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分析了江西农经网为"三农"服务的成效及差距,并阐述了为"三农"服务的具体思路,认为信息问题是农经网为"三农"服务的重要基础,技术问题是农经网为"三农"服务的重要保障,为"三农"服务问题是农经网办网的唯一宗旨.  相似文献   

分析了江西农业信息化的现状和信息服务面临的挑战,进而提出了拓展农经网信息服务,推进农业信息化的对策.  相似文献   

李勇 《贵州气象》2002,26(1):33-36
根据农经网的任务和面临网络经济时代的挑战,对提高农经网上政府涉农信息权威性,实现“以网养网”目标,搞好信息的利用、发布与服务,农经网队伍建设、地级农经网网站建设等进行了分析,并提出建议。  相似文献   

农经网图片、文本信息同步上传设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了市、县农经网在给省级农经网平台上传信息过程中,实现图片与文本信息的 同步上传与显示的具体方法。  相似文献   

易烈刚 《贵州气象》2003,27(3):41-42
以实现农经网工作的屏幕化、无纸化、规范化、自动化为目的,以各信息服务中的日常工作为总的设计依据,重点是加强对信息服务工作的管理。  相似文献   

罗文芳 《贵州气象》2004,28(4):29-32
利用价格弹性理论、成本分析理论等微观经济学的基本概念和理论,以贵州省及贵阳市农经网为例,分析研究农经网服务“三农”的经济学效益,以期为农经网的建设和发展提供一些理论依据。  相似文献   

周振涛 《贵州气象》2005,29(3):36-37
通过对仁怀市农经网网管中心建设的介绍.总结出县级农经网的一种管理模式,以希望能有效地解决好农经网信息进村入户难的问题。  相似文献   

四川农村综合经济信息网(以下简称"农经网")是四川省委、省政府为建设农村市场、科技、信息三大服务体系,推进农业产业化而采取的一项重要举措.也是四川省气象局发挥自身人才技术优势,积极拓展为农服务领域,促农增收的具体行动.自2001年建成以来,已在全省各地的农业、农村工作中发挥了重要的信息服务与科技支撑作用,为各级政府和农民提供市场信息80多万条,访问量超过200万人次.在乐山,已成为农村信息化服务体系建设的重要内容.  相似文献   

内容分类是企业信息管理的纲要性架构.元数据是信息整合中共同遵守的约定.本文介绍了四川农经网在网站集群建设中应用内容管理和元数据的一些应用实例,并提出了在网络信息资源组织中的观点.  相似文献   

高娈 《贵州气象》2002,26(5):31-31,41
乌当区农村综合经济信息网于 2 0 0 1年 6月开始进行网上发布信息 ,1 1月 ,各乡镇相继开通了乡镇农经网信息服务站。 2 0 0 2年 2月出台了《关于区农村综合经济信息网乡镇服务站业务工作管理及考核的规定》 ,5月 ,在区电信局的支持下 ,为乡镇农经网安装了上网专线 ,提高了农经网的运行效益。从半年多的运行情况来看 ,取得了一定的成绩 ,但仍存在一些问题 ,主要表现在以下几个方面 :①区、乡 (镇 )农经网服务站信息员尚未实现专职人员配备 ,没有足够的精力来开展信息采集工作 ,乡镇服务站的信息员不能及时将农村、农户供求信息收集、整理、上…  相似文献   

近年来,贵州通过实施国家农村信息化示范省建设,进一步提升贵州农村信息化建设与服务水平,满足贫困山区农业农村经济发展的信息需求,探索了具有贵州特色、西部特点的农村信息化科学发展方法、路径和模式。该文分析总结了气象农网(贵州农经网)作为贵州国家农村信息化示范省综合信息服务平台承建单位,参与国家级重点工程建设所取得的成效和经验,分析了存在的问题并提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Soil Carbon: Policy and Economics   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Agricultural soils provide a prospective way of mitigating the increasing atmospheric concentration of CO2. A number of agricultural practices are known to stimulate the accumulation of additional soil carbon and early indications are that some might sequester carbon at relatively modest costs with generally positive environmental effects. We discuss, under 10 themes, policy and economic issues that will determine whether programs for sequestration of carbon in agricultural soils can succeed. The issues involve contexts for implementation, economics, private property rights, agricultural policy, and institutional and social structures. Ultimately, success will depend on the incentive structure developed and the way in which carbon sequestration is integrated into the total fabric of agricultural policy.  相似文献   

根据生态与农业气象业务需求,以气象通信网络为依托,采用Client/Server(C/S)体系结构,对生态与农业气象实时监测数据实现快速传输、有效存储和查询分析,及时将资料应用于生态与农业气象评估业务,为地方政府及有关生产部门提供农业气象决策服务.客户端运行县级生态与农业气象监测服务系统,负责信息监测、采集、传输;服务器端运行地区级的生态与农业气象评估服务系统,负责数据存储管理、综合分析、业务服务和产品制作等任务.  相似文献   

Agricultural sectors play a key role in the economics of climate change. Land as an input to agricultural production is one of the most important links between economy and the biosphere, representing a direct projection of human action on the natural environment. Agricultural management practices and cropping patterns exert an enormous effect on biogeochemical cycles, freshwater availability and soil quality. Agriculture also plays an important role in emitting and storing greenhouse gases. To consistently investigate climate policy and future pathways for the economic and natural environment, a realistic representation of agricultural land use is essential. Top—down Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models have increasingly been used for this purpose. CGE models simulate the simultaneous equilibrium in a set of interdependent markets, and are especially suited to analyze agricultural markets from a global perspective. However, modeling agricultural sectors in CGE models is not a trivial task, mainly because of differences in temporal and geographic aggregation scales. This study surveys some proposed modeling strategies and highlights different tradeoffs involved in the various approaches. Coupling of top-down and bottom-up models is found to be the most applicable for comprehensive analysis of agriculture in prism of climate change. However, linking interdisciplinary data, methods and outputs is still the major obstacle to be solved for wide-scale implementation.  相似文献   

The present-day state of the Roshydromet agrometeorological observation subsystem is analyzed. Structural changes in the agrometeorological observational network over the last 30 years are estimated. The necessity in developing a new strategy of agrometeorological monitoring of agricultural lands based on complexing surface agrometeorological observations, data on space and air sounding of the Earth’s surface as well as on estimated interpretative and prognostic methods is emphasized. A conceptual organizational structure of functioning of a subsystem of agrometeorological monitoring of agricultural lands is suggested, basic areas of development of the active observational network are defined.  相似文献   

刘敬乐  周顺武  牛涛  孙健  王郁 《气象科技》2012,40(5):858-864
通过收集大量沙尘暴灾情资料,整理出我国西北地区春季沙尘暴造成的经济损失及农业损失数据,采用基于信息扩散理论的风险评估方法对因灾造成的经济和农业损失风险分别进行了分析.结果表明:①在春季沙尘暴发生日数总体减少的气候背景下,沙尘暴造成的经济和农业损失均呈现出上升的趋势.②经济损失风险高值区主要分布在阿拉善、锡林郭勒、塔里木、阿勒泰、塔城及吐鲁番地区.农业损失风险高值区主要分布在吐鲁番、阿克苏、和田、瓜州、阿拉善地区.  相似文献   

文章在分析国内外农业保险发展现状的基础上,结合内蒙古农业气象观测站网建设和气象为农服务业务开展现状,阐述了气象服务在农业保险业务发展中的作用和优势,为我区各级气象部门开展政策性农业保险服务业务提供了思路。  相似文献   

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) effect has been found to be associated with regional climate variations in many regions of the world, and, in turn, with variation in crop yields. Previous studies have found that early releases of ENSO phase information could permit agricultural producers to make adjustments in their decisions and in turn generate an increase in agricultural sector welfare. This study examines whether the value of the agricultural responses can be enhanced by releasing more detailed ENSO information. Namely we evaluate the implications for projected agricultural welfare under release and adaptation to the Stone and Auliciems five phase definition of ENSO states as opposed to the more standard three phase definition. This value is estimated using a stochastic, U.S./global agricultural model representing 22 climate years. The results indicate that the release and exploitation of the more detailed ENSO phase definition almost doubles the welfare impact. The results also indicate that there is room for up to another doubling of information value through further refinements.  相似文献   

基于信息扩散理论的气象灾害风险评价方法   总被引:32,自引:8,他引:24  
探讨了以灾害样本为集值的基于信息扩散的模糊数学理论模型的气象灾害风险评价方法,利用西北五省区主要农作物旱灾面积资料,对西北农业旱灾进行风险评价实例分析,通过比较表明西北农业受旱指数,成灾指数发生灾损的概率风险估计值与实际农业旱灾较吻合,该方法对灾害样本少以及小区域范围的灾害风险评价也较适合。  相似文献   

Which kind of reaction can a nation or group of nations expect when leading by example in climate policy? This synthesis article describes possible positive reaction mechanisms from different fields of economics, some of which have scarcely been linked to climate economics previously. One effect may be behavioural, a reaction motivated by fairness, reciprocity, or norms. Second, other nations may interpret the leader's action as a signal on his preference or the value of the objective and adjust their own policy based on the new information. Third, the leader may provide a service to other nations, which decreases their costs and risks. The followers could benefit by learning successful policies, adopting technologies, and obtaining information on the cost of environmental policy. All of these mechanisms have in common that the leader sets an example with the intention of motivating others to contribute to the public good.

Policy relevance

A large body of both theoretical and empirical evidence shows that leading by example in climate change mitigation by a small group of nations has important potential for motivating other nations to follow. Modern economics has identified a range of mechanisms to explain why simple free-riding is unlikely to dominate the reaction to leadership. One such mechanism is described by behavioural economics. Humans often behave as conditional cooperators, meaning that they are willing to do their bit once a leader has done his. A second mechanism is the transmission of a credible signal that the leader considers climate change mitigation to be important. Finally, the leader gains knowledge, which spills over to other countries and thus moves their cost–benefit ratio in favour of mitigation. This evidence implies that leadership provides a promising alternative to stimulate the global cooperation that will eventually be needed to stabilize the climate.  相似文献   

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