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对湖南及其邻区7°×7°范围内的历史有感地震进行了分析,按照C-R关系推测,研究区自1509年起肘≥31/2地震目录基本完整.研究区现代地震活动水平较弱,而破坏性地震不仅发生的周期较长,且频次较低,在地震活动性研究中很难将现代小震与历史破坏性地震合理地结合起来.考虑了较为完整的有感地震目录后,地震活动性参数统计样本量显著增加,b值拟和的相关系数提高了,拟和方差降低了,拟和结果也更加合理,年发生率v4的计算也变得更为合理.同时发现,较强历史有感地震的空间分布与深部构造有密切关系.该研究成果对研究区地震安全性评价和地震区划具有参考价值.  相似文献   

以云贵地区为例,讨论“历史有感地震简目”的编辑与研究。指出历史有感地震的确认必须考证,在考证基础上先编,“目录”尔后辑录“简目”。并建议:“简目”中应包括强震记事中的前、余震,以及震群。  相似文献   

在吸收历史地震研究、历史政区地理研究等多方面成果基础上,基于历史有感地震记载特点,探索了历史有感地震目录的编制原则,给出了地震日期、震中位置、震级的确定方法。以《中国地震历史资料汇编》等为依据,编制了公元前618年-公元1949年期间中国境内3≤M<443/4级历史有感地震目录9 121条。目录数量为中国同期文字记载的43/4级以上破坏性地震的7倍多,比全球其他国家或地区最早的同类目录早1 695年,约占全球同期M≤4.5级有感地震目录的2/3。  相似文献   

历史地震资料在核动力工程地震安全性评价中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以三个核工程安全性评价为例,论述了运用历史地震及其资料对在核工程厂址近区域发生地震的确认及其对厂址的影响;区域范围内大震震中区的确认;对SL-2估计以及历史地震在SL-2确定的原则,历史地震资料在SL-2确定的不确定性中的应用。  相似文献   

对新编的华北地区历史有感地震目录(3(1/2)≤M<4(1/2))的精度和可信度进行了讨论。认为该地震目录从1484年后的记载率较高,它的发震时间、震中位置和震级的精度基本可以满足研究历史地震活动性的需要。它与中国地震目录(M≥4(3/4))比较,补充了相当数量的3(1/2)≤M≤4(1/2)的地震。利用历史有感地震目录分析了华北北部部分6级以上的历史地震,结果表明,这些地震在强震发生前具有明显的空区、条带、地震活动性增强、平静等前兆特征,同时,也显示了某些强*发生前的前震活动和主震之后起伏的强余震活动  相似文献   

对不同时期、不同地区的‘地大震’、‘地震’、‘地微震’的处理原则提出一些看法,并对历史有感地震参数估定方法做了探讨。  相似文献   

对新编的华北地区历史有感地震目录(3(1/2)≤M<4(1/2))的精度和可信度进行了讨论。认为该地震目录从1484年后的记载率较高,它的发震时间、震中位置和震级的精度基本可以满足研究历史地震活动性的需要。它与中国地震目录(M≥4(3/4))比较,补充了相当数量的3(1/2)≤M≤4(1/2)的地震。利用历史有感地震目录分析了华北北部部分6级以上的历史地震,结果表明,这些地震在强震发生前具有明显的空区、条带、地震活动性增强、平静等前兆特征,同时,也显示了某些强*发生前的前震活动和主震之后起伏的强余震活动。  相似文献   

基于应急基础数据、损失评估模型和烈度衰减模型等,震后第一时间评估计算出影响范围和损失结果,将有助于政府和相关部门根据灾害规模部署救灾行动。目前,关于震后有感范围的快速确定尚无有效方法。本文基于京津冀地区2018—2022年30次震例的实际调查结果及仪器烈度分布,构建由有感半径(R)、震级(M)和震源深度(H)3个参数组成的有感地震评估模型,并从统计学角度分析该模型拟合的有效性。然后,将2023年北京地区发生的显著有感地震代入计算,与实际调查结果进行比对。最后,将模型在北京市本地化地震灾害快速评估与辅助决策系统中进行集成应用。实践应用表明,本文研究结果可以进一步提高京津冀地区地震应急服务响应能力。  相似文献   

Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) has been carried out for Iraq. The earthquake catalogue used in the present study covers an area between latitude 29°–38.5° N and longitude 39°–50° E containing more than a thousand events for the period 1905–2000. The entire Iraq region has been divided into thirteen seismogenic sources based on their seismic characteristics, geological setting and tectonic framework. The completeness of the seismicity catalogue has been checked using the method proposed by Stepp (1972). The analysis of completeness shows that the earthquake catalogue is not complete below Ms=4.8 for all of Iraq and seismic source zones S1, S4, S5, and S8, while it varies for the other seismic zones. A statistical treatment of completeness of the data file was carried out in each of the magnitude classes. The Frequency Magnitude Distributions (FMD) for the study area including all seismic source zones were established and the minimum magnitude of complete reporting (Mc) were then estimated. For the entire Iraq the Mc was estimated to be about Ms=4.0 while S11 shows the lowest Mc to be about Ms=3.5 and the highest Mc of about Ms=4.2 was observed for S4. The earthquake activity parameters (activity rate , b value, maximum regional magnitude mmax) as well as the mean return period (R) with a certain lower magnitude mmin m along with their probability of occurrence have been determined for all thirteen seismic source zones of Iraq. The maximum regional magnitude mmax was estimated as 7.87 ± 0.86 for entire Iraq. The return period for magnitude 6.0 is largest for source zone S3 which is estimated to be 705 years while the smallest value is estimated as 9.9 years for all of Iraq.The large variation of the b parameter and the hazard level from zone to zone reflects crustal heterogeneity and the high seismotectonic complexity. The seismic hazard near the source boundaries is directly and strongly affected by the change in the delineation of these boundaries. The forces, through which the geological structure along the plate boundary in Eastern and Northeastern Iraq are evolved, are still active causing stress-strain accumulation, deformation and in turn producing higher probabilities of earthquake activity. Thus, relatively large destructive earthquakes are expected in this region. The study is intended to serve as a reference for more advanced approaches and to pave the path for the probabilistic assessment of seismic hazard in this region.  相似文献   

地震非均匀度在华北地震中期预报中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王炜  宋先月  谢端  王峥峥 《中国地震》2001,17(3):263-270
使用华北地区地震资料进行地震非均匀度GL值空间扫描。结果表明,中强地震前1-3年,未来震中周围通常开始出现明显的GL值中期异常区,此方法具有很好的中期预报效果。文中还就GL值进行中期预报的有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

地震调制比及其在华北地震中短期预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王炜  宋先月  谢端  王 《地震研究》2001,24(3):202-207
对调制比预报地震方法进行了改进,并使用改进的地震调制比rm10对华北地区进行空间扫描,结果表明中强地震前1年左右的中短期阶段,未来震中周围的rm10中期异常区出现明显的收缩或消失,一些震例在临震前数月还再次出现rm10异常区。本方法具有较好的中短期预报效果,中还就rm10进行中短期预报的有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

1.1 地震灾害 地球上每年要发生上百万次地震,人们可感觉到3级以上的地震就有5万多次,全球平均每年发生5级以上具有破坏性的地震上千次,其中破坏性极大的7级以上地震就有20次之多.这些地震大部分发生在海上,虽然每年发生在大陆上的地震仅占全球地震总数的15%,但给人类造成的损失却占全球地震造成损失的85%.  相似文献   

The historical earthquake catalogue of China has lasted more than 3000 years,and most of its data are inferred from historical records.The earthquake catalogue in earlier times is not complete owing to various reasons,so some events are lost.This paper estimates the loss rate of earthquakes with various magnitudes in the historical earthquake catalogue for different time intervals quantitatively by using the Gutenberg-Richter formula and modern instrumental records,which will provide the references for statistic research in seismicity.  相似文献   

The first part of the paper defines the terms and classifications common in earthquake prediction research and applications. This is followed by short reviews of major earthquake prediction programs initiated since World War II in several countries, for example the former USSR, China, Japan, the United States, and several European countries. It outlines the underlying expectations, concepts, and hypotheses, introduces the technologies and methodologies applied and some of the results obtained, which include both partial successes and failures. Emphasis is laid on discussing the scientific reasons why earthquake prediction research is so difficult and demanding and why the prospects are still so vague, at least as far as short-term and imminent predictions are concerned. However, classical probabilistic seismic hazard assessments, widely applied during the last few decades, have also clearly revealed their limitations. In their simple form, they are time-independent earthquake rupture forecasts based on the assumption of stable long-term recurrence of earthquakes in the seismotectonic areas under consideration. Therefore, during the last decade, earthquake prediction research and pilot applications have focused mainly on the development and rigorous testing of long and medium-term rupture forecast models in which event probabilities are conditioned by the occurrence of previous earthquakes, and on their integration into neo-deterministic approaches for improved time-variable seismic hazard assessment. The latter uses stress-renewal models that are calibrated for variations in the earthquake cycle as assessed on the basis of historical, paleoseismic, and other data, often complemented by multi-scale seismicity models, the use of pattern-recognition algorithms, and site-dependent strong-motion scenario modeling. International partnerships and a global infrastructure for comparative testing have recently been developed, for example the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP) with test regions in California, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, and the Western Pacific. Algorithms and data bases are operated in a permanently learning and upgrading mode. Future perspectives and research requirements and the feasibility and possible problems encountered with the implementation of earthquake predictions in practice are briefly summarized.  相似文献   

In this paper, some opinions related to amending and compiling the historical earthquake catalog are proposed. They include the following points: (1) the catalog should be based on historically recorded facts; (2) we should consider the accuracy that could actually be attained through the use of historical earthquake data; (3) emphasis should be placed on field survey of historical earthquakes; (4) use engineering seismology and earthquake prediction to develop research in historical earthquakes.  相似文献   

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