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A variety of measures of organic matter concentration and quality were made on samples collected from the top few mm of intertidal mudflat sediment over the course of a year, in order to assess the relative importance of biological and sedimentological influences on sedimentary organic matter. Winter and summer were times of relatively fine-grained sediment accumulation, caused by biological deposition or stabilization processes and resulting in higher organic matter concentrations. Stable carbon isotope and Br:C ratios indicated a planktonic source of bulk organic matter. Ratios of organic carbon to specific surface area of the sediments were consistent with an organic monolayer coverage of sediment grains. Correction for changing grain size during the year showed no change in the organic concentration per unit surface area, in spite of organic matter inputs by in situ primary production, buildup of heterotroph biomass and mucus coatings, and biodeposition of organic-rich seston. There were also no indications of changes in bulk organic quality, measured as hydrolyzable carbohydrates and amino acids, in response to these biological processes. It is concluded that biological processes on a seasonal time scale affect the bulk organic matter of these sediments via a modulation of grain size rather than creation or decay of organic matter.  相似文献   
In the article the author looks back the hard development course and great progress in earth quake science and technology in China during the last near a half of century and expounds the following 3 aspects: (1) The strong desire of the whole society to mitigate seismic disasters and reduce the effect of earthquakes on social-economic live is a great driving force to push forward the development of earthquake science and technology in China; (2) To better ensure people‘ s life and property, sustainable economic development, and social stability is an essential purpose to drive the development of earthquake science and technology in China; and (3) To insist on the dialectical connection of setup of technical system for seismic monitoring with the scientific research of earthquakes and to better handle the relation between crucial task, current scientif ic level, and the feasibility are the important principles to advance the earthquake science and technology in China. Some success and many setbacks in earthquake disaster mitigation consistently enrich our knowledge regarding the complexity of the conditions for earthquake occurrence and the process of earthquake preparation, promote the reconstruction and modernization of technical system for earthquake monitoring, and deepen the scientific research of earthquakes. During the last 5 years, the improvement and modernization of technical system for earthquake monitoring have clearly provided the technical support to study and practice of earthquake prediction and pre caution, give prominence to key problems and broaden the field of scientific research of earth quakes. These have enabled us to get some new recognition of the conditions for earthquake oc currence and process of earthquake preparation, characteristics of seismic disaster, and mecha nism for earthquake generation in China‘s continent. The progress we have made not only en courages us to enhance the effectiveness of earthquake disaster mitigation, but also provides a basis for accelerating further development of earthquake science and technology in China in the new century, especially in the 10th five-year plan. Based on the history reviewed, the author sets forth a general requirement for develop ment of earthquake science and technology in China and brings out 10 aspects to be stressed and strengthened at present and in the future. These are: upgrade and setup of the network of digitized seismic observation; upgrade and setup of the network for observation of seismic pre cursors; setup of the network for observation of strong motion; setup of the laboratories for ex periment on seismic regime; establishment of technical system for seismic information, emer gency command and urgent rescue; research on short-term and imminent earthquake predic tion; research on intermediate- and long-term earthquake prediction; research on attenuation of seismic ground motion, mechanism for seismic disaster, and control on seismic disaster; ba sic research fields related to seismology and geoscience. We expect that these efforts will signifi cantly elevate the level of earthquake science and technology in China to the advanced interna tional level, improve theories, techniques, and methods for earthquake precaution and predic tion, and enhance the effectiveness of earthquake disaster mitigation.  相似文献   
夏季红枫湖地区农田土壤-大气界面汞交换通量的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
采用动力学通量箱法(Dynamic Flux Chamber)与高时间分辨率大气测汞仪联用技术对贵州红枫湖地区土壤-大气界面间汞交换通量进行了初步研究.结果显示,红枫湖地区土壤-大气界面间汞交换通量变化范围为-8.6 ng~215.3 ng@m-2@h-1,平均27.4士40.1 ng/m2@h(n=255);且土壤与大气界面间的汞交换是双向的既有土壤汞的释放,又有大气汞的沉降,主要以土壤汞的释放为主(n释放=253,n沉降=2n).土壤汞的释放通量与土壤温度、气温、光照强度有强相关关系,相关系数分别为0.80、0.83、0.74.  相似文献   
杜水生 《第四纪研究》2021,41(1):153-163


大洋钻探诸多科学目标的实现与包括钻探、取芯、测试和海底观测技术在内的各种新技术的开发和革新密不可分。即将开展的IODP计划,将对各种技术提出新的要求。在钻探技术上,将联合使用多平台,以实现区域更广深度更大的钻探作业;在取芯技术上,取样范围更广,从各种岩石取样到地下流体的取样,并要求样品保持原始状态,同时确保获得更高的岩芯采收率;在测试上,要求采用随钻测试技术,以适时地获得地下真实信息;在观测技术上,要求开发各种工具,去除由于钻探造成的扰动,使得各种观测仪器能够进行长期的跟踪观测。  相似文献   
在收集国内外高光谱技术发展、地质应用与研究实例资料的基础上,主要介绍了国内外高光谱地质应用的现状及其主要进展,并简要介绍了高光谱地质应用的主要技术。结合地质应用成功的实例,分析了高光谱遥感卫星技术在矿物识别与填图、岩性填图、矿产资源勘探、矿业环境监测、油气渗漏监测等地学方面的应用优势与前景,同时指出了目前高光谱遥感卫星技术地质应用存在的主要问题与发展趋势。  相似文献   
徐刚  郑达兴  乔子江  于新兵 《地质通报》2009,28(08):1047-1052
DEM和RS技术是研究滑坡地质灾害的重要资料和手段。近年来,随着高空间分辨率遥感卫星和高精度雷达卫星的上天,可以获取现时性高精度的DEM,使滑坡地质灾害的研究由二维向三维提升。利用IRS-P5数据生成的5m精度的DEM,借鉴GOOGLE的三维可视性原理,将其和高空间分辨率QuickBird(0.61m)数据叠置到数字地球之上,制作成三维可视性图像,进行滑坡环境指标参数提取方法研究。研究结果表明,该方法可直接读取滑坡环境指标的三维参数,具有客观、准确、快速的特点,可为滑坡灾害评估和区域地质灾害危险性评价提供定量化资料。  相似文献   
移动Agent 在集群系统中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从任务级的角度,在基于主/从模式的集群系统中引入了移动Agent技术,建立了基于移动Agent的并行计算模型。基于该模型,对移动Agent之间的通信接口、容错机制和负载平衡策略等问题进行了研究。  相似文献   

呼图壁储气库是中国目前存储量最大的天然气储气库,位于新疆准噶尔盆地南缘,北天山山前坳陷带内的呼图壁背斜上.储气库靠近百万人口大城市乌鲁木齐,气库的注放气活动对其周缘地震活动的长期影响是事关生产和生活的重要安全问题.本文以呼图壁储气库为中心,在86.5°E—87.5°E,43.5°N—44.5°N的范围内,基于新疆维吾尔自治区地震局在该区域建立的密集流动台阵数据,应用模板匹配滤波技术对2016年全年的波形数据进行搜索识别,检测到遗漏地震事件151个,完善扩充了原有地震目录,使得该区域完备震级由1.1降到约0.7.通过分析新目录中404个地震的时空分布规律,我们发现2016年,即气库建成第三年以后,储气库的气压变化依然会影响周缘地区的地震活动.当储气库的气压增大到超过约22 MPa的阈值后,较小的气压波动也会导致该区域地震活动性明显增强;气压变化对距储气库中心最远约40 km范围内区域的地震活动存在较为明显的影响.

介绍了后遥感应用技术提出的背景及技术构成,阐述了该技术的研究内容及取得的地质成果。实践表明,在地质勘查领域,后遥感应用技术比单一遥感技术具有更大的实用价值和更好的应用效果。  相似文献   
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