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HWM07模式风场在高度60~100km的精度及建模初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
HWM07模式是一个应用广泛的国际标准参考大气风场模式,其在航天飞行器的设计阶段具有重要作用.因此,研究该模式风场精度具有重要意义,本文以廊坊中频雷达的风场资料(2014—2016年)为基准,利用偏差、绝对差、相关系数、相对偏差和Lomb-Scargle周期图方法,研究HWM07模式风场在高度60~100km的精度,最后,对本文建立的60~100km风场预报模型(UV_(DerM)模型)精度进行分析.结果表明,在高度60~100km范围内,(1)HWM07模式的纬向风偏差、绝对差、相关系数、相对偏差的平均值分别为14.0039 m·s-1、34.4750 m·s-1、0.1832、-75.4822%,经向风偏差、绝对差、相关系数、相对偏差的平均值分别为-2.0019m·s-1、25.3689m·s-1、0.1442、-88.9980%;经向风、纬向风的统计特征均与高度、季节有密切关系;(2)Lomb-Scargle周期图结果表明,中频雷达、HWM07模式风场在同一高度层显著(通过90%显著性检验)含有的波周期及功率谱存在较明显差异,不同高度、不同季节显著含有的波周期和功率谱也存在明显差异;(3)在高度86~92km,准全日潮汐波、准半日潮汐波分别在冬季、夏季的HWM07模式风场变化特征中为主要作用,而对中频雷达风场变化特征起主要作用的大气波动特征与高度、季节有关;(4)相对于HWM07模式风场,由UVDerM模型得到的纬向风更接近实况资料,但经向风无改进效果.  相似文献   

Measurement of turbulence fluxes were performed over the Erhai Lake using eddy covariance(EC) method.Basic physical parameters in the lake-air interaction processes,such as surface albedo of the lake,aerodynamic roughness length,bulk transfer coefficients,etc.,were investigated using the EC data in 2012.The characteristics of turbulence fluxes over the lake including momentum flux,sensible heat flux,latent heat flux,and CO2 flux,and their controlling factors were analyzed.The total annual evaporation of the lake was also estimated based on the artificial neural network(ANN) gap-filling technique.Results showed that the total annual evaporation in 2012 was 1165 ± 15 mm,which was larger than the annual precipitation(818 mm).Local circulation between the lake and the surrounding land was found to be significant throughout the year due to the land-lake breeze or the mountain-valley breeze in this area.The prevailing winds of southeasterly and northwesterly were observed throughout the year.The sensible heat flux over this plateau lake usually had a few tens of W m-2,and generally became negative in the afternoon,indicating that heat was transferred from the lake to the atmosphere.The sensible heat flux was governed by the lake-air temperature difference and had its maximum in the early morning.The diurnal variation of the latent heat flux was controlled by vapor pressure deficit with a peak in the afternoon.The latent heat flux was dominant in the partition of available energy in daytime over this lake.The lake acted as a weak CO2 source to the atmosphere except for the midday of summer.Seasonal variations of surface albedo over the lake were related to the solar elevation angle and opacity of the water.Furthermore,compared with the observation data,the surface albedo estimated by CLM4-LISSS model was underestimated in winter and overestimated in summer.  相似文献   

Measurements of the electron density at 600 km altitude (N600) were obtained with the Hinotori satellite launched by the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of Japan. These measurements were used to check the validity of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model in predicting the electron density at that altitude in the South American peak of the equatorial anomaly. The measurements correspond to the longitude zone from 285 to 369° and −15° geomagnetic latitude. To model the electron density at 600 km altitude, two cases were considered, namely (i) N600 was calculated with the IRI model at 10° intervals within the corresponding longitudinal zone and mean values were obtained, and (ii) N600 was calculated with the IRI using ionosonde data as input coefficients in the model. The data used for this study were measured almost simultaneously with the total electron content data used in a previous work. The results show good predictions at hours of minimum ionisation for the equinox and the December solstice. For the June solstice, the best agreement was obtained around noon. However, strong disagreements were observed in some cases such as the equinox at 15:00 LT, suggesting that there is a need to improve the modeled topside profile.  相似文献   

The MAGIC sounding rocket, launched in January 2005 into the polar mesosphere, carried two detectors for charged aerosol particles. The detectors are graphite patch collectors mounted flush with the skin of the payload and are connected to sensitive electrometers. The measured signal is the net current deposited on the detectors by heavy aerosol particles. The collection of electrons and ions is prevented by magnetic shielding and a small positive bias, respectively. Both instruments detected a layer of heavy aerosol particles between 80 and 85 km with a number density approximately 103 cm−3. Aerodynamic flow simulations imply that the collected particles are larger than ∼1 nm in radius. The particles are detected as a net positive charge deposited on the graphite collectors. It is suggested that the measured positive polarity is due to the electrification of the smoke particles upon impact on the graphite collectors.  相似文献   

We measured the fluxes of sensible and latent heat between a low‐land dipterocarp forest in Peninsular Malaysia and the atmosphere. No clear seasonal or interannual changes in latent heat flux were found from 2003 to 2005, while sensible heat flux sometimes fluctuated depending on the fluctuation of incoming radiation between wet and dry seasons. The evapotranspiration rates averaged for the period between 2003 and 2005 were 2·77 and 3·61 mm day?1 using eddy covariance data without and with an energy balance correction, respectively. Average precipitation was 4·74 mm day?1. Midday surface conductance decreased with an increasing atmospheric water vapour pressure deficit and thus restricted the excess water loss on sunny days in the dry season. However, the relationship between the surface conductance and vapour pressure deficit did not significantly decline with an increase in volumetric soil water content even during a period of extremely low rainfall. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sodium resonance lidar at 589 nm has been operated in São José dos Campos, Brazil (23°S, 46°W) since 1972 mainly for studies related to the origin, chemistry and dynamics of the mesospheric sodium layer. Beginning in 1993, the improved laser capability has also enabled the processing of the Rayleigh signal from which the temperatures from 35 to 65 km are retrieved on a nightly mean basis. We used these nightly profiles to determine the monthly temperature profiles from 1993 to 2006. The mean temperature characteristics for each year and for the whole period are obtained. Seasonal thermal amplitude is small (6 K peak to peak at 40 and 60 km). Compared with the MSISE-90 model, a large difference is noted, with temperature lower than the model below the stratopause and higher above. Also the seasonal variation has a large difference with better agreement occurring around local winter, but with temperatures higher by 8–10 K at the equinoxes. The semiannual component is dominant over the annual at all altitudes. Linear trends with decreasing temperature of 1.09, 2.29 and 1.42 K/decade are observed at 40, 50 and 60 km, respectively.  相似文献   

In this survey we consider the atmospheric photodissociation rates of the molecules, O2, O3, NO, NO2, N2O, N2O5, HNO3, HO2, H2O, H2O2, CO2, CH4, CH2O, SO2, and H2S. Data for the absorption cross sections and quantum yields of these molecules are assembled here along with other information pertinent to the determination of photodissociation rates. The most recent techniques for computing atmospheric photodissociation rates are discussed. Photodissociation rates for all of the molecules are given at several solar zenith angles for altitudes up to 100 kilometres. A knowledge of the photodissociation rates of atmospheric molecules is essential to the resolution of many important atmospheric problems. Pollution of the stratosphere by high-flying aircraft, and of the troposphere by other anthropogenic activities, can only be described in terms of complex photochemical-dynamical models in which photolytic processes have a dominant role. A great deal of scientific effort is presently being spent in determining the mechanisms which control ozone, nitric oxide, and excited molecular oxygen concentrations in the mesosphere. Photolytic processes are already known to be important to all of these species. The photodissociation rates presented here can be applied directly to atmospheric problems such as these, or the methodology and data contained in this work can be used to compute photorates as needed.  相似文献   

Net radiation (Rn), water vapor flux (LE), sensible heat flux (Hs) and soil heat flux (G)were measured above a summer maize field with the eddy-covariance technique, simulation and analysis of water, heat fluxes and crop water use efficiency were made with the RZ-SHAW model at the same time in this study. The results revealed significant diurnal and seasonal variability of water vapor flux for summer maize. Most part of Rn was consumed by the evapotranspiration of the summer maize. The proportion of water vapor flux to net radiation ((LE/Rn) increased with the crop development and peaked around milk-filling stage with a value of 60%, a slightly lower than that obtained by the RZ-SHAW model. Daily evapotranspiration estimated by the model agreed with the results measured with the eddy-covariance technique, indices of agreement (IA) for hourly water vapor fluxes simulated and measured were above 0.75, root mean square errors (RMSE) were no more than 1.0. Diurnal patterns of Hs showed the shape of inverted "U" shifted to the forenoon with a maximum value around 11:30 (Beijing time), while LE exhibited an inverted "V" with a maximum value at around 13:00, about an hour later than Hs. Diurnal change of CO2showed an asymmetrical "V" curve and its maximal rates occurred at about 11:30. Variations of water use efficiency during the phonological stages of the summer maize showed a rapid increase with the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) after sunrise, a state of equilibrium around 10:00 followed a decrease. Maximum values of water use efficiency were 24.3, and its average value ranged from 7.6 to 10.3 g kg-1.  相似文献   

中国东北地区下方660 km间断面研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
围绕中国东北地区下方俯冲的西太平洋板块是停滞在地幔过渡带内水平向西伸展, 还是穿透660 km间断面直接进入下地幔, 始终是一个具有争议的问题. 本文基于P--SV转换波对速度间断面的敏感性, 利用中国数字地震台网在东北地区布设的136个固定地震台站记录到的远震波形数据, 通过提取台站下方的接收函数并采用共转换点(CCP)叠加技术, 得到了该区域660 km间断面的起伏变化图像. 结果显示, 东北地区下方660 km间断面下沉幅度超过20 km的区域主要集中在44°N以南、 东西跨度约400 km的范围内. 660 km间断面的下沉表明西北太平洋板块俯冲到了中国东北地区下方, 在较小区域范围内观测到的较大深度异常可能暗示着俯冲板片穿透660 km间断面直接进入了下地幔.   相似文献   

利用南、北加州地震台网、华盛顿州西北太平洋地震台网单分量短周期地震仪和德国、瑞士地震台网/台阵的三分量宽频带地震仪记录的1981~2000年伊豆——小笠原地区下方地震的波形资料,使用N次根倾斜叠加方法提取近源一侧来自间断面SdP转换震相,以研究660km间断面区域性差异.研究发现,自35N 到26N 的各剖面依次体现了和达 本尼奥夫带(Wadati-Benioff zone)倾角逐渐加大,且地震分布的最大深度也逐步增大,俯冲板块对660km间断面存在的影响也因此产生了差异性:没有俯冲板块影响的情况下,该间断面出现在CM)660km深度处,而受到俯冲板块明显作用的地区,则该间断面普遍出现下陷.转换点分布的一定程度分散性可能是间断面本身复杂结构、震相误判或一维球对称地球模型假定等因素造成的.这一转换点分布的分散性是一个亟需解决的问题.  相似文献   

Introduction The detail structure of the Earths interior is a major field of geophysics and the existences and properties of mantle discontinuities are its important content. Based on the seismic tomographic results (Fukao, et al, 1992, Van der Hilst, et al, 1991) and the distribution of earthquake hypocenters in the Circum-Pacific region and other regions, the effects of subducting slab at different regions on the 660 km discontinuity are different: some subducting slabs penetrate through; …  相似文献   

Hydrochemistry of high altitude alpine lakes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The chemical characteristics of 320 Italian alpine lakes are presented and discussed: 38% of them have low ionic concentrations and conductivities below 20 μS/cm; 56% show a conductivity range of 20.1 to 200 μS/cm, and 6% are characterized by higher solute concentrations, up to 34.5 meq/l, with a corresponding maximum conductivity of 1,265 μS/cm.  相似文献   

Planetary wave activity at quasi 16-, 10- and 5-day periods has been compared at various altitudes through the middle and upper atmosphere over Halley (76°S, 27°W), Antarctica, during the austral winters of 1997–1999. Observational data from the mesosphere, E-region ionosphere and F-region ionosphere have been combined with stratospheric data from the ECMWF assimilative operational analysis. Fourier and wavelet techniques have shown that the relationship between planetary wave activity at different altitudes is complex and during the winter eastward wind regime does not conform to a simple combination of vertical planetary wave propagation and critical filtering. Strong planetary wave activity in the stratosphere can coincide with a complete lack of wave activity at higher altitudes; conversely, there are also times when planetary wave activity in the mesosphere, E-region or F-region has no apparent link to activity in the stratosphere. The latitudinal activity pattern of stratospheric data tentatively suggests that when the stratospheric signatures are intense over a wide range of latitudes, propagation of planetary waves into the mesosphere is less likely than when the stratospheric activity is more latitudinally restricted. It is possible that, on at least one occasion, 16-day planetary wave activity in the mesosphere may have been ducted to high latitudes from the lower latitude stratosphere. The most consistent feature is that planetary wave activity in the mesosphere is almost always anti-correlated to planetary wave activity in the E-region even though the two are in close physical proximity. The oscillatory critical filtering of vertical gravity wave propagation by planetary waves and the re-generation of the planetary wave component at higher altitudes through subsequent critical filtering or breaking of the gravity waves may provide an explanation for some of these characteristics. Alternatively the nonlinear interaction between planetary waves and tides, indicated in the E-region data, may play a role.  相似文献   

利用华北固定台网的宽频带地震远震记录波形资料,提取P波接收函数,通过偏移成像和共转换点叠加,得到华北地区东部地幔过渡带深度及厚度的图像.研究结果显示,地幔过渡带上界面(410 km间断面)深度起伏变化不大;在华北地区东部,存在较厚的地幔过渡带,地幔过渡带下界面(660 km间断面)在660 km深度附近出现两个不同的界面.造成地幔过渡带增厚并出现两个深度不同的界面的原因可能是存在橄榄岩以外的地幔物质相变,该物质相变拥有与橄榄岩向钙钛矿转变不同的克拉伯龙斜率,太平洋俯冲板块的低温造成两种不同的相变界面发生不同程度的改变.双重660 km间断面的范围存在向北西方向延伸的趋势并且向南至少延伸到30°N.本文的结果可为古西太平洋板块向华北俯冲前缘位置的研究提供约束.  相似文献   

The occurrence of anomalous (nonthermal) profiles of green emission of oxygen atoms detected with a Fabry-Perot spectrometer in auroras with the effect of a rapid decrease in the intensity of the wings of their dissociative component has been investigated. Based on an analysis of these measured profiles, it has been found that the characteristic time of recombination of a molecular oxygen ion at altitudes of 200–400 km is about 5–7 s. It appears that these molecular ions occur in a horizontally limited region of the auroral ionosphere as a result of ionization by a space localized flux of soft electrons with energies of 0.2–0.4 keV penetrating up to altitudes of 200 km. The estimation of the electron flux produces a value of 1010–1013 electrons cm?2 s?1. They generate the excess concentration n(O 2 + ) ~ 5.6 × 105 cm?3.  相似文献   

Summary The lunar tide in theE-layer of the ionosphere above Istanbul has been determined by the analysis of thefo E parameter from 1964–1967. Semi-diurnal variations were found to be significant. The seasonal and monthly variations of the amplitude and phase of the lunar tide show very little differences.  相似文献   

Index-volume 25     
《Marine pollution bulletin》1992,25(9-12):334-336

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