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宽频带地震学与中强地震破裂过程的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
宽频带地震学是近年来地球物理学科的重要进展之一,现代的观测技术实现了仪器在很宽的频带范围内记录数字地震信号,宽频带资料含有更真实和更全面的震源和地下介质的信息,利用宽频带资料可以对广泛的地球物理问题进行研究,中强地震的破裂过程是一个非常重要的研究课题。利用宽频带地震学的分析手段,可以得到更加精细的破裂图象,未来的十年里,宽频地震学将会是地震学发展的一个主要方向。  相似文献   

数理地震学是地震学的一个分支,其主要研究内容是把各种应用数学方法及某些理论与实验分析方法应用于地震学研究当中。它可以包括统计地震学和模糊地震学的大部分内容和计算地震学、理论地震学、实验地震学、非线性地震学等的一部分内容,侧重于数学方法与模型研究和计算。本文简要介绍近年来数理地震学研究的某些新进展,1995年5月3—6日在杭州召开的中日数理地震学学术研讨会,会后于5月7—15日在国家地震局杭州干部培训中心举办的数理地震学新进展培训班,以及新出版的中、英文版专著《数理地震学进展》。  相似文献   

闻学泽 《中国地震》2000,16(1):22-27
根据历史地震资料分析了山西断陷带中3个相连接断裂段的地震复发过程及其与1303年8组地震的联系。结果发现:1303年大地震破裂曾造成相邻断裂段上地震复发行为发生改变,其中,北邻断裂段的一次地震被提前了300 ̄400a发生,南邻断裂段的另一次地震则被推迟了约300a发生,而1303年破裂过的一部分断裂面积可能长期处于较低的破坏应力下并以中强地震作调整性活动。在未受到1303年破裂影响的时期各断裂段的  相似文献   

1897年台湾岛内安装了第一台地震仪。从此,人们又相继建立了许多地震台并在地震学方面进行了诸多研究。我们首先讲述地震台网的简要发展史。其次,我们回顾一下1897 ̄1996年期间发表的地震学方面的论文,它们涉及到的重要问题有:(1)地壳和上地幔结构(包括一维、三维速度模型,Q值及各向异性);(2)地震定量;(3)地震目录;(4)1945年前的地震序列研究;(5)1945年后的地震序列研究;(6)地震  相似文献   

1879年武都南8级大地震及其同震破裂研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
近年来,通过艰苦的野外现场考察和室内相关资料的系统调研,对1879年武都南8级大震的震级、震害、烈度分布、同震破裂及其形成该事件的发震构造、形成机制等方面的问题进行了专题研究。本文对武都南8级大震的宏观震中位置、震级及同震破裂研究结果进行了总结。重点讨论了该历史事件同震破裂的分布范围、破裂类型、规模及其形成机制等方面的问题。研究结果表明:(1)武都南地震的极震区主体位于甘肃东南部的武都与文县之间,且靠近武都南,为一呈北东东向展布的椭圆形,长轴长约70km,短轴长约30km,宏观震中位于极震区东部的堡子坝附近。(2)极震区内分布有3条向北东撒开,向南西收敛的同震破裂带。(3)主破裂带西起哈南白水江,东至固水子、透坊、稻畦子一带的白龙江沿岸。(4)同震破裂主要由地震裂缝、地震陡坎、地震鼓包、地震滑坡、堰塞湖等构造类型组成,其中以滑坡现象最为突出,保存也最为完整。(5)根据同震破裂的产生部位,几何』结构和形成机制,可认为武都南地震的同震破裂带是在哈南-稻畦子-毛坡拉断裂带左旋走滑兼倾滑活动作用下形成的。(6)根据同震破裂的规模及发震断裂运动量实测数据,可以确定武都南地震震级已达8级。  相似文献   

1999年台湾集集大地震的地表断层破裂特征   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
王彦斌  王永  李建成 《地震地质》2000,22(2):97-103
野外考察结果表明 ,1999年 9月 2 1日台湾集集大地震是由车笼埔断层发生逆冲作用造成的。地震产生的地表破裂长约 80km ,具有明显的挤压逆断层特征 ,其活动方式为具左旋性质的逆倾滑动。实测逆冲断层以 30°~ 50°的角向西北逆冲而上。断层的垂直位移量 ,南段约 2~ 3m ,北段约 3~ 8m ;断层的水平位移量 ,南段 0~ 3m ,北段 3~ 5m ;垂直断层的水平缩短量 ,南段 2~ 3m ,北段 3~ 6m。从台湾西部麓山带的地质构造剖面分析 ,地震震源恰好位于台湾西部麓山带中生代基底与其上的沉积盖层的界面的深度 ,而西部麓山带第三纪地层和其下的基底的分离面为一滑动面 (decolle ment)。在菲律宾海板块的挤压作用下 ,沿该区中生代基底之上滑动面的错动导致了地震的发生  相似文献   

如果一个不知名的研究者使用不受欢迎的技术预测一个地震怎么办?如果接着一个地震发生了,数百人死亡,持反对意见的科学家应去坐牢吗?  相似文献   

以华南、华北以及西部地区中强地震为例,选择了8种物理意义明确、独立性较强的地震学指标,以区域内断裂走向为参考,分别沿断裂走向进行平行、垂直、斜向滑移做空间扫描,以扫描曲线与震源区曲线的相关系数大小定量分析不同滑移方式扫描结果的差异,研究不同构造分区内断裂走向对地震学参数扫描结果的影响及变化规律。结果表明:不仅空间参数的改变对结果有影响,震源区内的断裂走向对地震学参数扫描结果也有一定影响。文中给出了不同震级地震学指标在扫描中影响最小的空间范围的最佳条件参数,同时也对不同断裂走向对参数扫描结果可能产生的影响进行了分析  相似文献   

Electromagnetic anomalies associated with 1995 Kobe earthquake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Occurrences of anomalous electro-magnetic phenomena at varied frequency ranges, covering ELF to VHF, have been reported in relation to the 17 January 1995 Kobe earthquake (M7.2), by several independent research groups. Prominent pre-seismic peaks, which could have been emitted from the focal area, were observed on 9-10 January in ELF, VLF, LF and HF ranges. Whether these changes were truly related to the earthquake is not certain, because atmospheric (thunderbolt discharge) activities also peaked on 9-10 January. The nomalous changes were markedly enhanced toward the catastrophe in agreement with many reports on unusual radio/TV noise. Anomalous transmission of man-made electromagnetic waves in VLF and VHF ranges was also detected from a few days before the earthquake, indicating the possibility that the ionosphere above the focal zone was disturbed at the final stage of the earthquake preparation process.  相似文献   

This paper discusses recent progress of onshore active faults studies in Japan, especially since the 1995 destructive Kobe earthquake, when the number of trenching studies, which are essential for the reconstruction of onshore paleoearthquakes, has rapidly increased. The timing and repeat interval of paleoearthquakes are here reviewed for the Miura Peninsula, south of Tokyo and the Awaji Island and Kobe-Osaka area, in central Japan, where trenching have been carried out very intensively in the last few years.  相似文献   

The 1995 Kobe earthquake caused unprecedented damage to buildings and civil infrastructures in the city of Kobe and its surrounding areas. In order to evaluate the structural damage in this area due to the earthquake, it is important to estimate the distribution of earthquake ground motion. However, since the number of strong ground motion records is not enough in the heavily damaged areas, it is necessary to estimate the distribution using other data sources. In this paper, the fragility curves for low‐rise residential buildings were constructed using the recorded motions and the building damage data from the intensive field survey by the AIJ and CPIJ group. The fragility curves obtained were then employed to estimate the strong motion distribution in the district level for Kobe and the surrounding areas during the earthquake. The results may be useful to investigate the various damages caused by the earthquake. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Strong motion records provided by seismic vertical arrays allow estimation of stress–strain relations in soils at depths from the surface to the location of the deepest device. As an example, time-dependent nonlinear soil behavior was estimated in vertical components of records obtained in the epicentral area of the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Degradation of the rigidity of soils in the strong motion was observed. The constructed nonlinear models of the soil behavior were used for estimating the nonlinear parts in the ground response by the nonlinear system identification technique. Nonlinear parts in the ground response were found to be as high as 50% at 2 km from the fault and 10% at 6–15 km from the fault plane. Odd types of nonlinearity, such as cubic, the fifth, seventh, etc. order, were found to be typical for soils, whereas, nonlinearities of even types are usually weak, but increase in liquefied soils.  相似文献   

Changes in total geomagnetic field intensity, of 2–3 nT, were observed prior to the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake at the Amagase (AMG) site, located approximately 70 km from the epicenter. We examined whether the observed variations are local signals arising from the Earth's crust, or global variations that are unlikely to originate from the crust. To remove global-scale variations in total geomagnetic intensity data, we employed a regional geomagnetic field model. Using data recorded at five reference sites in Japan, we estimated global-scale variations in total geomagnetic intensity, and removed them from the observed total geomagnetic intensity at the AMG site. The reminder still showed variations during the period prior to the Kobe earthquake. In addition, these pre-seismic variations include two of the largest shifts recorded during the entire observation period at the AMG site, raising the possibility that these variations were indeed related to the earthquake. These variations cannot be interpreted as signals arising from the area close to the seismic source because of the large distance between the epicenter and the site. Therefore, our results raise the possibility that the physical state of the Earth's crust shows marked changes over a wide region in the lead-up to a seismic event.  相似文献   

During the 1995 Hyogoken Nambu earthquake in Kobe, the ground motion at the filled man-made islands in the Kobe harbor was not as severe as that at the mainland. The building damage was also less compared to that on the mainland. It was found by comparative study of earthquake records that the magnitude of acceleration response on the ground surface decreases at the islands as opposed to the mainland. One dimensional effective stress analysis is adopted in this study. Input data has been generated from test results, e.g. the SPT N-value by standard penetration test and shear wave velocity Vs by PS logging. Results obtained by the analyses showed good agreement with the observed records, which is an indication of the suitability of the adopted analysis procedure. From this study, the followings are concluded. By the increase of SPT N-value of the filled layers, liquefaction near ground surface is restrained and damage modes such as ejection of water and soil can be prevented. Since the ground profile at the islands is that considerably soft filled layer and marine clay layers, etc. are present and the thickness of the surface layer is large, the initial natural period of the ground is above 1 s and the natural period is elongated further under the earthquake excitation, which is deemed to be the principal reason for the reduction of the earthquake motion at the ground surface.  相似文献   

A series of studies was conducted on three buildings of steel reinforced concrete structures with RC shear walls damaged in the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake. These buildings are located in an area where structural damage centred around. Two of these buildings suffered severe damage, while the third was not structurally damaged. Our studies deal with site inspections, including micro-tremor measurement of buildings, the evaluation of input motions, and the response analyses considering soil–structure interaction. The results of simulation analyses of the two severely damaged buildings correspond to their actual damage state. From the response analyses of the one slender building with no structural damage, it was concluded that uplifting is the main reason it did not suffer any structural damage. Through these studies, the importance of soil–structure interaction and effective input motion is fully understood. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To understand the generation process of inland earthquake, we determined the seismic velocity structure in and around the source area of the 1995 southern Hyogo (Kobe) earthquake (M7.3) in SW Japan. We adopted the double-difference (DD) tomography method [Zhang, H. and C. Thurber. Double-Difference Tomography: the method and its application to the Hayward Fault,California. Bull Seism Soc Am 93 (2003) 1875–1889.]. We inverted arrival times recorded by a dense temporary seismic network for aftershocks and seismic networks routinely operated by Japanese Universities. Obtained results are summarized as follows: (1) Low-velocity zones of a few kilometers' width are distributed along the fault or along the aftershock alignment, suggesting that the fault of the 1995 earthquake is located primarily in a low-velocity zone. (2) Amount of velocity decrease within this low-velocity zone varies along the strike of the fault. Most of large slip areas (asperities) seem to correspond to higher velocity areas relative to the surroundings on the fault, rather than to lower velocity areas.  相似文献   

Simple straightforward methods are applied to testtheir ability to detect the non-linear response of thesoil. Recordings of the main shock and aftershocks ofthe 1995, Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake are used.Non-linear effects are investigated using twodifferent techniques, on a collection of data for 12sites situated on different geological structures inthe Kobe and Osaka areas. The first method used is theso-called receiver functions technique (Langston,1979), which consists of computing the spectral ratiobetween horizontal and vertical components of motion.This ratio has been shown to reveal the fundamentalfrequency of a site (Lachet and Bard, 1994; Lachet etal., 1996; Theodulidis et al., 1995, 1996). For eachsite, recordings of the main shock and a set ofaftershocks are considered. The variation of thisspectral ratio for different values of the maximumacceleration recorded at a site is investigated. Bothvariations of the amplitude of the H/V ratio (due tonon-linear behavior, on the horizontal components inparticular) and of the frequency position of theamplified band-width are observed. The secondtechnique used in this study is related to thevariation of the high frequency content of therecordings during the main-shock and its aftershocks.The high frequency spectral decay of the motion,characterized by parameter, is assumed to berelated mainly to the near-surface attenuation. Itshould then increase with increasing peak velocity, incase of non-linearity. The value of kappa iscalculated for the 12 sites in the Kobe area, fordifferent types of soil conditions, and againdifferent values of peak ground acceleration.Variations of kappa are then related to non-linearbehavior of the soil during the Kobe earthquake.  相似文献   

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