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本文对1960~1979年四川地区48个测站的月降水资料,在稳斜因子分析的基础上,用ARIMA(p,d,q)模型进行随机建模。时间序列分别来源于PROMAX斜旋转解的因子得分。因子得分序列的主周期由周期图和方差分析方法求出,-维ARI-MA(p,d,q)模型识别用Box-Jenkins方法进行。对1980年的月降水量预测结果表明,距平预报的年平均准确率为58.33%。  相似文献   

设α<0,0<β≤1, 则下面奇异边值问题x″+p(t)xα+q(t)(x′)β=0, 0<t<1x(0)=0, x′(1)=γ>0有C1[0,1]正解的充分必要条件是:sαp(s)∈L[0,1],q(s)∈L[0,1] .  相似文献   

本文给出了广义概率赋范空间(简称GN空间)的定义,由随机变量及分市函数族构造出一个在T_m下的GN空间,在一般情形证明了此空间是T_1 型的拓扑线性空间,基于PN空间的收敛性质,证明了Bernoulli大数定律,并指出了在随机变量分布合成方面的应用。 在传统的PN空间理论中,分布函数F_(pq)(x)示E中p点与q点之间的距离小于xΞR的概率,在PN空间中,概率范数f,(x)作为表示B空间中p点的范数小于XΞR的慨率,如果将普通随机变量p小于XΞR的概率F,(x)作为p点的广义概率范数,由此导出的空间,正是本文讨论的GN空间。  相似文献   

根据波尔近似,借助于波动积分方程,近似求解半无限弹性空间中平面SH波由圆形空腔和刚性包体所散射的问题。获得了空腔表面上的散射位移、作用于被包体上的剪应力、半空间表面形变以及远场位移的近似公式。在数值计算中,ka(k=波数,a=空腔或被包体的半径)取为1.0,γ(SH波的入射角,从垂向方向起算)取为π/4。  相似文献   

为了利用大地测量数据解算地壳内部密度时变 ,并为研究地震孕育过程和地震前兆中物质密度时变信息提供理论依据 ,研究了局域 Bjerhammar球面单层密度时变问题的平面解算理论 ;给出了不同投影下 Bjerhammar球面单层密度时变及相关重力位场的严格解式 ;导出了局域 Bjerhammar问题解算理论的使用条件 ,即满足一定精度要求的门限 R和ψ0 的严格解析关系式 ;给出了不同 Bjerhammar平面上的 q*t 之间的关系式 ,并根据一般迭代解算 q*t 的收敛特性 ,提出了空间域的分步迭代算法和空间域、波数域 (二步 )混合算法 ,从理论上解决了解算局域单层密度时变的稳定问题 (当 R较小或 H较大时 )。然后以此为基础 ,研究了位错引起的单层密度变化 ,并给出了不同点位错、断层位错类型引起的单层密度变化的解析表达式和断层位错在不同深度或不同 Bjerhammar球上引起的单层密度变化图像。  相似文献   

设X和~X为度量空间,且X是紧致的,f是X上连续自映射,证明了:若fk有PWPOTP(PWPOTP+),则f有PWPOTP(PWPOTP+);满射f有PWPOTP(PWPOTP+)当且仅当由(X,f)生成的逆极限系统(Xf,σf)上转移自映射σf有PWPOTP(PWPOTP+);PWPOTP(PWPOTP+)是拓扑共轭不变性;设f,g分别为X~和X上自同胚(自映射),π∶~X→X为局部等距覆盖映射,且πf=gπ,若有δ0>0,使对x~∈~X和δ>0(δ≤δ0),x~的半径为δ的开球Uδ(x~)连通,且πUδ(x~)为等距映射,则f有PWPOTP(PWPOTP+)当且仅当g有PWPOTP(PWPOTP+);恒等映射id有PWPOTP当且仅当X是完全不连通的。  相似文献   

岩石作为一种典型的多孔介质,其内部孔隙结构、形态特征极为复杂,运用常规线性系统内参数描述较为困难,因而采用非线性系统内分形维数这一参数来定量表征孔隙结构的非线性分布特征较为合适。岩石内部孔隙结构分布具有统计意义上的分形特征,因此分形维数的确定对于定量表征孔隙结构分布规律,以及揭示岩石各种力学行为与物理力学指标有着重要意义。将图像处理与阈值分割、分形理论和数理统计相结合,针对CT扫描切片图像,三维重建孔隙结构空间分布模型,计算Hausdorff测度空间下孔隙结构分布盒维数与集束维数。同时,针对孔隙结构空间分布复杂程度的定量表征,提出体素盒维数与圆柱体空间集束维数假想,并通过多种数理统计方法进行假设检验。最后,指出孔隙结构分布是一种多标度分形模型,仅仅单个维数无法描述其全部细节特征,需采用多重分形谱来更为全面表征孔隙分布的细观特征。研究结果表明,Hausdorff测度空间下的平面盒维数可较为全面表征平面孔隙分布特征,但对于针对灰度CT图像构建的体素盒维数可替代传统意义下定义的盒维数,在细观尺度下能更可靠、准确、全面地定量表征孔隙体积分布规律; 集束维数实质是用来定量表征孔隙位置分布规律,若等于欧氏维数,则表明孔隙位置分布具有随机性。   相似文献   

研究伪欧空间Fn+k,k中等距变换的性质,主要结论如下:(1)伪欧空间En+k,k中一个变换T是等距变换的充分必要条件:对点x∈En+k,k,定点x0∈En+k,k及一个正交矩阵A,使T(x)=xA+x0成立;(2)En+k,k中的所有等距变换构成一个变换群。  相似文献   

研究0-1多元变量的逻辑函数及其整体配置函数空间变值编码表示特性。根据对称特性,系统地定义一批整体编码结构:邵雍-Leibniz码、广义码、文王码、伏羲码和共轭码。展示变值向量配置函数空间规模以及函数群集的状态空间组织结构。对各类编码系列的可区分数目,给出计算公式。2维变值展示框架展现在变值配置函数空间中不同编码族具有的内蕴对称特性。分层结构编码配置函数空间和2维展现描述体系,为基于东方逻辑传统的现代逻辑架构:变值逻辑体系,利用高维分析工具探讨0-1序列非线性超复杂逻辑变换开辟道路。  相似文献   

一类周期FC-群中的两种广义Frattini性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设π是一个非空的素数集合。对任意群G,定义πFrattini子群为所有指数为π-数的极大子群的交,简记为πFrat(G)。得到如下结果:在任意局部π-可分的周期FC-群G中,设H为G的正规子群,如果H/πFrat(G)为局部π-幂零(局部π-超可解),那么H为局部π-幂零(局部π-超可解)的。  相似文献   

介绍了半波谐振贴片的理论,并利用HFSS分别对采用微带和同轴两种方式馈电的中心频率为12GHZ的平面贴片天线进行了仿真.仿真结果表明:当改变微带与同轴传输线馈电位置时,对于微带馈电方式,要实现单频点,取贴片的长边中点效果较好;如果偏离该中心点,将具有双频点特性.而采用同轴馈电时,所研究的几个馈电点位置中也是贴片长边中点相对较好,如偏离该中心点,频率将偏离中心频率.  相似文献   

确定深基坑隆起破坏面的优化方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用有限元程序求得深基坑支护结构和土体开挖前后的应力状态以及土体任一点处的极限状态函数值;运用人工参与的优化方法选择坑底最大可能隆起破坏的起点与终点以及潜在隆起破裂面的形状和位置,并计算相应的安全系数。计算表明,潜在破裂面终点的位置对围护桩插入比不敏感.而潜在破裂面起点位置随围护桩入土深度的增加而逐渐靠近围护桩。工程实例证实了组合优化算法对潜在破裂面确定的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

以岩质边坡中常见的平面滑动为研究对象,研究其最优锚固方向角的计算方法。将锚索自由段单位长度能提供的最大抗滑增量作为目标控制变量,将坡面和滑动面特征参数与锚索设计参数作为优化控制自变量,通过坐标系转换得到的线性方程组对锚索的预拉力进行分解,并根据锚索支护时的三维模型建立了锚索自由段长度的优化公式,进而推导了用于锚固方向角三维优化的新计算方程。在该方程的基础上借助MATLAB软件中的fmincon函数对锚索加固方向不受限制时的锚固方向角进行了优化。最后通过锚固方向角敏感性分析与工程实例分析相结合,证明了推荐的最优锚固方向角计算方法的有效性与先进性。新方法有效地解决了边坡坡面与滑动面走向存在夹角时最优锚固方向角的求解问题,可进一步提高锚索的锚固效益,降低边坡的支护费用。   相似文献   

The paper presents an improved plane layout for stabilizing piles based on a proposed piecewise function expression for the irregular driving force. Based on the specific morphological characteristics of a highway landslide, the piecewise function is used to calculate the irregular driving force by dividing the landslide into several sub-areas. Furthermore, the reasonable layout range and pile spacing can be obtained based on the piecewise function expression of the irregular driving force and on relevant research results of the plane layout for stabilizing piles. Therefore, an improved plane layout of stabilizing piles is presented in consideration of a piecewise function expression of the irregular driving force. A highway landslide located in eastern Guizhou Province, China, is analyzed as a case study using the proposed method. The results demonstrate that the theory presented in this paper provides improved economic benefits and can reduce the required number of stabilizing piles by 28.6% compared with the conventional plane layout scheme.  相似文献   

The mass-front velocities of granular flows results from the joint action of particle size gradations and the underlying surfaces.However,because of the complexity of friction during flow movement,details such as the slope-toe impedance effects and momentum-transfer mechanisms have not been completely explained by theoretical analyses,numerical simulations,or field investigations.To study the mass-front velocity of dry granular flows influenced by the angle of the slope to the runout plane and particle size gradations we conducted model experiments that recorded the motion of rapid and long-runout rockslides or avalanches.Flume tests were conducted using slope angles of 25°,35°,45°,and 55° and three particle size gradations.The resulting mass-front motions consisted of three stages:acceleration,velocity maintenance,and deceleration.The existing methods of velocity prediction could not explain the slowing effect of the slope toe or the momentum-transfer steady velocity stage.When the slope angle increased from 25° to 55°,the mass-front velocities dropped significantly to between 44.4% and59.6% of the peak velocities and energy lossesincreased from 69.1% to 83.7% of the initial,respectively.The velocity maintenance stages occurred after the slope-toe and mass-front velocity fluctuations.During this stage,travel distances increased as the angles increased,but the average velocity was greatest at 45°.At a slope angle of 45°,as the median particle size increased,energy loss around the slope toe decreased,the efficiency of momentum transfer increased,and the distance of the velocity maintenance stage increased.We presented an improved average velocity formula for granular flow and a geometrical model of the energy along the flow line.  相似文献   

The stability of slopes is always of great concern in the field of rock engineering. The geometry and orientation of pre-existing discontinuities show a larger impact on the behavior of slopes that is often used to describe the measurement of the steepness, incline, gradient, or grade of a straight line. One of the structurally controlled modes of failure in jointed rock slopes is plane failure. There are numerous analytical methods for the rock slope stability including limit equilibrium, stress analysis and stereographic methods. The limiting equilibrium methods for slopes under various conditions against plane failure have been previously proposed by several investigators. However, these methods do not involve water pressure on sliding surfaces assessments due to water velocity and have not yet been validated by case study results. This paper has tried to explore the effects of forces due to water pressure on discontinuity surfaces in plane failure through applying the improved equations. It has studied the effect of water flow velocity on sliding surfaces in safety factor, as well. New equations for considering water velocity (fluid dynamics) are presented. To check the validity of the suggested equations, safety factor for a case study has been determined. Results show that velocity of water flow had significant effect on the amount of safety factor. Also, the suggested equations have higher validity rate compared to the current equations.  相似文献   

运用优势面理论层次分析法。确定岩坡的控稳优势面.通过对太湖度假区休体公园渔洋山边坡的研究得出F1和软弱夹层是控稳优势面。通过优势面组合分析.得出4组优势分离体。其中F1、软弱夹层和边坡临空面组合为试算安全系数最小优势分离体。最后用Sarma法进行稳定性计算.得出各种优势分离体组合模型在考虑地下水和地震加速度为0.15g的情况下均是不稳定的。结果表明,采用层次分析法对岩坡稳定性进行评价的方法是可行的。  相似文献   

知识型企业中创造型团队的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要对知识型企业中团队问题进行了研究。从团队领导、团队结构以及团队协作与企业家精神的关系等方面讨论了在知识型企业中建立创造型团队的重要性,并相应提出了人力资源政策建议。  相似文献   

Characteristics from a hydrodynamic model of a trapezoidal artificial reef   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flume experiments and numerical simulation were conducted to characterize the hydrodynamics of a trapezoid artificial reef. Measurements in particle image velocimetry were conducted to observe the formation of upwelling and vortices; and forces for the reef model were measured by load cell. The results of flume experiments agree well with the numerical data. In addition, the flow structure around a reef combining trapezoidal and cubic blocks was simulated numerically under two deployment schemes, showing a more complicated flow structure than that of a stand-alone reef. Relationship between drag coefficient and Reynolds number suggest that the degree of turbulence can be assessed from the value of drag coefficient downstream from the reef. The role of the reef in water flow is to reduce flow velocity and generate turbulence.  相似文献   

Based on the principle of turned mass damper(TMD) systems,the conceptual design of semi-submersible platform with a moveable heave-plate(MHS) has been put forward.The heave motion response amplitude operator(RAO) and viscous damping of the MHS platform are calculated by iteration,and the coupling stiffness between the MHS hull and the heave-plate is optimized to decrease the maximum heave motion response of the MHS hull under 10-year survival conditions in the South China Sea.The nu-merical results indicate that the heave motion RAO of the MHS hull can be decreased in the range of predominant wave frequencies,which may provide some reference to the heave motion control of offshore platforms.  相似文献   

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