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黄土高原自然植被下垫面陆面过程参数研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李宏宇  张强  史晋森  赵建华  王胜 《气象学报》2012,70(5):1137-1148
利用兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站的观测资料,分析了黄土高原自然植被下垫面陆面过程相关物理参数.研究了总体输送系数的不同季节平均日变化和频率分布特征,考察了地表粗糙度的变化趋势以及降水的影响.降水正常年份的总体粗糙度为0.009 m,偏干年份总体粗糙度为0.006 m,月平均粗糙度变化与正常年份相比较为平缓,降水通过增加植被覆盖和生长高度,使地表粗糙度增大.对总体输送系数与粗糙度以及总体理查森数的关系分别进行了讨论,在中性层结下黄土高原地区动力输送作用占主导地位,发现动量总体输送系数和奈曼流动沙丘下垫面很接近,而感热输送系数与戈壁下垫面接近.分析了反照率和太阳高度角以及土壤湿度的关系,并拟合得到以这两个物理量为因子的参数化公式.总体上,黄土高原自然植被下垫面的反照率比敦煌荒漠小,而大于长白山松林下垫面,这与3个地区植被覆盖和土壤质地的不同有关.通过对参数化公式模拟效果的检验,发现低太阳高度角下的反照率对土壤湿度和太阳高度角以外的其他因素敏感,而对应高太阳高度角的反照率受土壤湿度和太阳高度角的控制较强.最后,计算了土壤热传导率和热扩散率等土壤热力参数,相同湿度的热传导率比敦煌荒漠要大,并拟合得到热传导率以土壤湿度为自变量的参数化公式.  相似文献   

新疆东部黑戈壁气候恶劣、人迹罕至,是具有黑色砾石下垫面的生态脆弱区。利用东疆哈密戈壁陆气相互作用站2018年全年观测资料,给出该戈壁地表动力学与热力学粗糙度、比辐射率和地表反照率等陆面过程特征参数,并将这些参数代入Noah模式对该戈壁热通量、地表温度及土壤温湿度进行模拟。结果表明:(1)东疆黑戈壁下垫面动力学粗糙度为1.13×10-3 m,热力学粗糙度为0.32×10-3 m,比辐射率为0.905。(2)地表反照率日变化呈早晚高,中午低的“U”型曲线。12月因地面积雪,反照率最高,年内极大值出现在12月8日,为0.79,年均反照率为0.29。地表反照率关于太阳高度角的参数化方案为:α=0.78-0.47×(1-e^((-h)/1.12)),地表反照率关于5 cm土壤湿度的参数化方案为α=0.28-0.136w_s。(3)将改进后的陆面过程参数带入Noah模式,大大提高了模式在戈壁区域的模拟能力。  相似文献   

干旱区荒漠草原过渡带下垫面受降水影响而变化,在短期内由沙漠转化为草地,因而其陆面过程特征快速变化十分显著,可能对区域天气或气候造成一定影响。本文利用2012年7~9月在腾格里沙漠南缘的荒漠草原过渡带开展的"微气象蒸发观测实验"的观测资料,通过分析强降水前后土壤温度、含水量、辐射及湍流通量,研究快速变化的陆面过程特征。结果表明:40 cm以上的浅层土壤温度在降水后降低,随着降水辐射效应的消失,土壤温度升高;而深层的土壤温度变化较小。土壤含水量对降水有明显的响应,20 cm以上的浅层土壤含水量迅速增大,而后缓慢减小;30、40 cm的土壤含水量先增大后迅速下降。7、8月的净辐射变化不大,在-50~450 W·m-2间变化。降水发生后,反射辐射和地表长波辐射较干旱荒漠有所降低,2~3 d后又恢复到干旱荒漠的量级。地表反照率在降水后先降后升,荒漠草地的地表反照率日均值较大,与地表含水量、太阳高度角及植被生长参数密切相关。感热和潜热在降水前后变化显著,潜热增大而后减小,感热减小而后增大,干旱荒漠地表能量传输以感热通量为主,强降水发生后,潜热通量占主导地位,而后由于蒸散发使土壤含水量减小,潜热的主导地位逐渐被感热代替。  相似文献   

河西走廊中部干旱区陆面水分和辐射特征研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孙昭萱  张强 《高原气象》2010,29(6):1423-1430
利用河西张掖试验站2005年11月—2006年10月的陆面过程观测资料,研究了河西中部干旱区土壤温度、土壤湿度、降水量、地表反照率、地表辐射分量和土壤热通量等物理量的年变化和日变化特征及其影响机制,分析了土壤湿度与降水量的相关关系、地表反照率与降水量及土壤湿度的相关关系。结果表明:干旱荒漠地区土壤温度对太阳加热的响应比较迅速,而且年较差和日较差也比较大。地表层土壤主要受蒸发和降水的影响,土壤湿度变化响应得较快,而深层土壤湿度基本不受地表影响,在冬季土壤湿度变化对降水的响应要滞后1~2个月。降水量与5 cm土壤湿度的相关最好,与深层50cm的土壤湿度相关最差。地表反照率的起伏变化与降水过程对应的比较好,反照率的谷值正好对应降水过程比较集中的时段。地表反照率随土壤湿度的增大是减小的,两者的相关系数达到了0.7346。干旱荒漠区辐射分量年变化幅度普遍比较大,年平均日变化特征表现为非常典型而平滑的日循环形态。土壤冬季向大气输出热量而夏季转变为大气向土壤输入热量,且输入的热量要大于输出。随着季节变化,土壤热通量的日最大值冬季出现最晚、夏季最早,与20 cm土壤温度的变化趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

利用“中国西北干旱区陆气相互作用观测试验(NWC-LAIEX)”所获取一年的地面辐射观测资料(2000年5月~2001年4月),比较分析了我国典型干旱区敦煌戈壁、临泽沙漠和藏北高原五道梁地区地表辐射能量的收支特征。结果表明:3个地区各辐射分量季节变化明显,春季一般为跳跃式增加,而秋季则急剧减小,敦煌和临泽地区总辐射月总量几乎全年都小于藏北高原的五道梁地区,冬季最为明显。五道梁和临泽地区的地表反照率有较明显的季节变化和日变化,季节变化是夏季较小,冬季大;而敦煌戈壁地区的反照率不论是季节变化还是日变化,都比较平缓;3个地区相比,临泽沙漠地区的反照率最大,五道梁地区次之,敦煌戈壁地区最小。敦煌戈壁和临泽沙漠地区的地面向上长波辐射和大气逆辐射都比藏北高原的五道梁地区大。地面有效辐射在敦煌戈壁和临泽沙漠地区是夏季大,冬季小;而在藏北高原的五道梁地区则是春秋季大,冬夏季小。地面有效辐射与地面吸收辐射之比敦煌戈壁和临泽沙漠地区量值相近,藏北高原的五道梁地区较小,夏季尤为突出。在夏季,五道梁的地表净辐射要远远大于其他两个地区,冬季3个地区量值相当。与地表净辐射相对应,五道梁地区的地面热源强度在夏季大于敦煌戈壁地区,在冬季相差不大。  相似文献   

利用考虑了生物因子(叶面积指数)和环境因子(太阳高度角、表层土壤湿度)影响的地表反照率α动态参数化方案对BATS1e模型进行改进,基于2008年玉米农田生态系统的通量、气象及生物因子的连续观测资料,研究α动态参数化对玉米农田生态系统与大气间通量交换的影响.结果表明,引入α动态参数化方案后,模型实现了地表反照率α的日、季动态模拟,模型效率系数提高0.65,误差明显减小,使陆气通量交换热力作用的模拟准确性有所提高,其中,净入射短波辐射模拟改进最为明显,全年改进量为81772 kJ/m2,占年总辐射的1.7%;表层土壤温度的年均改进量为0.62 K,多数月份的改进量在1 K以上.另外,模型改进实现了叶面积指数和植被覆盖度等决定下垫面性质各参数的动态变化,使各种通量交换过程更接近于实际,感热和潜热模拟的模型效率系数分别提高0.516和0.1,模拟值对实测值的解释能力在生长季分别提高6%和9%,大于非生长季.  相似文献   

利用古浪非均匀近地层观测试验中仪器平行对比观测试验数据,首先详细地分析了三套不同型号辐射仪器(CNR4,KippZonen;PSP,Eppley;MS102,EKO)在荒漠均匀下垫面彼此之间观测辐射的差异;然后结合基本观测试验中西沙漠、东沙漠和农田站的晴天观测资料,基于乘法和加法关系分离影响因子的方法发展了干旱区不同下垫面反照率随太阳高度角变化的参数化方案,并检验了两种分离方法的普适性;最后对所发展的参数化方案与已有参数化方案在西沙漠、东沙漠及农田下垫面进行了对比。结果表明:(1)CNR4与PSP和MS102观测辐射数据相关系数在0.96以上,彼此之间观测短波辐射差异在6%以内,长波辐射差异在2%以内,净辐射差异在10%以内;CNR4与PSP观测值较接近,差异在5%以内,而CNR4与MS102观测值相差较大,差异在10%以内。(2)乘法关系分离影响因子方法的普适性较好。(3)与已有参数化方案相比,本文所发展的参数化方案能更加合理地刻画干旱区不同下垫面反照率随太阳高度角的日变化关系。  相似文献   

吴艾笙  钟强 《高原气象》1993,12(2):147-155
本文利用1991年“黑河实验”期张掖,化音,沙漠站1月、4月、8月、10月太阳辐射观测资料,分析了晴天总辐射、地表反射率与太阳高度角的关系,得到了不同下垫面、不同季节的地表反射率与太阳高度角的函数关系及各站晴天总辐射与太阳高度角的函数关系的拟合公式,并讨论了这种关系在利用卫星观测资料反演地表反射率中的应用.  相似文献   

黑河中上游不同下垫面反照率特征及其影响因子分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用黑河中上游6个自动气象站2008年6月-2009年5月的观测资料,分析了该地区6种典型下垫面反照率变化特征和太阳高度角对反照率的影响,针对垭口站和花寨子站分别讨论了积雪和土壤湿度对反照率的影响。结果表明,不同季节太阳高度角对反照率的影响不同,不同的下垫面影响的程度也不一样。在积雪下垫面,太阳高度角对反照率的影响最大...  相似文献   

多年冻土区与季节冻土区地表反照率对比观测研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用多年冻土区唐古拉气象站与季节冻土区那曲毕节气象站2008年辐射、土壤未冻水含量及积雪等数据,对两种冻土类型下垫面上的地表反照率进行分析研究,得出两站地表反照率均呈现冬春季较大,夏秋季较小的规律,并且,积雪使地表反照率形成极大值,最大极值接近0.9。唐古拉站的地表反照率整体上比毕节站大,年平均地表反照率分别为0.38和0.31。地表反照率月较差(每月日平均地表反照率最大值与最小值的差值)冬季毕节站高于唐古拉站,而夏秋季节则相反。晴天,两站地表反照率均呈现"U"形,表现出早晚大、中午小,春、夏、秋、冬各季节典型晴天的地表反照率日平均值唐古拉站分别为0.23、0.20、0.20和0.25,毕节站为0.26、0.21、0.22和0.29。此外,讨论了两站太阳高度角和土壤湿度对地表反照率的影响,得出两站地表反照率随太阳高度角的增大均呈现e指数衰减趋势,土壤湿度与地表反照率呈负相关关系,且降雨对地表反照率的变化影响较大。  相似文献   

西北干旱区地表辐射特性的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:11  
利用2000年5-6月敦煌(戈壁)陆面过程野外观测实验加强期的地表辐射观测资料以及HEIFE中绿洲(张掖)和沙漠两站1991年同期的地表辐射观测资料,分析了三种不同下垫面晴天地表辐射各分量的日变化特征。结果表明:绿洲地区和沙漠区总辐射略高于敦煌戈壁区;地表反射率沙漠区和敦煌区明显高于绿洲区,地面有效辐射戈壁区最大,张掖绿洲区最小,地表净辐射张掖绿洲区明显大于沙漠和戈壁区。  相似文献   

Continuous observation data collected over the whole year of 2004 on a cropland surtace m Tongyu, a senti-arid area of northeastern China (44°25'N, 122°52'E), have been used to investigate the variations of surface albedo and soil thermal parameters, including heat capacity, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity, and their relationships to soil moisture. The diurnal variation of surface albedo appears as a U shape curve on sunny days. Surface albedo decreases with the increase of solar elevation angle, and it tends to be a constant when solar elevation angle is larger than 40°. So the daily average surface albedo was computed using the data when solar elevation angle is larger than 40° Mean daily surface albedo is found to decrease with the increase of soil moisture, showing an exponential dependence on soil moisture. The variations of soil heat capacity are small during Julian days 90 300. Compared with the heat capacity, soil thermal conductivity has very gentle variations during this period, but the soil thermal diffusivity has wide variations during the same period. The soil thermal conductivity is found to increase as a power function of soil moisture. The soil thermal diffusivity increases firstly and then decreases with the increase of soil moisture.  相似文献   

利用2013年我国西北戈壁、沙漠和黄土塬区三类典型裸土下垫面野外观测试验资料,探究了上述地区地表向下、向上长波辐射(DLR&ULR)、地表温度(LST)和地表宽波段发射率(LSBE)的变化特征,结果表明:黄土站地表ULR和LST明显比戈壁和沙漠站偏低;戈壁宽波段发射率(GbBE)、沙漠宽波段发射率(DeBE)和黄土宽波段发射率(LoBE)具有明显的变化特征,尤其是日变化特征;观测期内GbBE、DeBE和LoBE平均值分别约为0.926±0.0452、0.916±0.0419和0.881±0.049。三站点地表宽波段发射率的数值大小和变化特征与陆面模式中所指定的参数化情况不符。地表发射率会受站点周围环境和当时气象条件等因素的影响,表层土壤湿度被认为是一个非常重要的影响因子,将来的野外观测试验中需加强相关影响要素的观测与分析。  相似文献   

The understanding of surface spectral radiation and reflected radiation characteristics of different surfaces in different climate zones aids in the interpretation of regional surface energy transfers and the development of land surface models. This study analysed surface spectral radiation variations and corresponding surface albedo characteristics at different wavelengths as well as the relationship between 5-cm soil moisture and surface albedo on typical sunny days during the winter wheat growth period. The analysis was conducted using observational Loess Plateau winter wheat data from 2015. The results show that the ratio of atmospheric downward radiation to global radiation on typical sunny days is highest for near-infrared wavelengths, followed by visible wavelengths and ultraviolet wavelengths, with values of 57.3, 38.7 and 4.0%, respectively. The ratio of reflected spectral radiation to global radiation varies based on land surface type. The visible radiation reflected by vegetated surfaces is far less than that reflected by bare ground, with surface albedos of 0.045 and 0.27, respectively. Thus, vegetated surfaces absorb more visible radiation than bare ground. The atmospheric downward spectral radiation to global radiation diurnal variation ratios vary for near-infrared wavelengths versus visible and ultraviolet wavelengths on typical sunny days. The near-infrared wavelengths ratio is higher in the morning and evening and lower at noon. The visible and ultraviolet wavelengths ratios are lower in the morning and evening and higher at noon. Visible and ultraviolet wavelength surface albedo is affected by 5-cm soil moisture, demonstrating a significant negative correlation. Excluding near-infrared wavelengths, correlations between surface albedo and 5-cm soil moisture pass the 99% confidence test at each wavelength. The correlation with 5-cm soil moisture is more significant at shorter wavelengths. However, this study obtained surface spectral radiation characteristics that were affected by land surface vegetation coverage as well as by soil physical properties.  相似文献   

The relationship of surface albedo with the solar altitude angle and soil moisture is analyzed based on two-year (January 2002 to December 2003) observational data from the AWS (Automatic Weather Station) at MS3478 in the northern Tibetan Plateau during the experimental period of CEOP/CAMP-Tibet (Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period Asia-Australia Monsoon Project on the Tibetan Plateau). As a double-variable (solar altitude angle and soil moisture) function, surface albedo varies inconspicuously with any single factor. By using the method of approximately separating the double-variable function into two, one-factor functions (product and addition), the relationship of albedo with these two factors presents much better. The product and additional empirical formulae of albedo are then preliminarily fitted based on long-term experimental data. By comparison with observed values, it is found that the parameterization formulae fitted by using observational data are mostly reliable and their correlation coefficients are both over 0.6. The empirical formulae of albedo though, for the northern Tibetan Plateau, need to be tested by much more representative observational data with the help of numerical models and the retrieval of remote sensing data. It is practical until it is changed into effective parameterization formulae representing a grid scale in models.  相似文献   

To improve the simulation of the surface radiation budget and related thermal processes in arid regions, three sophisticated surface albedo schemes designed for such regions were incorporated into the Biosphere- Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS). Two of these schemes are functions of the solar zenith angle (SZA), where the first one has one adjustable parameter defined as SZA1 scheme, and the second one has two empirical parameters defined as SZA2 scheme. The third albedo scheme is a function of solar angle and soil water that were developed based on arid-region observations from the Dunhuang field experiment (DHEX) (defined as DH scheme). We evaluated the performance of the original and newly-incorporated albedo schemes within BATS using the in-situ data from the Oasis System Energy and Water Cycle Field Experiment that was carried out in JinTa, Gansu arid area (JTEX). The results indicate that a control run by the original version of the BATS generates a constant albedo, while the SZA1 and SZA2 schemes basically can reproduce the observed diurnal cycle of surface albedo, although these two schemes still underestimate the albedo when SZA is high in the early morning and late afternoon, and overestimate it when SZA is low during noontime. The SZA2 scheme has a better overall performance than the SZA1 scheme. In addition, BATS with the DH scheme slightly improves the albedo simulation in magnitude as compared to that from the control run, but a diurnal cycle of albedo is not produced by this scheme. The SZA1 and SZA2 schemes significantly increase the surface absorbed solar radiation by nearly 70 W m^-2, which further raises the ground temperature by 6 K and the sensible heat flux by 35 W m^-2. The increased solar radiation, heat flux, and temperature are more consistent with the observations that those from the control run. However, a significant improvement in these three variables is not found in BATS with the DH scheme due to the neglect of the diurnal cycle of albedo. Further analysis indi  相似文献   

Land surface processes take place on the interface between the earth and atmosphere, exerting significant influences on the weather and climate. Correct modeling of these processes is important to numerical weather forecast and climate prediction. In order to obtain a more thorough understanding of the land surface processes over the Gobi landscape, we evaluated the performance of the Common Land Model (CoLM) at Dunhuang station in Gansu Province of China to determine whether the model formulation, driven by observational data, is capable of simulating surface fluxes over the underlying desert surface. In comparison with the enhanced observation data collected at Dunhuang station over the period 22–28 August 2008, the results showed that the surface albedo simulated by CoLM was larger than that in the observation, and the simulated surface temperature was lower than the observed. After the measured values were used to correct the surface albedo, the solar radiation absorbed by the ground surface was more consistent with the measurements. A new empirical relationship of the surface thermal exchange coefficient rah was used to modify the thermal aerodynamic impedance. The simulated soil surface temperature became significantly closer to the observed value, and the simulated surface sensible heat as well as net radiative fluxes were also improved.  相似文献   

新疆东部黑戈壁作为气候恶劣、人迹罕至的生态脆弱区,具有丰富的太阳能资源。利用红柳河陆气相互作用观测站2019年4、7、9月观测资料,分析东疆黑戈壁地表辐射及能量收支演变特征。结果表明:(1)地表辐射及能量收支各分量日变化均为单峰型。就不同季节而言,太阳总辐射和净辐射为夏季>春季>秋季,反射短波辐射为春季>夏季>秋季,地表和大气长波辐射为夏季>秋季>春季。(2)能量收支各分量季节变化明显,感热通量为春季>夏季>秋季,潜热通量为夏季>秋季>春季,地表土壤热通量为秋季>夏季>春季;能量分配在不同季节均以感热为主,地表土壤热通量次之,潜热通量极其微弱。(3)地表反照率日变化均为“U”型,在不同季节表现为春季>秋季>夏季,依次为0.29、0.27、0.26。东疆黑戈壁地表反照率整体较高,这是下垫面为黑色砾石所致。  相似文献   

黑河地区夏末太阳辐射特征的初步分析   总被引:30,自引:9,他引:21  
邹基玲  侯旭宏 《高原气象》1992,1(4):381-388

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