似文献   

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