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1988-1992年间,我们用云南天文台1m望远镜的Coude-CCD摄谱仪系统,对大角星的Hei10830A谱线进行了高分辨率光谱观测。从1991年6月2日的观测资料中发现谱线中出现明显的发射特征。该谱线显出类似于天鹅座P型星的轮廓,有发射射 和吸收谷,发射峰的蓝移有相当于6km/s的向外速度。分析认为我们观测到的是大角星的一次以天计的短时标色球剧烈活动,它伴随着物质的向外抛射,也引起星周物质的  相似文献   

1988─1992年间,我们用云南天文台1m望远镜的Coude-CCD摄谱仪系统,对大角星的HeI10830A谱线进行了高分辨率光谱观测。从1991年6月2日的观测资料中发现谱线中出现明显的发射特征。该谱线显现出类似于天鹅座P型星的轮廓,有发射峰和吸收谷。发射峰的蓝移有相当于6km/s的向外速度。分析认为我们观测到的是大角星的一次以天计的短时标色球剧烈活动,它伴随着物质的向外抛射,也引起星周物质的向外运动。  相似文献   

本文通过对1984年2月18日耀斑后环系的太阳分光照相光谱资料进行Hα谱线轮廓不对称因子和Hα总辐射量的计算,定量地给出了该环珥系的轮廓不对称场和Hα辐射分布,计算结果表明:1.环珥系大部份轮廓不对称因子|P|<0.5,说明整个环珥系的Hα谱线轮廓基本上是对称的或近似对称的。2.整个环珥系Hα谱线轮廓主要表观为紫不对称。3.具有红移视向速度的地方谱线轮廓都是紫不对称。4.采用不对称因子P进行谱线轮廓不对称计算,比传统的二等分法更优。5.该环珥系的总辐射能量级为10~(31)尔格。  相似文献   

本文主要从理论上用解析方法讨论日珥视向速度随深度变化对谱线轮廓对称性的影响,得到的结论具有普遍性。第二节的分析表明,日珥的谱线轮廓可表示为二项叠加,其中第一项与源函数无关,只依赖于速度场模型,源函数分布仅通过第二项对谱线轮廓产生影响。然后在源函数不随深度变化的假定下,讨论各种速度场模型的谱线轮廓是否对称。得到的结论为:(1)常源函数与常速度场结合的谱线轮廓为对称轮廓;(2)常源函数与线性对称速度场结合的谱线也是对称轮廓;(3)常源函数与线性非对称速度场结合的谱线轮廓为不对称轮廓。最后,用数值计算对理论分析结果进行了检验。  相似文献   

作为文献[1]中工作的继续,本文用解析方法论证了日珥源函数随深度变化与各种速度场结合对谱线轮廓对称性的影响。得到的结论为:(1)常速度场与源函数随深度任意分布结合的谱线为对称轮廓;(2)源函数自日珥中心向前后边界线性对称增大与速度场为线性对称膨胀结合的谱线轮廓为不对称轮廓,且呈双峰结构,紫峰高于红峰;(3)源函数自日珥中心向前后边界线性增大与速度场为线性对称压缩结合的谱线轮廓是不对称的,且呈双峰结构,红峰高于紫峰;(4)源函数自日珥中心向前后边界对称减少与速度场为线性对称膨胀或线性对称压缩结合的谱线为非对称轮廓,原则上也会出现双峰结构,但可能不明显。最后,用数值计算对理论分析结果作了检验。 本文作为文[1]的继续,将用解析方法讨论源函数随深度变化对日珥谱线轮廓对称性的影响。首先讨论速度场为常数源函数随深度任意变化时谱线轮廓的对称性问题,然后讨论速度场自日珥中心对称膨胀或对称压缩与源函数自日珥中心向外边界对称增大或对称下降相结合的模型中,日珥谱线的对称性问题。  相似文献   

本文发表了对天鹅座32食双星1981年食期间及1982年食外期间,在波段范围λλ3520—4348A及λλ5110—6600A的光谱观测结果.分析了Call K线等值宽度随位相的变化,推算了K型超巨星色球大气的密度分布规律;测定了K星的视向速度;认证及测定了光谱中的发射线和呈P Cyg轮廓的谱线,并估算了K型超巨星的质量损失率.  相似文献   

DA白矮星光谱在光学波段主要由巴尔默线主导,谱线比较宽,且谱线轮廓不对称,传统的线心方法确定视向速度非常困难。介绍了一种基于利用白矮星的有效温度(Teff)和表面重力加速度(log g)选择理论模板,通过交叉相关方法确定DA白矮星的APP速度,减去白矮星的引力红移得到白矮星的视向速度。测试发现对于有效温度高于10 000 K且信噪比大于20的DA白矮星的低分辨率光谱(R~2000),精度在10 km/s以内。基于这种方法测量了SDSS DR7的DA白矮星观测样本的视向速度,统计发现在1 000 pc内,视向速度的平均值接近于0。  相似文献   

利用南京大学太阳塔,我们观测到1982年12月20日和1983年2月9日出现在日面西边缘的两个大环状日珥群。由同时获得的H_α单色光照相资料H_α、CallH·K线光谱资料测出了环内物质的视向速度分布,该分布与假定物质沿环无粘滞的自由下落推算出的视向速度分布相一致。利用H_α和K线的半宽求出了环内物质的运动温度及湍动速度,温度分布比较均匀,湍动速度随日面高度而增加。利用K线和H线线心强度之比,推算了环内物质的密度,得到氢原子密度为1.3—2.6×10~(10)cm~(-3),另外,还通过估算环珥群的总能量来讨论了环珥群与耀斑的关系。  相似文献   

1引言金牛T型星(TTaur1)是一类低质量(<3*O)光谱晚型(晚F、G、K和M主序前类太阳恒星.依据其H。发射线的强弱可分为两类:经典TTauri星(CTTS)和弱发射线TTauri星(WTTS.一般认为,CTTS的地发射线等值宽度在15A以上,具有强的红外和紫外色余,并有CallH、K发射线,而且其空间分布主要集中在分子云密集区.CTTS具有尘埃包层或吸积盘,有些还伴有分子外向流、HZO脉泽等质能外流,在红外源的分类中山属11型红外源.由于CTTS有着很强的H。发射线,绝大多数***s是利用民巡天观测发现的K‘」.而***s则没有***…  相似文献   

我们在有些恒星上观测到它们的光亮骤然发生变化,例如和太阳隣近的红矮星(鲸鱼UV型)和属於某一星協的星(金牛T型). 本文先列出20颗确定为鲸鱼UV型的星(表1),然後讨论它们的光变情况,如躍变的幅度,光变曲线(表2),闪光的速度(在上昇到极亮时,速度可达0.25星等/秒),躍变的频率等.跟着我们更讨论这些星不在闪光的时候的变化(表3). 这些星的光谱内常有发射线(H与CaⅡ),闪光的时候,光谱上的连续背景加强,并且出现HeⅠ和HeⅡ的谱线,表示温度增加很高,但是这仅限於星的很小的表皮层(1至3%). 鲸鱼UV型星自身亮度很弱(M_(pg)13),数目很多,属星族Ⅰ. 本文内提到几颗御夫RW型星的迅速变化,并且讨论了金牛区(表5),猎户星雲区(表6)和NGC2264里(表7)的闪光星. 我们研究了光变的情况,特别说明鲸鱼UV型星和金牛T型星之间的关系:例如在光曲线、光谱型和同属星族Ⅰ几个方面.我们也讨论了这两型星在绝对星等、光谱和赫-罗图上的位置三者的差异. 最後我们断定鲸鱼UV型星和金牛T型星实在是相同的一群;我们由观测得到的它们之间的差异,其原因一则由於“观测上的选择性”,再则由於这两型星的演化阶段有所不同. 许多恒星的光亮表现突然的增加,或者说很迅速地发出“闪光”,在几分钟、有时在几秒钟内,星光有显著的增加,跟着变暗,初迅速而渐缓慢. 这种星光的躍变在许多型星都观测到,特别是在绝对亮度微弱的星上面.我们现在只讨论下列的主要两类恒星:  相似文献   

High-dispersion spectra of the core of the K line of Ca ii as seen at the center of the solar disc have been reduced. Resolution on the spectra approach 1 arc sec. Line profiles of individual elements are very asymmetric and often are peaked on only one side of the line center. Variations of the line profiles and the emission peaks are discussed. The doubly reversed mean profile of the K line is explained as a spatial average of individual profiles, and it is suggested that single peaks may be caused by Doppler-shifted discrete elements in the chromosphere.Donald H. Menzel Research Fellow in Astronomy.  相似文献   

The shapes of the Ca ii H and K lines in sunspot umbral spectra vary from single asymmetric peaks near the centre of the disk to almost symmetric double peaks at the limb. In addition, there are other differences in the behaviour of both H and K lines in sunspots compared to the quiet Sun. The whole complex of the phenomena observed can not be explained by large scale chromosphere motions. Instead, a satisfactory model reproducing in detail peculiarities of the umbral emission reversals contains a cloud of emitting and absorbing gas located above the chromosphere, which flows into the sunspot. The radiation field parameters in such a cloud are consistent with the concept of weak quiescent prominences above the umbra.  相似文献   

By means of an inversion of H and K Ca ii line profiles the temperature and electron density in the chromosphere above the umbrae of two sunspots have been estimated. The temperature gradient 5 K km–1 exceeds the corresponding values in both quiet regions and plages. At a height of about 1500 km the umbra becomes hotter than the quiet region. At a temperature of about 10000 K the temperature gradient increases sharply. The electron density at 1500 km is approximately the same as that in the quiet chromosphere at the same height.  相似文献   

Multi-channel CCD receivers are available for solar spectral research in the Astronomical Observatory of Shevchenko University of Kiev. The observational material considered here are 24 echelle spectrograms of the flare of July 15, 1981 and certain other disk and limb flares. Some temporal aspects of flare development are discussed, as well as properties of metal lines and the structure of the flare region. Disk and limb flare photometry indicate the full spatial coincidence of the emission volumes for all emission lines. No signs of altitude stratification for the lines of H and K Call, hydrogen, and other metals are detected. Metal flare emission is revealed in the cores of Fraunhofer lines, providing that a compact emission source is present in the active region and that broad wings of H and K CaII and hydrogen have formed. No broad wings are observed for metal lines. Two types of lower-intensity strips in the photospheric emission spectrum are detected; the first is the result of the lower temperature in sunspots, while the second is due to the weakening of photospheric radiation after it passes through the flare volume. No new spectral lines are observed in the spectrum of this second type of strip, which may be associated with a condensed layer of relatively cold plasma at the chromospheric level. Four components are always spatially coincident in the spectrum: (1) a compact source of higher intensity with broadened hydrogen and H and K Call line wings; (2) higher intensity in metal lines, but without broadened wings; (3) emission or absorption in helium lines; (4) a lower-intensity strip of photospheric emission due to its weakening after it passes through the flare volume.  相似文献   

Data obtained during the first rocket flight of the NRL High Resolution Telescope and Spectrograph (HRTS) have been used to study nonthermal velocities for spectral lines primarily covering the temperature range 104 to 2 × 106 K. The high spectral and spatial resolution, combined with an enhanced dynamic intensity range of the reduced data, has enabled us to study the distribution of the nonthermal velocities for quiet and active regions. Average values of the nonthermal velocities peak at about 27 km s–1 at 105 K for the quiet regions, with a wide distribution of nonthermal velocities for each line. The active region nonthermal velocities have a narrower distribution which is weighted towards higher values. The SiIV and C IV line profiles are not well described by a single Gaussian, indicating that high-velocity components (above 30 km s–1) are present in the quiet-Sun spectra. The radiative losses for all plasma above l05 K have been calculated for the quiet Sun, an active region and a coronal hole. These have been compared with the acoustic wave flux inferred from the nonthermal line widths. There appears to be a sufficient flux of waves to heat these regions of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Center of disk EUV line intensities from quiet and active regions are used for determining an analytical expression for the variation of temperature with height in the lower corona, including the corona-chromosphere transition region. This approach imposes two coronal temperature regimes in both quiet and active regions. In each case the lower temperature regime is a continuation of the transition region, reaching a maximum of about 1.4 million deg in the quiet and 1.7 million deg in the active region. In the quiet region the high temperature regime, assumed isothermal, has a temperature of about 2.4 million deg, and in the active region, about 4.2 million deg.  相似文献   

The characteristics of Doppler shifts in a quiet region of the Sun are compared between the Hα line and the Ca?ii infrared line at 854.2 nm. A small area of 16″×40″ was observed for about half an hour with the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) of the 1.6 meter New Solar Telescope (NST) at Big Bear Solar Observatory. The observed area contains a network region and an internetwork region, and identified in the network region are fibrils and bright points. We infer Doppler velocity v m from each line profile at each individual point with the lambdameter method as a function of half wavelength separation Δλ. It is confirmed that the bisector of the spatially averaged Ca?ii line profile has an inverse C-shape with a significant peak redshift of +?1.8 km?s?1. In contrast, the bisector of the spatially averaged Hα line profile has a C-shape with a small peak blueshift of ??0.5 km?s?1. In both lines, the bisectors of bright network points are significantly redshifted not only at the line centers, but also at the wings. The Ca?ii Doppler shifts are found to be correlated with the Hα ones with the strongest correlation occurring in the internetwork region. Moreover, we find that here the Doppler shifts in the two lines are essentially in phase. We discuss the physical implications of our results in view of the formation of the Hα line and Ca?ii 854.2 nm line in the quiet region chromosphere.  相似文献   

We report on studies of the 1393 line of Si iv, formed in the transition region at about 80 000 K, made using the Colorado experiment on OSO-8. Results indicate that the line width is somewhat greater in coronal holes compared to the quiet Sun, implying a difference in the broadening mechanism. There is no evidence that the line is Doppler shifted in coronal holes relative to the quiet Sun implying there is no mass flow in holes, at the 80 000 K level, greater than 4.3 km s–1. Within the uncertainty of our experiment the integrated line intensities are the same in a coronal hole as in the quiet Sun.  相似文献   

A coronal hole was observed for three days of its passage near the central meridian of the Sun. Spectrograms containing strong lines of ionized calcium were obtained. The central intensities of the Ca II H, K, and λ849.8 nm lines in the region of the coronal hole and in the quiet-Sun region outside its boundaries were measured. Only the line profiles that were confidently identified as being undisturbed even by weak flocculi were selected. All profiles were averaged in each of the two chromospheric network components (network and cell), and the average profiles were calculated using all of the available data (network+cell). Small differences were found between the central intensities of the Ca II H and K lines inside and outside the coronal hole, with the hole being brighter than the quiet region. A detailed statistical analysis shows that these small differences are real at high confidence levels owing to the large sample sizes. A difference of the same sign is slightly noticeable in the infrared line, but its confidence level is less than 90%. The chromosphere in the coronal hole is brightened by the cell alone; in the network, the chromospheric foot of the coronal hole does not differ from the quiet region. Comparison with the results of other authors obtained from observations in higher atmospheric layers suggests that the network also contains a brightness peak that subsequently gives way to a characteristic depression, but it lies higher than that in the cell.  相似文献   

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