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郭晞  仇欣  李超  沈阳  陈圣劼 《气象科学》2020,40(3):315-324
采用CMISS/MIMIC微波卫星产品,TCGP数据集和NECP/NCAR全球再分系资料,详细分析了超强台风"利奇马"(1909)的双眼墙过程中对流结构及动力结构的协同变化特征。结果表明:(1)在双眼墙形成前,"利奇马"内核对流雨带对称性增加,呈现环状包裹眼墙。在环状雨带和眼墙之间,下沉气流配合相对湿度干区在此发展,致使该区域对流受到抑制,最终发展为下沉晴空Moat区。而在内核环状对流雨带处,上升运动中心和次极大入流中心发展,增大绝对涡度的内输,促进次极大风速中心的形成,并有利于深对流发展。最终环状对流带发展成为外眼墙;(2)双眼墙结构形成后,次眼墙及其相伴的次级环流和对流雨带均增强并且内缩,Moat区变狭窄,对流抑制作用增强。相反,内眼墙对流强度及次级环流减弱,绝对涡度内输不足,导致"利奇马"强度减弱。  相似文献   

利用CIMSS/MIMIC资料、雷达资料、国家气象中心台风定位定强资料,通过集成微波图像判断台风双眼墙形成,分析"利奇马"长达33. 5 h的双眼墙结构特征。结果表明:(1)受宫古岛附近岛屿地形影响和螺旋环流结构调整,内外眼墙对流出现两次偏移;(2)当台风强度较强且稳定时,内眼墙环流的偏移不会引起台风强度的变化,反而因台风强度稳定使内眼墙环流重新组织;(3)雷达回波显示内眼墙有3 h周期的生消发展过程,非对称摩擦效应决定了内外眼墙之间的对流交换主要发生在moat区西北部。  相似文献   

利用自动气象站资料、FY-2G卫星TBB(black body temperature)产品、多普勒雷达组网资料和NCEP FNL分析资料对超强台风利奇马(1909)极端强降雨观测特征、热动力结构演变和水汽输送进行分析。结果表明:此次台风大暴雨覆盖华东大部,极端强降雨区(过程雨量超过350 mm)位于浙江东部和山东中部,21个国家级气象站突破日雨量历史极值;副热带高压、台风和西风槽相互作用以及华东沿海强劲东南风急流为台风利奇马(1909)长时间维持与强降雨发生提供了有利的环境条件。浙江东部极端强降雨主要由发展极为强盛的台风本体产生,垂直深厚涡旋系统强烈的上升运动和台风眼墙区密实的深对流系统导致雨强大且降雨集中;而山东中部极端强降雨则与台风非对称结构演变和冷空气侵入密切相关。倒槽锋生、台风北侧3条螺旋雨带北移汇入及地形迎风坡处的列车效应导致山东中部远距离暴雨发生,随着500 hPa干冷空气从低层不断侵入,在台风西侧118°E附近形成向西倾斜的假相当位温锋区,暖湿气流爬升引发第2阶段稳定性降雨。  相似文献   

台风“梅花”(1109)双眼墙生消过程的卫星资料分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用CIMSS/MIMIC微波、AMSU微波、静止红外、TRMM卫星资料,详细地叙述了“梅花”台风三次双眼墙生消的演变过程,定量分析了这三次过程之间及其与以往研究的异同点,包括双眼墙的生消周期、空间尺度、结构、强度以及所伴随的台风强度变化,在此基础上提出了双眼墙生消的演变模型。结果表明:(1) 螺旋云带型态演变是双眼墙生消过程的外在表现形式:随着台风眼墙与螺旋云带的脱离,螺旋云带自身首尾相连,在原台风眼墙的外围形成另一圈闭合环流,即双眼墙结构形成。外眼墙环流在加强加宽后向内收缩,内眼墙环流减弱并消失,只剩一单圈环流,或外眼墙环流演变为螺旋云带,则双眼墙结构消失;(2) 双眼墙结构持续的时间可以由几小时至数天,这可能与内、外眼墙直径无关,而与台风环流特别是外眼墙结构有关。当外眼墙环流对称化后,内、外眼墙将在数小时内完成眼璧置换过程;(3) 在一个成熟的双眼墙台风中,外眼墙对流发展高度较内眼墙高,内外眼墙之间是类似台风眼的下沉气流控制区;(4) 基于ADT的台风业务定强,可能不能正确地描述双眼墙台风强度的变化特征,而AMSU-A所反映的台风暖心强度,能较好说明双眼墙生消过程中台风强度的剧烈变化。   相似文献   

台风艾云尼(1804号)第2次登陆广东过程中降水表现出显著的非对称分布,强降水主要位于其路径前进方向的右侧(简称台风右侧)。利用欧洲中期天气预报中心ERA5再分析资料、广东风廓线雷达观测资料以及降水观测资料,对造成非对称降水的环流背景和动力、热力结构演变特征进行了分析。结果表明:艾云尼左右两侧水汽输送及动力、热力条件差异是造成降水非对称的主要原因。加强的低空急流以及台风马力斯(1805号)水汽的输送为台风右侧强降水的产生提供了更好的水汽背景,而低空急流的加强配合高空强的辐散抽吸使得右侧垂直上升运动也明显大于左侧。边界层内强盛的低空急流以及珠江三角洲地区下垫面强摩擦辐合作用导致艾云尼右前侧径向入流强度更强、强入流层厚度更厚、边界层高度更高,且由于距离台风眼墙越近风速越大,上述现象越明显,为强降水的产生提供的动力和水汽条件越好。强降水期间艾云尼右侧低层大气维持不稳定状态,分析表明强低空急流携带的θse平流及其随高度的减弱弥补了强降水造成的能量损耗,是不稳定能量维持的重要原因。   相似文献   

陈涛  董林  罗玲  杨舒楠 《气象》2021,47(12):1433-1443
2019年9号台风利奇马在浙江造成极端降水,其中8月9日白天浙江东部受台风外围螺旋雨带长时间影响,9日夜间在台风内核对流影响下降水有显著增强;降水中心与浙江临海地区的天台山、括苍山和雁荡山等地形特征密切相关。GPM(Global Precipitation Measure)卫星遥感反演表明近岸台风螺旋雨带以层积混合型降水为主,台风眼墙区域以热带暖云对流型降水为主;眼墙区雨滴有效直径更大、雨滴数密度更高,有利于形成高降水强度。台风登陆前移动速度较慢,浙江沿海地区维持低层锋生和辐合,有利于外围螺旋雨带降水维持和增强;登陆前后受环境垂直切变等因素影响,台风中心左前侧眼墙区域对流活跃,在登陆点附近强降水区偏向于台风中心左侧。分钟级降水观测表明台风登陆期间浙江近海山区降水强度2~3倍于平原地区,其中地形性降水增幅效应与台风对流非对称结构差异对降水影响程度基本相当,有利于在台风中心左前侧的括苍山—雁荡山山区形成强降水中心。  相似文献   

利用非静力中尺度WRF模式模拟的台风Chanchu(0601)的输出资料,探讨了Chanchu减弱变性过程的强度及结构变化。分析结果表明:在台风Chanchu北移过程中,高层的暖心被破坏,强度快速减弱,眼壁对流发展高度降低,眼壁对流由对称结构演变为非对称,内核对流减弱。此减弱变性过程与惯性稳定度减小、垂直风切变增强、低层锋生等环境要素有关。惯性稳定度与台风强度变化一致,随着惯性稳定度降低,最大切向风减弱并不断外扩,Rossby变形半径增大从而潜热释放不集中难以维持台风强度,台风减弱;同时,内核区的高层暖心更易径向频散,从而高层暖心难以维持;环境的垂直风切变增强使台风的斜压性增强,台风垂直结构的倾斜度增大,对流发展高度降低;低层冷空气侵入台风中心趋于填塞,也利于台风强度减弱;台风登陆以后冷暖空气对比导致的锋生使得不稳定能量释放从而重新加强了Chanchu环流内的中低层对流活动,但较台风最强时刻而言对流强度减弱。总体减少的对流和降低的对流高度,导致潜热能释放减小,其向心输送也减少,不足以维持强暖心结构,最终使得台风减弱并变性。   相似文献   

浙江沿海登陆台风结构特性的多普勒雷达资料分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用浙江省新一代多普勒雷达组网资料,选取在浙江东南沿海近乎同一地点登陆的3个台风进行研究。从登陆前6 h到登陆后7 h,对比分析3个台风在登陆前后的雷达回波和降水结构时空变化特征。利用单多普勒雷达四维变分风场反演技术,对温州多普勒雷达探测资料进行了风场反演。结合利用雷达回波强度资料,对3个台风登陆前后1 h在云岩、昌禅等地造成特大暴雨的中尺度对流系统的三维结构及其演变特征进行了详细分析。结果表明,台风强度与其螺旋云带中的对流单体密切相关。台风强度愈强,其中低层环状平均回波强度就愈强,对流活动也就愈旺盛,降水强度也愈大。台风登陆前,回波(雨带)从眼墙向外围传播。台风登陆后,随着台风外围回波(雨带)明显减弱,台风眼墙回波(雨带)则明显增强,台风眼区逐渐被强回波所取代,使台风登陆后眼墙的平均雨强比登陆前增大。台风登陆后1 h,由于低(高)层水平辐合(散)增强,强对流回波中倾斜的上升(下沉)气流明显增大,使对流运动更加活跃,造成登陆后1 h的降雨量显著增强。台风强度与登陆后1 h降雨量的增强幅度成正比。台风强度越强,垂直风切变就越大,垂直切变风速大值区与最大降雨区有较好的对应关系。台风登陆后1 h,垂直切变风速的明显增加对登陆台风螺旋雨带中的中小尺度对流的加强和维持起到了非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

常蕊  朱蓉  赵大军 《大气科学》2022,46(5):1071-1086
利用台风山竹(1822)和利奇马(1909)登陆期间固定式风廓线雷达、WindCubeV2激光雷达和测风塔的梯度观测数据,结合台风山竹(1822)登陆前后精细化风场模拟资料,分析了登陆台风不同影响象限内,离地300 m高度内的强风参数及其随距离、海拔高度及下垫面的变化特征。结果表明:(1)距离台风中心200 km水平范围内,最大风速所在高度及风切变指数沿台风半径向外增加,且陆地强风切变指数普遍高于0.12,而海洋下垫面拖曳作用弱,风切变较小,仅在岛屿群附近存在超出国标设计阈值的高切变区域。(2)台风移动方向的右前象限内强风切变指数稳定维持在0.17左右,且对海拔高度不敏感,左后象限存在类似于急流的风廓线,而左前象限内强风的垂直变化在空间上具有较强的非线性特征,边界层低层强风结构较复杂。(3)阵风因子和湍流强度随平均风速增大、离地高度升高呈现减小趋势。(4)过程最大风向变差角沿台风半径向外减小,且在空间上具有显著的非对称性,其中右后象限的风向变差角最大,半小时风向变化超过30°,且大多发生在台风登陆前或登陆时。研究成果可为我国近海及沿海风电场的微尺度风场模拟及台风风险防御提供帮助。  相似文献   

本文利用2010年1011号台风“凡亚比”登陆过程高分辨率数值模拟资料,诊断分析了“凡亚比”台风环流合力散度的垂直分布及其演变特征。结果指出,合力散度的显著区一直与台风系统相伴随,可以有效地示踪热带气旋(Tropical Cyclone,简称TC)的移动,并能较好地识别TC强度、结构的发展演变。台风中心偏东一侧流入层的合力散度异常信号首先出现并发展,反映出环流的非对称特征。随着台风趋于成熟,合力散度逐渐增强,高度扩展,对称性也逐渐增加;台风中心上空为合力辐合,外围为合力辐散,垂直方向上合力辐合与辐散相间的结构对应上升运动极值区及强降水,即对应台风眼墙位置。合力散度面积指数和强度指数的分析指出,垂直方向上辐合与辐散面积指数负相关;各层的合力辐合强度指数普遍大于辐散强度指数,垂直方向上两强度指数呈显著的正相关关系;结合面积指数与强度指数,可知垂直方向上合力辐合与辐散此消彼长。运用合力散度方程对该垂直分布特征的成因展开分析,发现风速u分量平流随经度变化项和风速v分量平流随纬度的变化项是TC眼区合力辐合部分的主要贡献项,垂直运动项决定了TC眼墙的合力辐合与辐散相间的垂直分布特征。  相似文献   

Multisatellite data is used to analyze the characteristics of three eyewall replacement cycles (ERCs) during the lifetime of Typhoon Muifa (1109). Spiral rainbands evolutions, concentric eyewall (CE) structure modes, CE durations, and intensity changes are discussed in detail. In addition, an ERC evolution model of Typhoon Muifa is given. There are four main findings. (1) The outer spiral rainband joins end to end to form the outer eyewall after it disconnects from the original (inner) eyewall. The inner eyewall weakens as the outer eyewall becomes axisymmetric and is intensified. The contraction of the outer eyewall causes the inner eyewall to dissipate rapidly. Finally, the ERC ends with an annular eyewall or spiral rainbands. (2) Although the CE duration times of Typhoon Muifa’s three ERCs covered a large range, the CE structures were all maintained for approximately 5 h from the formation of the axisymmetric outer eyewall to the end of the cycle. (3) There is no obvious precipitation reflectivity in the eye or moat region for the subsidence flow. The convection within the two eyewalls is organized as a radially outward slope with increasing height. (4) Typhoon intensity estimation results based on ADT may not explain the intensity variations associated with ERC correctly, while the typhoon’s warm core data retrieved from AMSU-A works well.  相似文献   

特大眼台风Winnie(1997)的高分辨率数 值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张庆红 《气象学报》2006,64(2):180-185
台风Winnie 1997的眼直径为370 km,是有观测以来发现的最大台风眼之一。应用Penn State/NCAR高分辨率中尺度模式MM5,成功地模拟了Winnie的路径、强度、台风眼及其双眼壁结构。由此根据模式输出结果分析了台风眼及内外眼壁附近的流场和热力场特征。发现Winnie台风的眼壁及其周围风场都显示了明显的非对称性结构。Winnie的外眼壁对应一个极大风速环,也是暖湿环和正涡度环。内眼壁对应一个次极大风速环、暖湿环。上升运动控制整个内眼壁和海平面2 km以上的外眼壁区域,下沉运动则控制眼区和内外眼壁之间。径向入流集中在外眼壁和内外眼壁之间的边界层,流出则位于外眼壁的对流层中上层。  相似文献   

Typhoon Winnie (1997) was one of the hurricanes that had extremely large eyewall ever recorded with a diameter of eyewall reaching 370 km. Using the Penn State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research mesoscale model MM5 with 3-km grid horizontal spacing on the finest nested mesh, Winnie was successfully simulated in terms of track, intensity, eye and concentric eyewalls. The dynamic and thermal structures of concentric eyewalls were studied based on the model output. It was found that the concentric eyewalls and their surrounding wind fields were asymmetric in observation as well as in simulation. Winnie's outer eyewall was associated with a maximum wind ring, a warm moist ring, and a high vorticity ring. The inner eyewall was associated with a secondary maximum wind ring and a warm moist ring. Upward motion dominated the whole layer of inner eyewall and the area above 2-km altitude of the outer eyewall. Downward motion was found inside the eye and the moat. Radial inflow happened in the boundary layer of the outer eyewall and the moat, but radial outflow dominated the middle and upper levels of the outer eyewall.  相似文献   

The effects of different planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes on the secondary eyewall formation (SEF) and eyewall replacement cycle (ERC) in Typhoon Sinlaku (2008) are investigated by using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with six different PBL schemes. The SEF and ERC have been successfully simulated with all the six PBL schemes and the mechanism for the SEF and ERC proposed in our previous study has been reconfirmed. It is demonstrated that both the intensification of the storm and the inward-moving outer spiral rainband contribute to the SEF. After the SEF, the associated diabatic heating enhances the secondary eyewall further, and the transfer of moist air from outer region to the primary eyewall is cut off by the secondary eyewall. In such a way, the primary eyewall dies and an ERC completes. It is found that some simulated features of the SEF and ERC, such as the time and location of the SEF and duration of the ERC, do vary from one simulation to another. In order to describe the features of the SEF and ERC quantitatively, a concentric eyewall index (CEI) is defined and a threshold of the CEI is suggested to determine the onset of the secondary eyewall. The differences in the simulated SEF and ERC are discussed and some possible causes are suggested. In addition, based on the CEI threshold and the conservation law of angular momentum, a formula to predict the location of SEF is also proposed and applied to all the six simulations. The success and failure of the formula are then discussed.  相似文献   

Radar observations of the strong Typhoon Bilis (2000) are unique for investigating the effect of Taiwan high orography on the mesoscale structures of storm system in the vicinity of southeastern Taiwan. Typhoon Bilis was the first tropical storm, which possessed the double eyewall feature observed by Doppler radar over the Taiwan area. The inner eyewall exhibited an approximately circular shape with a diameter of 20?km. Convections associated with the storm were cyclonically and radially outward propagated, with the linear aspect in the right flank of the system and counterclockwise and spiral migration in the left flank, maintaining the development of the outer eyewall. The low-level maximum Doppler winds in the left and right flanks relative to the typhoon movement were comparable, owing to a prominent confluence in the left flank. The prominent confluent zone was constructed by two wind fields, the northwesterly from the inner circulation of the typhoon and the outer circulation in the streamline analysis. The replacement of maximum wind between the inner and outer eyewalls, extending from low levels to middle levels in the left flank of the storm, was a clear model for the examination of the significance of the orographic effect on a severe typhoon. A conceptual model for a case of super typhoon under the influence of Taiwan high terrain was constructed.  相似文献   

Based on high-fidelity numerical simulation by using the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model, we analyzed the formation and replacement mechanism of the concentric eyewall of Super Typhoon Muifa (1109) from the aspects of the potential vorticity (PV), dynamic/ thermodynamic structure change, sea surface flux, and water vapor content. Observational data and sensitivity tests were also adopted to verify the results. We found that: (1) The abnormal increase of the PV in the rain zone is mainly due to the condensation latent heat. Sufficient water vapor conditions are beneficial to the formation of the outer eyewall structure, and when the environmental water vapor content is larger, the intensity of the outer eyewall becomes greater. (2) After the formation of the typhoon’s outer eyewall, in the area where the outer eyewall is located, the increase of inertial stability contributes to the decrease of the intensity of the inner eyewall. When the intensity of the outer eyewall is larger, the divergence and subsidence motion in the upper layer of the outer eyewall has a greater weakening effect on the intensity of the inner eyewall. (3) The increase of potential temperature of the outer eyewall is mainly due to the condensation latent heat release and the warming of dry air subsidence motion in the moat area. (4) The increase of sea surface heat flux can prolong the concentric eyewall replacement process.  相似文献   

2006年超级台风“桑美”强度与结构变化的数值模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
使用一个高分辨率、非静力数值模式WRF模式对2006年超级台风Saomei强度和结构进行了数值模拟研究.首先,评估了Makin的粗糙度长度公式对台风Saomei强度和结构变化的影响,结果表明,采用新参数后,使得模拟的台风强度变化与实况最佳路径资料的强度变化更一致,对超级台风Saomei强度预报有改进;但对台风路径的影响不大.通过QuikSCAT、雷达和TRMM非常规资料的验证,进一步表明模拟的台风Saomei的结构与实况很接近,可以再现台风内核区域的部分"双眼墙"和"Annular"结构.其次,通过对台风Saomei边界层过程模拟的改进,表明在平均风速大于40 m/s时边界层各物理量明显改善,使得模式最大强度比传统的简单外推插值方案有显著改进,特别是在台风最强阶段,当台风Saomei眼墙区域的海表面拖曳系数C_d的相对变小,使得其眼墙区域的平均切向风速、径向风速、垂直风速、温度距平、涡旋动能和绝对角动量等物理量均有增强.表明台风Saomei眼墙氏域(20-40 km)各物理量的贡献对其强度和结构变化的影响十分重要.最后,在此基础上进一步分析模式海温和大尺度环境垂直风切变对台风Saomei强度和结构变化的可能影响,讨论了台风Saomei在其增强和消弱阶段中,大尺度环境垂直风切变对其强度变化的负反馈作用.  相似文献   

Summary Current understanding of tropical cyclone (TC) structure and intensity changes has been reviewed in this article. Recent studies in this area tend to focus on two issues: (1) what factors determine the maximum potential intensity (MPI) that a TC can achieve given the thermodynamic state of the atmosphere and the ocean? and (2) what factors prevent the TCs from reaching their MPIs? Although the MPI theories appear mature, recent studies of the so-called superintensity pose a potential challenge. It is notable that the maximum intensities reached by real TCs in all ocean basins are generally lower than those inferred from the theoretical MPI, indicating that internal dynamics and external forcing from environmental flow prohibit the TC intensification most and limit the TC intensity. It remains to be seen whether such factors can be included in improved MPI approaches.Among many limiting factors, the unfavorable environmental conditions, especially the vertical shear-induced asymmetry in the inner core region and the cooling of sea surface due to the oceanic upwelling under the eyewall region, have been postulated as the primary impediment to a TC reaching its MPI. However, recent studies show that the mesoscale processes, which create asymmetries in the TC core region, play key roles in TC structure and intensity changes. These include the inner and outer spiral rainbands, convectively coupled vortex Rossby waves, eyewall cycles, and embedded mesovortices in TC circulation. It is also through these inner core processes that the external environmental flow affects the TC structure and intensity changes. It is proposed that future research be focused on improving the understanding of how the eyewall processes respond to all external forcing and affect the TC structure and intensity changes. Rapid TC intensity changes (both strengthening and weakening) are believed to involve complex interactions between different scales and to be worthy of future research.The boundary-layer processes are crucial to TC formation, maintenance, and decaying. Significant progress has been made to deduce the drag coefficient on high wind conditions from the measurements of boundary layer winds in the vicinity of hurricane eyewalls by Global Positioning System (GPS) dropsondes. This breakthrough can lead to reduction of the uncertainties in the calculation of surface fluxes, thus improving TC intensity forecast by numerical weather prediction models.  相似文献   

Two different initialization schemes for tropical cyclone(TC) prediction in numerical models are evaluated based on a case study of Typhoon Lekima(2019). The first is a dynamical initialization(DI) scheme where the axisymmetric TC vortex in the initial conditions is spun up through the 6-h cycle runs before the initial forecast time. The second scheme is a bogussing scheme where the analysis TC vortex is replaced by a synthetic Rankine vortex. Results show that although both initialization schemes can help improve the simulated rapid intensification(RI) of Lekima, the simulation employing the DI scheme(DIS) reproduces better the RI onset and intensification rate than that employing the bogussing scheme(BOG).Further analyses show the cycle runs of DI help establish a realistic TC structure with stronger secondary circulation than those in the control run and BOG, leading to fast vortex spinup and contraction of the radius of maximum wind(RMW).The resultant strong inner-core primary circulation favors precession of the midlevel vortex under the moderate vertical wind shear(VWS) and thus helps vortex alignment, contributing to an earlier RI onset. Afterwards, the decreased vertical shear and the stronger convection inside the RMW support the persistent RI of Lekima in DIS. In contrast, the reduced VWS is not well captured and the inner-core convection is weaker and resides farther away from the TC center in BOG,leading to slower intensification. The results imply that the DI effectively improves the prediction of the inner-core process,which is crucial to the RI forecast.  相似文献   

台风“桑美”(0608)登陆前后降水结构的时空演变特征   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
陈镭  徐海明  余晖 《大气科学》2010,34(1):105-119
利用雷达-雨量计联合测量降水技术得到的1小时雨量分布资料, 分析了台风“桑美”登陆前后距台风中心111 km以内的降水结构及其时空演变特征, 尤其是登陆前双眼墙循环过程中, 降水结构的变化特征。研究发现: 在登陆前“桑美”经历了双眼墙循环过程, 在此期间, 其内、外眼墙和雨带降水均以强降水为主, 内、外眼墙平均降水率均随时间增强, 而外眼墙增长幅度更大, 且平均降水率始终大于内眼墙, 但并没有伴随外眼半径减小的过程。而雨带平均降水率随时间变化很小, 略有下降。在登陆后,“桑美”内核和外围区仍是以强降水为主, 登陆前三小时左右内核区平均降水率有一个迅速增长的趋势, 登陆后随着台风强度的减弱, 其平均降水率迅速下降。“桑美”降水的空间分布特征显示, 其登陆前后降水结构有明显的非对称性, 在登陆前内、外眼墙和雨带最大降水均出现在台风移动路径的右侧, 且雨带的最大降水率始终位于内、外眼墙的右方; 登陆后, 内核区和外围降水更多地出现在移动路径的后方, 而不是登陆前的右侧。  相似文献   

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