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The construction of the Geologic Time Scale (GTS) is a titanic scientific challenge that has been under way for two centuries and will require much dedicated effort in the future. Italy preserves a paramount stratigraphic record of Mesozoic and Cenozoic marine sediments that have been significant in the development of the modern GTS. The Italian stratigraphic record has been histori-cally important in introducing and defining the standard Chronostratigraphic Units (CUs) of the Neogene and Quaternary. Pelagic successions from Northern Apen-nines and Southern Alps have been used in the seventies for integrating the late Cretaceous-Paleogene Geomag-netic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) with planktonic microfossil biostratieraohv and standard CUs. This was a major contribution to the construction of a new gener-ation of GTS based on integrated magnetobiochronol-ogy. The middle Miocene to early Pleistocene marinerecord from Sicily and southern Italy has been funda-mental for establishing the recently developed Astro-nomical Time Scale (ATS). In prospect, there are many potentials still to be exploited in the Italian marine stratigraphic record for implementing the GTS by defin-ing GSSPs of various CUs, improving magneto-biochronology and extending downwards the ATS.  相似文献   
The paper deals with the geological setting, history and subsidence of the Venetian Plain. Major attention is paid to the Pleistocene-Holocene stratigraphic sequence in the Lagoon of Venice, in relation to its origin that datesback to 6-7 kyr BP. Geological land subsidence, which played an important role in the origin and the evolution of the lagoon, and anthropogenic subsidence, that has recently assumed a major importance for the Venetian environment, are discussed. Considering also the sealevel rise, 23 cm loss in land elevation has occurred in the last century, leading to increased flooding events and environmental problems that require protective works.  相似文献   
Mantle peridotites were early exposed at the sea-floor of the Jurassic Tethys derived from the subcontinental mantle of the Europe-Adria system. During continental rifting and oceanic spreading, these lithospheric peri-dotites were percolated via diffuse reactive porous flowby melt fractions produced by near-fractional melting of the upwelling asthenosphere. Ascending melts inter-acted with the lower lithosphere, dissolving pyroxenes and precipitating olivine, and crystallized at shallower levels in the mantle column causing melt impregnation.Subsequent focused porous flow formed replacive dunitechannels, cutting the impregnated oeridotites, which were conduits for upward migration of MORB-type liq-uids. Melt migration produced depletionlrefertilization and significant heating of the percolatedlimpregnated mantle, i.e the thermochemical erosion of the litho-sphere. Impregnated and thermally modified lithos-pheric mantle was cooled by conductive heat loss dur-ing progressive lithosphere thinning and was intrudeaby MORB magmas, which formed Mg-rich and Fe-richgabbroic dykes and bodies. Alpine-Apennine ophiolitic peridotites record the deep-seated migration of melts which changed their compositions and dynamics during the rift evolution. The thermochemical erosion of the lithospheric mantle by the ascending asthenospheric melts, which induces significant compositional and rhe-ological changes in the lower lithosphere, is a major process in the evolution of the continent-ocean transi-tion towards a slow spreading oceanic system.  相似文献   
The Dolomites region is a spectacularly exposed portion of the Southern Alps, a northern Italian chain derived from the comparatively gentle deformation of the Tethyan passive continental margin of Adria. The regionhad an active Permo-Jurassic tectono-magmatic evolu-tion, leading from Permian magmatism, through a Mid-die Triassic episode offast subsidence and volcanism, to the Jurassic oceanic break-up. Although the sedimentary succession ranges in age from Middle Permian to Creta-ceous, the geological landscape is largely dominated by the majestic Triassic carbonates, making the area a clas-sical one for the early Mesozoic stratigraphy. Particu-larly noteworthy are the Anisian to Carnian carbonate platforms, recording an evolution from regional muddy banks to isolated high-relief builduos. The hlline of the various basins and the development of a last generation of regional peritidal platform followed. The carbonate platforms of the Dolomites bear witness to a remarkable set of changes in the carbonate production and to signif-icant palaeoclimatic fluctuations,from arid to moist con-difions and vice versa; a great range of margin and slope depositional styles is therefore recorded. Alpine tectonic shortening strongly affected the area, with a first Eocenede formation, followed by later Neogene overthrusting and strike-slip movements.  相似文献   
Italian active volcanoes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The eruptive histories, styles of activity and general modes of operation of the main active Italian volcanoes,Etna, Vulcano, Stromboli, Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei and Ischia, are described in a short summary.  相似文献   
在上中新世一更新世期间,意大利蒂勒尼安半岛的沿岸地区处在北东--南西向的拉伸状态,伴随有北西--南东向正断裂系和由北东--南西走向的转移断裂带连结的盆地。Ardea盆地就是其中之一,它位于罗马南部。本文采用地质和地球物理方法(构造和地层资料,地震测线和磁化率非均质性资料)研究这一与转移有关的盆地的演化,通过比较后发现,这些转移盆地有如下一些共同的特点:(1)沿转移断层的滑动向量大都是倾向滑动,这意  相似文献   
1通过监测仪表数据的互相关测定泥石流的速度 通过不同类型的传感器可以有效地对泥石流进行监测。以一定的间隔把一组超声波传感器安装在急流区,是一种获得泥石流前缘平均速度的常用方法。除此以外,这些传感器也能被用作泥石流发生的检测器。地震和声波传感器也能被用于测量泥石流前缘速度和流量(以相同的方法)。可以通过多种方法来测量泥石流的速度和流量。例如,通过电流计量表、溢流堰、文氏管测流槽、巴歇尔氏测流量测流槽和化学示踪剂等。然而,通过这些方法对泥石流的速度进行测量时,要求充分地确定泥石流波动的主要前缘。通过在两个连续测量的监测站记录的泥石流前缘之间的时滞,能够对泥石流的平均速度进行评估。  相似文献   
沈婷婷 《海洋世界》2014,(10):38-43
<正>提起地中海,除了如画的风景,别致的建筑之外,最先想到的就是让人食指大动的美食了。健康的橄榄油、爽口的蔬果、醇厚的乳酪……还有最新捕捞的各色海鲜。地中海美食泛指希腊、西班牙、法国南部和意大利等位处地中海沿岸的欧洲各国的美食品种。因为临海,海鲜当仁不让地成为地中海美食中的  相似文献   
为了识别和掌握冷泉活动,大量的调查正在卡拉布里亚岛弧增生棱柱体开展。2005年夏天,意大利“OGS勘探者”号调查船在卡拉布里亚岛弧海区中发现了多处冷泉活动,现在已经被2006和2007年深入开展的两个海洋科学调查航次所证实(调查船分别为R/VMeter和R/VPourquoisPas)。  相似文献   
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