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鄱阳湖流域径流模型   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
流域径流是鄱阳湖主要来水,建立鄱阳湖流域径流模型对揭示湖泊水量平衡及其受流域自然和人类活动的影响具有重要意义.针对鄱阳湖-流域系统的特点:流域面积大(16.22×104km2)、多条入湖河流、湖滨区坡面入湖径流等,研究了相应的模拟方法,建立了考虑流域土壤属性和土地利用空间变化的鄱阳湖流域分布式径流模型.采用6个水文站1991-2001年的实测河道径流对模型进行了率定和验证.结果显示,模型整体模拟精度较高.其中,赣江、信江和饶河均取得了较好的模拟结果,月效率系数为0.82-0.95;抚河和修水模拟精度略低,为0.65-0.78.模型揭示了研究时段内年平均入湖径流总量为1623×108m3,其中,赣江最多,占47%,其次为信江和抚河,分别占13%和12%,湖滨区坡面入湖径流约占4%,其余24%来自饶河、修水以及其它入湖支流.模型将用于评估流域下垫面或气候变化引起的入湖水量变化,为湖泊水量平衡计算提供依据.  相似文献   

Soil erosion by water is the root cause of ecological degradation in the Shiwalik foothills of Northern India. Simulation of runoff and its component processes is a pre‐requisite to develop the management strategies to tackle the problem, successfully. A two‐dimensional physically based distributed numerical model, ROMO2D has been developed to simulate runoff from small agricultural watersheds on an event basis. The model employs the 2‐D Richards equation with sink term to simulate infiltration and soil moisture dynamics in the vadoze zone under variable rainfall conditions, and 2‐D Saint‐Venant equations under the kinematic wave approximation along with Manning's equation as the stage‐discharge equation for runoff routing. The various flow‐governing equations have been solved numerically by employing a Galerkin finite element method for spatial discretization using quadrilateral elements and finite difference techniques for temporal solutions. The ROMO2D computer program has been developed as a class‐based program, coded in C + + in such a way that with minor modifications, the model can be used to simulate runoff on a continuous basis. The model writes output for a runoff hydrograph of each storm. Model development is described in this paper and the results of model testing and field application are to be presented in a subsequent paper. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the simulation of free surface flows over mobile bed have shown that accurate and stable results in realistic problems can be provided if an appropriate coupling between the shallow water equations (SWE) and the Exner equation is performed. This coupling can be done if using a suitable Jacobian matrix. As a result, faithful numerical predictions are available for a wide range of flow conditions and empirical bed load discharge formulations, allowing to investigate the best option in each case study, which is mandatory in these type of environmental problems. When coupling the equations, the SWE are considered but including an extra conservation law for the sediment dynamics. In this way the computational cost may become unrealistic in situations where the application of the SWE over rigid bed can be used involving large time and space scales without giving up to the adequate level of mesh refinement. Therefore, for restoring the numerical efficiency, the coupling technique is simplified, not decreasing the number of waves involved in the Riemann problem but simplifying their definitions. The effects of the approximations made are tested against experimental data which include transient problems over erodible bed. The simplified model is formulated under a general framework able to insert any desirable discharge solid load formula.  相似文献   

A fuzzy logic based centralized control algorithm for irrigation canals is presented. Purpose of the algorithm is to control downstream discharge and water level of pools in the canal, by adjusting discharge release from the upstream end and gates settings. The algorithm is based on the dynamic wave model (Saint‐Venant equations) inversion in space, wherein the momentum equation is replaced by a fuzzy rule based model, while retaining the continuity equation in its complete form. The fuzzy rule based model is developed on fuzzification of a new mathematical model for wave velocity, the derivational details of which are given. The advantages of the fuzzy control algorithm, over other conventional control algorithms, are described. It is transparent and intuitive, and no linearizations of the governing equations are involved. Tuning of the algorithm and method of computation are explained. It is shown that the tuning is easy and the computations are straightforward. The algorithm provides stable, realistic and robust outputs. The disadvantage of the algorithm is reduced precision in its outputs due to the approximation inherent in the fuzzy logic. Feed back control logic is adopted to eliminate error caused by the system disturbances as well as error caused by the reduced precision in the outputs. The algorithm is tested by applying it to water level control problem in a fictitious canal with a single pool and also in a real canal with a series of pools. It is found that results obtained from the algorithm are comparable to those obtained from conventional control algorithms. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The finite‐volume technique is used to solve the two‐dimensional shallow‐water equations on unstructured mesh consisting of quadrilateral elements. In this paper the algorithm of the finite‐volume method is discussed in detail and particular attention is paid to accurately representing the complex irregular computational domain. The lower Yellow River reach from Huayuankou to Jiahetan is a typical meandering river. The generation of the computational mesh, which is used to simulate the flood, is affected by the distribution of water works in the river channel. The spatial information about the two Yellow River levee, the protecting dykes, and those roads that are obviously higher than the ground, need to be used to generate the computational mesh. As a result these dykes and roads locate the element interfaces of the computational mesh. In the model the finite‐volume method is used to solve the shallow‐wave equations, and the Osher scheme of the empirical function is used to calculate the flux through the interface between the neighbouring elements. The finite‐volume method has the advantage of using computational domain with complex geometry, and the Osher scheme is a method based on characteristic theory and is a monotone upwind numerical scheme with high resolution. The flood event with peak discharge of 15 300 m3/s, occurring in the period from 30 July to 10 August 1982, is simulated. The estimated result indicates that the simulation method is good for routing the flood in a region with complex geometry. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A finite volume MUSCL scheme for the numerical integration of 2D shallow water equations is presented. In the framework of the SLIC scheme, the proposed weighted surface-depth gradient method (WSDGM) computes intercell water depths through a weighted average of DGM and SGM reconstructions, in which the weight function depends on the local Froude number. This combination makes the scheme capable of performing a robust tracking of wet/dry fronts and, together with an unsplit centered discretization of the bed slope source term, of maintaining the static condition on non-flat topographies (C-property). A correction of the numerical fluxes in the computational cells with water depth smaller than a fixed tolerance enables a drastic reduction of the mass error in the presence of wetting and drying fronts. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed scheme are assessed by comparing numerical results with analytical and reference solutions of a set of test cases. Moreover, to show the capability of the numerical model on field-scale applications, the results of a dam-break scenario are presented.  相似文献   

A 2D depth‐averaged hydrodynamic, sediment transport and bed morphology model named STREMR HySeD is presented. The depth‐averaged sediment transport equations are derived from the 3D dilute, multiphase, flow equations and are incorporated into the hydrodynamic model STREMR. The hydrodynamic model includes a two‐equation turbulence model and a correction for the mean flow due to secondary flows. The suspended sediment load can be subdivided into different size classes using the continuum (two‐fluid) approach; however, only one bed sediment size is used herein. The validation of the model is presented by comparing the suspended sediment transport module against experimental measurements and analytical solutions for the case of equilibrium sediment‐laden in a transition from a rigid bed to a porous bed where re‐suspension of sediment is prevented. On the other hand, the bed‐load sediment transport and bed evolution numerical results are compared against bed equilibrium experimental results for the case of a meander bend. A sensitivity analysis based on the correction for secondary flow on the mean flow including the effect of secondary flow on bed shear stresses direction as well as the downward acceleration effect due to gravity on transverse bed slopes is performed and discussed. In general, acceptable agreement is found when comparing the numerical results obtained with STREMR HySeD against experimental measurements and analytical solutions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


间断有限元方法(Discontinuous Galerkin method,简称DGM)在求解地震波动方程时具有低数值频散、网格剖分灵活等优点,因此,为适应数值模拟对模拟精度和复杂地质结构的要求,本文提出一种新的加权Runge-Kutta间断有限元(weighted Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin,简称WRKDG)方法,用于求解三维D'Alembert介质中声波方程.本文不仅详细推导了其数值格式,特别地,根据常微分方程理论给出了满足数值稳定性条件的一般经验公式,并首次对该方法的数值频散和耗散进行了深入分析,且考虑了耗散参数对结果的影响.同时,我们也对该方法进行了精度测试,并分析了3D情形下WRKDG方法的并行加速比,结果表明3D WRKDG方法具有良好的并行性.最后,我们给出了包含均匀模型、非规则几何模型以及非均匀Marmousi模型在内的数值模拟算例.结果表明,该方法不仅计算准确,能与解析解很好地吻合,且能有效模拟包含球体在内的非规则模型及非均匀Marmousi模型中的衰减声波波场.数值模拟实验进一步验证了WRKDG方法在求解三维D'Alembert介质中声波方程时的正确性和有效性,并获得了对这种强衰减介质中波传播特征的规律性新认识.


The problem of quantifying the effects of flexible plants on flow resistance and eddy viscosity by vegetated floodplains is first addressed with a one‐dimensional (1D) approximation based upon the so‐called lateral distribution method. The estimates so obtained are then tested with two‐dimensional (2D) numerical simulations based on the full shallow water equations through the use of the computational code Telemac‐2D. Data obtained on a physical model of the Besòs River (Spain), whose floodplains were covered with plastic ornamental plants to mimic the effect of flexible vegetation, is used for the validation of the numerical results. Additionally, the values of flow resistance estimated numerically with the 1D and 2D simulations are compared with values obtained in a rectangular flume under flow conditions (slope, water depth and artificial lining) similar to those used on the reduced model. It is then established that as more physical mechanisms are included in the mathematical model used to study the problem, the ratio between the floodplain and the main channel flow resistance coefficient increases. The approach demonstrates that whenever enough flow data is available, the lateral distribution method delivers values of flow resistance and eddy viscosity which are highly consistent with 2D numerical modelling. This finding could mean considerable savings in the burdensome task of specifying flow resistance and turbulence dissipation values for 2D modelling of large compound channel systems. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Based on an average‐derivative method and optimization techniques, a 27‐point scheme for a 3D frequency‐domain scalar wave equation is developed. Compared to the rotated‐coordinate approach, the average‐derivative optimal method is not only concise but also applies to equal and unequal directional sampling intervals. The resulting 27‐point scheme uses a 27‐point operator to approximate spatial derivatives and the mass acceleration term. The coefficients are determined by minimizing phase velocity dispersion errors and the resultant optimal coefficients depend on ratios of directional sampling intervals. Compared to the classical 7‐point scheme, the number of grid points per shortest wavelength is reduced from approximately 13 to approximately 4 by this 27‐point optimal scheme for equal directional sampling intervals and unequal directional sampling intervals as well. Two numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the theoretical analysis. The average‐derivative algorithm is also extended to a 3D frequency‐domain viscous scalar wave equation.  相似文献   

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