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克拉通演化的超大陆背景与克拉通盆地的成因机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
席怡  何登发  孙衍鹏  苏艳 《地质科学》2014,49(4):1093-1112
研究表明克拉通的形成与超大陆的汇聚和裂解有着重要关系。本文对近年来超大陆重建的研究进行了分析对比,对克拉通发展与超大陆事件的关系做出了总结。前人对超大陆的研究表明,其形成与地幔动力有直接联系,地幔柱重组的旋回导致了超大陆的旋回。Phillips and Bunge(2007)在前人三维球体地幔对流模型的基础上加入大陆进行了模拟实验,结果显示周期性的超大陆旋回只发生在理想模型中,而Senshu et al.(2009)对代表陆壳的英云闪长岩-奥长花岗岩-花岗岩(TTG)地壳进行了研究,提出随着俯冲的TTG地壳产热速率的下降,超大陆旋回的周期随之变长;更有许多学者指出,历史上哥伦比亚超大陆存在时间明显较长,因此超大陆的旋回并不具有周期性。对近年来不同学者提出的哥伦比亚、 罗迪尼亚、 冈瓦纳、 潘基亚4个超大陆新的重建证据进行分析,大致确定出上述4个超大陆的形成时间、 格局及演化过程。此外,对华北、 东欧、 西伯利亚、 亚马孙、 刚果、 西非6个克拉通各自的演化进行分析,也显示出克拉通演化与超大陆汇聚及裂解在时间与空间上有对应关系。通过分析得出克拉通演化与超大陆旋回有关,且确定出克拉通演化的4个超大陆旋回。本文最后讨论了克拉通盆地的成因机制以及3种端元类型,并将盆地的发育与超大陆演化的巨旋回相联系。  相似文献   

澳大利亚前寒武纪地质演化与超大陆旋回密切相关,大多数地质和成矿事件与超大陆聚合、裂解有关。自太古代以来,澳大利亚大陆主要由西向东生长。澳大利亚早前寒武纪古陆核为太古代皮尔巴拉和伊尔岗克拉通,古元古代—中元古代时南北克拉通和西澳大利亚克拉通在哥伦比亚超大陆聚合时拼贴在一起,并在其后的罗迪尼亚超大陆演化过程中最终形成澳大利亚中西部的前寒武纪克拉通。澳大利亚前寒武纪成矿作用与克拉通构造演化和超大陆旋回有关,与绿岩带有关的造山型金矿是凯诺兰大陆聚合过程中的产物,而沉积岩容矿的铅锌矿床、不整合面型铀矿、铁氧化物型铜金矿床则在哥伦比亚超大陆裂解过程中形成。不同超大陆聚散过程中表现出不同的成矿特征,为今后的矿产勘查提供了丰富的信息。  相似文献   

西昆仑地区元古宙岩浆侵入作用及构造-岩浆演化过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对西昆仑地区元古代侵入岩的岩石类型、形成时代和岩石地球化学资料的综合分析,探讨各个构造单元侵入岩形成期次、岩石成因及构造-岩浆演化过程.铁克里克断隆带元古宙中酸性侵入岩以A型花岗岩为主,是塔里木板块古老基底在高温低压条件下发生部分熔融的产物.西昆仑造山带古元古代和中元古代早期中酸性侵入岩为钙碱性I型花岗岩,是变玄武岩在低温条件下部分熔融条件下形成的,而古元古代晚期和新元古代中酸性侵入岩则是高温条件下老基底岩系部分熔融而形成的A型花岗岩.甜水海地块仅发育新元古代侵入岩,为S型花岗岩,是高温高压环境下甜水海地块古老基底部分熔融而形成.根据侵入岩岩浆演化规律,将西昆仑地区元古宙划为4个演化阶段:①2 426~1 567 Ma:以铁克里克断隆带A型花岗岩为代表的塔里木板块陆内演化,以西昆仑造山带钙碱性-拉斑质I型花岗岩为代表的陆缘弧.②1 301~1 000 Ma:铁克里克断隆带和西昆仑造山带均以陆内演化性质的A型花岗岩为主.③1 000~851 Ma:甜水海地块S型花岗岩可能是陆-陆碰撞导致地壳加厚的产物,指示甜水海地块可能作为Rodinia超大陆的一员发生聚合拼接作用.④815~644 Ma:铁克里克断隆带和西昆仑造山带均存在碱性基性岩浆岩和A型花岗岩的双峰式侵入岩组合,指示塔里木地块和西昆仑地块可能作为Rodinia超大陆组成部分,在该阶段发生了裂解作用.通过对元古宙侵入岩的系统分析,西昆仑地区不同构造单元地壳演化有一定差异,经历了不同演化过程.  相似文献   

南秦岭元古宙板内火山作用特征及构造意义   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
南秦岭元古宙火山岩主要由两大类岩石构成,一类为SiO245%-57%的基性火山岩系,另一类为SiO267%-78%的酸性火山岩系,主要岩石类型为细碧岩、玄武岩和石英角班岩、流纹岩。基性火山岩整体上属拉斑玄武岩系列,酸性火山岩属钙碱系列。火山岩强烈富集稀土元素,尤其是轻稀土元素,酸性火山岩和基性火山岩有相似的稀土元素特征,显示了源区特征的不同。基性火山岩富集强不相容元素,相对亏损Nb和Ti, 成于大陆裂谷环境,具有大陆拉斑玄武岩的特征。同位素特征表明基性火山作用与地幔柱活动密切相关。南秦岭的中、晚元古代大陆拉张及由古地幔柱活动所引发的陆裂火山岩浆活动是古秦岭洋打开的先兆。  相似文献   

微亮晶(臼齿)碳酸盐成因及其在元古宙地球演化中的意义   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文应用多种技术方法,对微亮晶碳酸盐岩的成岩作用及其成因从宏观至微观进行了分析。根据岩石矿物学、地球化学和有机地球化学等研究证明,它是早期成岩过程中,在超高压的大气 CO_2,水平急剧下降的转折期,快速石化作用形成的具等粒结构μm级的微亮晶方解石集合体。MT 碳酸盐岩微亮晶成岩作用有两种类型:一是主要发生在海底沉积软泥中,在其底基质软泥中经差异压实作用形成褶皱肠状及复杂形的 MT 构造;二是直接在海水中或重力流搬运过程中形成的微亮晶球粒(核)。简言之,MT 碳酸盐岩石是在地球早期浅海环境下,由于微生物自养作用形成的地球化学成因产物。微亮晶碳酸盐岩是约束古大气圈和古海洋环境变化的最灵敏标志。通过详测 MT 丰度值和编制地球古大气圈 CO_2水平演化模式等,在前寒武纪发现有太古宙末期、早元古宙末期、中元古宙中期和新元古宙早-中期四个 MT 碳酸盐岩发育高峰值期,证明全球古大气圈 CO_2水平发生过四次不连续性、跳跃式下降周期,直到晚新元古宙未,全球雪球事件的发生,导致了 MT 碳酸盐岩的消失。其后,才进入显生宙的 CO_2低水平状态。MT 碳酸盐岩具有重要的油气资源远景,应予以重视。  相似文献   

This work considers the tectonics of the southeastern portion of the South American Platform based on new geological and geophysical grounds. For the last decade, only three (Amazonic, São Francisco and La Plata) of the many other cratonic blocks have been attributed/remarked to the South America portion for most of the usual Rodinia reconstitutions. The possibility of the existence of other blocks has rarely been mentioned. The postulation of the presence of a considerable Paleoproterozoic (pre-Brasiliano) fragment as part of Paraná Basin basement is highly probable. In order to infer the basement structure of Paraná Basin, previous to the sedimentation process, an isostatic modeling was applied to a large-scale gravity survey looking to correlate topographic and gravity anomalies caused by sub-surface loads. The Bouguer anomaly obtained from the gravity survey represents the crustal contribution of crystalline basement, in addition to the sedimentary and volcanic layers of the basin. Following the isostatic modeling and the basin load stripping, the residual anomaly allows observing similarities between the basement gravity signature and outcropping units. Besides, the stress pattern of the two earlier events obtained through the back stripping analysis presents a geographically coincident maximum, and a new E-SE high emerging for the second event, suggesting continuous change of the stress field as a precursor for South American plate rotation. The evident correlation between gravity highs and main attenuation suggests the presence of some pre-existing suture zones. The weakened lithosphere during Ordovician and Carboniferous provided the magma conduits to form in Early Cretaceous tectonic stress field pattern. The resultant mosaic of gravity blocks and the main faults site give support to the presence of this cratonic Proterozoic unit, here on referred to as the Paranapanema Block, which had been neglected in most of the models reported for the reconstruction of Gondwana (and Rodinia).  相似文献   

华南陆块陆内成矿作用的一些科学问题   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
华南陆块由扬子地块和华夏地块组成,是全球罕见的世界级多金属成矿省,成矿潜力巨大。华南陆块的形成和演化,受到了很有特色的陆内大陆动力学过程的影响,其中的晚古生代地幔柱成矿系统、中生代大面积低温成矿系统、中生代大花岗岩省成矿系统等陆内成矿系统,在全球背景中很有特色,是全球研究陆内成矿作用的理想基地。对华南陆块地质历史时期的大陆动力学过程如何制约上述成矿作用的发生,以往已开展不同程度的研究并取得重要成果。笔者在论述这些研究进展的基础上,提出了三大成矿系统需要进一步研究的一些科学问题。  相似文献   

The paper reviews Late Quaternary palynological evidence from eight sites in the savannas of northern South America. The sites reviewed are Lake Valencia (10°N), Carajas (6°S), Aguas Emendadas (15°S), Crominia (17°S), Salitre (19°S), Lagoa de Serra Negra (18°S), Lagoa Santa (20°S) and Lagoa dos Olhos (20°S). Four of the sites show evidence for a climate more humid than at present from ca. 36 ka BP to ca. 22–18 ka BP. Maximum dryness was reached at 14 ka to 10.5 ka BP at Lake Valencia. There was an increase in moisture from 8.8 ka BP at Lake Valencia and from 7 ka BP in Central Brazil. The presence of charcoal indicates human impact from ca. 8.6 ka BP. ©1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

康滇地轴元古代重大地质事件与拉拉IOCG矿床成矿响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有关IOCG最新研究成果建议,将IOCG矿床限定于资源量大于1 Mt的大型/超大型矿床。对世界上已知的大型/超大型IOCG矿床的成矿背景和成矿作用进行分析对比,发现前寒纪大型/超大型IOCG矿床均位于前寒纪超大陆的边缘、形成于非造山期,与壳幔相互作用有关,与板底垫托、地幔柱等相关的重大地质事件关系密切。通过对康滇地轴元古代地质体岩石/矿物的同位素年龄数据分析研究,同时对拉拉IOCG矿床成矿特征及同位素测龄分析,认为扬子地台西缘康滇地轴存在早元古代早期(2 486~1 884 Ma BP)古陆壳,是Kenorland超大陆的一部分。在中元古代发育了康滇陆缘裂谷(1 725~1 466 Ma BP),与Columbia超大陆非造山期同时。新元古代的晋宁运动使该裂谷产物变质,及形成康定杂岩,成为康滇地轴的上层结晶基底(1 100~721 Ma BP)。其是Rodinia超大陆的拼贴与裂解事件的响应。拉拉矿床具有2期成矿作用。第一期火山喷发成矿期(1 712~1 680 Ma BP),是康滇裂谷事件的产物。第二期变质热液成矿期主成矿阶段(1 000~900Ma BP),是Rodinia超大陆的拼贴作用的响应。康滇地轴元代地层中具有形成IOCG矿床的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

南美洲成矿区带划分及其地质特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张潮  陈玉明  赵宏军  姚仲友  郭维民 《地质通报》2017,36(12):2134-2142
南美洲是全球成矿规律研究的热点地区,区内优势矿产资源铜、铁、铝土矿、锡、铌、锂、金、银等在世界上占有重要地位,也是全球矿产勘查投资的重点地区。根据大地构造单元划分,结合实际矿床(点)空间分布、主要成矿类型及其成矿背景,对南美洲开展了三级成矿区带划分,共划分出2个Ⅰ级成矿区,9个Ⅱ级成矿省和42个Ⅲ级成矿带。阐述了南美洲成矿区带划分原则、命名规则、优势矿种、主要成矿时代等。以圭亚那地盾成矿省(Ⅱ-1)泛亚马孙成矿带(Ⅲ-2)为例,概述了Ⅲ级成矿带的优势矿种、矿床类型、赋矿岩系、控矿因素等,总结了区域构造演化、变质作用、岩浆活动等与成矿的关系。  相似文献   

华南中部中新元古代造山带构造演化探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
华南中部中新元古代造山带可以划分为5个地质构造单元:乐平-歙县构造混杂岩亚带、万年海相-滨海相沉积-火山沉积建造、赣东北蛇绿混杂岩亚带、怀玉火山-火山碎屑岩系、东乡-龙游混杂岩亚带.通过对不同构造单元形成大地构造环境分析,认为它们分别形成于火山弧-弧后盆地、弧间盆地、大洋岛弧、洋中脊、火山岛弧、弧前盆地等大地构造环境;华南中部中新元古代造山带属陆-弧-弧-陆碰撞造山带,发育在汇聚型板块边缘地带,古洋盆为一个多岛洋体系.中元古代末期(约1 024 Ma)古华南多岛洋开始关闭,大约在850 Ma左右,整个古华南多岛洋最终关闭.  相似文献   

Standard petrographic methods were used to study 604 modern sands from South America, of which 351 came from rivers and 253 from beaches. In spite of the wide geomorphic contrasts, these sands belong to only three great families: (1) an immature Andean family of lithic arenites rich in volcanic and metamorphic grains that covers about 30% of South America; (2) a cratonic association rich in quartz that covers about 62% of the continent; and (3) a transitional, molasse association, which occurs between these two and covers only about 8% of the continent. The grand arithmetic average Q:F: Rf ratio for the entire continent is 60:11:29 and the area-weighted, carbonate-free average Qa:Fa:Rfa is 68:10:22, a superior continental estimate, and the first ever for an entire continent.Rock fragments are the most informative of all the provenance indicators and in South America they range from tropical alterites of the cratonic family through the dominant volcanic and metamorphic grains of the Andean family to biogenic carbonate in beach sands. Carbonate grains are almost totally absent in modern South American rivers because of present day tropical weathering and a long geological evolution that has favored sand production. They are present in many of the beach sands, however, and are most abundant along the tropical Brazilian and Caribbean coasts. Metamorphic grains rival volcanics as earmarks of the Andean family and survive tropical weathering far better than volcanic grains.There is a strong association between continental soil types and the composition of river sand, but the ultimate controls are tectonic history — the ancient landscapes preserved on the Gondwana shields of South America versus the tectonically young landscapes of the Andes — and climate. Climate can either cause leaks to a far distant ocean where weathering is retarded by aridity or it can serve as a barrier to continental sand dispersion, where tropical weathering eliminates unstable grains in transit to the sea.When provenance studies are conducted across an entire, unglaciated continent, events in the far distant past need to be considered when seeking fundamental explanations of its contemporary, surficial sands.  相似文献   

Integrated studies of seven Proterozoic sediment-hosted, Pb-Zn-Ag sulfide deposits of Brazil, permit the estimation of the age of the hosting sequence and the mineralization, the nature of the sulfur and metal sources, the temperature range of sulfide formation and the environment of deposition. These deposits can be classified into three groups, according to their ages. (a) Archean to Paleoproterozoic: the Boquira deposit, in Bahia state, consists of stratiform massive and disseminated sulfides hosted by parametamorphic sequences of grunnerite-cummingtonite+magnetite that represent a silicate facies of the Boquira Formation (BF). Lead isotope data of galena samples indicate a time span between 2.7 and 2.5 Ga for ore formation, in agreement with the stratigraphic position of the BF. The relatively heavy sulfur isotope compositions for the disseminated and stratiform sulfides (+8.3 to +12.8 ‰ CDT)suggest a sedimentary source for the sulfur. (b) Paleo to Mesoproterozoic: stratiform and stratabound sulfides in association with growth faults are present in the Canoas mine (Ribeira, in Paraná state) and in the Caboclo mineralization (Bahia state). They are hosted by calcsilicates and amphibolites in the Canoas deposit, whereas in the Caboclo area the mineralization is associated with hydrothermally altered dolarenites at the base of the 1.2 Ga Caboclo Formation. The interpreted Pb-Pb age of the Canoas mineralization is coeval with the 1.7 Ga host rocks. Sulfur isotopic data for Canoas sulfides (+1.2 to +16 ‰ CDT) suggest a sea water source for the sulfur. The range between −21.1 and +8.8 ‰ CDT for the Caboclo sulfides could suggest the action of bacterial reduction of seawater sulfates, but this interpretation is not conclusive. (c) Neoproterozoic: stratiform and stratabound sulfide deposits formed during the complex diagenetic history of the host carbonate rocks from the Morro Agudo (Bambui Group), Irecê and Nova Redenção (Una Group), yield heavy sulfur isotope values (+18.9 to +39.4 ‰ CDT). The uniform heavy isotope composition of the barites from these deposits (+25.1 to +40.9 ‰) reflect their origin from Neoproterozoic seawater sulfates. The late-stage, and most important, metallic concentrations represent sulfur scavenged from pre-existing sulfides or from direct reduction of evaporitic sulfate minerals. Lead isotope data from the Bambui Group suggest focused fluid circulation from diverse Proterozoic sediment sources, that probably was responsible for metal transport to the site of sulfide precipitation. (d) Late Proterozoic to Early Paleozoic: lead-zinc sulfides (+pyrite and chalcopyrite) of Santa Maria deposits, in Rio Grande do Sul, form the matrix of arkosic sandstones and conglomerates, and are closely associated with regional faults forming graben structures. Intermediate volcanic rocks are intercalated with the basal siliciclastic members. Lead isotope age of the mineralization (0.59 Ga) is coeval with the host rocks. Sulfur isotopic values between −3.6 and +4.1 are compatible with a deep source for the sulfur.Geological, petrographic and isotopic data of the deposits studied suggest that they were formed during periods of extensional tectonics. Growth faults or reactivated basement structures probably were responsible for localized circulation of metal-bearing fluids within the sedimentary sequences. Sulfides were formed by the reduction of sedimentary sulfates in most cases. Linear structures are important controls for sulfide concentration in these Proterozoic basins.  相似文献   

卢旺达地处中非基巴拉带东北部(卡拉圭-安科连带),是非洲乃至全球重要的铌-钽-钨-锡成矿区。本文梳理和总结了卢旺达境内的地层层序、岩浆作用、构造属性、地球动力学机制和铌钽钨锡矿产成矿作用特征。卢旺达地层主要由古元古代变质基底和中元古代卢旺达超群组成,少量新近纪火山岩,其中以卢旺达超群最为重要,从底至顶依次由四个群组成:基可勒群、平杜拉群、乔霍哈群和卢各支群。侵入岩主要形成于中-新元古代,以四期花岗岩为代表(G1~G4期),其中G4花岗岩与钨锡铌钽矿成矿作用关系密切。岩浆作用与区内构造活动频繁有关,在元古代经历了四阶段挤压-伸展更替的构造岩浆演化。根据对已有资料的梳理和分析,本次研究认为,岩浆作用更可能形成于"汇聚俯冲+板片拆沉(或弧后伸展)"的动力学背景,即俯冲汇聚大背景下的局部伸展体制。铌钽钨锡矿是卢旺达最为典型和最重要的矿种,主要受G4花岗岩和区域构造的控制,表现为伟晶岩型铌钽锡矿、热液石英脉型钨锡矿和云英岩型锡矿,成岩成矿过程的先后关系总结为:G4花岗岩上涌侵位,形成于986~976Ma→分异演化形成伟晶岩和铌钽矿±锡矿,铌钽矿形成于975~962Ma→形成石英脉和锡矿,锡矿形成...  相似文献   

The Archaean and Early–Middle Proterozoic (1.8–1.5 Ga) terranes of the North Australian Craton and the South Australian Craton are separated by 400 km of ca. 1.33–1.10-Ga orogenic belts and Phanerozoic sediments. However, there is a diverse range of geological phenomena that correlate between the component terranes of the two cratons and provide evidence for a shared tectonic evolution between approximately 1.8 and 1.5 Ga. In order to honour these correlations, we propose a reconstruction in which the South Australian Craton is rotated 52° counterclockwise about a pole located at 136°E and 25°S (present-day coordinates), relative to its current position. This reconstruction aligns the ca. 1.8–1.6-Ga orogenic belts preserved in the Arunta Inlier and the Gawler Craton and the ca. 1.6–1.5-Ga orogenic belts preserved in the Mount Isa Block and the Curnamona Province. Before 1.5 Ga, the South Australian Craton was not a separate entity but part of a greater proto-Australian continent which was characterised by accretion along a southward-migrating convergent margin (ca. 1.8–1.6 Ga) followed by convergence along the eastern margin (ca. 1.6–1.5 Ga). After 1.5 Ga, the South Australian Craton broke away from the North Australian Craton only to be reattached in its current position during the ca. 1.33–1.10 Ga-Albany–Fraser and Musgrave orogenies.  相似文献   

东南亚大地构造特征与成矿作用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
东南亚地区位于全球特提斯成矿域、环太平洋成矿域与印度-澳大利亚成矿域的交汇地带。构造演化独特,先后经历了原-古-中-新特提斯增生造山、印度-欧亚陆陆碰撞造山、太平洋俯冲等多期次构造-岩浆事件,形成了多条火山弧带、蛇绿混杂带以及同碰撞和后碰撞岩浆岩带。本文在总结前人大地构造研究成果基础上,将东南亚地区划分为6个一级构造单元、32个二级构造单元和57个三级构造单元。伴随着原-古-中-新特提斯构造演化、印度-欧亚大陆碰撞、太平洋俯冲等多期次构造域事件,以构造单元划分为基础,将东南亚地区划分为3个一级成矿域,6个二级成矿省,21个三级成矿带,并结合构造演化初步探讨了主要成矿事件。  相似文献   

The Devonian-Carboniferous contact in southern South America, characterized by a sharp unconformity, has been related to the Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous Eo-Hercynian orogeny. The Calingasta-Uspallata basin of western Argentina and the Sauce-Grande basin (Ventana Foldbelt) of eastern Argentina have been selected to characterize this unconformity. The Eo-Hercynian movements were accompanied in western Argentina by igneous activity related to a Late Devonian—Early Carboniferous magmatic arc mainly exposed today along the Andean Cordillera. This magmatic activity is partly reflected also in eastern Argentina (Ventana Foldbelt), where isotopic dates suggest a thermal event also related to the intrusions present to the west in the North Patagonian Massif and Sierras Pampeanas. The scarcity of Lower Carboniferous deposits in the stratigraphic record of southern South America suggests that the Early Carboniferous was a time interval dominated by uplift and erosion followed by widespread subsidence during the Middle and Late Carboniferous. The origin of the Eo-Hercynian orogeny can be linked with the convergence between the Arequipa Massif, and its southern extension, and the South American continent. Its effects are best represented along the Palaeo-Pacific margin, although distant effects are discernible in the cratonic areas of eastern South America. Correspondence to: O. R. López-Gamundí  相似文献   

Austrotriconodon mckennai and Austrotriconodon sepulvedai, from the Campanian Los Alamitos Formation, Patagonia, Argentina were originally described as triconodont mammals and the sole members of the family Austrotriconodontidae. These mammals were represented by isolated cheek teeth originally regarded as molariforms, but their peculiar morphology later raised doubts about their purported triconodont affinities. Nevertheless, the morphological bases supporting the alternative taxonomic views have not been fully documented. We present here detailed comparisons of Austrotriconodon with other Late Cretaceous taxa and conclude that Austrotriconodon specimens should be assigned to Meridiolestida and Mesungulatoidea. These isolated teeth are likely premolars and might represent unknown dental positions of already described species or correspond to taxa that are yet to be formally recognized. According to our interpretation, there is still no record of Cretaceous triconodonts in South America, but we support the triconodont affinities for Jurassic taxa from the Cañadón Asfalto Formation in central Patagonia.  相似文献   

通过对南美洲28个主要含油气盆地石油地质特征的系统梳理,全面总结了南美洲的油气地质特征:①发育两个时代、两种类型的烃源岩;②储层类型单一,油气集中赋存在白垩系和古近系-新近系两个层系中;③发育4种成藏模式,即西缘前陆盆地发育陡坡短距离垂向运移成藏模式和缓坡长距离侧向运移成藏模式、东缘被动陆缘盆地发育盐上"断层+盐刺穿"运移成藏模式和盐下"烃源岩内浊积砂体+潜山"运移成藏模式;④油气分布平面上呈两带展布、两中心富集的规律。同时,以成藏组合为基础评价单元完成了南美地区资源评价。预测南美洲待发现可采资源量约为214 065MMBOE。主要集中分布在东缘海上被动陆缘盆地群和西缘陆上前陆盆地群两个领域。东委内瑞拉盆地、马拉开波盆地、桑托斯盆地和坎波斯盆地是预测资源量较大的4个盆地。  相似文献   

大陆动力学演化与成矿研究: 历史与现状   总被引:21,自引:8,他引:21  
地球动力学演化过程与成矿作用是当今矿床学研究的前沿。文章回顾了自20世纪60年代以来,有关大陆动力学演化与成矿的研究历史和当前的研究动向。综述了几个研究大阶段,即:海底喷流成矿作用、大陆边缘成矿作用、板内成矿作用及地质历史演化过程的大陆汇聚或增生与多期次成矿。同时,以华南地区为例,将大陆侧向和垂向增生作为切入点,阐述了华南世界级有色、稀有、贵金属成矿省在地质历史过程中的成矿作用,并提出在该成矿省进一步实现找矿突破的重要科学问题。  相似文献   

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