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A method for determining the reversibility of a Markov sequence 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper describes, given a tally matrix with strictly positive entries, a method to determine whether the associated Markov process is reversible, and (for reversible Markov processes) methods to compute the reversibility matrix from the tally matrix. If the tally matrixN is symmetric, then it is shown that the Markov process must be reversible and the reversibility matrixC equalss (R
–1NR–1), whereR is the diagonal matrix whosei
th diagonal entry is the sum of the entries of thei
th row ofN (for everyi) ands denotes the sum of all the entries ofN. Because a symmetric tally matrix is of special importance in applications, a 2 test is proposed for determining, in the presence of experimental errors, whether such a matrix is symmetric. 相似文献
Characteristic properties of the electromagnetic spectrum of a dipole freely falling radially toward a Schwartzschild black hole are determined. These properties can be used to determined the mass of the black hole, as well as some characteristics of the magnetosphere or accretion disk surrounding the black hole. 相似文献
LARS OLSEN 《Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research》1983,12(1):17-21
This method for determining total roundness of clast fractions takes into account both the abrasion and the crushing processes. It is developed from a slightly modified visual estimation method and a newly defined parameter - crushing processes. Based on visual estimation, the method is most useful as a tool for the Quternary field geologist. 相似文献
S. A. Tyul’bashev 《Astronomy Reports》2003,47(2):81-87
The possibility of estimating the redshifts of radio sources based on radio continuum observations is demonstrated. Since the pressure exerted on the intergalactic medium by radio lobes is associated only with their total energy, while the pressure exerted on the radio lobes by the intergalactic medium depends on the redshift, the redshift can be estimated. The proposed method does not require the use of standard candles or standard sizes for any features. Consequently, it is free of the influence of cosmological evolution of the radio sources. Our insufficient knowledge of the density and temperature of the intergalactic medium prevents us from applying the method to obtain direct estimates of the distances to extragalactic radio sources. Therefore, a method designed to enable indirect estimation of the source distances has also been developed. 相似文献
粒间作用力是控制土体强度和压缩特性的重要参量,但由于黏土中矿物颗粒与孔隙水间存在复杂的物理化学作用,其粒间应力及其变化规律一直无法确定。对泥浆重塑样在不同水化学条件下进行了一系列黏土一维侧限压缩试验,探讨不同浓度的NaCl溶液对饱和黏土压缩过程的影响,并确定土中粒间应力的大小及其变化规律。结果表明:同一级固结应力作用下,随替换溶液浓度的增加渗透固结变形量增大;对于相同浓度的孔隙溶液,固结应力越大,相应的渗透固结变形量越小。根据太沙基有效应力原理,提出了一种利用渗透固结变形来计算平均粒间应力的方法,在此基础上确立了粒间应力(或广义渗透压力)相对变化量与浓度和孔隙比之间的定量关系。该研究提供了一种简单有效的确定饱和黏土粒间应力的方法,为今后校正和验证多场耦合下土本构理论模型奠定基础。 相似文献
S. G. Sichevskij 《Astronomy Reports》2012,56(9):710-715
Amethod for determining the most probable spectral types, color excesses E B-V , and distances of stars from multicolor photometry is described. The main idea of the method is modeling the photometric data using various models for the stellar spectra and the interstellar extinction law, and applying the maximum likelihood method. The reliability of the method is estimated using stars with known spectral types and WBVR photometry, based on the empirical library of stellar spectra of Pickles and the model for the interstellar extinction law developed by Fluks et al. 相似文献
弱透水层是含水层系统的重要组成部分。弱透水层的渗透系数K_v和弹性贮水率值S_(ske)对研究地面沉降及地下水资源评价具有重要的意义。在相邻含水层降深随时间周期性波动的条件下,推得了超固结弱透水层中无量纲形式的降深解析解,并基于该解析解进一步得到了超固结弱透水层累计变形量随时间变化的理论曲线。由于弱透水层的低渗透性,其变形总是滞后于相邻含水层的降深变化。根据弱透水层变形的滞后时间与含水层降深波动半周期的关系,提出了一种用以确定超固结弱透水层垂向渗透系数和弹性贮水率的方法,该方法对于弹性变形的超固结土具有很好的适用性。使用该方法之前,首先要根据分层标和水位资料确定含水层降深的变化周期以及弱透水层变形的滞后时间。应用该方法确定了上海地区f_(10-7)分层标处第2弱透水层的水力参数为K_v=4.12×10~(-10)m/s,S_(ske)=1.07×10~(-4) m~(-1)。经实例计算结果具有一定的可靠性。 相似文献
莫尔圆在岩土材料的强度理论、应力路径以及地基承载力等方面具有广泛的应用。极点是莫尔应力圆上的一个特殊点,具有惟一性,通过极点,可以求得任意分析平面的应力状态。特别是对于求解复杂状态下的应力问题,莫尔圆极点法具有简便、快捷的优点。提出了定义极点的新方法--射线法,利用应力隔离体力的平衡法则证明了该方法定义极点的正确性及惟一性,并且发现定义极点的平行线法和法线法是射线法的两种特殊情况。通过比较,发现不同方法所得到的极点位置并不相同,但求得的任意面上的应力状态是相同的,而且平行线法更便于使用。然而,所提出的射线法能加深对莫尔圆极点的理解,从而进一步推动其广泛应用。 相似文献
In geotechnical engineering designs and safety checks, the number of cycles of repeated loading N is frequently used as a parameter for calculating the response of soil structures under the repeated loading. However, there appears to be a lack of rational methods for calculating N for repeated loadings along general stress paths. A new method for defining N is proposed in this paper, based on the assumption that a yield surface may be identified for the material. It is demonstrated that the proposed method provides a rational and useful means for engineering calculation of soil deformations under repeated loadings. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
A. I. Bailey 《Mathematical Geosciences》1975,7(4):285-293
A method of cluster analysis for orientation data is described. The method enables vector statistics to be applied to polymodal distributions. Similar results to those found by modal analysis are obtained. 相似文献
Titratable actual acidity (TAA) is a technique commonly used to estimate the existing pool of exchangeable H+ in acid sulfate soils (ASS). A widely adopted version of the TAA method involves titrating a 1M KCl suspension of oven-dry soil (1:40) with NaOH to a known pH endpoint. However, when ASS are subject to long term re-flooding during wetland remediation, former sulfuric horizons can develop substantial quantities of porewater Fe2+, non-sulfidic solid-phase Fe(II) and a variety of reduced inorganic sulfur (RIS) species (e.g. pyrite, mackinawite, greigite and elemental sulfur). For these sediments, an oven-drying approach may induce oxidation of the abundant Fe(II) and/or reactive RIS species, thereby generating H+ and leading to overestimation of existing in situ exchangeable H+. In this study, we compare TAA via the standard approach (1M KCl; 1:40; oven-dry soil, 4 hr extract; TAAD) with an identical O2-free extraction approach using wet-sediment (TAAW). We apply both methods to former sulfuric horizon sediments from freshwater re-flooded ASS wetlands. There are significant (α = 0.01) differences (up to 12×) between TAA measured by the two methods, with the oven-dried standard approach overestimating TAA relative to the wet, O2-free approach in 85% of cases. Despite the fact that all AVS-S and some S(0) was oxidised during the oven-drying process, the increases in TAA (TAAD–TAAW) show very weak correlation(s) with corresponding losses in RIS species or increases in water soluble sulfate and KCl extractable sulfate. However, oven-drying caused substantial loss of 1M KCl exchangeable Fe(II) and 1 M HCl-extractable Fe(II) and led to large increases in 1 M HCl-extractable Fe(III). These changes in Fe fractions displayed strong positive linear correlation (α = 0.01) with increases in TAA. Although this is not evidence of causality, it suggests that oxidation of Fe(II) species are playing an important role in the development of additional exchangeable H+ and may be largely responsible for the contrasting TAA derived by the two methods. The differences in TAA between the two methods are greatest in organic-rich surface sediments and are significantly positively correlated with total organic carbon content. These findings have major implications for accurately assessing TAA in re-flooded ASS wetlands. 相似文献
Thomas A. Jones 《Mathematical Geology》1977,9(6):635-647
It is becoming increasingly important to determine probability distributions of combinations of random variables. Convolution is a technique by which the distribution of a sum of random variables can be determined. This paper presents some simplifications in order to reduce the numerical integrations and computer time. In addition, the method may be used with empirical nonanalytic distributions. While Monte Carlo methods are also appropriate for calculating the distribution, convolution can give at least as much accuracy as Monte Carlo methods with a reduction in computation. Two applications are presented: one approximates the distribution of percent sand in an area, and the other indicates a method of determining sample size when using the distribution of means to approximate normality. 相似文献
Modern modeling of the population of low-mass X-ray binary systems containing black holes applying standard assumptions leads to a lack of agreement between the modeled and observed mass distributions for the optical components, with the observed masses being lower. This makes the task of estimating the systematic errors in the derived component masses due to imperfect models relevant. To estimate the influence of systematic errors in the derived masses of stars in X-ray binary systems, we considered two approximations for the tidally deformed star in a Roche model. Approximating the star as a sphere with a volume equal to that of the Roche lobe leads to slight overestimation of the equatorial rotational velocity V rot sin i, and hence to slight underestimation of the mass ratio q = M x /M v . Approximating the star as a flat, circular disk with constant local line profiles and a linear limb-darkening law (a classical rotational broadeningmodel) is an appreciably cruder approach, and leads to overestimation of V rot sin i by about 20%. In the case of high values of q = M x /M v , this approximation leads to substantial underestimation of the mass ratio q, which can reach several tens of percent. The mass of the optical star is overestimated by a factor of 1.5 in this case, while the mass of the black hole is changed only slightly. Since most estimates of component mass ratios for X-ray binary systems are carried out using a classical rotational broadening model for the lines, this leads to the need for appreciable corrections to (reductions of) previously published masses for the optical stars, which enhances the contradiction with the standard evolutionary scenario for low-mass X-ray binaries containing black holes. 相似文献
Development of a simple method for determining the influence radius of a pumping well in steady-state condition 下载免费PDF全文
A S El-Hames 《地下水科学与工程》2020,8(2):97-107
Influence radius of a pumping well is a crucial parameter for hydrogeologists and engineers. Knowing the radius of influence for a designed drawdown enables one to calculate the pumping rate required to layout a project foundation that may need lowering of groundwater level to a certain depth due to dewatering operation. In addition, this is important for hydrogeologists to determine ground water contamination flow paths and contributing recharge area for domestic water supply and aquifer management purposes. Empirical formulas that usually neglect vital parameters to determine the influence radius accurately have been traditionally utilized due to lack of adequate methods. In this study, a physically based method, which incorporates aquifer hydraulic gradient for determining the influence radius of a pumping well in steady-state flow condition, was developed. It utilizes Darcy and Dupuit laws to calculate the influence radius, where Darcy's law and Dupuit equation, in steady-state condition, represent the inflow and the outflow of the pumping well, respectively. In an untraditional manner, this method can be also used to determine aquifer hydraulic conductivity as an alternative to other pumping test methods with high degree of accuracy. The developed method is easy to use; where a simple mathematical calculator may be used to calculate the influence radius and the pumping rate or hydraulic conductivity. By comparing the results from this method with the MODFLOW numerical model outputs with different simulated scenarios, it is realized that this method is much superior and more advantageous than other commonly used empirical methods. 相似文献