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Elastic closed-form solutions for the displacements and stresses in a transversely isotropic half-space subjected to various buried loading types are presented. The loading types include finite line loads and asymmetric loads (such as uniform and linearly varying rectangular loads, or trapezoidal loads). The planes of transverse isotropy are assumed to be parallel to its horizontal surface. These solutions are directly obtained from integrating the point load solutions in a transversely isotropic half-space, which were derived using the principle of superposition, Fourier and Hankel transformation techniques. The solutions for the displacements and stresses in transversely isotropic half-spaces subjected to linearly variable loads on a rectangular region are never mentioned in literature. These exact solutions indicate that the displacements and stresses are influenced by several factors, such as the buried depth, the loading types, and the degree and type of rock anisotropy. Two illustrative examples, a vertical uniform and a vertical linearly varying rectangular load acting on the surface of transversely isotropic rock masses, are presented to show the effect of various parameters on the vertical surface displacement and vertical stress. The results indicate that the displacement and stress distributions accounted for rock anisotropy are quite different for those calculated from isotropic solutions. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A boundary integral equation method is presented for a rigid cylindrical pipe‐pile of finite length embedded in a transversely isotropic half‐space under lateral loads. In the framework of three‐dimensional elastostatics, the complicated soil‐structure interaction problem is shown to be reducible to three coupled Fredholm integral equations. Through an analysis of the associated Cauchy singular kernels, the intrinsic singular characteristics of the radial, angular, and vertical interfacial load transfers are rendered explicit. By means of a complicated numerical procedure, detailed results on the three‐dimensional load–transfer process are provided for benchmark comparison and practical applications. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We rederive and present the complete closed-form solutions of the displacements and stresses subjected to a point load in a transversely isotropic elastic half-space. The half-space is bounded by a horizontal surface, and the plane of transverse isotropy of the medium is parallel to the horizontal surface. The solutions are obtained by superposing the solutions of two infinite spaces, one acting a point load in its interior and the other being free loading. The Fourier and Hankel transforms in a cylindrical co-ordinate system are employed for deriving the analytical solutions. These solutions are identical with the Mindlin and Boussinesq solutions if the half-space is homogeneous, linear elastic, and isotropic. Also, the Lekhnitskii solution for a transversely isotropic half-space subjected to a vertical point load on its horizontal surface is one of these solutions. Furthermore, an illustrative example is given to show the effect of degree of rock anisotropy on the vertical surface displacement and vertical stress that are induced by a single vertical concentrated force acting on the surface. The results indicate that the displacement and stress accounted for rock anisotropy are quite different for the displacement and stress calculated from isotropic solutions. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A transversely isotropic linear elastic half‐space, z?0, with the isotropy axis parallel to the z‐axis is considered. The purpose of the paper is to determine displacements and stresses fields in the interior of the half‐space when a rigid circular disk of radius a completely bonded to the surface of the half‐space is rotated through a constant angle θ0. The region of the surface lying out with the circle r?a, is free from stresses. This problem is a type of Reissner–Sagoci mixed boundary value problems. Using cylindrical co‐ordinate system and applying Hankel integral transform in the radial direction, the problem may be changed to a system of dual integral equations. The solution of the dual integral equations is obtained by an approach analogous to Sneddon's (J. Appl. Phys. 1947; 18 :130–132), so that the circumferential displacement and stress fields inside the medium are obtained analytically. The same problem has already been approached by Hanson and Puja (J. Appl. Mech. 1997; 64 :692–694) by the use of integrating the point force potential functions. It is analytically proved that the present solution, although of a quite different form, is equivalent to that given by Hanson and Puja. To illustrate the solution, a few plots are provided. The displacements and the stresses in a soil deposit due to a rotationally symmetric force or boundary displacement may be obtained using the results of this paper. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical investigation of a half‐space containing transversely isotropic material under forced vertical and horizontal displacements applied on a rectangular rigid foundation is presented in this paper. With the goal of a rigorous solution to the shape‐ and rigidity‐ induced singular mixed boundary value problem, the formulation employs scalar potential representation, the Fourier expansion and the Hankel integral transforms method to obtain the surface arbitrary point‐load solution in cylindrical coordinate system. The obtained Green's functions are rewritten in rectangular coordinate system, allowing the response of the half‐space because of an arbitrary distributed load on a rectangular surface area be given in terms of a double integral. The numerical evaluations of stresses are done with the use of an element, which is singular at the edge and the corner of the rectangle. Upon the imposition of the rigidity displacement boundary condition for a rigid foundation and the use of a set of two‐dimensional adaptive‐gradient elements, which can capture the singular behavior in the contact stress effectively, a set of new numerical results are presented to illustrate the effect of transverse isotropy on the foundation response. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A theoretical formulation is presented for the determination of the interaction of a vertically loaded disc embedded in a transversely isotropic half‐space. By means of a complete representation using a displacement potential, it is shown that the governing equations of motion for this class of problems can be uncoupled into a fourth‐order partial differential equation. With the aid of Hankel transforms, a relaxed treatment of the mixed‐boundary value problem is formulated as dual integral equations, which, in turn, are reduced to a Fredholm equation of the second kind. In addition to furnishing a unified view of existing solutions for zero and infinite embedments, the present treatment reveals a severe boundary‐layer phenomenon, which is apt to be of interest to this class of problems in general. The present solutions are analytically in exact agreement with the existing solutions for a half‐space with isotropic material properties. To confirm the accuracy of the numerical evaluation of the integrals involved, numerical results are included for cases of different degrees of the material anisotropy and compared with existing solutions. Further numerical examples are also presented to elucidate the influence of the degree of the material anisotropy on the response. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work presents analytical solutions for displacements caused by three‐dimensional point loads in a transversely isotropic full space, in which transversely isotropic planes are inclined with respect to the horizontal loading surface. In the derivation, the triple Fourier transforms are employed toyield integral expressions of Green's displacement; then, the triple inverse Fourier transforms and residue calculus are performed to integrate the contours. The solutions herein indicate that the displacements are governed by (1) the rotation of the transversely isotropic planes (?), (2) the type and degree of material anisotropy (E/E′, ν/ν′, G/G′), (3) the geometric position (r, φ, ξ) and (4) the types of loading (Px, Py, Pz). The solutions are identical to those of Liao and Wang (Int. J. Numer. Anal. Methods Geomechanics 1998; 22 (6):425–447) if the full space is homogeneous and linearly elastic and the transversely isotropic planes are parallel to the horizontal surface. Additionally, a series of parametric study is conducted to demonstrate the presented solutions, and to elucidate the effect of the aforementioned factors on the displacements. The results demonstrate that the displacements in the infinite isotropic/transversely isotropic rocks, subjected to three‐dimensional point loads could be easily determined using the proposed solutions. Also, these solutions could realistically imitate the actual stratum of loading situations in numerous areas of engineering. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the framework of elastostatics, a mathematical treatment is presented for the boundary value problem of the interaction of a flexible cylindrical pile embedded in a transversely isotropic half‐space under transverse loadings. Taking the pile region as a stiffened subdomain of an extended half‐space, the formulation of the interaction problem is reduced to a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. The necessary set of Green's functions for the transversely isotropic half‐space is obtained by means of a method of potentials. The resulting Green's functions are incorporated into a numerical procedure for the solution of the integral equation. The theoretical response of the pile is presented in terms of bending moment, displacement and slope profiles for a variety of transversely isotropic materials so that the effect of different anisotropy parameters can be meaningfully discussed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A transversely isotropic multi‐layered half‐space, with axis of material symmetry perpendicular to the free surface, supports a flexible either annular or solid circle foundation. The contact area of the foundation and the half‐space is considered to be both frictionless and tensionless. The foundation is assumed to be affected by a vertical static axisymmetric load. Detailed analysis of the interaction of these two systems with different thickness of layers is the target of this paper. With the use of ring load Green's functions for both the foundation and the continuum half‐space, an integral equation accompanied with some inequalities is introduced to model the complex BVP. With the incorporation of ring‐shape FEM, we are capable of capturing both regular and singular solution smoothly. The validity of the combination of the analytical and numerical method is proved with comparing the results of this paper with a number of benchmark cases of both linear and nonlinear interaction of circular and annular foundation with half‐space. Some new illustrations are presented to portray the aspect of the anisotropy and layering of the half‐space. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper presents a three‐dimensional study on the steady‐state response of a track system and layered half‐space soil medium subjected to the load induced by the passages of a moving train with the substructure method. Practically, due to the ground water table being several meters beneath the ground surface, the soil profile can be divided into two layers: the upper layer modeled by an elastic medium and the lower layer by a fully saturated poroelastic medium governed by Biot's theory. In the meanwhile, the rails are regarded as an infinitely long Euler beam, and the sleepers are represented by a continuous mass. The effect of the ballast is accounted for by introducing the Cosserat model for granular medium, and the train is described by a series of moving axle point loads, depending on the geometry of the train. The influences of the thickness, the mass and the rigidity of the elastic layer and the mass of the ballast on rail's displacement responses are carefully investigated. Numerical results show that the influences of these parameters are significant for high train velocity, while vanishes for low velocity. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article a numerical solution for a three‐dimensional isotropic, viscoelastic half‐space subjected to concentrated surface stress loadings is synthesized with the aid of the Radon and Fourier integral transforms. Dynamic displacement and stress fields are computed for points at the surface and inside the domain. The analysis is performed in the frequency domain. Viscoelastic effects are incorporated by means of the elastic–viscoelastic correspondence principle. The equations of motion are solved in the Radon–Fourier transformed domain. Inverse transformations to the physical domain are accomplished numerically. The scheme used to perform the numerical inverse transformations is addressed. The solution is validated by comparison with results available in the literature. A set of original dynamic displacement and stress solutions for points within the half‐space is presented. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The fundamental solutions were obtained for step‐like point forces acting in three orthogonal directions and an instantaneous fluid point source in a fluid‐saturated, porous, infinite solid of transversely isotropic elasticity and permeability. After expressing the governing equations in the form of matrix in the Laplace space, we employed Kupradze's method together with the triple Fourier transforms. This method reduces the simultaneous partial differential equations with respect to three displacement components and a pore fluid pressure to a differential equation in terms of only one potential scalar function, which can be operationally solved in the transformed space. After the Laplace inversion of the potential, the residue theorem was applied to its Fourier inverse transform with respect to one of the transformation variables. The Fourier transforms with respect to two other variables were rewritten into the Hankel transforms. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A single pile embedded in a layered poroelastic half‐space subjected to a harmonic lateral load is investigated in this study. Based on Biot's theory, the frequency domain fundamental solution for a horizontal circular patch load applied in the layered poroelastic half‐space is derived via the transmission and reflection matrices method. Utilizing Muki and Sternberg's method, the second kind of Fredholm integral equation describing the dynamic interaction between the layered half‐space and the pile subjected to a top harmonic lateral load is constructed. The proposed methodology is validated by comparing results of this paper with some existing results. Numerical results show that for a two‐layered half‐space, the thickness of the upper softer layer has pronounced influences on the dynamic response of the pile and the half‐space. For a three‐layered half‐space, the presence of a softer middle layer in the layered half‐space will enhance the compliance for the pile significantly, while a stiffer middle layer will diminish the dynamic compliance of the pile considerably. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analytical solutions are derived for a three‐invariant Cam clay model subjected to proportional and circular drained loading histories. The solutions are presented for a specific volume, and volumetric and generalized shear strains. In the case of a proportional loading only straight effective stress paths are considered while in the case of a circular loading the maximum possible change in Lode's angle is π/3 due to plastic isotropy. Additionally, a concept of deviatoric stiffness is devised and an analytical expression for the generalized hardening modulus is derived. Qualitative and quantitative analyses are carried out in the form of direct comparisons between analytical solutions for drained and undrained loading histories thus offering an improved understanding of the three‐invariant model. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A hybrid finite element method and differential quadrature method (DQM) is developed to estimate the dynamic response of two‐dimensional multilayered half‐spaces subjected to impulsive point loading. Nonreflecting absorbing boundary conditions consist of appropriate springs, and dampers are considered. The capabilities of the finite element method for solving boundary value problems with general domain, loading and systematic boundary treatment are combined with accurate and stable time marching capabilities of the DQM to develop an accurate and efficient numerical technique. The capability, efficiency, robustness and convergence of the DQM for solving the dynamic problem are demonstrated through numerical simulations of various half‐spaces with different time increments and layer arrangement. Also, comparison study when using Newmark's time integration scheme for the same problem is done. It can be concluded that the DQM as an unconditionally stable method is suitable for solving such a problem. Also, parametric study is performed to show the effect of the absorbing boundary conditions on the dynamic response. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the closed‐form solutions for the elastic fields in two bonded rocks induced by rectangular loadings. Each of the two bonded rocks behaves as a transversely isotropic linear elastic solid of semi‐infinite extent. They are completely bonded together at a horizontal surface. The rectangular loadings are body forces along either vertical or horizontal directions and are uniformly applied on a rectangular area. The rectangular area is embedded in the two bonded rocks and is parallel to the horizontal interface. The classical integral transforms are used in the solution formulation, and the elastic solutions are expressed in the forms of elementary harmonic functions for the rectangular loadings. The stresses and displacements in the rocks induced by both the horizontal and vertical body forces are also presented. The numerical results illustrate the important effect of the anisotropic bimaterial properties on the stress and displacement fields. The solutions can be easily implemented for numerical calculations and applied to problems encountered in rock mechanics and engineering. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, the dynamic response of a poroelastic half‐space to a point fluid sink is investigated using Biot's dynamic theory of poroelasticity. Based on Biot's theory, the governing field equations are re‐formulated in frequency domain with solid displacement and pore pressure. In a cylindrical coordinate system, a method of displacement potentials for axisymmetric displacement field is proposed to decouple the Biot's field equations to three scalar Helmholtz equations, and then the general solution to axisymmetric problems are obtained. The full‐space fundamental singular solution for a point sink is also derived using potential methods. The mirror‐image method is finally applied to construct the fundamental solution for a point sink buried in a poroelastic half‐space. Furthermore, a numerical study is conducted for a rock, that is, Berea sandstone, as a representative example. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Previous work on three‐dimensional shakedown analysis of cohesive‐frictional materials under moving surface loads has been entirely for isotropic materials. As a result, the effects of anisotropy, both elastic and plastic, of soil and pavement materials are ignored. This paper will, for the first time, develop three‐dimensional shakedown solutions to allow for the variation of elastic and plastic material properties with direction. Melan's lower‐bound shakedown theorem is used to derive shakedown solutions. In particular, a generalised, anisotropic Mohr–Coulomb yield criterion and cross‐anisotropic elastic stress fields are utilised to develop anisotropic shakedown solutions. It is found that shakedown solutions for anisotropic materials are dominated by Young's modulus ratio for the cases of subsurface failure and by shear modulus ratio for the cases of surface failure. Plastic anisotropy is mainly controlled by material cohesion ratio, the rise of which increases the shakedown limit until a maximum value is reached. The anisotropic shakedown limit varies with frictional coefficient, and the peak value may not occur for the case of normal loading only. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A method is presented for coupling cubic‐order quadrilateral finite elements with the finite side of a new coordinate ascent hierarchical infinite element. At a common side shared by a hierarchical infinite element and an arbitrary number of finite elements, the displacements are minimized in the least square sense with respect to the degrees‐of‐freedom of the finite elements. This leads to a set of equations that relate the degrees‐of‐freedom of the finite and hierarchical infinite elements on the shared side. The method is applied to a non‐homogeneous cross‐anisotropic half‐space subjected to a non‐uniform circular loading with Young's and shear moduli varying with depth according to the power law. A constant mesh constructed from coupled finite and hierarchical infinite elements is used and convergence is sought simply by increasing the degree of the interpolating polynomial. The displacements and stresses produced by conical and parabolic circular loads applied on the surface are obtained. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated through convergence and comparison studies. New results produced by a frusto‐conical circular load applied on the surface of a half‐space made up of heavily consolidated London clay are provided. The non‐homogeneity parameter and degree of anisotropy are shown to influence the soil response. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, we present the solutions for the stresses induced by four different loads associated with an axially loaded pile in a continuously inhomogeneous cross‐anisotropic half‐space. The planes of cross‐anisotropy are parallel to the horizontal surface of the half‐space, and the Young's and shear moduli are assumed to vary exponentially with depth. The four loading types are: an embedded point load for an end‐bearing pile, uniform skin friction, linear variation of skin friction, and non‐linear parabolic variation of skin friction for a friction pile. The solutions for the stresses due to the pile load are expressed in terms of the Hankel integral and are obtained from the point load solutions of the same inhomogeneous cross‐anisotropic half‐space which were derived recently by the authors (Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 2003; 40 (5):667–685). A numerical procedure is proposed to carry out the integral. For the special case of homogeneous isotropic and cross‐anisotropic half‐space, the stresses predicted by the numerical procedure agree well with the solutions of Geddes and Wang (Geotechnique 1966; 16 (3):231–255; Soils Found. 2003; 43 (5):41–52). An illustrative example is also given to investigate the effect of soil inhomogeneity, the type and degree of soil anisotropy, and the four different loading types on the vertical normal stress. The presented solutions are more realistic in simulating the actual stratum of loading problem in many areas of engineering practice. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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