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In many areas of engineering practice, applied loads are not uniformly distributed but often concentrated towards the centre of a foundation. Thus, loads are more realistically depicted as distributed as linearly varying or as parabola of revolution. Solutions for stresses in a transversely isotropic half‐space caused by concave and convex parabolic loads that act on a rectangle have not been derived. This work proposes analytical solutions for stresses in a transversely isotropic half‐space, induced by three‐dimensional, buried, linearly varying/uniform/parabolic rectangular loads. Load types include an upwardly and a downwardly linearly varying load, a uniform load, a concave and a convex parabolic load, all distributed over a rectangular area. These solutions are obtained by integrating the point load solutions in a Cartesian co‐ordinate system for a transversely isotropic half‐space. The buried depth, the dimensions of the loaded area, the type and degree of material anisotropy and the loading type for transversely isotropic half‐spaces influence the proposed solutions. An illustrative example is presented to elucidate the effect of the dimensions of the loaded area, the type and degree of rock anisotropy, and the type of loading on the vertical stress in the isotropic/transversely isotropic rocks subjected to a linearly varying/uniform/parabolic rectangular load. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Quaternary fills of the buried valleys of southern Alberta and Saskatchewan have provided a wealth of information for the reconstruction of the glacial-interglacial record of the western plains of Canada, and this paper reports on the previously unstudied stratigraphy of the buried Calgary Valley and its former tributaries in the lower Red Deer River area. We attempt to differentiate Empress Group sediments, which potentially relate to pre-glacial, interglacial/ interstadial and post-glacial lake and river deposition, using sedimentology, stratigraphy and palaeoecology. Twenty-nine stratigraphical logs indicate that Empress Group sediments have infilled a considerably large area of badlands and tributary coulees that once drained into the Calgary Valley, located 15 km to the north of Dinosaur Provincial Park. Radiocarbon dates of 52.4 ka, 27.4 ka and > 42.4 ka and glacially modified quartz grains suggest that at least some of the valley fills date to interglacial or interstadial periods and may be mid-Wisconsinan in age. However, outcrops of an older till overlying other valley fills suggest that the buried valleys were only partially excavated during interglacials/interstadials and that older (even pre-glacial) sediments could have survived. Subglacial channels, recognisable on air photographs, largely coincide with buried valley positions due to the preferential excavation of the Quaternary sediment by meltwater and are filled with post-glacial lake sediment from which a radiocarbon date of 16 ka BP was obtained. Pre-glacial and glacial/post-glacial Empress Group sediments are lithologically indistinct but cover a large time span in southern Alberta.  相似文献   
Being a composite collisional orogen between North China and South China blocks, the Qinling orogenic belt is the key to understand the composite combination, prolonged evolutionary history and their continental dynamics. The main suture between north and south Qinling, called Shangdan suture zone (SDSZ), had been studied in detail for about twenty years. Recently, another suture zone, called Mianl黣 suture zone (MLSZ), has been identified in the Qinling Mountains. It is characterized b…  相似文献   
文章结合工程实例,介绍在敦煌机场扩建中采用地质雷达进行古墓不良地质体的勘查,取得明显效果。  相似文献   
地幔柱大辩论及如何验证地幔柱假说   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
目前关于地幔柱存在与否的争论主要集中在地幔柱学说的三个假设上:(1)起源于地球核幔边界缓慢上升的细长柱状热物质流;(2)热点下具有异常高温地幔;(3)地幔柱是相对静止的。这三个方面的验证需要今后深部地球物理探测、岩石学和古地磁等学科的综合运用和进一步的工作。文中认为,地幔柱学说依然能合理地解释地球上一级地质现象,反对地幔柱的学者过分强调了一些小尺度的与地幔柱理论不符的细节,而小尺度地壳特征显然还受到其他许多因素的影响。可以从以下5个方面来鉴别老地幔柱:(1)大规模火山作用前的地壳抬升;(2)放射状岩墙群;(3)火山作用的物理特征;(4)火山链的年代学变化;(5)地幔柱产出岩浆的化学组成。研究表明,峨眉山大火成岩省满足其中的3到4个指标,因此地幔柱是形成峨眉山玄武岩的主要动力学机制。  相似文献   
城市地铁隧道施工对管线的影响研究   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22  
结合深圳地铁大剧院-科学馆区间隧道非降水施工对管线的影响问题,阐明了该工程的施工方案,给出了管线安全性的评价标准。在此基础上,首先利用土工离心模型试验,模拟了隧道开挖对管线的影响,然后,利用三维弹塑性有限元法模拟了隧道施工过程中管线的动态响应。通过离心模型试验、数值模拟分析、现场量测的地表沉降值的对比分析可知,三者的数据基本吻合,论证了分析结果的合理性和可靠性,并对施工期间管线的安全性做出了评价,为该工程顺利实施提供了理论依据和指导作用,并取得了一些有意义的成果。  相似文献   
长期以来古海洋表层古水温研究的热点主要集中在第四纪,很少涉及到2.5 Ma之前。利用ODP 184航次1147和1148站位的获得的相关资料,并主要采用长链烯酮U37k)和底栖有孔虫氧同位素(δ18O)两种方法,计算海水氧同位素组成,然后,利用浮游有孔虫氧同位素法计算16 Ma以来的海水温度变化,探讨南海北部16 Ma以来的古海水温度变化机制。结果表明,南海北部水温总体趋势与全球气候发展相对应,在北半球冰盖形成时期,海水表层温度与代表高纬冰盖体积大小的底栖有孔虫δ18O几乎同步变化,反映出南海热带海区古气候变化的特殊性,为进一步研究低纬热带海区在全球古气候变化中的作用提供了新证据。  相似文献   
对古代墓葬出土人骨的研究,可以了解古代人群的健康状况,并可以探讨不同生业模式对古代人群健康状况的影响。中原地区是中国古代文化最发达的地区,也是古代人骨出土最多和考古研究最充分的地区。本文对中原地区比较典型的河南舞阳贾湖遗址和河南灵宝西坡墓地出土人骨进行了全面的骨骼健康状况研究。贾湖遗址以渔猎采集为主要经济形态,距今9000~7800年;西坡墓地以农业为主,距今约5000年。骨骼研究显示,贾湖遗址和西坡墓地的两性身高呈逐渐降低的趋势;口腔疾病研究显示,在龋齿、牙周病、齿根脓疡、牙结石、釉质发育不全等疾病的发病率上,西坡墓地的发病率都明显高于贾湖遗址;身体骨骼研究显示,西坡墓地在退行性关节病、骨质疏松症和贫血等的发病率也明显高于贾湖遗址。这些可能暗示了,古代人群的健康状况在从渔猎采集经济向农业经济转变过程中呈逐渐恶化的趋势。但同时,作为健康指标的重要特征,西坡墓地较贾湖遗址的平均寿命有了明显的提高。结合考古学研究成果,我们认为农业经济虽然在一定程度上对古代人群的健康有一定的负面影响,但农业经济的发展,提供了更稳定的食物供应,养活了更多的人口,使得古代遗址规模不断扩大,社会复杂化逐渐深化,也创造了更多的社会财富,为向文明社会的转化奠定了物质基础。因此,农业经济的转变总体上促进了古代人群的健康状况的发展和文明的进步,农业经济对人类的进步做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   
陕西渭北石炭-二叠纪煤田澄合矿区4号煤层是区内主要可采煤层之一。通过对区内煤层厚度与其上覆煤系厚度、煤中灰分、硫分及煤层顶板岩性-岩相等因素的相关性分析,结合4号煤层成煤期与聚煤期后环境分析,探讨了研究区及其周缘地区4号煤层厚度变化原因。结果显示:4号煤层厚度与上覆煤系厚度、煤中灰分及硫分均呈正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.810 1、0.430 9、0.813 6;该煤层发育于浅水型三角洲沉积体系的三角洲平原地带;煤层厚度变化受控于聚煤期同沉积构造和聚煤期后河流冲蚀作用的双重影响,前者使煤层厚度变化较小,后者对煤层厚度影响较大,甚至出现无煤带。  相似文献   
采用等效弹簧边界分析埋地管线在沉陷情况下的反应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
场地的不均匀沉陷是导致埋地管线破坏重要原因之一.到目前为止,国内外对沉陷区埋地管线的反应分析甚少.为了真实地分析管线在沉陷情况下的反应,通过引入一个非线性弹簧,作为分析埋地管线在沉陷情况下反应的边界条件,以代替远处直线段管线的变形,将管线模拟成四节点薄壳单元,土介质简化为弹塑性弹簧,采用线性位移加载来模拟土体的沉陷作用,对有限元模型进行计算分析.通过实例计算,得出了管线的控制力,找出了管线的控制截面,为沉陷区埋地管线的设计提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   
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