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A discussion of the effects of Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) on the formulation of active structural control algorithms is presented. Two approaches for incorporating SSI effects in linear optimal control theory are developed: one which performs the control analysis on a structure with a fixed base and then considers the effects of SSI on the controlled structural response; and another which performs the control analysis using a structural equation of motion reformulated to include SSI effects. The two control formulations are studied and compared using a single-degree-of-freedom structure supported through a rigid foundation resting on a linear, elastic half-space. Results show that control effectiveness is affected by the approach used in formulating the equations of motion of the interacting system.  相似文献   

The 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake brought about enormous damage to structures in the Hanshin and Awaji areas. In this paper the importance of investigating the relationship between ground motion and structural damage is pointed out.

Strong seismic motion was observed at the NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) Building during this earthquake. The structural damage to this building was relatively slight. In order to evaluate the relationship between ground motion and structural damage, it is necessary to assess the effects of the soil–structure interaction. In this study, the seismic response of the building and of the surface soil were evaluated by means of a nonlinear soil–structure interaction analysis using FEM.

It was found that, the nonlinearity of surface soil near the building had a great effect on the soil–structure interaction, especially the rocking of the building.  相似文献   

This paper presents how soil–structure interaction affects the seismic performance of Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD) when installed on flexibly based structures. Previous studies on this subject have led to inconsistent conclusions since the soil and structure models employed considerably differ from each other. A generic frequency-independent model is used in this paper to represent a general soil–structure system, whose parameters cover a wide spectrum of soil and structural characteristics. The model structure is subjected to a stationary random excitation and the root-mean-square responses of engineering interest are used to measure the TMD's performance. Extensive parametric studies have shown that strong soil–structure interaction significantly defeats the seismic effectiveness of TMD systems. As the soil shear wave velocity decreases, TMD systems become less effective in reducing the maximum response of structures. For a structure resting on soft soil, the TMD system can hardly reduce the structural seismic response due to the high damping characteristics of soil–structure systems. The model structure is further subjected to the NS component of the 1940 El Centro, California earthquake to confirm the TMD's performance in a more realistic environment. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

In cities and urban areas, building structures located at close proximities inevitably interact under dynamic loading by direct pounding and indirectly through the underlying soil. Majority of the previous adjacent building pounding studies that have taken the structure–soil–structure interaction (SSSI) problem into account have used simple lumped mass–spring–dashpot models under plane strain conditions. In this research, the problem of SSSI‐included pounding problem of two adjacent symmetric in plan buildings resting on a soft soil profile excited by uniaxial earthquake loadings is investigated. To this end, a series of SSSI models considering one‐directional nonlinear impact elements between adjacent co‐planar stories and using a method for direct finite element modeling of 3D inelastic underlying soil volume has been developed to accurately study the problem. An advanced inelastic structural behavior parameter, the seismic damage index, has been considered in this study as the key nonlinear structural response of adjacent buildings. Based on the results of SSSI and fixed base case analyses presented herein, two main problems are investigated, namely, the minimum building separation distance for pounding prevention and seismic pounding effects on structural damage in adjacent buildings. The final results show that at least three times, the International Building Code 2009 minimum distance for building separation recommended value is required as a clear distance for adjacent symmetric buildings to prevent the occurrence of seismic pounding. At the International Building Code‐recommended distance, adjacent buildings experienced severe seismic pounding and therefore significant variations in storey shear forces and damage indices. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper includes an investigation of the influence of the soil–structure interaction (SSI) on the fundamental period of buildings. The behaviour of both the soil and the structure is assumed to be elastic. The soil‐foundation system is modelled using translational and rotational discrete springs. Analysis is first conducted for one‐storey buildings. It shows that the influence of the SSI on the fundamental frequency of building depends on the soil–structure relative rigidity Kss. Analysis is then extended for multi‐storey buildings. It allows the generalization of the soil–structure relative rigidity Ks to such complex structures. Charts are proposed for taking into account the influence of the SSI in the calculation of the fundamental frequency of a wide range of buildings. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new critical excitation method is developed for soil–structure interaction systems. In contrast to previous studies considering amplitude nonstationarity only, no special constraint of input motions is needed on nonstationarity. The input energy to the soil–structure interaction system during an earthquake is introduced as a new measure of criticality. It is demonstrated that the input energy expression can be of a compact form via the frequency integration of the product between the input component (Fourier amplitude spectrum) and the structural model component (so-called energy transfer function). With the help of this compact form, it is shown that the formulation of earthquake input energy in the frequency domain is essential for solving the critical excitation problem and deriving a bound on the earthquake input energy for a class of ground motions. The extension of the concept to MDOF systems is also presented.  相似文献   

An approach is formulated for the linear analysis of three-dimensional dynamic soil–structure interaction of asymmetric buildings in the time domain, in order to evaluate the seismic response behaviour of torsionally coupled buildings. The asymmetric building is idealized as a single-storey three-dimensional system resting on different soil conditions. The soil beneath the superstructure is modeled as linear elastic solid elements. The contact surface between foundation mat and solid elements of soil is discretised by linear plane interface elements with zero thickness. An interface element is further developed to function between the rigid foundation and soil. As an example, the response of soil–structure interaction of torsionally coupled system under two simultaneous lateral components of El Centro 1940 earthquake records has been evaluated and the effects of base flexibility on the response behaviour of the system are verified.  相似文献   

Nonparametric techniques for estimation of wave dispersion in buildings by seismic interferometry are applied to a simple model of a soil–structure interaction (SSI) system with coupled horizontal and rocking response. The system consists of a viscously damped shear beam, representing a building, on a rigid foundation embedded in a half‐space. The analysis shows that (i) wave propagation through the system is dispersive. The dispersion is characterized by lower phase velocity (softening) in the band containing the fundamental system mode of vibration, and little change in the higher frequency bands, relative to the building shear wave velocity. This mirrors its well‐known effect on the frequencies of vibration, i.e. reduction for the fundamental mode and no significant change for the higher modes of vibration, in agreement with the duality of the wave and vibrational nature of structural response. Nevertheless, the phase velocity identified from broader band impulse response functions is very close to the superstructure shear wave velocity, as found by an earlier study of the same model. The analysis reveals that (ii) the reason for this apparent paradox is that the latter estimates are biased towards the higher values, representative of the higher frequencies in the band, where the response is less affected by SSI. It is also discussed that (iii) bending flexibility and soil flexibility produce similar effects on the phase velocities and frequencies of vibration of a building. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Identification of system parameters with the help of records made on base-isolated bridge during earthquakes provides an excellent opportunity to study the performance of the various components of such bridge systems. Using a two-stage system identification methodology for non-classically damped systems, modal and structural parameters of four base-isolated bridges are reliably identified using acceleration data recorded during 18 earthquakes. Physical stiffness of reinforced concrete columns, dynamic properties of soil and foundation impedance are found by available theoretical models in conjunction with pertinent information from the recorded accelerographs. Soil–structure interaction (SSI) effect in these bridges is examined by comparing the identified and physical stiffness of the sub-structure components. It is found that SSI is relatively pronounced in bridges founded in weaker soils and is more strongly related to the ratio of pier flexural stiffness and horizontal foundation stiffness than soil shear modulus, Gs, alone. However, substantial reduction in Gs is observed for moderate seismic excitation and this effect should be taken into account while computing foundation impedance.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the dynamic response of buildings due to traffic induced wave fields. The response of a two-storey single family dwelling due to the passage of a two-axle truck on a traffic plateau is computed with a model that fully accounts for the dynamic interaction between the soil and the structure. The results of three cases where the structure is founded on a slab foundation, a strip foundation and a box foundation are calculated and a comprehensive analysis of the dynamic structural response is performed. A methodology is also proposed to calculate the structural response, neglecting the effects of dynamic soil–structure interaction. A comparison with the results of calculations where dynamic soil–structure interaction is accounted for shows that a good approximation is obtained in the case of a rigid structure resting on a soft soil.  相似文献   

Parametric system identification is used to evaluate seismic soil–structure interaction effects in buildings. The input–output strong motion data pairs needed for evaluations of flexible- and fixed-base fundamental mode parameters are derived. Recordings of lateral free-field, foundation, and roof motions, as well as foundation rocking, are found to be necessary for direct evaluations of modal parameters for both cases of base fixity. For the common situation of missing free-field or base rocking motions, procedures are developed for estimating the modal parameters that cannot be directly evaluated. The accuracy of these estimation procedures for fundamental mode vibration period and damping is verified for eleven sites with complete instrumentation of the structure, foundation, and free-field. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an input and system identification technique for a soil–structure interaction system using earthquake response data. Identification is carried out on the Hualien large‐scale seismic test structure, which was built in Taiwan for international joint research. The identified quantities are the input ground acceleration as well as the shear wave velocities of the near‐field soil regions and Young's moduli of the shell sections of the structure. The earthquake response analysis on the soil–structure interaction system is carried out using the finite element method incorporating the infinite element formulation for the unbounded layered soil medium and the substructured wave input technique. The criterion function for the parameter estimation is constructed using the frequency response amplitude ratios of the earthquake responses measured at several points of the structure, so that the information on the input motion may be excluded. The constrained steepest descent method is employed to obtain the revised parameters. The simulated earthquake responses using the identified parameters and input ground motion show excellent agreement with the measured responses. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper discusses recent progress of onshore active faults studies in Japan, especially since the 1995 destructive Kobe earthquake, when the number of trenching studies, which are essential for the reconstruction of onshore paleoearthquakes, has rapidly increased. The timing and repeat interval of paleoearthquakes are here reviewed for the Miura Peninsula, south of Tokyo and the Awaji Island and Kobe-Osaka area, in central Japan, where trenching have been carried out very intensively in the last few years.  相似文献   

Experimental and analytical studies were conducted to determine dynamic soil–structure interaction characteristics of a single-span, prestressed-concrete bridge with monolithic abutments supported by spread footings. The experimental programme, consisting of harmonic forced vibration excitation of the bridge in the transverse and longitudinal directions, revealed the presence of four modes in the frequency band, 0 to 11 Hz, and the onset of a fifth mode at 14 Hz, the highest frequency attained during the tests. The fundamental mode at 4.7 Hz was the primary longitudinal bending mode of the deck and had a relatively low damping ratio (ζ1), that was approximately 0.025 of critical. The second and third modes at 6.4 Hz and 8.2 Hz were the primary twisting modes of the deck which involved substantial transverse rocking, transverse translation and torsion of the footings. As expected, the damping ratios associated with these two modes, ζ2 = 0.035 and ζ3 = 0.15, were directly related to the relative amounts of deck and footing motion. The fourth mode at 10.6 Hz was the second twisting mode of the deck and involved relatively little motion of the footings and abutment walls, which was consistent with the low damping, ζ4 = 0.02, observed in this mode. The response data at 14 Hz suggested that the fifth mode beyond this frequency was the second longitudinal bending mode of the deck involving longitudinal translation and bending of the abutment walls. A three-dimensional finite element model of the bridge, with Winkler springs attached to the footings and abutment walls to represent the soil–structure interaction, was able to reproduce the experimental data (natural frequencies, mode shapes and bridge response) reasonably well. Although the stiffnesses assigned to the Winkler springs were based largely on the application of a form of Rayleigh's principle to the experimental data, these stiffnesses were similar to theoretical foundation stiffnesses of the same size footings on a linearly elastic half space and theoretical lateral stiffnesses of a rigid retaining wall against a linearly elastic backfill.  相似文献   

A general procedure is presented to study the dynamic soil–structure interaction effects on the response of long-span suspension and cable-stayed bridges subjected to spatially varying ground motion at the supporting foundations. The foundation system is represented by multiple embedded cassion foundations and the frequency-dependent impedance matrix for the multiple foundations system takes into account also the cross-interaction among adjacent foundations through the soil. To illustrate the potential implementation of the analysis, a numerical example is presented in which the dynamic response of the Vincent–Thomas suspension bridge (Los Angeles, CA) subjected to the 1987 Whittier earthquake is investigated. Although both kinematic and inertial effects are included in the general procedure, only the kinematic effects of the soil–structure interaction are considered in the analysis of the test case. The results show the importance of the kinematic soil–foundation interaction on the structural response. These effects are related to the type, i.e. SH-, SV-, P- or Rayleigh waves and to the inclination of the seismic wave excitation. Moreover, rocking components of the foundation motion are emphasized by the embedment of the foundation system and greatly alter the structural response.  相似文献   

A new numerical procedure is proposed for the analysis of three-dimensional dynamic soil–structure interaction in the time domain. In this study, the soil is modelled as a linear elastic solid, however, the methods developed can be adapted to include the effects of soil non-linearities and hysteretic damping in the soil. A substructure method, in which the unbounded soil is modelled by the scaled boundary finite-element method, is used and the structure is modelled by 8–21 variable-number-node three-dimensional isoparametric or subparametric hexahedral curvilinear elements. Approximations in both time and space, which lead to efficient schemes for calculation of the acceleration unit-impulse response matrix, are proposed for the scaled boundary finite-element method resulting in significant reduction in computational effort with little loss of accuracy. The approximations also lead to a very efficient scheme for evaluation of convolution integrals in the calculation of soil–structure interaction forces. The approximations proposed in this paper are also applicable to the boundary element method. These approximations result in an improvement over current methods. A three-dimensional Dynamic Soil–Structure Interaction Analysis program (DSSIA-3D) is developed, and seismic excitations (S-waves, P-waves, and surface waves) and externally applied transient loadings can be considered in analysis. The computer program developed can be used in the analysis of three-dimensional dynamic soil–structure interaction as well as in the analysis of wave scattering and diffraction by three-dimensional surface irregularities. The scattering and diffraction of seismic waves (P-, S-, and Rayleigh waves) by various three-dimensional surface irregularities are studied in detail, and the numerical results obtained are in good agreement with those given by other authors. Numerical studies show that the new procedure is suitable and very efficient for problems which involve low frequencies of interest for earthquake engineering. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

A version of the global–local finite element method is presented for studying dynamic steady-state soil–structure interaction wherein the soil medium extends to infinity. Herein, only axisymmetric behaviour is considered. In this approach, conventional finite elements are used to model the structure and some portion of the surrounding soil medium considered to be homogeneous and isotropic. A complete set of outgoing waves in the form of spherical harmonics for the entire space is used to represent the behaviour in the half-space beyond the finite element mesh and these are termed the global functions. Full traction and displacement continuity is enforced at the finite element mesh interface with the outer region. On the free surface of the half-space in the outer field, traction-free surface conditions are enforced by demanding that a sequence of integrals of the weighted-average tractions must vanish. Numerical examples are presented for the response of different shaped foundations, resting on the free surface or at various submerged levels, due to a normal seismic plane compressional wave. Plots of differential scattering cross-sections show the angular distribution of the energy (its directional nature) of the scattered field.  相似文献   

In this paper, a study on the transient response of an elastic structure embedded in a homogeneous, isotropic and linearly elastic half-plane is presented. Transient dynamic and seismic forces are considered in the analysis. The numerical method employed is the coupled Finite-Element–Boundary-Element technique (FE–BE). The finite element method (FEM) is used for discretization of the near field and the boundary element method (BEM) is employed to model the semi-infinite far field. These two methods are coupled through equilibrium and compatibility conditions at the soil–structure interface. Effects of non-zero initial conditions due to the pre-dynamic loads and/or self-weight of the structure are included in the transient boundary element formulation. Hence, it is possible to analyse practical cases (such as dam–foundation systems) involving initial conditions due to the pre-seismic loads such as water pressure and self-weight of the dam. As an application of the proposed formulation, a gravity dam has been analysed and the results for different foundation stiffness are presented. The results of the analysis indicate the importance of including the foundation stiffness and thus the dam–foundation interaction.  相似文献   

The modern transportation facilities demand that the bridges are to be constructed across the gorges that are located in seismically active areas and at the same time the site conditions compel the engineers to rest the pier foundation on soil. The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of soil–structure interaction (SSI) on the peak responses of three-span continuous deck bridge seismically isolated by the elastomeric bearings. The emphasis has been placed on gauging the significance of physical parameters that affect the response of the system and identify the circumstances under which it is necessary to include the SSI effects in the design of seismically isolated bridges. The soil surrounding the foundation of pier is modelled by frequency independent coefficients and the complete dynamic analysis is carried out in time domain using complex modal analysis method. In order to quantify the effects of SSI, the peak responses of isolated and non-isolated bridge (i.e. bridge without isolation device) are compared with the corresponding bridge ignoring these effects. A parametric study is also conducted to investigate the effects of soil flexibility and bearing parameters (such as stiffness and damping) on the response of isolated bridge system. It is observed that the soil surrounding the pier has significant effects on the response of the isolated bridges and under certain circumstances the bearing displacements at abutment locations may be underestimated if the SSI effects are not considered in the response analysis of the system.  相似文献   

Recently, several new optimum loading patterns have been proposed by researchers for fixed‐base systems while their adequacy for soil–structure systems has not been evaluated yet. Through intensive dynamic analyses of multistory shear‐building models with soil–structure interaction subjected to a group of 21 artificial earthquakes adjusted to soft soil design spectrum, the adequacy of these optimum patterns is investigated. It is concluded that using these patterns the structures generally achieve near optimum performance in some range of periods. However, their efficiency reduces as soil flexibility increases especially when soil–structure interaction effects are significant. In the present paper, using the uniform distribution of damage over the height of structures, as the criterion, an optimization algorithm for seismic design of elastic soil–structure systems is developed. The effects of fundamental period, number of stories, earthquake excitation, soil flexibility, building aspect ratio, damping ratio and damping model on optimum distribution pattern are investigated. On the basis of 30,240 optimum load patterns derived from numerical simulations and nonlinear statistical regression analyses, a new lateral load pattern for elastic soil–structure systems is proposed. It is a function of the fundamental period of the structure, soil flexibility and structural slenderness ratio. It is shown that the seismic performance of such a structure is superior to those designed by code‐compliant or recently proposed patterns by researchers for fixed‐base structures. Using the proposed load pattern in this study, the designed structures experience up to 40% less structural weight as compared with the code‐compliant or optimum patterns developed based on fixed‐base structures. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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