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文中总结了中生代侵入岩系的成矿作用特征;得出了该岩系为强分异型钙碱性岩石系列,成岩温度和氧逸度较高,具有亲硫型元素富集成矿潜势的认识。从小西南岔铜金矿床成矿作用,分析其与中生代侵入岩系的成因联系,并研究了成矿作用的物理化学过程。  相似文献   
浙西南的江山市廿八都镇,地处浙闽赣三省交界。四面群山拱卫,仙霞古道穿镇而过,自古有“东南锁钥,入闽咽喉”之称。小镇类似文学家沈从文笔下的边城,当时“也有商人落脚的客店,坐镇不动的理发馆。此外,饭店、杂货铺、油行、盐栈、花衣庄,莫不各有一种地位,装点这条小河街。”而唐宋古道驿站遗址和明清古桥民居至今尚存。  相似文献   
松阳县位于浙西南山区,全县地域面积1406km^2,辖5镇15乡,401个行政村,总人口234万。2007年,全县实现生产总值3027亿元,财政总收入304亿元,其中地方财政收入1.79亿元,经济基础相当薄弱,还处在传统农业经济向现代工业经济发展的起步阶段。  相似文献   
吕长广 《测绘通报》2008,(1):44-45,68
提出一种在测站没有定向点的情况下,利用全站仪进行碎部测量的作业方法,阐述该方法的作业过程、精度情况和注意事项,为解决全野外数字测图过程中经常遇到的由于控制点无通视方向而影响碎部测量作业的问题提供了有效途径。  相似文献   
The foreland basin in West Sichuan is a tectonic unit that has undergone multi-periods tectonic movements of Indosinian-Yanshanian-Himalayan. Since late Triassic, it has been in a passive subsidence environment controlled by basin margin mountain systems and by the compression with abundant sediment sources. With the complex geologic setting, the main geologic characteristics of natural gas reservoir are listed as following:(1)Source rocks are coal-bearing mud and shale series with high to over maturity, and long and progressive hydrocarbon generation-displacement period. The key accumulation period is middle-late Yanshanian epoch.(2)There are three gas-bearing systems vertically, each of which has different reservoir mechanism, main-controlled factors and distribution law, so the exploration thoughts and techniques are also different.(3)Undergoing multi-period generation-migration-accumulation, oil and gas have encountered multi-period modification or destruction, and gas accumulation overpass multiple tectonic periods. So the trap type is complicated and dominated by combination traps. Because the main accumulation period of natural gas is early and the reservoir encountered the modification of strong Himalayan movement, there is great difference in the fullness degree of gas reservoirs and complicated gas-water relation. (4) Reservoir is tight to very tight, but reservoirs of relatively high quality developed under the super tight setting. (5) The key techniques for oil and gas exploration in west Sichuan foreland basin are the prediction of relatively favorable reservoirs, fractures and gas bearing; and the key techniques for oil and gas development are how to improve the penetration rate, reservoir protection and modification.  相似文献   
3月19日上午,国土资源部部长、党组书记、国家土地总督察徐绍史在京会见秘鲁能源矿业部部长胡安·巴尔迪维亚。双方就进一步加强两国在矿产资源领域的合作、推进矿产勘查与开发等交换了看法。  相似文献   
第五届全国油气储层学术研讨会于2008年8月28~31日在四川省成都市召开。会议由中国地质学会沉积地质专业委员会、中国矿物岩石地球化学学会沉积学专业委员会主办,成都理工大学承办,中石油西南油气田分公司、中石化西南油气分公司、勘探南方分公司等单位协办。  相似文献   
任永健  张成信  孟庆伟 《地质学报》2022,96(7):2333-2347
本文通过岩石组合特征和区域对比,将张广才岭南部西蛤拉河子—大锅盔一带分布的浅变质地层重新厘定为杨木岗组。为了确定杨木岗组的形成时代和沉积物源,进行了碎屑锆石U- Pb年代学和微体古生物地层学研究。锆石大多数呈自形—半自形晶,显示典型振荡岩浆生长环带,暗示其岩浆成因。该地层中测得的两组碎屑锆石U- Pb产生多组谐和年龄,其中PM010- TW样品56个测点最小峰值(谐和)年龄为307 Ma,DB02- TW样品51个测点最小峰值(谐和)年龄为275 Ma;覆盖在杨木岗组之上的中生代二浪河组安山岩的定年结果为181. 1±0. 9 Ma,表明杨木岗组形成于早二叠世晚期。杨木岗组中获取疑源类化石组合出现了新元古代晚期—早寒武世和奥陶纪地层常见分子,结合碎屑锆石年龄结果,反映杨木岗组沉积时周围存在早古生代和中—新元古代地质体。碎屑沉积岩Al2O3/TiO2平均值为24. 44,稀土元素球粒陨石标准化曲线具有轻稀土富集、重稀土稳定和负Eu异常特征,结合碎屑锆石的年龄频数可以看出,确定杨木岗组的沉积物主要来源于沉积盆地周围的晚古生代早期中酸性火成岩,次要物源由沉积盆地周边的早古生代地质体和近地表的中—新元古代地质体提供。佳木斯地块为松嫩- 张广才岭地块上晚古生代地层的形成提供了部分物源,暗示佳木斯地块与松嫩- 张广才岭地块于早二叠世之前已完成拼合。  相似文献   
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