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Analysis of sensible heat flux(Qh),latent heat flux(Qe),Richardson number(Ri),bulk transport coefficient(Cd) and katabatic winds are presented by using the meteorological data in the near surface layer from an automatic weather station(AWS) in Princess Elizabeth Land,East Antarctica ice sheet and the data of corresponding period at Zhongshan station in 2002.It shows that annual mean air temperature at LGB69 is-25.6°C,which is 16.4°C lower than that at Zhongshan,where the elevation is lower and located on the coast.The temperature lapse rate is about 1.0°C/110 m for the initial from coast to inland.The turbulence heat flux at LGB69 displays obvious seasonal variations with the average sensible heat flux-17.9 W/m2 and latent heat flux-0.9 W/m2.The intensity(Qh Qe) of coolling source is-18.8 W/m2 meaning the snow surface layer obtains heat from atmosphere.The near surface atmosphere is near-neutral stratified with bulk transport coefficients(Cd) around 2.8×10-3,and it is near constant when the wind speed higher than 8 m/s.The speed and the frequency of easterly Katabatic winds at LGB69 were higher than that at Zhongshan Station.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionFromitsoriginalformulationin 1 990 ,theInternationalTrans AntarcticScientificExpedition (ITASE)hashadasitsprimaryaimthecollectionandinterpretationofacon tinental widearrayofenvironmentalparametersassembledthroughthecoordinatedeffortsofscientistsfromseveralnations(Mayewskietal.1 996) .AsaconsequenceITASEhasbeenfocusedtoaddresstwokeyscientificobjectives:1 )Todeterminethespatialvariabil ityofAntarcticclimate (eg.accumulation,airtemperature,atmosphericcirculation)overthelast2…  相似文献   

1 Introduction Thestudyonthefeaturesofatmosphericenvironmentbyglaciochemistryisthemajor contentofsnow iceandglobalchangeresearch.Antarcticicesheetisfarfromtheregions pollutedbyhumanactivities,andsurroundedbyocean,andtheAntarcticCircumpolarCur rentisthewideseawaterandatmospherebarrierbetweenAntarcticaandtheoutsideworld. AlloftheuniquegeographicalfeaturesmaketheimpuritiesinsnowandiceinAntarcticice sheetissimple.Therefore,itissignificanttostudytheorigins,transmissionpathsanddep ositionalst…  相似文献   

1 IntroductionAntarcticicesheetisaburialgroundforatmosphericdeposition .Sincethereiscon tinuousinteractionbetweentheicesheetandtheatmosphere,variousatmosphericsub stancesareinjectedtotheicesheetsequentiallyintimeandspace.Therefore,verticalanalysesoftheicesheetprovideuswithinformationaboutpastclimaticchange (Delmas1 992 ;LegrandandMayewski 1 997)andhorizontalanalysesoftheicesheetprovideuswithknowledgeregardinglong rangetransportofairbornematerials (Kamiyamaetal.1 989;KreutzandMayewski 1 999)…  相似文献   

The thermodynamic properties of snow cover on sea ice play a key role in the ice-ocean-atmosphere system and have been a focus of recent scientific research. In this study, we investigated the thermodynamic properties of snow cover on sea ice in the Nella Fjord, Prydz Bay, East Antarctica(69°20′S, 76°07′E), near the Chinese Antarctic Zhongshan Station. Our observations were carried out during the 29th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition. We found that the vertical temperature profile of snow cover changed considerably in response to changes in air temperature and solar radiation during the summer. Associated with the changes in the temperature profile were fluctuations in the temperature gradient within the upper 10 cm of the snow cover. Results of previous research have shown that the thermal conductivity of snow is strongly correlated with snow density. To calculate the thermal conductivity in this study, we measured densities in three snow pits. The calculated thermal conductivity ranged from 0.258–0.569 W?m-1?K-1. We present these datasets to show how involved parameters changed, and to contribute to a better understanding of melting processes in the snow cover on sea ice.  相似文献   

Snow samples collected from a 50 m firn core and two snow pits along the route of the 1996/1997 Chinese First Antarctic Inland Traverse Expedition in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica, have been analyzed for chemical composition and oxygen isotope ratio. Analyzing the relationship between the concentration and flux of major ions and accumulation rate can draw the following conclusions. 1 ) The concentrations of major ions in the atmosphere in the study region is big enough so that the concentrations of the ions do not vary with snow accumulation rate, that is to say, the concentrations of major chemical species are independent of snow accumulation rate. 2) The results of analyzing the depositional styles of major chemical species suggest that wet deposition dominates the major ions flux. In addition, there is no apparent correlation between nssSO2-4 fluctuations and isotope profile. This would indicate the short-term climatic effect of volcanism is not evident in the region.  相似文献   

The vertical temperature profiles of snow and sea ice have been measured in the Arctic during the 2nd Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2003(CHINARE2003).The high-resolution temperature profile in snow is solved by one-dimensional heat transfer equation.The effective heat diffusivity,internal heat sources are identified.The internal heat source refers to the penetrated solar radiation which usually warms the lower part of the snow layer in summer.By temperature gradient analysis,the zero level can be clarified quantitatively as the boundary of the dry and wet snow.According to the in situ time series of vertical temperature profile,the time series of water content in snow is obtained based on an evaluation method of snow water content associated with the snow and ice physical parameters.The relationship of snow water content and snow temperature and temporal-spatial distribution of snow water content are presented  相似文献   

The ice algal and phytoplankton assemblages were studied from Nella Fjord near Zhongshan Station, East Antarctica from April 12 to December 30, 1992. Algal blooms occurred about 3 cm thick on the bottom of sea ice in late April and mid November to early December respectively, and a phytoplankton bloom appeared in the underlying surface water in mid December following the spring ice algal bloom. The biomass in ice bottom was 1 to 3 orders of magnitude higher than that of surface water. Amphiprora kjellmanii, Berkeleya sp., Navicula glaciei, Nitzschia barkelyi, N. cylindrus /N. curta, N. lecointei and Nitzschia sp. were common in the sea ice temporarily or throughout the study period. The biomass in a certain ice segment was decreased gradually and the dominant species were usually succeeded as the season went on. Nitzschia sublineata and Dactyliosolen antarctica were two seasonal dominant species only observed in underlying water column. The assemblages between bottom of ice and underlying surface water were different except when spring ice algae bloomed. The evidence shows that the ice algal blooms occurred mainly by in situ growth of ice algae, and the phytoplankton bloom was mostly caused by the release of ice algae.  相似文献   

The margin of the Greenland ice sheet has undergone rapid changes over the past decade as a result of the thinning, acceleration, and retreat of many fast-flowing tidewater outlet glaciers. Satellite observations show that three major tidewater outlet glaciers in Greenland retreated between 2000 and 2005, with synchronous increases in flow speed, causing a deficit in ice sheet mass budget and the potential for sea level rise. In this study, we investigated whether this acceleration was related to surface melt processes, and found that both flow speed and positive degree day (PDD) anomalies of the three glaciers varied together, indicating a causal relationship. Jakobshavn Isbræ had lower flow speeds before 2000, during which PDD anomalies were negative, except for modest warming in 1993 and 1995. From 1999–2000, during which it is thought a threshold was passed, the flow speed of the glacier started to increase. However, the two glaciers in east Greenland showed a delayed response. Abrupt warming occurred in the vicinity of the two glaciers around 2001, but flow speed did not increase until 2003 for the Helheim Glacier, and until 2004 for the Kangerdlugssuaq Glacier. Furthermore, the two eastern glaciers switched to a deceleration mode more quickly than Jakobshavn Isbræ. The observed differences in both acceleration and deceleration among the glaciers suggest that the relationship between surface melt and outlet glacier dynamics is not simple but complex.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionGeographicalinformationsystem (GIS)isanefficientwayandimportanttechniquetomanage,displayandanalyzeAntarcticspatialdata.GIScanbeusedtomakeandre newmapproductsquickly ,evaluateenvironment,supportlogisticmanagementandfieldoperation,providechancetoextractnewknowledge,andtopromoteinformationex changeamongnationsunderthedemandoftheMadridProtocol(AADC 2 0 0 1 ;MAGIC1 998;1 999) .WorkingGroupofGeodesyandGeographicInformation (WG GGI)ofScientificCommitteeonAntarcticResearch (…  相似文献   

2008年1月中下旬至2月上旬,我国南方地区出现了大范围、长时间的强降雪及冰冻灾害。这次冰冻雨雪灾害,不仅对广大人民群众的生活和社会经济运行造成了极大破坏,而且对当地生态环境也产生了深刻影响。本文以湖南省资兴市为例,运用遥感技术和地面野外调查相结合的方法,监测了本次冰雪过程对当地生态环境的影响。监测发现:本次冰雪过程对植被覆盖破坏显著,植被指数呈较大范围降低趋势,降低区域的总面积占资兴市土地总面积的54.12%;森林生态系统受损严重,除灌木林外302.2万亩森林全部受灾,其中,针叶林比阔叶林严重,幼龄林比成熟林严重,外来种比乡土树种严重,人工林比天然林严重;冰雪过程后土壤含水量增加、边坡失稳,地质灾害危险程度明显增高,工程建设区和林缘陡坡地带以滑坡(崩塌)为主的地质灾害频频发生。  相似文献   

The distributions and changes of dissolved organic carbon in the Prydz Bay and out open sea were investigated during CHINARE-15 ( the 15th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition). The results showed that the content of DOC was higher in the Prydz Bay and outer open sea compared to those typical of surface oceanic levels ( 70-80 μM) , average content of DOC in the surface water was 102.32 μM,the range was 68.23-125.92 μM. The vertical distribution of DOC in the water column was similar to many ocean sites, that is to say, the content of upper water is higher than deep water, a subsurface maximum persisted between 25-50 m. The DOC pool in the Prydz Bay were consisted with labile, semi-labile and refractory pools, in which refractory pools was mainly part. The concentration of refractory DOC was 92.34 and 76.89 μM in Prydz Bay and outer open sea, and account 77% and 82% for total DOC, respectively.  相似文献   

通过对江西省井冈-吉泰-于山样带,在2008年初冰雪冻害中,森林损毁的调查,获得调查样点563个,以及每个样点的NDVI。依据各样点林分起源、林龄、树种和林地折损程度信息,对NDVI进行分类,发现林地NDVI均值与折损程度呈显著的线性相关关系。天然林在无折损程度下,NDVI均值比人工林和次生林高,但随着折损程度增加天然林NDVI均值下降幅度相对较大,人工林NDVI均值下降幅度较小。幼龄林、中龄林和成熟林在无折损程度下NDVI均值差距不大,随着折损程度增加,幼龄林NDVI均值下降幅度最大,其次,为中龄林、成熟林NDVI均值下降幅度最小。针阔混交林、杉木、竹林和湿地松,在无折损时NDVI均值较高,马尾松最低。随着折损程度增加,阔叶林NDVI均值下降速率最快,马尾松、湿地松、杉木和针阔混交林NDVI均值下降速率较快,竹林NDVI均值下降速率较慢,针叶混合林NDVI均值下降速率最慢。  相似文献   

海岛 ,特别是一些面积小的岛屿 ,处于复杂的环境中 ,具有陆地与海洋的多种尺度特征。 IKONOS卫星遥感图像是现有遥感信息中空间分辨率最高的卫星数据之一 ,因此是海岛详细探测、大比例尺遥感分析的重要信息源。南麂列岛作为国家级海洋自然保护区 ,素有“贝藻王国”之称 ,具有典型性和示范性。本文是利用 IKONOS卫星遥感图像研究南麂列岛岸线特征、人工构筑物与近海目标以及土地覆盖的初步成果。结果表明它对细小目标的探测具有很大的潜力。  相似文献   

Study of 1986 and 1987 heavy metal distribution in surface water of the Kuroshio area in the East China Sea showed regional and slight seasonal variations in distribution and concentration . Heavy metal levels in Taiwan Strait, the sea area north of Taiwan and the continental shelf are higher than those in the main axis of the Kuroshio . Dissolved Cu in summer and winter decreases with the increase of salinity , but dissolved Cd has no obvious change with salinity .  相似文献   

《山海经》是一部中国最古老的地理著作。其中“五藏山经”篇中所讲的西、南、北、中山都分布在中国大陆,只有东山的记述在国内一直找不到,三千多年来我国古书上多“无注”或称“其山水无可考”。美国女学者亨利埃特·默茨(HenrietteMertz)通过实地考察后所写的《淡淡的墨迹(Palegnk-TosoOreientRecordsofChineseExplorationinAmerica1953)》证明“东山”海外部分竟分布在美洲大陆,它们就是落基山脉、内华达山脉、喀斯喀特山脉以及海岸山脉,它们的距离,山峰数与动植物的种类与《山海经》记载的都基本相同。该书主题提示这样写的:“《山海经》-印第安人-中国的影响-美洲-中国人的发现和探索”。书中结语还特别强调:“对于在4000年左右,就已踏着白雪皑皑的山顶和峻峭的山峰而徒步考察无畏的中国人后面,我们所能做的,首先要向他们顶礼膜拜、鞠躬致敬。”  相似文献   

青藏高原作为地球第三极增温明显,相关研究多集中于青藏高原冰雪动态,很少关注冰雪消融后岩漠的变化。岩漠通过地气相互作用影响着全球气候变化的区域差异。本文通过梳理青藏高原冰雪、冰雪消融区、岩漠动态变化遥感监测方法体系,着重分析了各遥感数据来源及提取方法的优缺点和适用性,并对基于遥感技术条件下青藏高原冰雪动态监测、冰雪消融区岩漠动态变化监测的数据来源、研究方法与技术进行了总结。目前,青藏高原冰雪动态变化遥感监测数据来源多样、研究方法成熟,而冰雪消融区岩漠动态变化遥感监测尚未形成系统研究。在人为干扰不明显背景下,青藏高原冰雪消融区岩漠的动态变化,在一定程度上也可作为对冰雪变化遥感监测的补充。  相似文献   

Based on the observed surface suspended matter in the East China Sea in February 2007 and June 2015, an empirical model was established using L1 b's band 4 data to retrieve surface suspended matter from the Moderate Resolution Imagine Spectroradiometer Terra imagery. The squared correlation coefficient is 0.8358, and the root mean square error is 0.4285 mg L-1. The model reflects the distribution characteristics of surface suspended matter in the inner shelf of the East China Sea. In this paper, the satellite images of the study area were retrieved in January from 2001 to 2015, and the monthly distribution of surface suspended matter were obtained. The inter-annual distribution of the study area is similar, and the concentration of surface suspended matter is higher near the shore than offshore. A large amount of surface suspended matter is transported southeast under the influence of Zhejiang and Fujian coastal current and Taiwan warm current. Only a small amount of surface suspension can reach the Kuroshio area. The surface suspended matter concentration changes obviously near the estuary because of the effect of differences in the flux of the Yangtze River. Meanwhile, winter monsoon, temperature front, El Ni?o events, and other factors affect the distribution of surface suspended matter in 100 m isobath to coastal water but minimally influence the distribution in 100 m isobath to deep sea.  相似文献   

井地联合地震勘探在陕北油田开发中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陕北延安组含油段主要是各种河流相沉积,由于其沉积相的不稳定,使得储层厚度和物性在横向上变化很大.例如,本项目工区在相距300m的两个井中,在同一层位,一口井具有工业油流,另一口井却无油,并且无油井还处于构造较高部位.为了提高井位设计的准确性,降低油田开发风险,对该区进行了井地联合地震勘探.主要是在井中采用六级三分量检波器,在同震源的条件下,井中和地面弯曲测线同时采集,获得零偏和非零偏VSP成像剖面,过VSP井的4km弯线叠加剖面,取得了很丰富的地震信息,对该资料进行了精细处理和解释,得到了比较好的地质效果,为油田的进一步开发提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

The forms of phosphorus and silicon in the natural grain sizes surface sediments of the southern Bohai Sea were studied. In sediments, the organic matter bound form of phosphorus was the main form of transferable phosphorus and ranged from 0.37μmol/g to 1.57μmol/g, accountingfor 10.7% of the total phosphorus, others were the carbonate bound form, iron-manganeso oxide bound form and ion-exchange able form; the transferable form of phosphorus accounted for 19.2% of the total phosphorus. Silicon‘ s carbonate bound form was predominant over others among its transferable forms, and content ranged from 1.55μmol/g to 8.94μmol/g, accounting for 0.05% of the total silicon; the total amount of transferable silicon forms accounted for only 0.12% of the total silicon. Therefore, 19.2% of the total phosphorus and 0.12 % of the total silicon contained in the surface sediments of the southern Bohai Sea could participate in the biogeochemical cycling.  相似文献   

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