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Pakistan is predominantly a mountainous country where rural development activities are characterised by inconsistency, politically motivated short-term projects without proper feedback. Since the inception of the country, the top-down approach has been followed, and the same development plans that were formulated for the plain areas have been extended to the mountains without any modification. In doing so, neither the participation of the local communities was cared for, nor the mountain specificities were considered in the planning process. Moreover, the representation of the local inhabitants was improper and contradictory to the facts. This biased approach has been one of the main causes for the failure of development projects carried out by different agencies of the Government. Contrary to the perception of the state authorities, the mountain communities proved to be more open to accept new approaches and demonstrated the capacity and capability of being a dependable development partner. In this paper, a detailed account of the Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP) has been presented to assess and evaluate the approach followed by this non-governmental organisation (NGO), and the response of the local inhabitants as collaborators in the development process. The achievements of the AKRSP from project planning, implementation and monitoring can be adopted as a model for rural development not only in the plains, but also in the mountainous areas of the developing countries in the world.  相似文献   
Mantle peridotites were early exposed at the sea-floor of the Jurassic Tethys derived from the subcontinental mantle of the Europe-Adria system. During continental rifting and oceanic spreading, these lithospheric peri-dotites were percolated via diffuse reactive porous flowby melt fractions produced by near-fractional melting of the upwelling asthenosphere. Ascending melts inter-acted with the lower lithosphere, dissolving pyroxenes and precipitating olivine, and crystallized at shallower levels in the mantle column causing melt impregnation.Subsequent focused porous flow formed replacive dunitechannels, cutting the impregnated oeridotites, which were conduits for upward migration of MORB-type liq-uids. Melt migration produced depletionlrefertilization and significant heating of the percolatedlimpregnated mantle, i.e the thermochemical erosion of the litho-sphere. Impregnated and thermally modified lithos-pheric mantle was cooled by conductive heat loss dur-ing progressive lithosphere thinning and was intrudeaby MORB magmas, which formed Mg-rich and Fe-richgabbroic dykes and bodies. Alpine-Apennine ophiolitic peridotites record the deep-seated migration of melts which changed their compositions and dynamics during the rift evolution. The thermochemical erosion of the lithospheric mantle by the ascending asthenospheric melts, which induces significant compositional and rhe-ological changes in the lower lithosphere, is a major process in the evolution of the continent-ocean transi-tion towards a slow spreading oceanic system.  相似文献   
严格来讲,赤潮是一种自然现象。《圣经》中记载的河水变红、《聊斋志异》里提到的河水发光,或许是民间对赤潮类事件最古朴也最形象的记录。1831~1836年达尔文乘“Beagle”号环球航行时也对赤潮做过相关记录,虽然那时尚无人提出明确的“赤潮”概念。近几十年来由于对人类的娱乐及生产活动影响越来越严重,频繁发生的赤潮逐渐被界定为环境污染及海洋灾害的一种。河里的水都变作血了。河里的鱼死了,河也腥臭了,埃及人就不能吃这河里的水,埃及遍地都有了血。——《旧约·出埃及记》众坐舟中,旋见青火如灯状,突出水面,随水浮游;渐近舡,则火顿灭…  相似文献   
地壳深处的岩浆喷出地壳便产生了火山现象,所引起的全部地质过程称为火山作用。火山喷发是一种极为壮观而令人生畏的自然现象,介绍了火山喷发主要的3种形式、火山作用造成的灾害类型和中国的火山特点,以及自全新世以来我国有过喷发活动的8个主要活火山。提出了要加强认识火山的活动规律、形成过程、喷发机理,开展监测,采取对策,防灾减灾。  相似文献   
The Dolomites region is a spectacularly exposed portion of the Southern Alps, a northern Italian chain derived from the comparatively gentle deformation of the Tethyan passive continental margin of Adria. The regionhad an active Permo-Jurassic tectono-magmatic evolu-tion, leading from Permian magmatism, through a Mid-die Triassic episode offast subsidence and volcanism, to the Jurassic oceanic break-up. Although the sedimentary succession ranges in age from Middle Permian to Creta-ceous, the geological landscape is largely dominated by the majestic Triassic carbonates, making the area a clas-sical one for the early Mesozoic stratigraphy. Particu-larly noteworthy are the Anisian to Carnian carbonate platforms, recording an evolution from regional muddy banks to isolated high-relief builduos. The hlline of the various basins and the development of a last generation of regional peritidal platform followed. The carbonate platforms of the Dolomites bear witness to a remarkable set of changes in the carbonate production and to signif-icant palaeoclimatic fluctuations,from arid to moist con-difions and vice versa; a great range of margin and slope depositional styles is therefore recorded. Alpine tectonic shortening strongly affected the area, with a first Eocenede formation, followed by later Neogene overthrusting and strike-slip movements.  相似文献   
利用降水平均递增率求山地最大降水高度   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文引入降水平均递增率的概念,改进了文献中的计算方法,可以一次求出山地降水量与海拔的经验关系式中全部参数的最佳值,其中包括山地最大降水高度。并用实例说明了本法的步骤及特点。  相似文献   
<全国地质灾害防治"十一五"规划>的批准实施,充分体现了党中央提出坚持科学发展观和以人为本的原则,体现了党的十七大提出的建设"生态文明"的理念.对促进地质灾害防治工作又快又好的发展具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   
5.12汶川地震灾区地质灾害情况初步分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
5.12汶川地震引发了大量的崩塌滑坡地质灾害,严重威胁着地震灾区人民群众的生命财产安全。据初步调查统计,四川、甘肃和陕西等省地震区84个县(市、区)发现重大地质灾害点8439处,威胁1093667人的生命安全。地震区地质灾害类型以滑坡为主,其次为崩塌和泥石流。地质灾害主要分布在四川省,其次是甘肃省,陕西省相对较少。地质灾害规模以小型为主,其次为中型、大型,巨型较少。  相似文献   
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