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This paper considers the problem of estimatingm, the number of components in a finite mixture of distributions from a parametric family. A step-up procedure using the bootstrap method is proposed. Some properties of the procedure are illustrated with simulation studies. An example of the method, applied to orientation of beach clasts, is given.  相似文献   
We report on a year's study of spatial and seasonal patterns of zooplankton abundance in Port Phillip and Westernport Bays, July 1982 to August 1983. These two bays, closely adjacent on the southern coast of Victoria, Australia, differ in several respects: Port Phillip is a nearly landlocked bay with a broad basin, while Westernport is an open tidal embayment with extensive mud and seagrass banks. Both bays have a resident zooplankton fauna distinct from that of Bass Strait. Although these resident communities have many species in common, patterns of abundance and dominance are quite different. We found that the holoplankton of Port Phillip was about half copepods, mostly Paracalanus indicus, with 23% Caldocera and 21% larvaceans. Westernport Bay zooplankton was dominated by Acartia tranteri, with no resident cladoceran fauna. Bass Strait species were more often found in Westernport than in Port Phillip Bay, but the resident community of Port Phillip Bay was more similar to that of Bass Strait than to that of Westernport.Although this study was undertaken in an exceptionally dry year, the available historical data show that the overall patterns found in 1982–1983 are typical for these bays. The differences in community composition probably relate to differences in depth profile, predator abundance, and suspended matter between the bays.  相似文献   
Long-range sidescan sonar can be used to map sediment distributions over wide expanses of deep ocean floor. Seven acoustic facies that arise from differing sediment or rock types have been mapped over the low-relief Saharan continental rise and Madeira abyssal plain. These have been calibrated with sampling, profiling and camera studies and the facies can be traced confidently on a regional scale using the sidescan data. The mapping of the sediment distribution shows that a complex interplay of turbidity current and debris flow processes can occur at a continental rise/abysaal plain transition over 1000 km from the nearest continental slope.  相似文献   
One of the potential applications of polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data is the classification of land cover, such as forest canopies, vegetation, sea ice types, and urban areas. In contrast to single or dual polarized SAR systems, full polarimetric SAR systems provide more information about the physical and geometrical properties of the imaged area. This paper proposes a new Bayes risk function which can be minimized to obtain a Likelihood Ratio (LR) for the supervised classification of polarimetric SAR data. The derived Bayes risk function is based on the complex Wishart distribution. Furthermore, a new spatial criterion is incorporated with the LR classification process to produce more homogeneous classes. The application for Arctic sea ice mapping shows that the LR and the proposed spatial criterion are able to provide promising classification results. Comparison with classification results based on the Wishart classifier, the Wishart Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic (WLRTS) proposed by Conradsen et al. (2003) and the Expectation Maximization with Probabilistic Label Relaxation (EMPLR) algorithm are presented. High overall classification accuracy of selected study areas which reaches 97.8% using the LR is obtained. Combining the derived spatial criterion with the LR can improve the overall classification accuracy to reach 99.9%. In this study, fully polarimetric C-band RADARSAT-2 data collected over Franklin Bay, Canadian Arctic, is used.  相似文献   
持久性有机污染物(POPs)具有环境持久性和半挥发性, 可以在区域及全球范围内传输和分布。森林植被和林下土壤富含有机质, 森林生态系统因此成为POPs主要的储存库之一。植被叶片可快速吸附大气POPs, 并通过叶片凋落、雨水冲刷和干沉降等过程加强或加速大气POPs 向地面的沉降, 并使森林土壤成为POPs 的“汇”, 从而形成所谓的“森林过滤效应”, 进而影响POPs 在全球的分布。进入森林的POPs 在森林生态系统中将经历一系列的环境过程。本文简要介绍了森林过滤效应的特征和影响因素, 综述了叶片对大气POPs 的吸附、叶片凋落和干湿沉降、POPs 在土壤中的迁移和损失等3 个主要环境过程的研究进展, 报道了松针、树皮和苔藓作为被动采样器反映的森林POPs空间分布趋势。最后, 提出了森林POPs研究中亟待解决的科学问题, 并指出未来中国森林POPs研究的可能方向。  相似文献   
The electron localization function, η, evaluated for first-principles geometry optimized model structures generated for quartz and coesite, reveals that the oxide anions are coordinated by two hemispherically shaped η-isosurfaces located along each of the SiO bond vectors comprising the SiOSi angles. With one exception, they are also coordinated by larger banana-shaped isosurfaces oriented perpendicular to the plane centered in the vicinity of the apex of each angle. The hemispherical isosurfaces, ascribed to domains of localized bond-pair electrons, are centered ~0.70 Å along the bond vectors from the oxide anions and the banana-shaped isosurfaces, ascribed to domains of localized nonbonding lone-pair electrons, are centered ~0.60 Å from the apex of the angle. The oxide anion comprising the straight SiOSi angle in coesite is the one exception in that the banana-shaped isosurface is missing; however, it is coordinated by two hemispherically shaped isosurfaces that lie along the bond vectors. In the case of a first-principles model structure generated for stishovite, the oxide anion is coordinated by five hemispherically shaped η-isosurfaces, one located along each of the three SiO bond vectors (ascribed to domains of bonding-electron pairs) that are linked to the anion with the remaining two (ascribed to domains of nonbonding-electron pairs) located on opposite sides of the plane defined by three vectors, each isosurface at a distance of ~0.5 Å from the anion. The distribution of the five isosurfaces is in a one-to-one correspondence with the distribution of the maxima displayed by experimental Δρ and theoretical ??2ρ maps. Isosurface η maps calculated for quartz and the (HO) 3 SiOSi(OH) 3 molecule also exhibit maxima that correspond with the (3,?3) maxima displayed by distributions of ??2ρ. Deformation maps observed for the SiOSi bridges for the silica polymorphs and a number of silicates are similar to that calculated for the molecule but, for the majority, the maxima ascribed to lone-pair features are absent. The domains of localized nonbonding-electron pair coordinating the oxide anions of quartz and coesite provide a basis for explaining the flexibility and the wide range of the SiOSi angles exhibited by the silica polymorphs with four-coordinate Si. They also provide a basis for explaining why the SiO bond length in coesite decreases with increasing angle. As found in studies of the interactions of solute molecules with a solvent, a mapping of η-isosurfaces for geometry-optimized silicates is expected to become a powerful tool for deducing potential sites of electrophilic attack and reactivity for Earth materials. The positions of the features ascribed to the lone pairs in coesite correspond with the positions of the H atoms recently reported for an H-doped coesite crystal.  相似文献   
Rainfall regimes with strong spatial and temporal variation are characteristic of many coastal regions of north and eastern Australia. In coastal regions of north eastern Australia, regimes vary considerably over short distances. This occurs because of changes in local topography, including the height and orientation of mountain ranges and the direction of the coastline with respect to the prevailing moist south east air stream. Northern Australia experiences a tropical monsoon climate with rainfall occurring predominantly during the summer months. Areas with a closer proximity to the coast typically experience the heavier rainfalls. While networks of rainfall gauges have been established and continuous records are available for most of these stations from the 1890s, their low distribution density relative to the complexity of rainfall pattern they are required to represent means that there remains a poor understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall in the wet tropics. An enhanced knowledge of rainfall distribution in both space and time has the potential to deliver significant economic and environmental benefits to managers of natural resources. This paper reports on the application of a technique for estimating mean annual and mean monthly rainfall across the Herbert River catchment of north east Australia's dry and wet tropics. The technique utilises thin plate smoothing splines to incorporate both location and elevation into estimates of rainfall distribution. We demonstrate that the method can be applied successfully at the meso scale and within the domain of routinely available data. As such, the method has broad relevance for decision making.  相似文献   
地图拼接是矢量地图数据中的一种常见处理方式。为了正确提取水印信息,需要从拼接后的地图中确定出水印嵌入区域。利用水印嵌入后坐标点尾部数据分布发生变化的特点,提出了一种基于分布拟合检验的抗拼接算法。该算法利用四叉树算法将地图分成多个区域,然后利用单样本K-S检验判断每个区域内的坐标点尾部数据是否服从均匀分布,最终确定出水印嵌入区域。实验表明,该算法能够达到提取水印嵌入区域的目的。  相似文献   
There have been several claims that seismic shear waves respond to changes in stress before earthquakes. The companion paper develops a stress-sensitive model (APE) for the behaviour of low-porosity low-permeability crystalline rocks containing pervasive distributions of fluid-filled intergranular microcracks, and this paper uses APE to model the behaviour before earthquakes. Modelling with APE shows that the microgeometry and statistics of distributions of such fluid-filled microcracks respond almost immediately to changes in stress, and that the behaviour can be monitored by analysing seismic shear-wave splitting. The physical reasons for the coupling between shear-wave splitting and differential stress are discussed.
In this paper, we extend the model by using percolation theory to show that large crack densities are limited at the grain-scale level by the percolation threshold at which interacting crack clusters lead to pronounced increases in rock-matrix permeability. In the simplest formulation, the modelling is dimensionless and almost entirely constrained without free parameters. Nevertheless, APE modelling of the evolution of fluid-saturated rocks under stress reproduces the observed fracture criticality and the narrow range of shear-wave azimuthal anisotropy in crustal rocks. It also reproduces the behaviour of temporal variations in shear-wave splitting observed before and after the 1986, M = 6, North Palm Springs earthquake, Southern California, and several other smaller earthquakes.
The agreement of APE modelling with a wide range of observations confirms that fluid-saturated crystalline rocks are stress-sensitive and respond to changes in stress by critical fluid-rock interactions at the microscale level. This means that the effects of changes in stress and other parameters can be numerically modelled and monitored by appropriate observations of seismic shear waves.  相似文献   
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