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Reservoir models have large uncertainty because of spatial variability and limited sample data. The ultimate aim is to use simultaneously all available data sources to reduce uncertainty and provide reliable reservoir models for resource assessment and flow simulation. Seismic impedance or some other attribute provides a key source of data for reservoir modeling. These seismic data are at a coarser scale than the hard well data and it not an exact measurement of facies proportions or porosity. A requirement for data integration is the cross-covariance between the well and seismic data.The size-scaling behavior of the cross correlation for different measurement scales was nvestigated. The size-scaling relationship is derived theoretically and validated by numerical studies (including an example with real data). The limit properties of the cross-correlation coefficient when the averaging volume becomes large is shown. After some averaging volume, the volume-dependent cross-correlation coefficient reaches a limit value. This plateau value is controlled mainly by the large-scale behavior of the cross and direct variograms.The cross correlation can increase or decrease with volume support depending on the relative importance of long- and short-scale covariance structures. If the direct and cross variograms are proportional, there is no change in the cross correlation as the averaging volume changes. Our study shows that the volume-dependent cross-correlation coefficient is sensitive to the shape of the cross variogram and differences between the direct variograms of the well data and seismic data.  相似文献   
The basic concepts of spectral and multiscale selective reconstruction of (geophysically relevant) vector fields on the sphere from error-affected data is outlined in detail. The reconstruction mechanism is formulated under the assumption that spectral as well as multiscale approximation is well-representable in terms of only a certain number of expansion coefficients at the various resolution levels. It is shown that spectral denoising by means of orthogonal expansions in terms of vector spherical harmonics reflects global a priori information of the noise (e.g., in form of a covariance tensor field), whereas multiscale signal-to-noise thresholding can be performed under locally dependent noise information within a multiresolution analysis in terms of spherical vector wavelets. An application of the multiscale formalism to Earth's magnetic field determination is presented.  相似文献   
不同的波在空间的质点运动轨迹和极化方向是不同的,利用三分量或二分量记录,在特定的以t0为中心,长为N△t的滑动时窗中计算出描述波的质点运动轨迹和极化方向的特征参数。利用这些参数可以设计出合适的极化滤波函数,保留那些满足特定要求的质点运动,而衰减那些不满足设计要求的质点运动,利用某些算子可以把弹性波分解成P波和SV波,而且衰减面波;利用另外一些算子可以把P波和SV波衰减而使面波增强。这些算子甚至可以在嗓音和信号具有相同频率的情况下,成功地提高信嗓比。  相似文献   
Although Eddy Covariance (EC) technique is one of the best methods for estimating the energy and mass exchanges between underlying surface and atmosphere in micrometeorology, errors and uncertainties still exist without necessary corrections. In this paper, we will focus on the effect of coordinate system on the eddy fluxes. Based on the data observed over four sites (one farmland site, one grassland site and two forest sites), the effects of three coordinate system transforming methods (Double Rotation-DR, Triple Rotation-TR and Planar Fit-PF)on the turbulent fluxes are analyzed. It shows that (i) the corrected fluxes are more or less than the uncorrected fluxes, which is related mainly to the sloping degree of surface, wind speed and wind direction; and (ii) pitch angle has a sinusoidal dependence on wind direction, especially in the regular sloping terrain; and (iii) PF method is something like the simplification of TR or DR,and there are not obvious distinctions in correction in sloping grassland and flat farmland, but PF method is not suitable for uneven and irregular forest sites.  相似文献   
The alpine meadow is widely distributed on the Tibetan Plateau with an area of about 1.2×106kn2. Damxung County, located in the hinterland of the Tibetan Plateau, is the place covered with this typical vegetation. An open-path eddy covariance system was set up in Damxung rangeland station to measure the carbon flux of alpine meadow from July to October,2003. The continuous carbon flux data were used to analyze the relationship between net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange (NEE) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), as well as the seasonal patterns of apparent quantum yield (α) and maximum ecosystem assimilation (Pmax).Results showed that the daytime NEE fitted fairly well with the PAR in a rectangular hyperbola function, with α declining in the order of peak growth period (0.0244 μmolCO2 · μmol-1pAR) >early growth period > seed maturing period > withering period (0.0098 μmolCO2 · μmol-1pAR).The Pmax did not change greatly during the first three periods, with an average of 0.433mgCO2· m-2· s-1, i.e. 9.829 μmolCO2· m-2· s-1. However, during the withering period, Pmax was only 0.35 mgCO2 · m-2 · s-1, i.e. 7.945 μmolCO2 · m-2 · s-1. Compared with other grassland ecosystems, the α of the Tibetan Plateau alpine meadow ecosystem was much lower.  相似文献   
针对对流尺度集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF)雷达资料同化中雷达位置对同化的影响进行研究。为了考察强对流出现在雷达不同方位时集合卡尔曼滤波同化雷达资料的能力,以一个理想风暴为例,设计了8个均匀分布在模拟区域周围的模拟雷达进行试验。单雷达同化试验中,初期同化对雷达位置较敏感,而十几个循环后对雷达方位的敏感性降低。造成初期同化效果较差的雷达观测位于模拟区域正南和正北方向,这两部雷达与模拟区域中心的连线垂直于风暴移动方向(即环境气流的方向)。双雷达试验的结果表明,正东、正南、正西和正北方向的雷达组合观测会使同化初期误差较大,这说明并不是所有与风暴连线成90°的雷达组合都能在短时同化中得到合理的分析结果,还需要都处于模拟区域对角线上(即与环境气流成45°夹角),同化效果才较好。短时同化后的确定性预报结果表明,较大分析误差也会导致较大预报误差。这些分析误差主要是由于同化初期不准确的集合平均场驱动出的不合理的背景误差协方差造成的。当背景场随着同化循环得到改进后,驱动出的合理的背景误差协方差使得不同位置雷达同化造成的差异逐步减小。基于上述结果,引入迭代集合均方根滤波(iEnSRF)算法,结果显示使用该算法后,雷达位置对同化效果的影响减小,同化不同位置的雷达资料均能有效降低分析和预报误差。   相似文献   
吕少宁  文军  张宇  王少影  张堂堂  田辉  刘蓉 《高原气象》2012,31(6):1530-1538
通过处理涡动相关系统观测的近地层湍流脉动量可以获取地—气间感热和潜热通量,然而选择不同平均时间对通量计算的结果有较大影响。采用黄土高原陆面过程野外观测试验(LOPEX10)期间获得的涡动相关系统观测资料,分析了不同平均时间对湍流通量计算的影响,并采用雷诺平均和分解方法推导了平均时间引起的通量差值的数学表达式(Flux Compensation,FC)。结果表明:(1)FC公式可以说明采用不同平均时间数据之间的关系,也可以直接计算低频涡旋对湍流通量的贡献。FC公式计算的结果与直接计算的不同平均时间通量计算之差的相关系数在0.95以上,并可以确定计算湍流通量的最佳平均时间。(2)通过采用Ogive函数确定了计算LOPEX10期间通量的最佳平均时间长度为30min,印证了利用雷诺平均和分解方法计算湍流通量补偿的准确性。(3)通过进一步的数学变换,证明了平均时间对湍流通量计算的影响直接与湍流低频变化相关,FC公式可以用来确定涡动相关观测数据的最佳平均时间,并且在获得较高时间分辨率的湍流通量数据的同时,补偿因平均时间过短而遗漏的低频信息。  相似文献   
涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪观测通量的空间代表性   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
在对涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪足迹模型进行敏感性分析的基础上,利用北京密云站2006年8月至2007年12月期间的观测资料,应用足迹模型对观测通量的空间代表性做了初步的分析.结果表明:涡动相关仪和大孔径闪烁仪的源区对风向、Monin-Obukhov长度,空气动力学粗糙度和观测高度/有效高度等因子比较敏感.密云站涡动相关仪的源区白天主要分布在仪器的西南与南面,而夜间则在东北与北面.大孔径闪烁仪的源区为西南一东北向分布.涡动相关仪各月源区形状不同,但大致分布在南北长1000 m、东两宽850 m的范嗣内,而LAS各月源区为西南一东北向分布,长约2060 m,最宽处约为620 m.对涡动相关仪通量有贡献的下垫面主要为园地(67%)和耕地(19%).其中园地的通量贡献比例在夏、秋季比较大,冬、春季稍小,而耕地则相反.大孔径闪烁仪的主要通量贡献源区为园地、耕地和居民地,通量贡献比例分别为49%,28%和11%.其中园地和耕地通量贡献率的变化趋势与涡动相关仪的观测结果一致,但没有涡动相关仪的变化明显.  相似文献   
基于黄土高原定西站2009年9月大孔L径闪烁仪(LAS)的观测数据,结合涡动相关系统(EC)和梯度塔的同步观测资料,分析了LAS和EC在测量感热通量过程中的温度特征尺度T*及其差异与近地层气象要素风向、位温梯度和稳定度等的关系.结果表明,黄土高原下垫面LAS测量的T*LAS和EC测量的T*EC有很好的相关性,相关系数达到0.955,拟合的线性趋势系数是1.482.对9月进行风向统计,主风向为NNE和SE,NNE风向上T*LAS和T*EC的相关系数是0.960,拟合的线性趋势系数是1.349,SE风向上T* LAS和T*EC的相关系数是0.968,拟合的线性趋势系数是1.619,风向对T*有显著影响.位温梯度与T*呈很好的线性相关关系,T*LAS相较于T*EC与位温梯度有更好的相关性.当稳定度z/L<1.5时,T*LAS/T*EC随着z/L的增大雨减小;当z/L>1.5时,T*LAS/T*EC随着z/L的增大而增大.T* LAS/T*EC的变化范围随着z/L的增大逐渐变小,当z/L增大到4后,T*LAS/T*EC开始保持较小的变化范围.  相似文献   
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