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饮食地理文化作为地域文化中最具地方特色的重要元素,在现代人口大规模流动背景下呈现出全新的多样化局面,而基于传统认知的“南甜北咸”的地域分异已然不能代表中国现代食甜分布的空间特征。因此,本文采用网络爬虫技术,获取我国大陆31个省会城市共计约2000万条美食消费数据,从传统类菜品、主食类菜品、饮料类和甜品类菜品4个方面计算城市食甜度,在ArcGIS、MySQL软件支持下,借助GIS空间分析和数理统计方法探究我国现代食甜习惯的空间分布特征,分析影响食甜分布的因素。研究发现:① 中国食甜在空间分布上存在显著的地域分异特征,聚类分析评价参数R 2高达0.88,现代食甜习惯总体呈现“东高北中,西微内低”的包围式格局;② 从整体抑或局部角度,在1%显著性水平上莫兰指数均为正,中国食甜分布呈现显著的空间正相关关系,形成特色鲜明的3个地理集聚区,即以苏浙沪闽为主的东南沿海高甜集聚区,以渝黔川为主的西南内陆低甜集聚区和以陕宁为主的西北内陆低甜集聚区;③ 构建了中国现代食甜习惯分布影响因素模型,其拟合精度为0.82,分析结果显示降水、湿度、气温等气象要素及地理位置是影响现代我国食甜空间分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

城镇空间格局,是重要的地理国情之一。本文围绕长江经济带建设背景下的江苏省城镇空间格局演变监测,以"尺度-维度-因子"为规则,在多源时空数据和互联网开放数据的支撑下,按照区域、省域、城市等空间尺度,从物理空间、社会空间、信息空间等多维度空间,分空间形态、空间联系、空间组织、产业布局、活力分布、公共服务布局等表征城镇空间格局的多因子,设计了江苏省城镇空间格局监测指标体系。上述监测指标体系,可以较好地揭示重大区域发展战略影响下的江苏省城镇空间格局的现状特点和变化规律等。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAgglomeration economies have played important rolesin the growth of regional economies in developed coun-tries, which has been a hot topic of empirical studies fora couple of decades (GLAESER etal., 1992). However,the researches on the relati…  相似文献   

以行政区视角和空间视角,从地理国情监测数据集中提取统计指标的空间载体,对该区域的经济发展从经济发展强度、经济发展结构、投资效益水平和市场化水平等四方面进行了量化和评价,结果准确地反映了区域经济发展水平。在行政区视角,可以较好地实现区域间的横向比较;而在空间视角,可以准确地把握微观差异和空间的集聚效应,明确进一步提升区域内经济发展的空间实施路径。  相似文献   

During the past two decades, the exhibition industry in China has been developing rapidly and has become an important part of the modern service industry, particularly the agglomeration characteristics of exhibition enterprises highlighted on the regional scale. Although the development of theoretical research on the western exhibition industry has taken place over time, the spatial perspective has not been at the centre of attention so far. This paper aims to fill this gap and report on the agglomeration characteristics of exhibition enterprises and their influential factors. Based on data about exhibition enterprises in the Pearl River Delta(PRD) during 1991–2013, using the Ripley K function analysis and kernel density estimation, this research identifies that: 1) the exhibition enterprise on the regional scale is significantly characterized by spatial agglomeration, and the agglomeration density and scale are continuously increasing; 2) the spatial pattern of agglomeration has developed from a single-center to multi-center form. Meanwhile, this paper profiles the factors influencing the spatial agglomeration of exhibition enterprises by selecting the panel data of nine cities in the PRD in 1999, 2002, 2006 and 2013. The results show that market capacity, urban informatization level and exhibition venues significantly influence the location choice of exhibition enterprises. Among them, the market capacity is a variable that exerts a far greater impact than other factors do.  相似文献   

In this study, an inventory analysis approach was used to investigate the intensity of agricultural non-point source pollution(ANSP) and its spatial convergence at national and provincial levels in China from 1999 to 2017. On this basis, spatial factors affecting ANSP were explored by constructing a spatial econometric model. The results indicate that: 1) The intensity of China's ANSP emission showed an overall upward trend and an obvious spatial difference, with the values being high in the eastern and central regions and relatively low in the western region. 2) Significant spatial agglomeration was shown in China's ANSP intensity, and the agglomeration effect was increasing gradually. 3) In the convergence analysis, a spatial lag model was found applicable for interpretation of the ANSP intensity, with the convergence rate being accelerated after considering the spatial factors but slower than that of regional economic growth.4) The spatial factors affecting the ANSP intensity are shown to be reduced by improving agricultural infrastructure investment, laborforce quality, and crop production ratio, while the expansion of agricultural economy scale and precipitation and runoff have positive impact on ANSP in the study region. However, agricultural research and development(RD) investment showed no direct significant effect on the ANSP intensity. Meanwhile, improving the quality of the labor force would significantly reduce the ANSP intensity in the surrounding areas, while the precipitation and runoff would significantly increase the pollution of neighboring regions. This research has laid a theoretical basis for formulation and optimization of ANSP prevention strategies in China and related regions.  相似文献   

迁徙流作为互联网时代的新产物,信息流、资本流、交通流等流空间的基本载体,能客观地反映城市间地理行为关系,对于刻画城市网络结构具有重要意义。基于地级以上城市的百度迁徙大数据,本文尝试从全域和净迁徙的视角探索研究中国城市网络结构特征,对其网络的层级、关联关系和影响因素等进行挖掘提取。研究发现:① 全国城市网络呈现出稳定的、层级明确的三棱锥四顶点“钻石型”结构,与主要城市群的经济规模空间分布相吻合;② 区域网络表现出向高级别行政中心集聚的“核心—外围”放射状结构;③ 以省会城市为核心的典型小世界特征比较凸出,小世界网络的可达性和连通性较高;周口、阜阳、赣州、上饶、重庆等作为主要劳动力输出型城市,深圳、东莞、广州、北京、上海等城市成为了主要的外来人口聚集地,并形成了对应的人口就近输送网络关系;④ 城市的行政地位、经济规模、交通枢纽建设、劳动力资源等因素都对其网络控制力和影响力起到了决定性作用。最后,研究结合中国城市网络结构特征及其主要影响因素,提出相关政策建议,以期为中国城市网络结构均衡发展与建设提供借鉴依据。  相似文献   

This paper examines spatio-temporal characteristics of an oasis economy and its relationship with water and mineral resources in the Turim River Basin from 1965 to 2005. A spatial autocorrelation model, the center of gravity model, and index system of the regional central city are used to probe the evolution laws of spatial structure of oasis economy. The study finds that: 1) The economic centre of gravity, whose variation track during this period follows linear rote law, was moving from headstream to middle reaches of the Tarim River. 2) Positive spatial autocorrelation which showed a waving and ascending trend of regional economy was significant and the neighbor effect of regional economic growth was strengthened continuously. 3) The regional economic centre was located in Hotan City before 1980, moved to Aksu City during the 1980s and to Korla City after 1990. We conclude that above all, during the recent four decades the evolution of the oasis economy in this region has gone through three stages: a traditional agriculture stage (before 1980), oasis agriculture and agricultural product processing stage (1980-1990) and oasis energy industry stage (after 1990). Furthermore, the dependence degree of the oasis economy on natural resources in different stages are studied by using dominance index, regression model, and grey relation method, which shows that an oasis economy highly depends on water resources in the oasis agriculture and agricultural product processing stage while it depends more on mineral resources such as oil and natural gas during the oasis energy industry stage.  相似文献   

随着服务业的发展和文化产业的不断推进,城市文化娱乐休闲服务业成为城市经济和社会发展的重要标志和推动力。本文以地理空间实体数据和商业统计数据为基础,以GIS 的空间数据可视化和统计分析方法,研究典型城市娱乐休闲服务业KTV在中国大陆地区的行业发展、空间分布及空间扩散特征。研究表明,KTV在全国发展迅速、分布广泛,在宏、中、微观的全国、省域和市域尺度下,其空间分布分别表现出空间区域分异、等级差异、面状均衡和中心集聚等特征,并与区域经济、人口、文化等因素有一定的相关性。各种类型KTV在空间扩散上具有由东向西,由中心向周边扩散的特点,其中连锁类KTV扩散具有社会经济现象地理扩散规律,主要表现为空间等级扩散和接触扩散特征。  相似文献   

探索艾滋病疫情的空间格局和时空演化特征,发现其分布和流行规律,对促进艾滋病防控工作具有重要意义。本文基于1997—2016年中国艾滋病省级发病率资料,利用空间自相关技术探测艾滋病疫情的空间格局,并使用重心轨迹迁移算法进行时空演化分析。结果表明:中国艾滋病疫情在省级尺度上具有较强的空间依赖性。1997—2016年,中国艾滋病疫情的全局空间关联程度从弱变强,而且存在进一步强化的趋势;疫情总体呈现“南重北轻,中部过渡”的空间格局,可将中国艾滋病发病率在局部发生空间自相关的区域划分为以内蒙为代表的北方疫情冷点片区和以广西为代表的南方疫情热点片区;中国艾滋病疫情的总体流行程度不断加深,且具有明显的地域差异性,在空间上表现为非均衡增长。因此,今后的艾滋防控工作必须在传统预防手段的基础上注重疫情扩散的时空规律,重点加强对疫情热点区域和高风险传播方向的管控,以达到区域协同、精准防控的目的。  相似文献   

中国是世界汽车生产大国,产销量已连续9年蝉联世界第一,然而有关汽车产业的研究更多集中在区域尺度,对城市尺度的研究相对较少。本文以柳州市为案例,利用工商注册企业数据和核密度估计、负二项回归模型等方法分析了柳州市汽车制造业企业的空间格局与影响因素。结果表明:① 汽车制造业企业主要集中在河西、洛维、河东、阳和等城市组团,企业集聚范围逐步向东、向西扩散,其中向东扩散以柳东新区为主,向西扩散以河西高新技术产业开发区为主;② 汽车制造业企业在距离市中心0~11 km显著集聚,空间集聚强度呈现先增加后减小的趋势;③ 土地价格、交通条件、地方化经济、政策是影响汽车制造业企业区位选择和空间格局的重要因素;同时,汽车制造业JIT(Justin Time)生产方式也具有重要影响。在此基础上,提出汽车制造业企业区位选择和空间格局形成的循环累积机制、区位临近机制、价格传导机制。  相似文献   

该文以山东半岛城市群作为研究对象,构建产业生态化综合评价指标体系,运用熵值法与主成分分析方法,探讨了山东半岛城市群产业生态化总体水平的时空分异特征及影响因素。结果表明:2004—2016年,山东半岛城市群产业生态化呈现上升趋势,山东半岛城市群产业生态化发展水平不断提高;山东半岛城市群产业生态化空间分异现象显著,形成了以济南和青岛为核心的两极化发展特征;山东半岛城市群产业生态化发展水平的区域化现象愈加明显,呈现出NE—SW走向的不均衡发展;山东半岛城市群产业生态化发展影响因素为区域经济发展水平、政府监管水平、外资利用差异以及区域科学技术差异。  相似文献   

Urban agglomerations are spatial entities that promote the development of ‘new urbanization' processes within China. In this context, the concept of ‘multiscale urban agglomeration spaces' encompasses three linked levels: macroscale urban agglomerations, mesoscale cities, and microscale urban centers. Applying a series of multidisciplinary integrated research methods drawn from geography, urban planning, and architecture, this paper reveals two intensive utilization laws that can be generalized to apply to multiscale urban agglomeration spaces, top-to-bottom ‘positive transmission' linkage and inside-to-outside ‘negative transmission' movement. This paper also proposes optimization transmission theory and policy decision technical pathways that can be applied to these three urban agglomeration spatial scales. Specific technical pathways of transmission include intensive expansion and simulated decision-making in macroscale urban agglomerations, ecology, production, and living space intensive layout and dynamic decision-making in mesoscale cities, and four cores(i.e., ‘single, ring, axis, and pole core') progressive linkage and intensive optimization decision-making in microscale urban centers. The theory and technical pathways proposed in this paper solve the technical problem of optimization and provide intensive methods that can be applied not only at the individual level but also at multiple scales in urban agglomeration spaces. This study also advances a series of comprehensive technical solutions that can be applied to both compact and smart growth cities as well as to urban agglomerations. Solid theoretical support is provided for the optimization of Chinese land development, urbanization, agricultural development, and ecological security.  相似文献   

This paper falls into the broad area of economic geography and economics of creativity,and it presents an alternative approach to explain why total factor productivity(TFP)growth is different across China′s regions.It establishes an empirical model to estimate the spatial agglomeration effects of creative industries on regional TFP growth,using China′s provincial panel data during the period of 2003 to 2010.We found that the creative industries agglomeration(CIA)has significant and positive impact on regional TFP growth.The result also implies that the CIA can facilitate regional TFP growth through promoting regional innovation instead of improving regional efficiency.Therefore,we argue that policy makers should take some measures to retain and establish more creative zones.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a complex process that covers a wide range of topics, of which population, industry and land urbanization are three important aspects. Jilin Province is an important agricultural province in China. The contradiction between population, industry and land urbanization is especially prominent here, and its coupling development is of great practical significance. In this paper, the coupling degree of population-industry-land urbanization in Jilin Province in 1990, 2000 and 2010 is measured by coupling mode. The spatial pattern of the coupling degree is analyzed by trend surface analysis and global and local spatial autocorrelation. The influence factors and their spatial differentiation are discussed using multiple linear regression (MLR) model and geographic weighted regression (GWR) model. The results show that: 1) the coupling degree of population-industry-land urbanization in Jilin Province is at a low level. Judging from the change of time scale, the urbanization of most research units is becoming more and more coordinated. From the comparison of spatial scales, there is significant spatial difference in the research units of different administrative levels. 2) Judging from the global change trend, the coupling degree of population-industry-land urbanization in the central region is higher than that in western and eastern regions. The coordination of urbanization in the central region is relatively good, and the distribution of the cold and hot spots is basically the same as that overall. 3) The spatial pattern of the coupling degree is related to the cold and hot spot distribution of the influence coefficient of urban population density and per capita urban construction land. The variation of the coupling degree spatial pattern is synchronous with the spatial change of the urban population density influence coefficient. 4) The degree of agglomeration of the urban population is the main factor promoting the coupling pattern of population-industry-land urbanization in Jilin Province, and the extent of its influence is gradually increasing. In addition, the level of city administrative, the efficiency of urban expansion and the capacity of market consumption also have an important influence on the coupling pattern.  相似文献   

中国省域煤矿事故时空分异特征及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
煤矿事故给国家和人民带来巨大的生命财产损失,科学把握煤矿事故发生的宏观规律及区域煤矿安全的影响因素有助于促进煤矿安全生产。本文尝试采用GIS空间分析方法开展区域煤矿事故的研究,基于空间自相关性、时空演化规律方法研究了2006-2015年中国省域煤矿事故的时空分异特点,并分析了省域煤矿安全的影响因素及相对风险度。主要结论:①中国各省区之间煤矿事故存在明显的空间自相关性,但随着各省区煤矿安全生产形势改善情况的不同,其自相关性在不断下降;②以空间重心转移曲线分析中国煤矿事故发生的时空演化规律,10年间煤矿事故空间重心向东北方向转移。③重特大事故频发的省区由于监管措施的有力执行往往具有较低的煤矿百万吨死亡率;平均煤矿生产能力低的省区具有较高的煤矿百万吨死亡率;④建立基于解释变量的贝叶斯空间模型,以煤炭百万吨死亡率为指标评估中国各省区煤矿事故相对风险度,中国煤矿安全生产相对危险度存在明显的空间分布规律且各省区差异较大,相对危险度较高的省区主要集中在南方地区,包括湖北、福建等,危险度较低的省区主要集中在中东部地区,包括山西、内蒙古等。  相似文献   

The adjustment of administrative divisions is one of the important factors guiding China’s urbanization, which has profound economic and social effects for regional development. In this paper, we comprehensively describe the process of the adjustment of administrative divisions at provincial and municipal levels in China and summarize the effects on the basic structure and patterns of the spatial development. We quantitatively assess the effects on fields such as urbanization and social economy through the use of multidimensional scaling. The results show that: 1) Upgrading county to municipality (or city-governed district) is the main way of adjusting the administrative divisions. It is also an important factor in the spatial differentiation of interprovincial urbanization. China’s population urbanization can be divided into four patterns including interprovincial migration, provincial migration, natural growth, and growth caused by the adjustment of administrative divisions, which is also the main reason for the increased Chinese urbanization rate at the provincial level. 2) Taking the city of Beijing as an example, we generalize five adjustment patterns made to administrative divisions: the set-up of sub-districts, the set-up of regional offices, the upgrading of townships to sub-districts, the upgrading of townships to towns, and the set-up of towns and the addition of new regional offices. We summarize the municipal urban spatial structure, including the sub-district office area in the central urban area, the regional office area in the new urban area, the mixed area of villages, towns, and sub-district offices in the suburb area, and the township area in the outer suburb area. 3) The adjustment of administrative divisions triggers a significant circulative accumulation effect, resulting in the spatial locking of population and industrial agglomeration. It affects the evolution of the urban spatial form and plays an important role in shaping the urban spatial structure to move to the characteristic of multicenter. In general, the adjustment of administrative divisions was an important factor affecting the inflated statistical level of urbanization and also an important driving force for the evolution of Chinese urban spatial organization structure.  相似文献   

多尺度视角下的青藏高原水资源短缺估算及空间格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原水资源总量丰富,但由于水资源量与用水量在空间上分布不均衡,部分人口、城镇密集地区水资源短缺严重。本研究在多源数据的基础上,通过空间分析、降尺度处理等,建立了青藏高原省区、市域、县域空间尺度的水资源与用水量数据集。通过比较5、10、20、30年重现期多空间尺度的水资源短缺程度,分析水资源短缺在青藏高原的尺度效应,揭示青藏高原水资源短缺格局与特征,识别面临水资源短缺的人口与面积。结果表明,青藏高原在省区尺度无水资源短缺;在15个市域单元中,有3个市域出现水资源短缺;在115个县域单元中,有29个县域呈现出不同程度的水资源短缺,水资源短缺县域主要集中在青海省的河湟谷地、柴达木盆地与西藏自治区的一江两河流域等人口、城镇密集区域。总体而言,由于较大空间尺度地理单元内部各县域用水强度差异,在县域尺度面临水资源短缺的人口与面积大于市域与省区尺度面临水资源短缺的人口与面积。以县域为基本单元,发现青海省与西藏自治区30年重现期面临水资源短缺的人口占总人口的56.4%,出现水资源短缺的面积占总面积的10.4%。县域之间水资源短缺指数秩相关系数计算结果显示,省区内部各县域同时出现水资源短缺的可能性较大,而省区之间各县域同时出现水资源短缺的可能性相对随机。研究结果为制定青藏高原水资源短缺管理对策、促进区域城镇化与资源环境协调发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

从科技创新的基础、投入、产出和潜力4方面构建了旅游产业科技创新能力结构模型和综合评价指标体系,利用熵值法、线性加权法以及ArcGIS空间分析工具分析评价了2004、2008、2014年中国旅游产业科技创新能力的总体水平、时空动态演化及驱动因素。结果表明:① 2004-2014年,中国旅游产业科技创新能力总体上呈不断提高态势,但空间分布极不均衡,存在明显的地区差异,在趋势上基本表现出东西方向递增,南北方向倒“U”型分布态势;② 中国旅游产业科技创新能力在地理空间上存在着显著而稳定的集聚特征和一定的极化特征,毗邻的区域在旅游科技创新方面存在一定的空间外溢效应;③ 中国旅游产业科技创新能力热点区主要分布在北京、天津和少数东部沿海省份和中部省份,冷点区主要集中在中西部内陆地区的省份;④ 空间残差回归和地理加权回归研究表明,旅游产业基础、空间外溢效应、政策制度因素是驱动中国旅游产业科技创新能力时空变化3个核心因素。  相似文献   

健康人力资本对社会经济发展有重要的促进作用。以黄河流域71个地级行政单元为研究对象,利用变异系数、泰尔指数、空间自相关模型等方法,研究该流域人口预期寿命的时空演化特征,并根据地理探测器分析其影响因素。结果表明: ① 2000—2019年,黄河流域人口预期寿命均值由69.99岁提升至76.96岁,整体呈上升趋势,但长期低于我国人口预期寿命均值;② 人口预期寿命区域差异整体呈先增后降趋势,且地带间差异不断收敛,地带内差异与流域总体变化基本一致;③ 人口预期寿命存在明显空间集聚,但其空间自相关性不断减弱,且空间变化较大。具体而言,黄南藏族自治州、海南藏族自治州、甘南藏族自治州等藏区形成稳定性冷点区,山东省形成规模的稳定性热点区;④ 医疗卫生资源和自然条件对上游地区人口预期寿命影响最为显著;经济发展水平和环境污染对下游地区人口预期寿命解释力最强;教育水平是影响黄河流域各个地区人口预期寿命的重要因子。不同因子交互作用的解释力均高于单因子解释力,黄河流域人口预期寿命的空间差异是多因子共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

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