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Extensive high-grade polydeformed metamorphic provinces surroundingArchaean cratonic nuclei in the East Antarctic Shield recordtwo tectono-thermal episodes in late Mesoproterozoic and lateNeoproterozoic–Cambrian times. In Western Dronning MaudLand, the high-grade Mesoproterozoic Maud Belt is juxtaposedagainst the Archaean Grunehogna Province and has traditionallybeen interpreted as a Grenvillian mobile belt that was thermallyoverprinted during the Early Palaeozoic. Integration of newU–Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe and conventionalsingle zircon and monazite age data, and Ar–Ar data onhornblende and biotite, with thermobarometric calculations onrocks from the H.U. Sverdrupfjella, northern Maud Belt, resultedin a more complex PTt evolution than previouslyassumed. A c. 540 Ma monazite, hosted by an upper ampibolite-faciesmineral assemblage defining a regionally dominant top-to-NWshear fabric, provides strong evidence for the penetrative deformationin the area being of Pan-African age and not of Grenvillianage as previously reported. Relics of an eclogite-facies garnet–omphaciteassemblage within strain-protected mafic boudins indicate thatthe peak metamorphic conditions recorded by most rocks in thearea (T = 687–758°C, P = 9·4–11·3kbar) were attained subsequent to decompression from P >12·9 kbar. By analogy with limited U–Pb singlezircon age data and on circumstantial textural grounds, thisearlier eclogite-facies metamorphism is ascribed to subductionand accretion around 565 Ma. Post-peak metamorphic K-metasomatismunder amphibolite-facies conditions is ascribed to the intrusionof post-orogenic granite at c. 480 Ma. The recognition of extensivePan-African tectonism in the Maud Belt casts doubts on previousRodinia reconstructions, in which this belt takes a pivotalposition between East Antarctica, the Kalahari Craton and Laurentia.Evidence of late Mesoproterozoic high-grade metamorphism duringthe formation of the Maud Belt exists in the form of c. 1035Ma zircon overgrowths that are probably related to relics ofgranulite-facies metamorphism recorded from other parts of theMaud Belt. The polymetamorphic rocks are largely derived froma c. 1140 Ma volcanic arc and 1072 ± 10 Ma granite. KEY WORDS: Maud Belt; Pan-African orogeny; geochronology; PTt path, East Antarctica  相似文献   
造山带中残存有许多前寒武纪地质体,其中一些被当作前寒武纪基底用于探讨所在微陆块的大地构造属性。由于微陆块属性对于造山带结构和演化具有重要意义,以及所讨论的前寒武纪地质体蕴含地球早期历史演化信息,对微陆块属性的厘定成为造山带研究的重点和难点问题之一。笔者等以中亚造山带南缘中段的微陆块为例,总结梳理了微陆块厘定的相关依据:岩石组合和变质变形特征,碎屑锆石谱峰显示的源区时代特征,地质事件序列,前寒武纪地壳演化信息,继承锆石、捕获锆石和古生代侵入体同位素显示的深源地壳信息,以及地球物理等方面的特征。由于不同学者采用的厘定依据不同,对微陆块属性认识争论不断,即使相同依据也有一定的差异,从而影响对造山带结构和演化的认识。基于以上原因,笔者等认为前寒武纪基底的亲缘性探讨不仅要注重岩石组合和形成时代,还要在精细野外解剖和高精度年代学工作基础上,注意其变质—变形特征、接触关系、源区时代特征、岩石成因和构造环境、地壳增生信息和深源地壳信息等的综合对比分析,以得到较全面依据,探讨其构造属性。当获得一组前寒武纪地质体信息时,可先进行同构造单元内对比,再与其他构造单元对比。当特征相异时则需进行构造单元拆分或考虑构造就位的可能(包括但不限于推覆体、走滑外来体、俯冲刮削的构造岩片);当特征相似时,可能指示了相同微陆块的裂解或破坏或者不同的微陆块共同经历了相似的前寒武纪演化历程。  相似文献   
张芯瑜  张琪  韩佳昊 《气象科学》2021,41(1):136-142
基于降水量历史观测数据和气候模式预估数据,采用标准化降水量指数(Standandized Precipitation Index,SPI)识别干旱事件,从干旱发生的频率和强度特征分析其危险性,研究东北地区当前及未来不同气候变化情景下干旱时空变化特征.结果显示:(1)bcc-csm1-1 对东北地区降水的模拟效果较好;(...  相似文献   
2003年3月-2004年4月,在宁德三都湾东湖湿地及其周边地区进行了10次湿地鸟类资源连续调查。调查表明:宁德东湖湿地生物多样性丰富,特别是湿地水禽种类繁多,数量巨大,发现鸟类12目26科80种,计20119只。宁德东湖湿地是福建省鸟类资源的重要分布区,是各类水禽的理想栖息地、越冬地和迁徙地,但存在因开发建设湖面缩小、市区大量生活污水污染水质、湖体淤积、陆地化过快等问题。为此,保护和恢复东湖湿地、建立湿地公园已是势在必行。  相似文献   
基于紫皮大蒜生长周期和当地农业气象条件,得到上高县紫皮大蒜气候适宜性指标:10—11月的最低气温、10月至次年4月的平均气温和平均降水量以及2—4月的累计日照时数。利用1970—2020年宜春市和新余市辖区内共12个地面观测站的气象资料,采用GIS建立上高县紫皮大蒜种植区划因子地理空间分析模型。依据分区等级指标,将上高县划分为最适宜、一般适宜和不适宜3个紫皮大蒜气候种植区。  相似文献   
欧盟自1997年起就如何通过市场和行政手段“双轮驱动”控制碳排放总量进行不断探索,并逐步建立了较为成熟的碳排放交易体系及减排责任分担机制,已经取得了良好的减排效果。文中梳理分析《责任分担条例》修正案中关于成员国减排目标更新的内容、目标分配的原则与方法、灵活性机制,归纳了欧盟采用行政手段控制碳排放交易系统未涉及部门的温室气体排放的经验,并对中国如何构建充分考虑市场手段和行政手段的CO2排放总量控制制度提出政策建议。  相似文献   
利用一个全球海洋-大气-海冰耦合模式的300年控制试验资料,针对东亚区域雨带移动和大气环流特征演变的研究发现,华南春季降水是位于副热带的雨带的一部分,而且华南地区4、5月的降水异常具有明显的年际变化特征。在华南4、5月降水偏多年份,前期3月阿留申低压加强,北半球西风减弱,西太平洋海表温度出现负异常,导致冷暖空气在这里相遇造成降水异常。  相似文献   
Acidic species, such as Nitrate, in polar snow and firn layers are “reversibly” deposited, and are sufficiently volatile to undergo significant postdepositional exchange between snow/firn and the atmosphere. Through comparison of the snowpit and snowpack nitrate concentrations from central East Antarctica and the headwater of ürumqi River, we conclude that the nitrate peaks in the uppermost surface snow layers in central Antarctica are not related to an atmospheric signal and must account for post-depositional effects. Such effects, however, are not found in the surface snowpack nitrate profiles from the headwater of ürumqi River. Two reasons may account for the post-depositional difference. At first, nitrate in the polar snow and firn layers appears to be hydrated ion, which can be taken up by the atmosphere, while at the headwater of ürumqi River it seems mainly as mineral ion, which assembles the behavior of aerosol-derived species that are “irreversibly” deposited and do not undergo significant post-depositional exchange with the atmosphere. Secondly, the chemical features of the snow and ice on the Antarctica are mainly determined by wet deposition, to the contrary, dry deposition is more significant at the headwater of lUrumqi River than that on the East Antarctic Plateau.  相似文献   
本文将第二亚欧大陆桥描述为欧洲联盟网与中国东部网之间的连接,据此描绘了欧洲联盟网和中国东部网的构成,分析了亚洲、尤其是中亚地区围绕交通运输的国际合作形势和生态环境状况,阐述了泛欧洲交通与环境合作的内容和进程.  相似文献   
通过对东海区鲳鱼近年群体组成变化及银鲳生物学特性变化来分析目前鲳鱼资源利用状况,结果表明:一方面,虽然近年鲳鱼产量大幅增加,但其平均体重、优势叉长组成及年龄组成均出现明显下降,资源状况日益恶化;另一方面,1龄鱼已占渔获的93.68%,目前捕捞现行点开捕年龄tc=1和捕捞死亡系数F=2.51,单位补充量繁殖力相对百分比P<1.9%,单位补充量渔获量(Yw/R)为70g/尾,均显示已处于严重的生物学型捕捞过度.建议渔业管理部门大力削减作业渔船约50%,严格控制捕捞强度,逐步推迟开捕年龄至3龄以上,使鲳鱼资源真正能够永续利用。  相似文献   
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