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A combination of field and numerical modeling methods was used to assess porewater movement in a narrow (20 m) Spartina marsh which was flooded regularly by tidal waters. Soil composition and soil hydraulic properties did not vary across the marsh or with depth. Hydraulic head was monitored on a transect perpendicular to the creekbank. During exposure of the marsh surface, hydraulic gradients were predominantly horizontal; vertical gradients were small or zero. Subsurface flow was directed from the marsh interior toward the creekbank. Approximately 141 of pore water were discharged laterally to the adjacent tidal creek per meter of creekbank over a complete tidal cycle.A numerical hydrological model was modified to simulate subsurface hydraulics in the creekbank vicinity of regularly flooded tidal marshes. The model was parameterized to represent soil conditions, tidal fluctuations and topography at the field site. Observed changes in hydraulic head over complete tidal cycles were accurately predicted by the model. Model simulations identified the vertical infiltration of creek water into the marsh surface at the onset of tidal flooding as the primary source (66%) for the replacement of water drained at the creekbank. Significant replacement (31%) also occurred as discharge from the interior marsh. Horizontal recharge at the creekbank was minimal (3%).A sensitivity analysis was conducted with the model to assess the relative importance of geomorphological factors and soil properties in controlling pore water export at the creekbank of tidal marsh soils. Each parameter was varied systematically over a realistic range for field conditions. Changes in marsh elevation exerted greater control over creekbank discharge than changes in soil hydraulic properties. More rapid turnover of pore water near creekbanks of higher elevation marshes is hypothesized.  相似文献   

Nutrient concentrations in interstitial water were measured throughout the year in two brackish tidal marshes differing in elevation and vegetation. At all sites, sulfate to chloride ratios were lowest during the fall. In contrast, dissolved ammonia, phosphate, organic nitrogen, and organic phosphorus concentrations did not vary seasonally but differed among sample sites. These nutrients were generally enriched in interstitial water relative to tidal water and those that were most enriched declined in concentration with increasing proximity to creeks. In the low elevation marsh, flow of interstitial water towards creek banks was traced with Rhodamine WT dye. Consequent seepage of interstitial water into the creek of the low marsh was estimated from continuous monitoring of water table heights and from measurements of hydraulic conductivity. The estimated seepage could account for a portion, probably less than half, of the tidal export of dissolved nutrients from the low marsh.  相似文献   

An estimate of floating macrodetritus flux in a salt marsh-dominated estuarine ecosystem indicates that this material is exported regularly. However, the amount of macrodetrital material exported is small, less than 1% of the net marsh primary productivity. The export of floating macrodetritus is seasonal with maximum values in summer.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total recoverable inorganic tin (TRISn), monomethyltin (MeSn3+), dimethyltin (Me2Sn2+), trimethyltin (Me3Sn+) and (3-dimethylsulphonio)propionate (DMSP) were determined in leaves of Spartina alterniflora from three sites in the Great Bay estuary (NH) from 8 May to 15 September 1989. Total methyltin concentration increased from 8·9 ng g−1 (fresh weight) on 8 May to 472 ng g−1 on 23 May, decreased to 52 ng g−1 on 7 June and 16ng g−1 on 20 June, and remained low until the last sample on 18 September. Statistical calculations showed that methyltin concentrations varied significantly with sampling week, but not with site. DMSP concentrations showed very different behaviour. During the same sampling period DMSP concentrations varied only from 7·5 to 26 μmol g−1 (fresh weight). DMSP concentrations varied significantly for site, but not sampling week.  相似文献   

The range expansion patterns of Spartina alterniflora and the roles which sexual reproduction and asexual propagation play in range expansion were investigated at the Chongming Dongtan nature reserve in the Yangtze Estuary, China. Two range expansion patterns of S. alterniflora at its advancing fronts could be found (1) S. alterniflora–mudflat front (S–M) and (2) S. alternifloraScirpus mariqueter–mudflat front (S–S–M). One feature revealed by this study was that a flush of seedling recruitment and establishment in spring was a crucial way for S. alterniflora to colonize new habitats and achieve a fast rate of range expansion. The mean number of seedlings recruited at the S–M front was much higher than that at the S–S–M front. Once established, the survivorship of seedlings was high, both at the S–M and S–S–M fronts. The established seedlings formed new tussocks quickly by vegetative tillering and growth of rhizomes and these finally merged into dense meadows. The mean distance of range expansion of S. alterniflora, after one growing season at the S–M front, was 25.4 ± 3.1 m yr−1 and 2.7 ± 0.5 m yr−1 at the S–S–M front. Sexual reproduction by seedlings and asexual propagation by tillering and growth of rhizomes were the two main means by which S. alterniflora could maintain a fast rate of range expansion on the salt marshes of the Yangtze Estuary. The colonization behaviors of S. alterniflora on advancing fronts differed as a reaction to various external and internal factors. The impact of abiotic and biotic factors governing the range expansion of S. alterniflora and its implications for the spatial structure of tidal wetlands are discussed.  相似文献   

江苏盐城自然保护区核心区环境动态的遥感分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
冯志轩  罗贤  高抒 《海洋通报》2007,26(6):68-74
根据江苏盐城自然保护区核心区两个时相陆地卫星影像资料的分析和对比,研究了 10 a 内核心区的植被演替、人工开发及潮沟系统演化,探讨自然及人为因素对整个原生湿地生态系统的影响.分析结果表明,互花米草滩的面积 10 a 间扩展了 10 倍以上,而作为珍禽的主要栖息地的盐蒿滩、草滩和芦苇滩的面积 10 a 内均有所下降,其中草滩面积的下降尤为明显.10 a 间芦苇田和水禽湖这两种人工湿地的面积增长显著.潮沟系统呈减少和萎缩趋势,在一定程度上是海岸开发活动和互花米草盐沼扩展的结果.保护区核心区的原生生态系统已有退化迹象,珍禽的原生栖息地的面积有所下降,因此建议保护区将工作重点放在保护和重建原生湿地上.  相似文献   

南海北部沉积物间隙水中营养盐研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过2004年9月对南海北部6个站位的采样分析,探讨了间隙水的营养盐含量及其空间分布特征,估算了沉积物-海水界面营养盐的扩散通量。结果表明,NH4-N含量为8.9—142.3μmol.L-1,是南海北部间隙水中营养盐的主要组分,占溶解态无机氮的比例范围为49.1%—75.2%。在平面分布上,NH4-N含量表现为近海高于远海,PO4-P则差别不大。NH4-N、NO3-N、NO2-N和PO4-P在沉积物-海水界面的平均通量分别为7.08、-0.61、-0.51、0.14μmol.(m2.d)-1。NH4-N、PO4-P主要是从沉积物向上覆水扩散,是底层水体营养盐的来源之一。  相似文献   

This study addresses the impact marshes have on the dissolved oxygen content of tidal waters, particularly during summer when respiratory demand for oxygen in adjacent coastal waters is at a maximum and the solubility of oxygen is lowest. The net transports of dissolved oxygen, salt and heat have been measured for 65 tidal cycles during late spring and summer for a small (0·14 km2) salt marsh basin near North Inlet, S.C. The results indicate that export of dissolved oxygen occurs only on tidal cycles that begin between 2:00 am and 10:00 am such that high tide occurs within 4 h of noon. The largest exports of oxygen and heat are produced by spring tides beginning near sunrise. Although the time window for oxygen export is only about 8 h in duration, there is a more or less overall long-term balance between export and import because the magnitude of oxygen export is about 25% greater than import. The magnitude of heat export similarly exceeds heat import but because the time windows for heat export and import are equal, there is an overall export of heat. This study thus suggests that in summer salt marshes of the Atlantic coast export heat and are in balance with respect to the export and import of dissolved oxygen. However, because of the interaction of the diurnal tide with the daily cycle of solar radiation, transient dissolved oxygen concentrations in tidal waters can range from 1.5 to 10.0 ppm. Thus loading of additional oxygen consuming materials to these waters possibly could lead to significant periods of anoxia.  相似文献   

The interstitial water composition ( , alkalinity, Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr2+, Na+, K+) and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) were determined for the muddy sediments of the continental shelf off the Gironde Estuary (France), in the area where the sediment represents the deposit of the muddy suspension of the river. In comparison with seawater concentrations, the pore waters below 10 cm depth, show depletions of and Ca2+ and below a 30 cm depth show depletions of Mg2+. Inversely, the upper 10 cm an enrichment of Ca2+ concentration, and an increase of K+ concentration to a 40 cm depth. High values of are observed at the top 4 cm. Alkalinity enrichment is observed along the length of the core. Applying the alkalinity models for the sediment below a 10 cm depth demonstrates generally that calculated alkalinities are higher than the measured ones. Ca2+ dissolution occurs at the first 10 cm and authigenic carbonate precipitation starts beneath that level. Mg2+ depletion is accompanied by bicarbonate loss. This proves that Mg2+ depletion is due to a Mg-silicate reaction. The result of the CEC does not confirm the Mg2+ uptake by clay minerals in exchangeable site, under reducing conditions. Diffusion and bioturbation play an important role in the pore water concentration at the top of the core.  相似文献   

The number of bacteria in sediments, interstitial water and overlying tidal water of an oligohaline marsh system are about 109, 106 and 106 cells cm?3, respectively. Average cell size in the overlying water (about 0·06 μm3), is much smaller than that in sediments and interstitial water (about 0·18 μm3). Most bacterial cells in sediments are bound to sediment particles and less than 1% of the cells were displaced by percolating water through sediment columns. Concentration of bacteria in flooding tidal waters is generally higher than that in ebbing waters. Movement of bacterial biomass does not appear to be a significant mechanism of particulate organic transport in marsh sediments and marsh sediments do not appear to be a source of suspended bacteria for estuaries.  相似文献   

Experiments with a set of electrolyte solutions have been carried out to investigate the effects of pore water composition changes on the stability conditions of methane hydrate in marine sediments. The results reveal that (1) SO42− and Cl concentration changes can affect hydrate stability slightly, (2) the changes in both the type and the concentration of cations, which occur in normal diagenetic processes, do not exert a significant influence on the methane hydrate stability conditions, and (3) the shift of hydrate stability in pore water can be expressed as a function of the Cl concentration only. Based on the results above, an empirical equation ΔT (K)=0.00206 Cl (mmol/dm3) has been obtained for estimating the shift in the equilibrium temperature of methane hydrate in pore water at a given pressure.  相似文献   

The impact of floating net cages culturing the seabass, Lates calcarifer, on planktonic processes and water chemistry in two heavily used mangrove estuaries in Malaysia was examined. Concentrations of dissolved inorganic and particulate nutrients were usually greater in cage vs. adjacent (approximately 100 m) non-cage waters, although most variability in water-column chemistry related to water depth and tides. There were few consistent differences in plankton abundance, production or respiration between cage and non-cage sites. Rates of primary production were low compared with rates of pelagic mineralization reflecting high suspended loads coupled with large inputs of organic matter from mangrove forests, fishing villages, fish cages, pig farms and other industries within the catchment. Our preliminary sampling did not reveal any large-scale eutrophication due to the cages. A crude estimate of the contribution of fish cage inputs to the estuaries shows that fish cages contribute only approximately 2% of C but greater percentages of N (32-36%) and P (83-99%) to these waters relative to phytoplankton and mangrove inputs. Isolating and detecting impacts of cage culture in such heavily used waterways--a situation typical of most mangrove estuaries in Southeast Asia--are constrained by a background of large, highly variable fluxes of organic material derived from extensive mangrove forests and other human activities.  相似文献   

为探讨南海北部中层水盐度的时空分布特征及与外海水的交换,选用1871—2010年共140年的月平均海洋同化数据(SODA2.2.4),利用EOF、小波等分析方法,分析南海北部中层水盐度的时空分布、变化周期、盐通量等特征。结果表明:(1)南海北部中层水的盐度月际变化特征为:1—3月,南海北部中层水受到越南东部沿岸向东北方向延伸出的高盐舌的影响(>34.45 psu),盐度偏高,中部盐度较低;4月南海北部中层水的盐度分布均一,盐度范围在34.40~34.45 psu;5—8月,夏季南海北部的中层气旋式环流将北太平洋中层水(North Pacific Intermediate Water,NPIW)携带至南海中部,在南海中部偏北形成一低盐水团(<34.42 psu),并在此时间段内低盐水团逐渐向东北方向移动,直至9—10月,上述低盐水团与NPIW混合;11—12月,NPIW东撤,收缩至吕宋海峡西北侧。(2)过去140年,南海北部中层水的盐度值波动上升,其中,1985年中层水盐度值最高,可能与当年夏季风爆发早且强有关。1963—2002年,存在较强的16~21 a的周期性,小波系数的实部正相位的峰值和负相位的谷值所对应的年份,与ENSO冷事件具有较好的对应。(3)对EOF第一模态分析显示,整个研究海域为单极子变化特征,呈一致性变化。第二模态的空间分布呈偶极子形态,一正一负相位中心沿NW-SE走向对称分布。(4)南海北部中层水全年的净盐通量均由南海向东流入太平洋,夏季最少,冬季最多。1871—2010年的140年间,中层水的盐通量一直处于下降的趋势,下降的趋势十分缓慢。  相似文献   

The Cumberland Basin, a 118 km2 estuary at the head of the Bay of Fundy which has an average tidal range of about 11m, contains large tracts of salt marsh (15% of the area below highest high water). Low marsh (below about 0·9 m above mean high water) is composed almost exclusively of Spartina alterniflora while the vegetation on high marsh is more diverse but dominated by Spartina patens. Because of its higher elevation, high marsh is flooded infrequently for short periods by only extreme high tides. Low marsh is inundated much more frequently by water as much as 4m deep for periods as long as 4 h per tide. Temporal variability in the occurrence of extreme tides influences the flooding frequency of high marsh for any given month and year. Using a modification of Smalley's method, the mean annual net aerial primary production (NAPP) of low and high marsh is estimated to be 272 and 172 g C m?2, respectively. Vegetation turnover times average 1·0 and 2·0 y for low and high marsh, respectively. Because of abundant tidal energy, much of the low marsh production appears to be exported and distributed widely about the estuary. Since high levels of turbidity suppress phytoplankton production, salt marshes produce approximately half of the carbon fixed photosynthetically in the Cumberland Basin. It is concluded that salt marshes play a major ecological role in the Cumberland Basin.  相似文献   

南大洋沉积物间隙水中营养盐分布及扩散通量研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
利用中国第18次南极考察获得的沉积物样品,对南大洋沉积物间隙水中营养盐的含量及分布特征进行了研究,估算了营养盐的底部通量.结果表明,南大洋沉积物间隙水中的营养盐以高含量的硅酸盐、铵盐为主.在垂向分布上,硅酸盐在沉积物-水界面呈现出明显的浓度梯度,这种分布特征表明,在硅的早期成岩过程中溶出是主要过程.沉积物中有机物的降解反应主要在还原状态下进行.硅酸盐与铵盐存在明显的向上释放的通量.  相似文献   

European intertidal salt marshes are important nursery sites for juvenile fish and crustaceans. Due to the increasing threat of habitat loss, the seasonal changes of salt marsh fish communities need to be understood in order to appreciate the ecological and economic importance of the saltmarsh habitat. This study was the first in Great Britain to investigate the seasonal changes of salt marsh fish communities and the variation in community structure between closely located marsh habitats. Between February 2007 and March 2008, five marshes on three estuaries of the Essex coastline were sampled using flume nets to block off intertidal creeks at high tide. Fourteen fish species were caught. The community overall was dominated by three species that made up 91.6% of the total catch: the common goby Pomatoschistus microps (46.2% of the total catch), juvenile herring Clupea harengus (24.3%), and juvenile and larval sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (21.2%). Cluster analysis demonstrated clear seasonal patterns, with some community structures unique to specific marshes or estuaries. The marsh fish community shifts from a highly diverse community during spring, to a community dominated by D. labrax and P. microps in autumn, and low diversity during winter months. Gravimetric stomach content analysis of fish community identified three main trophic guilds; macroinvertivores, planktivores and omnivores. The macroinvertivore feeding guild contained D. labrax and P. microps, the two most frequently occurring species. This investigation demonstrates the importance of British salt marshes as nursery habitats for commercial fish species.  相似文献   

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