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通过对准噶尔盆地中部Ш区块原油或油砂抽提物的饱和烃气相色谱-质谱分析,研究了原油或油砂抽提物中25-降藿烷的分布规律.结果表明,不同井区或同一口井不同深度(层位)的原油25-降藿烷的相对含量存在比较明显的差别,表明其所遭受的生物降解程度有所差异,沿构造带从南到北,同一油层中原油的生物降解程度增强,比如位于构造北部(构造部位相对较高)的永1井、永3井侏罗系原油25-降藿烷丰度较高,表明生物降解比较明显,而位于南部(构造低部位)的永6井白垩系和侏罗系油层中的原油均无明显的生物降解现象;同一口井随深度增大生物降解作用将弱,如永2井浅部白垩系油层的原油降解较严重,而深部西山窑组的原油降解作用则不明显.根据原油生物降解的特征,结合车-莫古隆起调整对研究区油气成藏的影响,讨论了原油生物降解差异分布的成因机制. 相似文献
The Sanchazi mafic-ultramafic complex in Mianlue tectonic zone, South Qinling can be subdivided into two blocks, i.e. Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc and Zhuangkegou paleo-oceanic crust fragment (ophiolite). The Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc is mainly composed of andesite, basaltic and basalt-andesitic gabbro (or diorite), andesitic dyke, plagiogranite and minor ultramafic rocks, which have typical geochemical features of island arc volcanic rocks, such as high field strength element (e.g. Nb, Ti) depletions and lower Cr, Ni contents. The Light rare earth element (LREE) and K enrichments of these rocks and zircon xenocrystals of 900 Ma from plagiogranite suggest that this magmatic arc was developed on the South active continental margin of the South Qinling micro-continent. The U-Pb age of (300 ± 61)Ma for zircons from plagiogranite indicates that the Mianlue paleo-oceanic crust was probably subducted underneath the South Qinling micro-continent in Carboniferous. This is consistent with the formation time (309Ma) of the Huwan eclogite originating from oceanic subduction in Dabie Mountains, suggesting that the Mianlue paleo-ocean probably extended eastward to the Dabie Mountains in Carboniferous. The high-Mg adakitic rocks in Sanchazi paleo-magmatic arc suggest that the subducted oceanic crust was relatively young (<25Ma) and hot. 相似文献
XU Jianming XU Xiangde LIU Yu DING Guoan CHEN Huailiang HU Jiangkai ZHANG Jianchun WU Hao LI Weiliang HE Jinhai YANG Yuanqin WANG Jiahe 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2005,48(Z2)
Based on analysis of the air pollution observational data at 8 observation sites in Beijing including outer suburbs during the period from September 2004 to March 2005, this paper reveals synchronal and in-phase characteristics in the spatial and temporal variation of air pollutants on a city-proper scale at deferent sites; describes seasonal differences of the pollutant emission influence between the heating and non-heating periods, also significantly local differences of the pollutant emission influence between the urban district and outer suburbs, i.e. the spatial and temporal distribution of air pollutant is closely related with that of the pollutant emission intensity. This study shows that due to complexity of the spatial and temporal distribution of pollution emission sources, the new generation Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) model developed by the EPA of USA produced forecasts, as other models did, with a systematic error of significantly lower than observations, albeit the model has better capability than previous models had in predicting the spatial distribution and variation tendency of multi-sort pollutants. The reason might be that the CMAQ adopts average amount of pollutant emission inventory, so that the model is difficult to objectively and finely describe the distribution and variation of pollution emission sources intensity on different spatial and temporal scales in the areas, in which the pollution is to be forecast. In order to correct the systematic prediction error resulting from the average pollutant emission inventory in CMAQ, this study proposes a new way of combining dynamics and statistics and establishes a statistically correcting model CMAQ-MOS for forecasts of regional air quality by utilizing the relationship of CMAQ outputs with corresponding observations, and tests the forecast capability. The investigation of experiments presents that CMAQ-MOS reduces the systematic errors of CMAQ because of the uncertainty of pollution emission inventory and improves the forecast level of air quality. Also this work employed a way of combining point and area forecasting, i.e. taking the products of CMAQ for a center site to forecast air pollution for other sites in vicinity with the scheme of model products "reanalysis" and average over the "area". 相似文献
精确同位素地质测年结果表明,沂水岩群形成时代为2 760~2 700Ma,泰山岩群雁翎关岩组、柳杭岩组下亚组和孟家屯岩组形成时代为2 750~2 700Ma,均属新太古代早期;泰山岩群柳杭岩组上亚组、山草峪岩组形成时代为2 600~2 540Ma(被峄山岩套石英闪长岩和傲徕山岩套二长花岗岩侵入),济宁岩群岩浆锆石年龄(2 561±24)Ma,均属新太古代晚期。荆山群和粉子山群的形成时代为古元古代晚期。芝罘群碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄(1 658±32)Ma、(1 792±43)Ma,形成时代为中元古代。云台岩群花果山组碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄800~740Ma,形成时代为新元古代。 相似文献
基于高光谱遥感的土壤有机碳含量估算研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
土壤有机碳库是人类可以对其施加影响的最大生物圈碳库,其储量的估算和动态变化研究是全球碳循环研究中的重要内容.传统的各种估算和监测方法存在一定的问题,而利用高光谱遥感估算土壤有机碳含量具有便捷快速、节约成本、非破坏性和准确度高的优势,同时,从机载高光谱传感器获取的土壤图像数据对于估算大尺度区域土壤有机碳含量和跨时空动态研究具有相当大的潜力.但是,基于高光谱遥感数据的监测受到很多因素的影响,包括土壤有机碳含量的差异、成土母质、土壤含水量、土壤质地等以及与土壤有机碳光谱响应特性较为接近的氧化铁的影响.另外,野外土壤表面状态(如植被覆盖、表面粗糙度、土壤含水量和沙石等)以及大气、光照和辐射条件等也都对研究结果和估算精度产生较大的影响.今后该领域的研究应致力于对各影响因素的深入研究,同时寻求更多有效的计量方法提高估算模型的稳定性,并最终应用高光谱遥感数据开展区域尺度土壤有机碳含量的估算. 相似文献
堆载条件下单桩负摩阻力模型试验研究 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
通过对粉土中混凝土单桩竖向静载荷的模型试验,分析了在桩周土堆载条件下,端承桩、摩擦端承桩在桩周土含水率变化时,桩侧摩阻力、桩端阻力的变化规律及不同土层的沉降、“中性点”位置和下拽力的变化。研究发现,摩擦端承桩“中性点”位置随桩周土含水率、堆载等级的变化而变化,在最优含水率附近,土层的下陷量较大,致桩体沉降量也大,故“中性点”的位置会有所上升;随着桩周土堆载的增大,桩周土对桩侧的下拽力也增大,桩体进一步下陷,使桩土相对位移反而减少,“中性点”有所上升。 相似文献
NASA World Wind JavaSDK数字地球客户端开发 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
NASA World Wind是美国航空航天管理局(NASA)推出的一个开放源代码的地理软件,一个3D的可视化虚拟地球仪,也是最流行的数字地球平台,因为数据和使用都完全免费,所以值得对其应用进行研究。WorldWind JavaSDK是NASA提供的一个开源的开发软件包,本文对World Wind Java SDK的包和类、如何创建WorldWind JAVA应用、架构、API以及功能结构等做了详细的说明。在此基础上,介绍并展示以Applet和Java WebStart两种部署方式,完全利用World Wind的数据,开发自己的GIS平台,实现对其数据的充分利用。 相似文献
基于我国对湿地的认知变化及保护历程,结合第二次全国湿地普查结果,分析当前我国湿地保护中存在的主要问题,并提出针对性建议,主要包括:落实保护红线、创新保护格局;完善法律法规、推进湿地保护绩效考核;实施生态补偿机制、提升湿地造血功能;加强科技支撑及人才建设、建立智能管理体系;宣扬湿地文化,推进社会主流生态价值观形成等。 相似文献