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水镁石研究开发与应用近况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水镁石是比较稀贵的富镁非金属矿,其含镁量在众多镁质矿物中排居榜首。由于其品位一般都较高,加工容易,且加工制成品具有较高的附加值,因此水镁石在经济上具有重要意义。这也是拥有水镁石资源的国家普遍关注其开发利用的原因所在。  相似文献   
氟、氯、溴、碘等卤族元素与人体健康的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卤族元素是人体的必需元素,正常情况下成人摄入量不超过F4 mg/d、C11.7~5.1g/d、I 100~200μg/d;少年不超过F 3 mg/d,儿童I1μg/kg-d,婴儿Cl0.3~1.2 g/d.过量摄入或缺乏卤族元素,都可能导致疾病的发生.而F含量0.5~1.0mg/L、C1<50mg/L、Br>100μg/L、I 10~100μg/L的饮用地下水,有利于人体健康.  相似文献   
The effects of natural fish oil,DHA oil and soybean lecithin in microparticulate diets on stress tolerance of larval gilthead seabream(Sparus aurata)were investigated after 15 days feeding trials.The tolerance of larval gilthead seabream to various stress factors such as exposure to air(lack of dissolved oxygen),changes in water temperature(low)and salinity(high) were determined.This study showed that microparticulate diet with natural fish oil and soybean lecithin was the most effective for in-creasing the tolerance of larval gilthead seabream to various stresses,and that microparticulate diet with natural fish oil and palmitic acid(16:0)was more effective than microparticulate diet with DHA oil and soybean lecithin.  相似文献   
厄尔尼诺现象厄尔尼诺现象是东太平洋沿岸厄瓜多尔南部和秘鲁北部沿海发展起来的较弱和暖的向南流动的洋流,这种现象一般发生在每年圣诞节前后,因此当地渔民称之为“圣婴”(西班牙语Elnino)。50年代以前,只有当地的渔民对此比较关心,因为暖洋流破坏了生态平衡,海中鱼类赖以生存的浮游生物由于海水温度的升高而无法繁殖,导致一些鱼类缺乏食物大量死亡,以鱼为生的海洋鸟类也遭厄运,渔民及  相似文献   
ICSED (Improved Cluster Shade Edge Detection) algorithm and other various methods to accurately and efficiently detect edges on satellite data are presented. Error rate criterion is used to statistically evaluate the performances of these methods in detecting oceanic features for both noise free and noise contaminated AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) IR image with Kuroshio. Also, practical experiments in detecting the eddy of Kuroshio with these methods are carried out for comparison. Results show that the ICSED algorithm has more advantages than other methods in detecting mesoscale features of ocean. Finally, the effectiveness of window size of ICSED method to oceanic features detection is quantitatively discussed.  相似文献   
This paper systematically analyzes and proves the favorable factors of utilizing the ports and the railways in Northeast China for the Asia-Europe land bridge transportation. It will be more beneficial to Dalian Port and HaDa (Harbin-Dalian) and Binzhou (Harbin-Manzhouli) railways in Northeast China to the Siberia railway in Russia than 1) to other ports and the corresponding railways in China, 2) to the Nakhodka Port in Russia and the corresponding railways and 3) to the Chongjin Port in North Korea and the corresponding railways. This paper also puts forward the reform measures to adopt the ports and the railways in the northeast region in China for the land bridge transportation and the problems in transportation policies and management systems.  相似文献   
作者测定了博斯腾湖沉积岩心~(210)Pb、~(228)Th和核试验释放核素~(239,240)Pu、~3H的分布,并据~(210)Pb、~(228)Th、~(239,240)Pu的结果估算湖泊的沉积速率,分别为0.31cm/a,0.26cm/a和0.33cm/a。它表明该湖泊近百年来沉积环境十分稳定。沉积物岩心极好地保存了人类大气核试验的历史记录。~(239,240)Pu分布在1963±2出现峰值,与60年代核试验高峰期相当吻合。沉积物孔隙水~3H分布的峰值出现在1969年,与湖水的混合过程有关。  相似文献   
Introduction The Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, the northern, non metamorphic part of the Hercynian orogen in Middle Europe is one of the most excellent examples of a stable continental area, deeply weathered under a tropical to subtropical climate during upper Mesozoic and especially Paleogene periods. Over several tens of million years, a vertically well zoned siallitic to laterit-  相似文献   
日本旅游地理学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文回顾了近年来日本旅游地理学的研究工作并明确了其未来的任务。在总结了日本旅游活动的历史和特点的基础上,把旅游地理学研究归结为空间组织的研究、景观彤成的研究和其它研究(包括景观评价和旅游资源的认知研究等)三类。在空间组织的研究中,地理学家已经探讨了以城市为中心的旅游空间和由不同类型旅游地所构成的复合旅游区。然而进一步发展城市旅游地理研究,对于探讨旅游空间问题是十分蘑要的。有关景观形成的研究工作比空间组织的研究要多一些但大多数以前的工作都是有关温泉和民宿聚落(minskuku)的研究,而且仅限于其经济意义方面。地理学家必须开阔视野,去探讨与其有关的社会和文化地理学问题,并应注意环境保护问题。景观评价以及旅游资源认知的研究尚处于开创时期。从整体上说,日本的旅游地理学研究落后于其它发达国家,尤其是在计量方法和环境认知等现代技术手段的应用上。展望未来,日本旅游事业的发展将会对旅游地理学的研究提出更高的要求。  相似文献   
一、河南乡镇企业的产业结构现状 1988年全省乡镇企业完成总产值393亿元,超过农业总产值28.1%,乡镇工业总产值已占全省工业总产值的33.1%,当前乡镇企业已成为全省国民经济的重要支柱。 1.乡镇企业的发展,改变了农村单一经农业的产业结构,促进了第二、三产业的发展。从产值方面来看,工业企业、建筑企业和交通运输业仍然是我省乡镇企业的主体。1988年,乡镇工业产值占乡镇企业总产值的56%。工业部门也比较齐全,建筑业占乡镇企业总产值的  相似文献   
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