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The paper reviews the application of remote sensing to forest hydrology. After discussing the general advantages and disadvantages of satellite remote sensing, the estimation of precipitation, changes in soil moisture, runoff, radiation components, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, soil heat flux, changes in energy storage in biomass, primary production and monitoring the extent, type and density of forests are reviewed. Finally, the paper looks forward to future developments and concludes that these are likely to come from the use of multitemporal data, combined analysis of different types of remotely sensed data and of remotely sensed and ground data, improved image analysis techniques and combining satellite data with models. 相似文献
以资源丰富的南京市浦口区35个村庄为研究对象,基于遥感影像、地理信息技术以及景观生态学理论,分析并揭示区域景观格局演变特征.结合浦口区分村域的景观资源利用指数、资源利用类型指数、居民聚集指数以及产业结构指数构建乡村发展模式.研究结果表明:浦口区域乡村景观格局的变化特征较为明显,呈现出CL景观的快速缩减;研究区的景观格局在人类活动作用下,斑块聚集度增强,多样性指数及均匀度指数均为持续上升,各个景观类型在研究区域表现趋于稳定;最后,根据村域指数分布结果和区域景观资源分布情况,提出生态有机农业型、生态休闲旅游型、生态科学技术型3种发展模式,为促进区域乡村可持续发展提供了科学依据,同时对我国乡村规划建设具有重要的理论意义. 相似文献
已有的遥感影像混合像元分解理论方法都要求遥感影像的通道数目大于地物种类,而合成孔径雷达(SAR)的自身特点决定了SAR图像不可能有过多的通道数目,为解决SAR图像地物种类大于通道数目情况下的混合像元分解问题,本文基于单亲遗传算法提出了一种新的混合像元分解方法,创建了一种新的染色体编码方式及进化迭代方式,新算法很好地实现混合像元的分解,可以分解出比通道数目更多的地物种类.并从北京地区ENVISAT-ASAR图像中截取天安门附近区域作为数据源进行实验,实验结果表明了本文算法的正确性和有效性. 相似文献
城市湖泊时空演变的遥感分析——以武汉市为例 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4
在GIS技术支持下,以多时相Landsat TM/ETM 遥感影像为数据源,利用NDWI指数提取武汉市1991年、1995年、2000年、2002年的湖泊水域面积信息,引入湖泊萎缩强度等测度指标,从时空两方面对主城区湖泊水域变化和26个主要湖泊的发展演化特征进行了系统地分析.结果表明,从1991年到2002年,武汉市主城区湖泊水域面积急剧减少,达38.67km2;主要湖泊水域的面积变化具有时空分异特征,湖泊萎缩变化与湖泊所处地区的城市建设水平、道路交通规划、政策导向等因素密切相关.分析认为,城市湖泊转变为公园后,萎缩现象得到明显遏制,通过立法加强湖泊保护力度并尽早制定城市湖泊的规划管理措施,是保护武汉幸存湖泊的有力手段. 相似文献
利用1987、1999、2000、2001、2002和2005年六幅陆地卫星影像研究北京市规划区地表城市热岛(SUHI).首先用决策树分类法进行分类,得到六幅不同时相的土地利用/覆盖分类图像.根据Artis&Carnahan算法利用热红外通道的灰度值计算地表辐射亮温,基于分类结果进行比辐射率纠正,计算地表温度.通过分析北京市规划区1987~2005年间地表城市热岛的特征,发现不同土地利用/土地覆盖类型与地表城市热岛有密切关系;2001年、2002年和2005年影像中市区的热岛分布的破碎度增加,由原来的集中分布慢慢向周围扩散,并在市区中心植被覆盖高的区域出现蓝色“凉爽”区;地表城市热岛增加的区域与城市扩展区域一致,城市化过程是城市热岛面积不断增加的主要的原因. 相似文献
丽江地区活动性构造发育,地震发生频繁。以遥感影像线环结构理论论述了该区主要活动断裂和活动环块的遥感影像特征和地质地貌特征,并分析活动构造与场地稳定性的关系,进而划分出该区内易发震地区与相对稳定的地区。 相似文献
WEI EnBo & LIU Ye Institute of Oceanology Chinese Academy of Sciences Qingdao China Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2007,50(3):474-480
Based on the effective medium approximation theory of composites, the empirical model proposed by Pandey and Kakar is remedied to investigate the microwave emissivity of sea surface under wave breaking driven by strong wind. In the improved model, the effects of seawater bubbles, droplets and difference in temperature of air and sea interface (DTAS) on the emissivity of sea surface covered by whitecaps are discussed. The model results indicate that the effective emissivity of sea surface in-creases with DTAS increasing, and the impacts of bubble structures and thickness of whitecaps layer on the emissivity are included in the model by introducing the effective dielectric constant of whitecaps layer. Moreover, a good agreement is obtained by comparing the model results with the Rose’s ex-perimental data. 相似文献
In order to improve the accuracy of building structure identification using remote sensing images, a building structure classification method based on multi-feature fusion of UAV remote sensing image is proposed in this paper. Three identification approaches of remote sensing images are integrated in this method: object-oriented, texture feature, and digital elevation based on DSM and DEM. So RGB threshold classification method is used to classify the identification results. The accuracy of building structure classification based on each feature and the multi-feature fusion are compared and analyzed. The results show that the building structure classification method is feasible and can accurately identify the structures in large-area remote sensing images. 相似文献
Application of ensemble kalman filter to geophysical parameters retrieval in remote sensing:A case study of kernel-driven BRDF model inversion 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
QIN Jun YAN Guangjian LIU Shaomin LIANG Shunlin ZHANG Hao WANG Jindi LI Xiaowen 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2006,49(6):632-640
Remote sensing can provide multi-spatial resolution, multi-temporal resolution multi-spectral band and multi-angular data for the observation of land surface. At present, one of research focuses is how to make the best of these data to retrieve geophysical parameters in conjunction with their a priori knowledge and simul-taneously consider the influence of data uncertainties on inversion results[1-5]. The essence of remote sensing lies in inversion. It is difficult to precisely retrieve parame… 相似文献
AbstractA digital elevation model (DEM) derived from a stereo pair of WorldView-2 (WV-2) images was assessed against ground-truth GPS point datasets. Two assessment methods were used: (a) vertical accuracy assessment and (b) hydrological assessment of surface runoff variables. Three agricultural plots with different topographic slopes were selected to perform a vertical accuracy assessment, followed by a comparative assessment of a set of hydrological variables. The results show an overall vertical accuracy of 0.45 m, confirming the potential of WV-2 stereo images to extract elevation information at high spatial resolution. Concerning plot-scale micro-topographic features, the WV-2 DEM performed better on the plot with rolling slopes (5–10%), extracting variables such as the total length and drainage area of flow paths with relative errors lower than 20%. However, some limitations were detected in the extraction of variables such as terrain slope, drainage points of flow paths and terrain depressions in areas of flatter slopes (<5%).
Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor D. Gerten 相似文献
Milan Žukovič Dionissios T. Hristopulos 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2013,27(4):785-806
This paper addresses the issue of missing data reconstruction for partially sampled, two-dimensional, rectangular grid images of differentiable random fields. We introduce a stochastic gradient–curvature (GC) reconstruction method, which is based on the concept of a random field model defined by means of local interactions (constraints). The GC reconstruction method aims to match the gradient and curvature constraints for the entire grid with those of the sample using conditional Monte Carlo simulations that honor the sample values. The GC reconstruction method does not assume a parametric form for the underlying probability distribution of the data. It is also computationally efficient and requires minimal user input, properties that make it suitable for automated processing of large data sets (e.g. remotely sensed images). The GC reconstruction performance is compared with established classification and interpolation methods for both synthetic and real world data. The impact of various factors such as domain size, degree of thinning, discretization, initialization, correlation properties, and noise on GC reconstruction performance are investigated by means of simulated random field realizations. An assessment of GC reconstruction performance on real data is conducted by removing randomly selected and contiguous groups of points from satellite rainfall data and an image of the lunar surface. 相似文献
《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2002,64(5-6):567-572
The possibility to estimate plasma sheet parameters from low-altitude measurements looks quite attractive, but it critically depends on how isotropic the plasma pressure is in the flux tube. To evaluate the ion pressure anisotropy we compare the values of pressure in the ionospheric and equatorial parts of the field line. Ionospheric values were computed from proton measurements at NOAA low-altitude satellites, they were compared with pressure estimates computed from empirical magnetic field models as well as with average values known from direct plasma sheet measurements. Three different methods of mapping the plasma pressure from plasma sheet to low altitude have been tried; each uses the particle isotropic boundaries observed at low altitudes and/or computed from magnetospheric models. Excluding observations obtained during substorm expansion, from these comparisons we conclude that in the plasma sheet, at geocentric distances 9–20RE, the pressure estimates in the ionospheric and equatorial parts of the plasma sheet flux tube agree very well, suggesting a good pressure isotropy and thus justifying a possibility to monitor the plasma sheet parameters based on low-altitude measurements. The results also illustrate the usefulness of isotropic boundaries as a label of tail current intensity and as reliable tool for establishing mapping between magnetosphere and ionosphere. 相似文献
Based on the improved interaction mechanism of two-layer model, this paper proposed Pixel Component Arranging and Comparing Algorithm (PCACA) and theoretically positioning algorithm, estimated the true temperature of mixed pixel in four extreme points in combination with the measurements of dry and wet points in calibration fields and improved the reliability of positioning dry and wet line. A new two-layer energy-separation algorithm was proposed,which was simple and direct without resistance network parameters for each pixel. We also proposed a new thought about the effect of advection. The albedo of mixed pixel was also separated with PCACA. In combination with two-layer energy-separation algorithm, the net radiation of mixed pixel was separated to overcome the uncertainty of conventional energy-separation algorithm using Beer's Law. Through the validation of retrieval result, this method is proved to be feasible and operational. At the same time, the uncertainty of this algorithm was objectively analyzed. 相似文献
With the use of techniques in nonlinear problems, the IDP (improved discrepancy principle) method has been proposed and applied to the optimal smooth factor (parameterγ) in the inversion process of atmosphere profiles from satellite observation. This method has also been used to inverse atmospheric parameters from the observation of new generation geostationary operational environmental satellite (GOES-8). Results show that this method is more accurate than that in use. 相似文献
Using remote sensing to regionalize local precipitation recharge rates obtained from the Chloride Method 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Philip Brunner Peter Bauer Martin Eugster Wolfgang Kinzelbach 《Journal of Hydrology》2004,294(4):241-250
Water supply in semiarid Botswana is, to a large extent, based on groundwater. In the planning of a groundwater abstraction scheme, criteria for the sustainability of the abstraction with respect to both quantity and quality have to be satisfied. The most important parameter in the context of quantitative sustainability is the long-term average groundwater recharge together with its spatial distribution. A method is developed to calculate a recharge map that can be used in a groundwater model. The relative distribution of recharge is obtained from remotely sensed data and then calibrated with local values of recharge derived from the Chloride Method. The method was tested for two sites in Botswana, the Chobe Region and Ngamiland. 相似文献
太湖秋季水体遥感反射比的简单经验估测模型 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
2004年10月现场测量了太湖水体的遥感反射比、后向散射系数以及其他必要参数,实验室测量了水体的悬浮颗粒物质浓度.首先把太湖划分为3个大区,即遥感反射比受湖底影响的区域(影响区)、不受湖底影响的区域(非影响区)以及可能受湖底影响的区域(可能影响区),然后再把太湖分为高混浊、中混浊、低清澈以及高清澈等4类水体类型,分别列出了各种水体区域类型的相关属性数据.在整个太湖区域范围内,建立了后向散射和悬浮颗粒物质浓度的经验回归模型;仅在非影响区内,建立了遥感反射比和后向散射的经验回归模型,并可以利用悬浮颗粒物质浓度直接估测遥感反射比.最后详细分析了模型的精度. 相似文献
地震是造成人民生命和财产损失最严重的自然灾害之一.地震灾害对社会基础设施的破坏信息对救灾和重建工作至关重要,遥感技术能在其中发挥重要的作用.文中回顾了地震应急工作的发展历程和遥感技术应用于地震灾情调查的几个阶段,并进行了系统的总结.在总结汶川地震遥感应急工作特点的基础上,讨论了地震应急和评估中遥感应急工作的主要内容和发... 相似文献
A. Boud 《Journal of Geodynamics》1987,7(3-4)
Interdisciplinary interpretation of satellite and geologic-geophysical data can be applied to East Africa as a cost-effective means of regional tectonic evaluation. All available data sources: geologic and geophysical maps and remote sensing images should be used. Remote sensing methods are very efficient for the “synoptic overlook” necessary to pinpoint areas for more detailed investigation.The use of satellite imagery is a way of applying and testing structural frameworks for mineral potential as surface reflections of deep tectonic features can be recognized. Mineralization can be correlated with tectonic lineaments that are probably related to persistent discontinuities in the upper mantle. The outlining of these discontinuities would be of value in the search for the understanding of riftogenesis and in the search for mineralization.This paper is a review of such work with a specific example from Canada, and how the approach can be applied to Africa for continuing research on recent crustal movements. 相似文献