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腾冲热海火山地热区近期水热爆炸的阶段性演化特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
水热爆炸是活动性地热田的典型显示。腾冲热海火山地热区历史上曾发生过强烈的水热爆炸活动,但前期一度沉寂。1993年以来水热爆炸活动再度活跃。在过去十年间,研究区内发生过较大的爆炸喷发事件20余次,且规模越来越大。本文根据对爆炸形成泉点的选出气体化学和氦同位素组成的测试结果,研究了区内近期水热爆炸活动的演化特征。逸出气体化学和氦同位素组成特征指示,区内近期引发水热爆炸活动的气体源区有从浅层、中层向深层发展的趋势;作者认为,区内未来可能发生更大规模的爆炸活动,其危险性应引起高度关注。  相似文献   
Although Eddy Covariance (EC) technique is one of the best methods for estimating the energy and mass exchanges between underlying surface and atmosphere in micrometeorology, errors and uncertainties still exist without necessary corrections. In this paper, we will focus on the effect of coordinate system on the eddy fluxes. Based on the data observed over four sites (one farmland site, one grassland site and two forest sites), the effects of three coordinate system transforming methods (Double Rotation-DR, Triple Rotation-TR and Planar Fit-PF)on the turbulent fluxes are analyzed. It shows that (i) the corrected fluxes are more or less than the uncorrected fluxes, which is related mainly to the sloping degree of surface, wind speed and wind direction; and (ii) pitch angle has a sinusoidal dependence on wind direction, especially in the regular sloping terrain; and (iii) PF method is something like the simplification of TR or DR,and there are not obvious distinctions in correction in sloping grassland and flat farmland, but PF method is not suitable for uneven and irregular forest sites.  相似文献   
With the static opaque chamber and gas chromatography technique, from January 2003 to January 2004 soil respiration was investigated in a tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna, SW China. In this study three treatments were applied, each with three replicates: A (bare soil), B (soil+litter), and C (soil+litter+seedling). The results showed that soil respiration varied seasonally, low from December 2003 to February 2004, and high from June to July 2004. The annual average values of CO2 efflux from soil respiration differed among the treatments at 1% level, with the rank of C (14642 mgCO2· m-2. h-1)>B (12807 mgCO2· m-2. h-1)>A (9532 mgCO2· m-2. h-1). Diurnal variation in soil respiration was not apparent due to little diurnal temperate change in Xishuangbanna. There was a parabola relationship between soil respiration and soil moisture at 1% level. Soil respiration rates were higher when soil moisture ranged from 35% to 45%. There was an exponential relationship between soil respiration and soil temperature (at a depth of 5cm in mineral soil) at 1% level. The calculated Q1o values in this study,ranging from 2.03 to 2.36, were very near to those of tropical soil reported. The CO2 efflux in 2003was 5.34 kgCO2· m-2. a-1 from soil plus litter plus seedling, of them 3.48 kgCO2· m-2. a-1 from soil (accounting for 62.5%), 1.19 kgCO2· m-2. a-1 from litter (22.3%) and 0.67 kgCO2·m-2. a-1 from seedling (12.5%).  相似文献   
煤层气在煤储层中的扩散及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
煤层气在煤储层中的扩散是指从煤基质孔隙表面上解吸的煤层气运移到割理系统的主要过程。发生扩散的前提条件是气体浓度差的出现,衡量扩散能力大小的重要参数是扩散系数。前者为由解吸速度、解吸气量和煤层气产量、井孔压力降等因素控制的动态参数,而后者为主要受扩散物质性质、扩散介质特征、扩散系统的温度、压力和孔隙结构形态等因素影响的静态参数。煤层气在煤储层中的扩散量与煤层气浓度差和扩散系数呈正比关系。  相似文献   
We present an uncertainty analysis of ecological process parameters and CO2 flux components (Reco, NEE and gross ecosystem exchange (GEE)) derived from 3 years’ continuous eddy covariance meas-urements of CO2 fluxes at subtropical evergreen coniferous plantation, Qianyanzhou of ChinaFlux. Daily-differencing approach was used to analyze the random error of CO2 fluxes measurements and bootstrapping method was used to quantify the uncertainties of three CO2 flux components. In addition, we evaluated different ...  相似文献   
赵岩  郭常来  李旭光  孙秀波 《地质通报》2021,40(10):1688-1696
地质遗迹资源是提高人类当前和将来生活质量最珍贵的、不可再生的自然遗产,其保护、利用与管理是地质遗迹可持续性发展的前提和基础。辽宁省锦州市地跨燕山余脉和辽西中生代盆地,长期的地质演化留下了丰富的地质遗迹资源,其中尤以典型地层剖面、古生物化石、花岗岩地貌、河流地貌景观和海岸线最具特色,典型地质遗迹特征是对重要地质事件与人类活动历史的响应。通过锦州地质遗迹资源专项调查,从遗迹特征、成因等角度,将锦州市地质遗迹资源分为两大类、七小类、十一亚类,共计238处,整体上类型多样、内涵独特、分布范围广。然而,由于基础数据不清、保护意识淡薄、投入资金有限、管理机制不健全等原因,锦州市内的地质遗迹正遭受或面临严重破坏。针对锦州市"山、海、城"旅游产业空间布局、打造精品旅游目的地、宜居城市、生态文明、乡村振兴建设与地质遗迹保护性利用中存在的问题,建立地质遗迹资源保护名录、科普基地、特色风景廊道、风景旅游区、特色小镇及地质文化村,形成多层次、多样化的保护性利用路径。  相似文献   
大洋钻探诸多科学目标的实现与包括钻探、取芯、测试和海底观测技术在内的各种新技术的开发和革新密不可分。即将开展的IODP计划,将对各种技术提出新的要求。在钻探技术上,将联合使用多平台,以实现区域更广深度更大的钻探作业;在取芯技术上,取样范围更广,从各种岩石取样到地下流体的取样,并要求样品保持原始状态,同时确保获得更高的岩芯采收率;在测试上,要求采用随钻测试技术,以适时地获得地下真实信息;在观测技术上,要求开发各种工具,去除由于钻探造成的扰动,使得各种观测仪器能够进行长期的跟踪观测。  相似文献   
Jiang, S., Liu, X., Sun, J., Yuan, L., Sun, L. & Wang, Y. 2011: A multi‐proxy sediment record of late Holocene and recent climate change from a lake near Ny‐Ålesund, Svalbard. Boreas, Vol. 40, pp. 468–480. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00198.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 The Arctic constitutes a unique and important environment with a significant role in the dynamics and evolution of the earth system. Arctic lake sediments, which accumulate slowly over time, contain abundant information about the biological communities that lived within the water body, as well as in the surrounding catchment. In this study, we collected a sediment core from Ny‐Ålesund, Svalbard, performed multi‐proxy analyses on sediment pigments, mineral magnetic susceptibility, various sediment quality (i. e. organic matter content, CaCO3 content, carbon and nitrogen isotope), and diatom composition, and reconstructed the history of ecosystem responses to environmental variations, especially regarding aquatic productivity and lake catchment surface processes. Ny‐Ålesund has undergone distinct ecological and climatic changes. During the Little Ice Age, the cold climate was unfavourable for the growth of lake algae, and therefore the lake primary productivity declined. After about AD 1890 and during the 20th century, the warming climate and reduced ice cover led to rapid lithological change and growth of lake algae, enhanced lake primary productivity, and increased input of nutrients derived from increased chemical weathering into the lake. The lake ecosystem on Ny‐Ålesund has had rapid responses to climatic and environmental changes in the Arctic.  相似文献   
劈裂拉伸破坏是隧洞围岩失稳破坏的主要形式之一。现阶段,在动态劈裂条件下岩石裂纹扩展及对应阶段的能量演化机制鲜有涉及。基于此,采用分离式霍普金森压杆对锦屏大理岩试样进行了不同弹速下的劈裂试验,并借助ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元软件,模拟试样动态劈裂破坏过程。从试验测试和数值计算角度,重点分析大理岩劈裂过程中的裂纹扩展机制以及能量演化特征。结果表明:在应变率为5~35 s−1时,大理岩的动态拉伸强度与应变率呈线性正相关,同其他地区大理岩相比较,锦屏大理岩的应变率敏感性相对较低;随着弹速的增加,系统内能和动能均增大,在试样破坏的瞬间系统内能降至最低;采用标定的Cowper-Symonds本构模型参数进行数值模拟,所得的试样最终破坏形态与试验观察到的现象基本一致。研究结果可为具体工程应用提供指导和参考。  相似文献   
大庆长垣南端砂岩型铀矿勘查项目前期利用油田钻孔资料发现了众多零散的工业孔,并钻探证实。为了进一步扩大找矿成果,开展了地震勘探。针对工作区地层埋深特点选择了合理的采集参数,利用地震成果并结合测井数据,统一了工作区的层位划分,圈定了砂体,进而推断出古河道,解决了砂岩型铀矿勘查中的储层问题,取得了很好的成果。地震勘探可作为砂岩型铀矿勘查寻找有利储层的主要方法手段。  相似文献   
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