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叶小伟  乔建芳 《干旱区地理》2022,45(4):1313-1319
乌兹别克斯坦是位于中亚腹地的“双内陆国”,是古代丝绸之路沿线的重要国家之一。针对“一带一路”倡议实施框架内中国与乌兹别克斯坦在可再生能源领域合作的需要,利用文献、数据等分析法,从太阳能、水能、风能、地热能、沼气能等可再生能源的发展现状、国家发展规划、优惠激励措施和可再生能源领域的最新投资项目等角度,对乌兹别克斯坦可再生能源发展总体情况和需求进行了分析。结果表明:乌兹别克斯坦拥有良好的可再生资源条件,未来可再生能源利用比例也将逐渐提高。近年来,乌兹别克斯坦政府高度重视可再生能源发展,接连出台有关政策,大力推进可再生能源发电项目建设,以期实现能源多样化。中乌可再生能源利用领域合作前景广阔,双方在人才、技术、资金、设备等方面合作空间巨大,在提高可再生能源利用效率、发展绿色经济和开展低碳能源合作领域将大有作为。  相似文献   

In this paper, we look at the relationship between the development of domestic and overseas markets for Australian renewable energy. It is argued that encouraging the promotion of Australian renewable energy technology in overseas markets could be a practical strategy for developing the Australian renewable energy industry. Also, it is reasoned, Australian foreign aid and trade organisations could play an important role in assisting the Australian renewable energy industry via overseas market research, technology transfer, and human resource and institutional development programs. We suggest that further research and development cooperation between Australian renewable energy companies and research institutes would be beneficial, especially in exploring potential overseas markets. We also recommend that joint ventures between renewable energy industry partners in Australia and developing countries be used to promote growth in Australian renewable energy exports and, ultimately, in developing Australia's renewable energy industries.  相似文献   

After many years of slow progress, we find that worldwide environmental, political, and economic pressures are providing greater purchase for the accelerated development of renewable energy. Although many people would consider this quickening pace good news, the transition from conventional resources has encountered public resistance. In this article I examine the nature of challenges to the development of geothermal, wind, and solar energy projects in three places: the United States, Scotland, and Mexico. The common thread in the public reservations about renewable energy is landscape change and the consequent disruption such change produces to established ways of life for those who are nearby. It also suggests the importance of rebalancing the emphasis of renewable energy programs away from the traditional technical focus that dominates development planning. The more suitable and expedient approach would be to consider the challenges of development as predominantly social matters with technical components, rather than the other way around. To accept this view is to unlock the door to a renewable energy future.  相似文献   

While political ideology is a consistent predictor of public environmental views in the United States, religious affiliation may also be an important correlate of environmental attitudes, especially in regions with a majority denomination. Using data from a 2014 survey in five communities across Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming (n = 906) experiencing renewable energy development, we investigate the influence of religious affiliation on environmental beliefs, views about climate change, and support for renewable energy. We are particularly interested in the influence of Mormonism, an understudied area of research. We find Mormonism, Protestantism, and Catholicism all significantly and negatively related to general pro-environment beliefs. However, this relationship doesn’t hold as consistently for views about global warming or renewable energy development. We also find income, gender, length of residence, and political orientation to be important predictors of environmental attitudes, and that general environmental beliefs are only weakly related to views about renewable energy.  相似文献   

种照辉  姜信洁  何则 《地理研究》2022,41(12):3214-3228
随着可再生能源成为国际能源贸易重要增长点,国家和地区间的能源贸易依赖关系也随之变化。基于2011—2020年世界能源、经济及创新指数等数据,通过社会网络分析法阐释化石能源和可再生能源的贸易情况,探讨化石能源和可再生能源贸易依赖网络的演化过程,使用 QAP回归方法定量分析化石能源贸易依赖网络和可再生能源贸易依赖网络之间的关系。结果表明:在2011—2020年,化石能源贸易的稳定性较高,而可再生能源贸易发展迅速。可再生能源贸易依赖网络展现出更高的整体依赖程度,其对化石能源贸易的依赖关系产生了替代作用。中国既要大力推进可再生能源产业发展,也要加强与能源大国的贸易合作,从而与世界建立更加稳固的双向能源贸易合作的网络关系。  相似文献   

Wind is a great source of renewable energy in western Alaska.Consistent winds blow across the barren tundra underlain by warm permafrost in the winter season,when the energy demand is the highest.Foundation engineering in warm permafrost has always been a challenge in wind energy development.Degrading warm permafrost poses engineering issues to design,construction,and operation of wind turbines.This paper describes the foundation design of a wind turbine built in western Alaska.It presents a system for response monitoring and load assessment,and data collected from September 2013 to March 2014.The dynamic properties are assessed based on the monitoring data,and seasonal changes in the dynamic properties of the turbine tower-foundation system and likely resonance between the spinning blades and the tower structure are discussed.These analyses of a wind turbine in warm permafrost are valuable for designing or retrofitting of foundations in warm permafrost.  相似文献   

We are beginning to consider the concept of sustainable (renewable) energy when we develop new technologies. Our present technologies are not sustainable. We are living on capital. Given that one hour of sunlight could provide our annual needs for one year, the future must be with solar energy. Geothermal energy sources, using the normal thermal gradient of Earth, are also impressive. There is no sign thatHomo sapiens has the wisdom to use fission energy given the potential abuses of this technology. One thing is certain, if we continue to burn fossil carbon to supply the world's increasing energy demands, the consequences will be devastating for all life.  相似文献   

Agencies in the US with oversight for marine renewable energy development idealistically have sought space where this new use might proceed unhindered by other uses. Despite experiential evidence of spatial overlap among existing ocean uses, a lack of documentation made the identification of potential space-use conflicts, communication between existing and potential ocean users, and the design of mitigation exceedingly challenging.We conducted a study along the US Atlantic and Pacific coasts to gather and document available spatial information on existing use through a compilation and organization of geographic information system (GIS) data. Stakeholder group meetings were used to vet the collected spatial data, and ethnographic interviews were conducted to gather knowledge and cultural perspectives. Results show extensive coverage and overlap of existing ocean space uses and provide a visualization of the social and cultural landscape of the ocean that managers can use to determine which stakeholders to engage.Marine resource managers are encouraged to recognize that marine space use is dynamic and multi-dimensional and as such research thereof requires a balance between the efficiency of GIS and the stories captured and told by ethnographic research. There are important linkages within and across fisheries and other uses, communities and interests, and across the land–sea interface. Therefore, it is important to use techniques demonstrated in this research that (1) integrate ethnographic and geospatial data collection and analysis; (2) engage stakeholders throughout the process; and (3) recognize the unique qualities of each geographic location and user group to support sound decision-making.  相似文献   

中国与全球能源网络的互动逻辑与格局转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨宇 《地理学报》2022,77(2):295-314
当前中国正处于从油气时代向可再生能源时代转变的关键时期,中国能源需求结构和能源利用形式的变化决定了中国与全球能源的互动逻辑发生了深刻转变。为更好理解中国与全球的能源互动过程,本文探讨了全球能源互动的基本理论认知,并借助复杂网络、投入产出分析等技术方法分析了中国与全球能源互动格局及其变化。研究发现中国与全球能源互动的范围不断扩大,程度不断加深,从油气贸易到可再生能源贸易,从油气为主的投资到多元化能源品种的投资,从传统能源贸易到隐含能源贸易等方面,中国逐渐塑造了多元化的全球能源格局。主要结论为:① “多煤少油缺气”的能源生产结构和巨大的油气需求,决定了保障海外油气供应是中国与全球能源互动最直接的逻辑,互动区域主要集中在油气富集的国家和地区。② 随着可再生能源的发展,中国与全球能源互动逻辑从单纯的油气贸易转变为涉及可再生能源相关产品的贸易,凭借制造业优势,互动范围从油气富集的国家和地区拓展到全球拥有可再生能源发展和装机需求的国家,形成了覆盖全球主要国家和地区的可再生能源贸易新格局。③ 中国的海外能源投资目标从有限数量的东道国扩展到欧洲、东南亚等国家和地区,投资业务不仅局限在油气领域,也扩大到太阳能、风能和水能等可再生能源发电项目及电网等基础设施建设投资。④ 中国作为全球制造业大国和贸易大国,在全球化程度加深的背景下,部分能源隐含于全球生产网络和贸易网络中进行二次分配,中国与全球能源互动范围进一步拓展到与中国具有一般商品贸易关系的国家和地区,形成了全球“能源中枢”的功能。本文可为深刻认识中国与全球的能源互动关系,维护国家能源安全和参与全球能源经济治理提供理论视角与决策依据。  相似文献   

面对严峻的农业面源污染问题,环境友好型农业技术的推广和落地对于中国实现乡村生态振兴和农业农村现代化具有重要意义。但现实中,该类型技术在乡村地区一直面临推广难,采纳度低的问题。以往众多研究证明,社会网络是技术扩散的有效途径和支撑。基于此,本文从社会网络的视角构建了农业技术创新扩散的理论框架,通过2016—2020年广东省农业面源污染治理的实践调研及10个县市3015份问卷数据的定量分析,总结出环境友好型农业技术扩散的四个阶段:① 初始阶段:农户间简单离散的技术互动。② 单核阶段:精英农户的点式嵌入与拟亲缘网络扩散。③ 多核阶段:多个精英农户形成与业缘关系网络扩散。④ 高水平互动阶段:农业经济组织的形成与功能性网络扩散。个体资源禀赋、技术有效性及感知度、技术传播方式和外部环境作为技术扩散的四个主要影响因素,在不同的阶段发挥着不同的作用。本研究成果有助于理解中国农业技术扩散的实践逻辑和底层机制,对同类技术推广有重要的政策意义。  相似文献   

在阐明世界生物质能发展现状和趋势的基础上,从中国和福建省的资源现状分析和需求分析2方面,对福建省发展以生物能源为龙头的生物质产业群的资源与需求进行分析;根据福建省生物能源技术发展的现状,分析了福建省生物质工程产业发展的经济可行性;提出福建省生物能源产业的战略目标和战略重点,包括实施中应注意的问题、重点考察的领域、重大产业化示范的可能区域和科技创新体系建设.  相似文献   


Due to several growing environmental constraints, renewable energy sources currently play an increasingly crucial role that, owing to their high temporal and spatial variability, needs a careful planning approach. It is important therefore to develop a framework that examines the distribution of different energy sources in a spatio-temporal context. From an energy point of view, a regional territory, such as an internal southern Italian region (the Basilicata Region), can be considered as a paradigmatic case study, because it is characterized by significant sources of renewable energy (e.g., biomass, wind, solar, hydro) connected to its morphological and environmental structure, as well as to its agricultural and food productions. The present paper in based on an analysis of the spatial supply and relationships between renewable energy potentials and rural land, through the use of a Geographic Information System that has been implemented with the aim to analyze the energy system, as well as to optimize the valorization of biomass resources that may be still unutilized within the bioenergy production chain. This study has been carried out even to bridge the gap between energy systems modeling and landscape planning. Within this context, an “Energyscape” may be considered as the effect resulting on the rural landscape from a combination of the supply, demand and infrastructure for energy. This framework could be therefore a starting point for an interdisciplinary analysis able to figure out optimal solutions in decision-making processes, which duly respect the protection and restoring of endangered ecosystems, supporting the decision about an optimal spatial localization of energy plants as well.


在阐明世界生物质能发展现状和趋势的基础上,从中国和福建省的资源现状分析和需求分析2方面,对福建省发展以生物能源为龙头的生物质产业群的资源与需求进行分析;根据福建省生物能源技术发展的现状,分析了福建省生物质工程产业发展的经济可行性;提出福建省生物能源产业的战略目标和战略重点,包括实施中应注意的问题、重点考察的领域、重大产业化示范的可能区域和科技创新体系建设.  相似文献   

中国能源领域温室气体排放现状及减排对策研究   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:18  
齐玉春  董云社 《地理科学》2004,24(5):528-534
自工业革命以来,随着化石燃料的广泛应用,能源领域的温室气体排放逐渐成为其主要的人为排放源,能源、环境和经济发展之间的矛盾也日益成为各国政府共同关注的焦点。如何有效地进行能源活动中温室气体的减排已经成为涉及环境、经济、政治、外交等多方面的全球性科学问题。文章对中国能源开发利用现状和主要温室气体二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)、氧化亚氮(N2O)能源排放源进行了简要分析,并对适合中国国情的温室气体减排与能源可持续开发与利用"双赢",实现"发展型减排"的有效途径进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   


Like many universities in the West, universities across the Arabian Peninsula are increasingly home to various conspicuous sustainability initiatives. This article examines this trend at three of the region’s most prominent projects: NYU-Abu Dhabi in the Emirates, Qatar Foundation’s Education City, and Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Based on the textual analysis and informed by fieldwork in these countries since 2012, this article joins interdisciplinary research in political geography, sustainability experimentation, and laboratory studies to understand their iconic campuses not as enclaves, but as “exemplars” of sustainability and renewable energy futures in the region. Tracing their effects beyond their walls, I argue that they have mostly been limited to symbolically injecting sustainability into public discourse. While more substantial shifts toward sustainable development in the region are underway, these have largely stemmed from market forces rather than a new environmental consciousness promoted by these three iconic universities.  相似文献   

Frances Drake 《Area》2009,41(1):43-54
Energy production has come under increasing scrutiny as concerns about energy security and climate change have risen. In the UK changes in government structure and privatisation of the electricity industry have led to the emergence of multi-level governance. This means that decisions on how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity-generating sector should no longer be solely a national policy decision. Previous studies have sought to explore how renewable energy may develop under multi-level governance, but this paper pays attention to a traditional fossil fuel source, coal, which is still an important means of electricity generation. Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel and advocates argue that carbon capture and storage techniques could make coal 'clean', paving the way for a long-term, secure and low emission way to produce energy. This study focuses on the Yorkshire and Humber Region, which has had a long association with coal mining and looks at the implications of this as the region seeks to develop a climate change action plan and an energy strategy within the new regional governance structures. The paper argues that the regional networks developed to address climate change are influenced by existing social power structures and alliances. The region as a territorial structure becomes a useful device in promoting national priorities.  相似文献   

中国再生性资源型城市创新能力与工业转型耦合协调分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用熵权TOPSIS、耦合协调度和响应度模型等方法,分析2000—2016年再生性资源型城市创新能力与工业转型耦合关系演化特征。发现:① 2000年以来中国再生性资源型城市创新能力和工业转型整体上呈提高趋势,但工业系统脆弱性依然较强,创新能力也较弱。② 再生性资源型城市创新能力与工业转型耦合协调度水平较低但有提高之势,东、中部再生性资源型城市创新能力与工业转型耦合协调状态不断改善,而西部、东北则处于失调状态;非金属、金属、能源、综合4类城市二者耦合协调性呈增强趋势,森工城市失调性加剧;大、中型再生性资源型城市创新能力与工业转型耦合协调水平改善明显,小城市创新能力与工业转型耦合协调协调性较低且持续减弱。③ 创新能力对再生性资源型城市工业转型有正向促进作用,但近年来呈减弱之势。不同类型再生性资源型城市工业转型对创新能力变化的响应程度各异。  相似文献   


The authors employ the global production network (GPN) approach to analyse the development of the renewable energy sector. Through a case study of the development of a Hywind floating offshore wind project (Hywind) across two oil and gas economies, namely Norway and Scotland, the paper sheds light on the key drivers and role of core GPN actors. Methodologically, the authors investigate the process from both ‘inside-out’ and ‘outside-in’ perspectives, referring to the efforts of firms expanding into overseas markets and the efforts of host countries to attract investment from outside their territories. The analysis shows how the configuration of extractive production networks is shaped by the interactions between the network development practices of firms and the market development strategies of host states. The authors conclude that the distinct materiality of floating wind power technology shapes the territorial configuration of the production network by enabling its spatial extension across a range of locations. By contrast, existing research on other extractive sectors has emphasized the spatially constraining effects of materiality (Bridge 2008).  相似文献   

National carbon dioxide emissions: geography matters   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Eric Neumayer 《Area》2004,36(1):33-40
This article examines the role of geographical factors as determinants of cross-country differences in per capita carbon dioxide emissions. Such differences have been explained by economists mostly in terms of per capita income. Geographical factors on the other hand have been neglected by economic analysis. We examine the effects of cold and hot climates, transportation requirements and the availability of renewable energy sources on emissions. We find that with the exception of cooling requirements as measured by hot climates, all these geographical factors are statistically significant determinants of emissions in accordance with our expectation. Furthermore, cold climates and the availability of renewable resources are also substantively important.  相似文献   

This paper uses a multi-faceted approach to understand the use and distribution of different irrigation technologies in the Roman Near East (63 BC - AD 636), looking at the ways in which social and environmental factors affected the implementation of those irrigation technologies. It is argued that no single factor can fully explain how irrigation technologies were used across time and space in this region. Instead, choices in irrigation technology seem to have been governed by a complex nexus of both social and environmental factors.  相似文献   

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