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为降低暴雨洪涝灾害损失,利用数值模拟方法研究城市洪涝过程,提前获取可靠的洪涝水情信息,具有重要的现实意义。根据城市洪涝过程的水文水动力学原理和方法,以SWMM模型与自主研发的二维模型为基础,提出一、二维模型耦合的具体方法,通过水平和垂直方向的连接构建水文水动力耦合模型。研究提出基于DLL的一、二维模型耦合策略,以垂向连接问题为理论案例,将模拟结果与InfoWorks ICM软件结果进行对比分析,阐明该垂向连接方式的合理性。以广州市东濠涌流域为实际案例,构建了东濠涌流域城市洪涝水文水动力耦合模型,选用2场实测降雨对模型进行模拟分析,发现模型在一维排水系统排水能力和二维地表积水的模拟均具有较好的精度和可靠性。结果表明所提出的连接算法合理可行,所构建的水文水动力耦合模型具有一定的可靠性,对城市洪涝模拟分析具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

陈雪  乔梁  刘艳华  高梦竹  赵晶 《水文》2023,43(1):84-89
评估暴雨洪涝灾害风险,对于制定暴雨洪涝灾害区域防灾减灾规划具有重要意义。选取哈尔滨市主城区为研究区,以气象数据、社会经济数据和地理信息数据资料为基础,构建0.01°格网,从暴雨致灾因子危险性、暴露度和脆弱性3方面对洪涝灾害进行精细化风险评估与区划。结果表明:哈尔滨主城区洪涝危险性自西北向东南逐渐增加,香坊南部及松北、道里、南岗、道外交汇处受洪涝危害最为严重;暴露度呈现中心高四周低的格局,高风险主要位于绕城高速以内;路网密集地带脆弱性相对较高。洪涝风险呈自西北向东南逐渐增加,东部显著高于西部,主城中心、道外区西部及香坊区大部为高风险区,受洪涝危害严重,应注意城市内涝、交通拥堵等次生影响的防范。  相似文献   

中国城市洪涝致灾机理与风险评估研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,在全球气候变化和城市化快速发展的共同影响下,中国城市洪涝灾害日益严重,已经成为影响中国城市公共安全的突出问题,严重制约经济社会的持续健康发展。变化环境下城市洪涝致灾机理与风险评估研究是完善城市防洪除涝减灾体系、提升城市防洪除涝能力的重要依据。本文阐述了气候变化和城市化发展对城市洪涝灾害的影响机制,系统分析了城市洪涝灾害的驱动要素和致灾机理,梳理了城市洪涝灾害的风险评估和分区方法,并以济南市海绵城市示范区为例,对城市洪涝灾害风险分区方法进行了分析和对比。  相似文献   

近年来,在全球气候变化和城市化快速发展的共同影响下,中国城市洪涝灾害日益严重,已经成为影响中国城市公共安全的突出问题,严重制约经济社会的持续健康发展。变化环境下城市洪涝致灾机理与风险评估研究是完善城市防洪除涝减灾体系、提升城市防洪除涝能力的重要依据。本文阐述了气候变化和城市化发展对城市洪涝灾害的影响机制,系统分析了城市洪涝灾害的驱动要素和致灾机理,梳理了城市洪涝灾害的风险评估和分区方法,并以济南市海绵城市示范区为例,对城市洪涝灾害风险分区方法进行了分析和对比。  相似文献   

利用社会经济统计数据和水文气象资料,探讨城市化背景下北京城市洪涝特征、形成机制及影响因素。近50年来城市内涝逐渐成为北京洪涝灾害的主要类型,随着城市化迅猛发展,城市内涝积水点数量在时间上表现为显著增加趋势,在空间上呈现出由内环逐步向外环扩张趋势,与城市化发展空间格局关系密切。从水循环的角度分析城市洪涝形成机制,指出区域气候变化和城市化发展改变了城市降水格局,汛期降水量和极端降水事件呈现下降趋势,但城区短历时强降水事件呈现增加态势;城市化发展改变了区域下垫面条件、城市流域产汇流特性和城市排水格局,进而影响了区域水循环过程和水量分配,在一定程度上增加了城市洪涝灾害风险;同时城市基础设施建设水平不足、排水排涝标准偏低、应急管理能力不足等因素,导致城市洪涝发生风险增加,降低了城市洪涝综合应对能力。  相似文献   

基于自然灾害风险原理,结合青海省气象数据、地理信息数据、社会经济数据,并利用主成分分析法、GIS自然断点法对青海省暴雨洪涝灾害致灾因子危险度、承载体易损度评估模型以及暴雨洪涝灾害风险度进行评估,结果表明:青海省不同强度降水日数均呈增多趋势,新世纪以来中雨日数及强降水日数增加趋势尤为明显;暴雨洪涝灾害致灾因子危险度呈由东南向西北降低的趋势,承载体易损度为东北部地区最高,南部以及西部地区最低;暴雨洪涝风险较高的地区主要集中在东部地区,互助、湟中、大通、西宁为高风险区,东部大部地区、环青海湖地区为较高风险区,西部地区为低风险区。该评估结果可以在气象灾害风险管理业务中进行应用,可以加强对暴雨洪涝灾害风险的影响程度及影响区域的判定,为地方防灾减灾救灾工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

近年来,特大城市极端暴雨内涝和流域洪水叠加导致的洪涝灾害风险呈增加趋势,造成了重大人员伤亡和财产损失,亟待开展流域洪水和城市内涝灾害链联防联控研究。融合气象科学、水文科学、信息科学、防灾减灾科学等多学科理论与方法,重点解决城市外洪内涝组合致灾机理与灾害链风险传递规律关键科学问题;突破流域-城市一体化协同监测与早期风险感知技术、城市外洪内涝链生灾害智能预警与定向发布技术、跨尺度洪涝耦合模拟与联合防控场景推演技术、城市洪涝联防联控应急预案编制与智能化决策技术等4项关键技术。构建以空天地气象水文协同观测、社会经济多源信息汇聚分析、灾害动力模型推演为基础的联防联控应急指挥决策业务系统,突出实时性、动态化、精准性和智能化,支撑特大城市外洪内涝全过程预报、预警、预演、预案“四预”业务实践。  相似文献   

平原区内涝灾害分析评价预警研究工作,主要基于洪涝灾害防治区的暴雨特性、流域特征和社会经济情况、历史洪涝灾害情况,分析流域洪涝规律,综合分析评价受影响区域的村落防洪涝现状,评定不同指标下的临界值及洪涝灾害风险等级,划定洪涝灾害危险区,确定雨量预警指标,为建立基层预警体系提供支撑。  相似文献   

为了有效提高城市暴雨洪涝模拟的精度, 针对城区复杂下垫面和雨水井数据缺失情况, 分别提出雨水井节点数据的确定方法和基于空间信息的汇水区分级划分方法。以武汉市青山区为研究区域, 选取2场典型降水过程, 开展SWMM模型的参数率定和验证工作, 并将基于不同方法划分的汇水区模拟结果与实际渍水数据进行对比。结果表明: ①提出的雨水井节点数据确定方法, 在雨水井实测数据缺失的城市洪涝模拟中具有一定的可靠性和适用性。②基于空间信息分级划分法、水文分析结合泰森多边形法和泰森多边形法所划分的汇水区, 模拟的最大积水深度中分别有100%、63%和75%的典型验证点与实际渍水程度相符, 模拟的溢流点中分别有80.0%、76.4%和77.4%的溢流点位置与5年一遇降雨渍水风险图相符。基于空间信息分级划分法所得的汇水区比较符合真实汇水情况, 且模拟结果比其他2种方法更加准确。③ 5年一遇降雨重现期下, 3种方法划分的汇水区所模拟的积水对研究区域影响程度相对较小, 但遇到高于此重现期的暴雨会出现不同程度的内涝。本研究可为城市暴雨洪涝模拟中雨水井节点数据确定与地表空间离散化提供新方法, 模拟结果可为城市防洪减灾提供参考。  相似文献   

区间暴雨和外江洪水位遭遇组合的风险   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
流域区间的治涝方案以及排涝设施的规模都与区间暴雨和外江洪水位的遭遇息息相关,因此需要研究区间暴雨与外江洪水位遭遇的风险规律.采用copula函数建立区间暴雨和外江洪水位的联合分布,用联合概率密度来描述两者遭遇的机率,提出了以遭遇为设计组合的排涝风险率和重现期的分析方法.实例研究表明,copula函数能够较好地模拟广东省阳山县区间暴雨与外江洪水位的联合分布;联合概率密度曲线表现为明显的正偏态分布,对于不超过10年一遇的暴雨,遭遇同频率的外江水位的机率最大;但对10年一遇以上的暴雨,最大遭遇机率的外江水位的重现期低于暴雨重现期;对任一排涝重现期,则有成反相关的区间最大暴雨和外江洪水位重现期的多种组合方案,且任一组合方案的暴雨重现期都大于排涝重现期.  相似文献   

Coastal cities are more vulnerable to floods due to the joint impact of rainfall and tide level. Quantitative risk assessment of disaster-causing factors is critical to urban flood management. This paper presents an integrated method to quantify the hazard degree of disaster-causing factors, rainfall and tide level, and to investigate the optimal management of flooding risk in different disaster-causing factor areas. First, an urban flood inundation model is used to simulate inundated extents in different drainage districts. Then, formulas are put forward to calculate the hazard degree of rainfall and tide level based on inundated extents in different combinations of rainfall and tide level. According to the hazard degree, the main disaster-causing factor could be identified in each drainage district. Finally, the optimal management of flooding risk in different disaster-causing factor areas is selected by disaster reduction analysis and cost–benefit analysis. Furthermore, the coastal city, Haikou of China, is taken as a case study. The results indicate that the hazard degree increases with the increasing distance between the drainage district and the Qiongzhou Strait or the Nandu River in the eastern of Haikou. Heavy rain is the main disaster-causing factor in inland areas, while high tide level is the main disaster-causing factor in island areas. For the area whose main disaster-causing factor is heavy rain, water storage projects could effectively reduce flooding. Meanwhile, pumps are economical choices for the area where tide level is the main disaster-causing factor. The results can provide reference for drainage planning in other coastal areas.  相似文献   

Considering that urban areas may suffer more substantial losses than riparian farmlands during floods, diverting floodwater into riparian areas for temporal detention is expected to mitigate flood damage in downstream urban areas. In this study, an assessment has been conducted to evaluate the effect of flood mitigation through riparian detention in response to a changing climate in the Tou-Chien River basin of Taiwan. An integrated 1D–2D flow model was used to simulate the movement of flood wave in the main stream and the overbank flow inundating into the nearby lowlands. Based on the numerical simulation results, the flooding extents in the basin corresponding to different return periods of flood using existing flood prevention infrastructures were investigated. A detention strategy by lowering the levee along the riparian farmlands was proposed to avoid severe flooding in the densely populated urban areas of the basin. Research findings showed that the proposed detention measure can completely protect the downstream areas from overbank flooding when a flood having 20-yr period occurs, and can effectively alleviate the downstream flooding area from 27.4 to \(7.6\,\hbox {km}^{2}\) for a flood possessing 200-yr period.  相似文献   

城市内涝的高效模拟对于降低内涝灾害影响、制定防灾减灾措施具有极其重要的意义。本文提出了基于雨篦子耦合地表与管网的城市降雨-产汇流-内涝全过程高效模拟方法, 结合常州市双桥浜城市产汇流与内涝试验基地监测数据, 分别构建了基于高效模拟算法和二维水动力算法的城市内涝模型。根据监测数据对所构建的模型进行了率定与验证, 并分析对比了2种算法在不同降雨事件中的精度与可靠性。结果表明: 太湖流域模型中基于雨篦子的城市水文特征单元高效模拟方法能够较为真实地反映城市内涝的具体特征, 且在模型参数一致的前提下, 其计算效率约为二维水动力算法的780~1 275倍, 能够对城市内涝情况进行快速模拟。  相似文献   

在全球气候变化和城市化进程不断加快的背景下,城市洪涝灾害频发,造成严重的经济损失和人员伤亡问题。对近年来中国典型城市洪涝灾害进行系统整理介绍,说明洪涝灾害带来的人员伤亡和经济损失巨大。风险评估作为一种非工程性防洪措施,是城市洪涝风险管理的首要工作,精确、高效的把握洪灾过程等特征可以为防灾减灾工作提供科学依据。对城市洪涝风险评估与分区的概念和内容进行系统梳理,常用的风险评估方法有数理统计法、不确定性分析法、遥感影像评估法、指标体系评估法、情景模拟评估法;风险分区常用方法有阈值法、经验公式法和物理机制法。论述了城市洪涝风险评估与分区常用方法的应用范围、优缺点及其发展前景。  相似文献   


Frequent flood is a concern for most of the coastal regions of India. The importance of flood maps in governing strategies for flood risk management is of prime importance. Flood inundation maps are considered dependable output generated from simulation results from hydraulic models in evaluating flood risks. In the present work, a continuous hydrologic-hydraulic model has been implemented for mapping the flood, caused by the Baitarani River of Odisha, India. A rainfall time-series data were fed into the hydrologic model and the runoff generated from the model was given as an input into the hydraulic model. The study was performed using the HEC-HMS model and the FLO-2D model to map the extent of flooding in the area. Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) 90 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data, Land use/Land cover map (LULC), soil texture data of the basin area were used to compute the topographic and hydraulic parameters. Flood inundation was simulated using the FLO-2D model and based on the flow depth, hazard zones were specified using the MAPPER tool of the hydraulic model. Bhadrak District was found to be the most hazard-prone district affected by the flood of the Baitarani River. The result of the study exhibited the hydraulic model as a utile tool for generating inundation maps. An approach for assessing the risk of flooding and proper management could help in mitigating the flood. The automated procedure for mapping and the details of the study can be used for planning flood disaster preparedness in the worst affected area.


Flash flood forecasting of catchment systems is one of the challenges especially in the arid ungauged basins. This study is attempted to estimate the relationship between rainfall and runoff and also to provide flash flood hazard warnings for ungauged basins based on the hydrological characteristics using geographic information system (GIS). Morphometric characteristics of drainage basins provide a means for describing the hydrological behavior of a basin. The study examined the morphometric parameters of Wadi Rabigh with emphasis on its implication for hydrologic processes through the integration analysis between morphometric parameters and GIS techniques. Data for this study were obtained from ASTER data for digital elevation model (DEM) with 30-m resolution, topographic map (1:50,000), and geological maps (1,250,000) which were subject to field confirmation. About 36 morphometric parameters were measured and calculated, and interlinked to produce nine effective parameters for the evaluation of the flash flood hazard degree of the study area. Based on nine effective morphometric parameters that directly influence on the hydrologic behavior of the Wadi through time of concentration, the flash flood hazard of the Rabigh basin and its subbasins was identified and classified into three groups (High, medium, and low hazard degree). The present work proved that the physiographic features of drainage basin contribute to the possibility of a flash flood hazard evaluation for any particular drainage area. The study provides details on the flash flood prone subbasins and the mitigation measures. This study also helps to plan rainwater harvesting and watershed management in the flash flood alert zones. Based on two historical data events of rainfall and the corresponding maximum flow rate, morphometric parameters and Stormwater Management and Design Aid software (SMADA 6), it could be to generate the hydrograph of Wadi Rabigh basin. As a result of the model applied to Wadi Rabigh basin, a rainfall event of a total of 22 mm with a duration of 5 h at the station nearby the study area, which has an exceedance probability of 50 % and return period around 2 years, produces a discharge volume of 15.2?×?106 m3 at the delta, outlet of the basin, as 12.5 mm of the rainfall infiltrates (recharge).  相似文献   

吉林省重大暴雨过程灾害损失风险预评估   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用吉林省50县市1951-2013年逐日降水资料、暴雨灾情损失数据,1:5万DEM数据、水系、TM遥感卫星影像资料以及GDP、人口等数据,探讨了吉林省重大暴雨过程灾害损失风险的主要影响因素,确立了各因素的权重系数,构建了吉林省重大暴雨过程灾害损失风险评估模型.利用过程预报降雨量对2013年8月14-17日的重大暴雨过程灾害损失风险进行了预评估.结果表明:重大暴雨过程灾害损失综合风险的高值区分布在四平、辽源大部以及长春、吉林、通化城区附近,风险偏高区位于中南部,西部地区和东北部地区为中低风险区.灾害损失风险评估模型预评估效果良好,可在实际的暴雨过程灾害损失风险预评估业务中使用,由于通过该模型的评估结果可迅速圈定各级洪涝风险区,对提高重大暴雨过程应对能力、减少灾害损失以及防灾减灾意义重大.  相似文献   

隧道水害危险性评价是一个非线性复杂的不确定系统问题。首先,针对其评价指标参数具有不确定性、模糊性和随机性等特点,在充分考虑岩溶隧道水害危险性评价指标关联性的基础上,提出了基于Jousselme距离的指标信度测度动态赋权理论,实现不同的实例、不同的指标实测值对整个系统的动态赋权,降低实际工作中由于指标实测值误差或错误导致评价结果偏差的风险;其次,运用云理论优化集对联系度,与所得权重加权得出系统综合云联系度,并与等级评价区间期望加权平均得到危险值,同时生成对应的等级云图判定隧道水害危险性等级,进而判定岩溶隧道水害危险状态,实现水害危险等级判定的可视化;再次,基于大气降水为岩溶隧道水害主要来源的视角,选取年均降水量、入渗系数、汇水面积、渗透系数和单位涌水量5项指标作为集对云评价指标,并以6条典型岩溶隧道为样本数据进行模型检验,发现评价结果与其他方法的评价结果相吻合,证明了该模型的可靠性和有效性。最后,将模型应用于京珠高速公路媲双坳岩溶隧道水害事故中,评价结果与实际情况相符,采取与评价等级相对应的处治措施,取得了良好的水害治理效果,表明该模型具有工程实用价值,评价流程可操作性强,为岩溶隧道水害的预测和防治提供参考。   相似文献   

Floods are regular feature in rapidly urbanizing Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh. It is observed that about 60% of the eastern Dhaka regularly goes under water every year in monsoon due to lack of flood protection. Experience gathered from past devastating floods shows that, besides structural approach, non-structural approach such as flood hazard map and risk map is effective tools for reducing flood damages. In this paper, assessment of flood hazard by developing a flood hazard map for mid-eastern Dhaka (37.16 km2) was carried out by 1D hydrodynamic simulation on the basis of digital elevation model (DEM) data from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission and the hydrologic field-observed data for 32 years (1972–2004). As the topography of the area has been considerably changed due to rapid land-filling by land developers which was observed in recent satellite image (DigitalGlobe image; Date of imagery: 7th March 2007), the acquired DEM data were modified to represent the current topography. The inundation simulation was conducted using hydrodynamic program HEC-RAS for flood of 100-year return period. The simulation has revealed that the maximum depth is 7.55 m at the southeastern part of that area and affected area is more than 50%. A flood hazard map was prepared according to the simulation result using the software ArcGIS. Finally, to assess the flood risk of that area, a risk map was prepared where risk was defined as the product of hazard (i.e., depth of inundation) and vulnerability (i.e., the exposure of people or assets to flood). These two maps should be helpful in raising awareness of inhabitants and in assigning priority for land development and for emergency preparedness including aid and relief operations in high-risk areas in the future.  相似文献   

Preliminary flood risk assessment: the case of Athens   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Flood mapping, especially in urban areas, is a demanding task requiring substantial (and usually unavailable) data. However, with the recent introduction of the EU Floods Directive (2007/60/EC), the need for reliable, but cost effective, risk mapping at the regional scale is rising in the policy agenda. Methods are therefore required to allow for efficiently undertaking what the Directive terms “preliminary flood risk assessment,” in other words a screening of areas that could potentially be at risk of flooding and that consequently merit more detailed attention and analysis. Such methods cannot rely on modeling, as this would require more data and effort that is reasonable for this high-level, screening phase. This is especially true in urban areas, where modeling requires knowledge of the detailed urban terrain, the drainage networks, and their interactions. A GIS-based multicriteria flood risk assessment methodology was therefore developed and applied for the mapping of flood risk in urban areas. This approach quantifies the spatial distribution of flood risk and is able to deal with uncertainties in criteria values and to examine their influence on the overall flood risk assessment. It can further assess the spatially variable reliability of the resulting maps on the basis of the choice of method used to develop the maps. The approach is applied to the Greater Athens area and validated for its central and most urban part. A GIS database of economic, social, and environmental criteria contributing to flood risk was created. Three different multicriteria decision rules (Analytical Hierarchy Process, Weighted Linear Combination and Ordered Weighting Averaging) were applied, to produce the overall flood risk map of the area. To implement this methodology, the IDRISI Andes GIS software was customized and used. It is concluded that the results of the analysis are a reasonable representation of actual flood risk, on the basis of their comparison with historical flood events.  相似文献   

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